Following your feedback on your experiences out there against the hordes, we’ve been hard at work trying to plug gaps in the barricades on the back end to make things more comfortable.
Full Patch Notes:
Legacy Controls:
• Removed an issue where scope was broken for some players, meaning re-scoping and stomping weren’t possible. Scope now works appropriately.
Abaddon Asylum:
• Supply crate remains in place after slayers exit safe room at beginning of mission.
• Proximity fuse at Nissen Huts now appears appropriately for all players.
• Gatehouse saferoom radio now plays music.
• Voiceover of The Baron no longer blocked by overly fast zombie slaughter, removing soft lock.
• Italian and Spanish subtitles for Bruno’s interaction with The Angel now match the voice over.
• Angel’s subtitles now match voice over regarding the gate seal.
• Eddie’s subtitles now match his voice over after destroying two seals.
• Subtitles for The Angel informing players where the satchels are now present for English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.
Terminal Error:
• Survive The Ambush objective now completes for solo players after killing all ambushing enemies. All enemies now spawn appropriately so that progress is not blocked.
Nightmare Mode, Mission 5:
• Fog clears and progress is possible after leaving an officer alive in the Fuze Puzzle area.
Windows Store:
• FMV Cutscenes at the beginning of DLC missions now run as they should.
Known Issues:
• Nightmare Achievement – We are aware that some players are not able to unlock the Nightmare Achievement.
• Missing Upgrade Kits – We are aware that some players are still experiencing missing upgrade kits and that this blocks the mastery of all weapons.
Our team are looking into these issues as a priority and hope to have an update in the near future. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
Happy slaying!