Following the release of WRC 10 we’ve kept a close eye to the feedback you’ve given us through the game’s different channels. We’ve already applied hotfixes on PC version of the game to address some of the most critical issues such as the incapability with Thrustmaster peripherals, FFB, cases of crashes and more.
Our next hotfix will address more of those issues us such as FFB issues with the T300RS, issues with Rally Estonia or allowing the Private Team to be accessible through the WRC1 category. Once this update will be available to download we shall make an announcement on Steam & social media so you will be able to see it for yourself!
Of course, we know that other issues are still at large and we want to reassure you that the KT Racing team is investigating on resolving them in either future hotfixes or through our major updates.
As we stated before we are not stopping with the initial launch of the games, we have plans for additional content, those major updates which will be available on all platforms will add more content to the game in the coming months.
However, we do have a slight modification to our initial Roadmap - the transition of the Teams Online feature to our November update. This feature requires more time for improvement and we prefer to ship this feature in its final state. Please see below the updated version of the WRC 10 Content Roadmap.

More details about each updates’ features, events, cars and other fixes will be communicated in the near future, so stay tuned to our channels.
We thank you for your continuous support!