All hail you undead stomping heroes!
It's a relief to know that as a result of the Resistance's hard work, you have managed to push back against the freakish monstrosities sent to end the world. You can be our wing folk any day!
HUGE thank you to everyone who has sent messages via our social pages, the forums and Discord with regards to bugs and suggestions. You've helped to make Zombie Army 4: Dead War the best undead experience yet!
Below are a list of fixes the development team have been working on. Again we really do appreciate your attentiveness. Slay on!
- The Death Collector medals now award correctly.
- The Chinese Characters Displayed as ? now display correctly.
- The Hell Base Progression Blocker has been addressed.
- Error code 12011 when trying to join each others lobbies has been resolved.
- Players unable to join friends lobbies (error 12011) and can now join peoples lobbies as normal.
- There are no longer excess timeouts seen in the live environment.
- In Graveyard Shift - 'People don't change. We go around in circles' now unlocks after 12 waves.
- Zombies no longer get stuck at bottom of Hell's Cauldron.
- Season 4 - Chapter 1 - Episode 1 - Path to Facility - The players character no longer fails to regroup on the elevator after triggering the 'Break into the Factory' objective.
Don't forget to keep sending in your #ZA4Screamshots - we circulate our favourites gory-ous snaps every Saturday evening so keep your freakish Photo Mode creations coming our way! You can submit them via our Discord or any of our Zombie Army social pages.
See you on the other side slayers!