
World of Warships kündigt das zweite Jahr der Längsten Nacht der Museen an
World of Warships - World of Warships kündigt das zweite Jahr der Längsten Nacht der Museen an
World of Warships
19.05.22 06:26 Ankündigung Plattform: Multi
Die Veranstaltung, die den Museen während des weltweiten Lockdowns eine Plattform mit über 1,4 Millionen Zuschauern bot, wird im zweiten Jahr fortgesetzt.
World of Warships feiert neue Saisons mit einer Flut von Inhaltsupdates auf PC und Konsolen
World of Warships - World of Warships feiert neue Saisons mit einer Flut von Inhaltsupdates auf PC und Konsolen
World of Warships
18.05.22 15:17 Ankündigung Plattform: Multi
Das weltweit größte Marine-MMO für PC und Konsole veröffentlicht seine monatliche Lieferung frischer Inhalte.
World of Warships geht mit Superflugzeugträgern und dem neuen Spielmodus Luftschiff Derby in den Him
World of Warships - World of Warships geht mit Superflugzeugträgern und dem neuen Spielmodus Luftschiff Derby in den Him
World of Warships
16.02.22 22:32 Ankündigung Plattform: Multi
Superflugzeugträger und ein neuer Spielmodus in WoWs!
World of Warships schickt die panasiatischen Kreuzer in den Early Access
World of Warships - World of Warships schickt die panasiatischen Kreuzer in den Early Access
World of Warships
18.01.22 17:54 Ankündigung Plattform: PC
Das neue Jahr bringt mit Update 0.11.0 Kreuzer aus dem fernen Osten, neue Superschiffe für Zufallsgefechte und exklusive Belohnungen für Twitch und Discord.
Umfangreiche visuelle Verbesserungen für World of Warships
World of Warships - Umfangreiche visuelle Verbesserungen für World of Warships
World of Warships
12.11.21 17:10 Update Plattform: PC
Der Gefechtstyp „Wettrüsten“ kehrt ins Spiel zurück und die sowjetischen Flugzeugträger verlassen den Early Access.
Stapellauf der niederländischen Kreuzer in World of Warships
World of Warships - Stapellauf der niederländischen Kreuzer in World of Warships
World of Warships
15.07.21 22:49 Update Plattform: Multi
Die niederländischen Kreuzer kommen!
Das Grand Battle bringt Super-Schlachtschiffe
World of Warships - Das Grand Battle bringt Super-Schlachtschiffe
World of Warships
18.06.21 17:08 Update Plattform: PC
Update 0.10.5 bietet zudem die deutschen Zerstörer als Tech-Baum und zur Feier des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitstages gibt es die USS Colorado.
Längste Nacht der Museen in Kooperation mit 15 internationalen Marinemuseen angekündigt
World of Warships - Längste Nacht der Museen in Kooperation mit 15 internationalen Marinemuseen angekündigt
World of Warships
17.05.21 22:29 Ankündigung Plattform: Multi
Erlebe die längste Nacht der Museen!
Deutsche Zerstörer ab sofort im Vorabzugang
World of Warships - Deutsche Zerstörer ab sofort im Vorabzugang
World of Warships
15.04.21 17:30 Update Plattform: PC
Update 0.10.3 bringt neben schönerer Optik und UI-Verbesserungen zudem den kompletten Tech-Tree für italienische Schlachtschiffe.
Kino-Titanen Godzilla und Kong kämpfen in World of Warships um die Vorherrschaft
World of Warships - Kino-Titanen Godzilla und Kong kämpfen in World of Warships um die Vorherrschaft
World of Warships
01.04.21 22:35 Event Plattform: Multi
Das populäre Online-Multiplayer-Spiel erhält an den Film Godzilla vs. Kong angelehnte Tarnungen, Kommandanten, Aufnäher und mehr ...
gamescom 2019 Die U-Boote kommen - Mit Gamescom Anhang
World of Warships - Die U-Boote kommen - Mit Gamescom Anhang
World of Warships
23.08.19 16:02 Ankündigung Plattform: PC
Seit zwei Tagen ist es bekannt, das World of Warships endlich U-Boote bekommt, doch wir haben noch mehr Infos für euch!
Massig Schiffe, Missionen und mehr für den Titel im New Year’s Update
World of Warships - Massig Schiffe, Missionen und mehr für den Titel im New Year’s Update
World of Warships
18.12.18 17:50 Ankündigung Plattform: PC
Das neue Jahr kann kommen, mit massig neuen Sachen für WoWs!
Zu Halloween geht es auf Tauchstation
World of Warships - Zu Halloween geht es auf Tauchstation
World of Warships
31.10.18 15:10 Event Plattform: PC
Die Uboot kommen endlich im Rahmen des aktuellen Halloween-Events.
Eishockeylegende Alexander Ovechkin kommt ins Spiel
World of Warships - Eishockeylegende Alexander Ovechkin kommt ins Spiel
World of Warships
02.10.18 14:49 Ankündigung Plattform: PC
Wargaming haben zum Beginn der neuen NHL Saison in den Staaten die Eishockeylegende Alexander Ovechkin ins Spiel implantiert.
Entwicklervideo enthüllt die Pläne für 2017
World of Warships - Entwicklervideo enthüllt die Pläne für 2017
World of Warships
11.01.17 15:11 Video Plattform: PC
Die Jungs von Wargaming sind stets bemüht dem Spieler immer etwas neues zu Bieten und das sind die Pläne fürs neue Jahr!
Die Festtagsangebote in der Übersicht
World of Warships - Die Festtagsangebote in der Übersicht
World of Warships
26.12.16 07:58 Preistip Plattform: PC
Diese Schiffe und Extras bekommst du zum verbilligten Preis.
Weihnachtsevents mit dem Premium-Schiff Graf Spee als Gewinn gestartet
World of Warships - Weihnachtsevents mit dem Premium-Schiff Graf Spee als Gewinn gestartet
World of Warships
23.12.16 17:12 Event Plattform: PC
Über die Weihnachtsfeiertage langeweile? Kein Problem denn WoW bietet wieder einmal ein fettes Festpaket!
Heuere Steven Seagal für deine Flotte an!
World of Warships - Heuere Steven Seagal für deine Flotte an!
World of Warships
01.11.16 18:35 Ankündigung Plattform: Multi
Ein neues Event ermöglicht es dir nach absolvieren der Herausforderungen Steven Seagal als Kapitän zu besitzen.
Erlebe die HMS Belfast dank VR Technologie
World of Warships - Erlebe die HMS Belfast dank VR Technologie
World of Warships
25.10.16 15:05 Video Plattform: PC
Wargaming haben heute ein 360° Video der HMS Belfast veröffentlicht.
Zweig britischer Kreuzer durch Update 0.5.12 hinzugefügt
World of Warships - Zweig britischer Kreuzer durch Update 0.5.12 hinzugefügt
World of Warships
21.10.16 14:14 Update Plattform: PC
Wargaming haben heute ein neues Update für WoW veröffentlicht

Aktuelle Steam News

Weekend Highlights | 13.11 #4
World of Warships
21.12.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
20.12.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
20.12.24 10:15 Community Announcements
Operation: Christmas Lights
World of Warships
15.12.24 18:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.11 #3
World of Warships
14.12.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.11 #2
World of Warships
07.12.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 14.0
World of Warships
06.12.24 14:38 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
06.12.24 12:04 Community Announcements
Tag Barrage: Earn Free Premium Account in Just a Few Seconds!
World of Warships
06.12.24 09:21 Community Announcements
Write Us Your Naval New Year's Resolutions and Score Amazing Ships!
World of Warships
05.12.24 17:10 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.11 #1
World of Warships
30.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gifts to Welcome the Holiday Season!
World of Warships
29.11.24 11:38 Community Announcements
Set the Waves Ablaze to win Black Friday Treats!
World of Warships
29.11.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Update 13.11 | Happy Holidays!
World of Warships
27.11.24 14:16 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.10 #4
World of Warships
23.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
22.11.24 21:30 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
22.11.24 10:07 Community Announcements
7 Years on Steam: Gifts, Discounts, and a Steam-chan Giveaway!
World of Warships
21.11.24 10:13 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.10 #3
World of Warships
16.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
7 Years on Steam: Anniversary Giveaway
World of Warships
15.11.24 17:15 Community Announcements
Short Naval Legends: USS Iowa
World of Warships
15.11.24 14:42 Community Announcements
Join Our Singles' Day Party, Claim a Surprise!
World of Warships
10.11.24 06:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.10 #2
World of Warships
09.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Tag Barrage: Earn Free Premium Account in Just a Few Seconds!
World of Warships
08.11.24 13:08 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
08.11.24 11:06 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.11
World of Warships
07.11.24 15:37 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.10 #1
World of Warships
02.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Customize your profile to get rewards!
World of Warships
01.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Beam Down to Planet Vulcan for a Second Wave of STAR TREK Content!
World of Warships
31.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Explore New Frontiers With STAR TREK!
World of Warships
31.10.24 13:11 Community Announcements
Update 13.10: What's New
World of Warships
30.10.24 17:58 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.9 #4
World of Warships
26.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Leyte Clash: Enter for a Chance to Win a Premium Ship!
World of Warships
25.10.24 22:55 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
25.10.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.9 #3
World of Warships
20.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.9 #2
World of Warships
12.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
11.10.24 13:59 Community Announcements
Tag Barrage: Earn Free Premium Account in Just a Few Seconds!
World of Warships
11.10.24 12:11 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.10
World of Warships
10.10.24 12:20 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.9 #1
World of Warships
05.10.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
04.10.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Update 13.9: Red October
World of Warships
02.10.24 14:06 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.8 #4
World of Warships
28.09.24 12:10 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
27.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
26.09.24 15:21 Community Announcements
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Go Naval!
World of Warships
26.09.24 14:16 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.8 #3
World of Warships
21.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Like, Apply a Tag, Win!
World of Warships
20.09.24 14:48 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
20.09.24 09:30 Community Announcements
Giveaway for the Full Moon
World of Warships
16.09.24 15:02 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.8 #2
World of Warships
14.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Customize your profile to get rewards!
World of Warships
13.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
13.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.9
World of Warships
12.09.24 16:07 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, Win!
World of Warships
09.09.24 13:49 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.8 #1
World of Warships
07.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
06.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
9th Anniversary Giveaway!
World of Warships
05.09.24 09:55 Community Announcements
Update 13.8: World of Warships Anniversary!
World of Warships
04.09.24 13:29 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.7 #4
World of Warships
31.08.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
30.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.7 #3
World of Warships
24.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
23.08.24 10:30 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
20.08.24 14:33 Community Announcements
Blue Archive Lucky Giveaway!
World of Warships
20.08.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.7 #2
World of Warships
17.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Clash of Nations: U.S. Navy vs. Japanese Navy
World of Warships
16.08.24 13:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, Win!
World of Warships
15.08.24 12:13 Community Announcements
Blue Archive — Surprise Gift Giveaway!
World of Warships
15.08.24 12:07 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.8
World of Warships
14.08.24 23:55 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.7 #1
World of Warships
10.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
09.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Update 13.7: Almirante Oquendo at the Dockyard
World of Warships
07.08.24 16:49 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.6 #4
World of Warships
03.08.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
02.08.24 13:33 Community Announcements
The Transformers Are Back: Feel Pure Cybertronian Power!
World of Warships
01.08.24 14:36 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.6 #3
World of Warships
27.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Naval Legends: Yamato
World of Warships
26.07.24 19:00 Community Announcements
Steam Recruiting Drive—Up to $30 per Recruit for Completing Joint Missions!
World of Warships
26.07.24 14:15 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
26.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
26.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.6 #2
World of Warships
20.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
19.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
19.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Attention! Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova- is back!
World of Warships
17.07.24 19:00 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.7
World of Warships
17.07.24 17:42 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.6 #1
World of Warships
13.07.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
12.07.24 13:11 Community Announcements
Update 13.6: New French Destroyers
World of Warships
10.07.24 13:31 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.5 #4
World of Warships
06.07.24 11:37 Community Announcements
Customize your profile to get rewards!
World of Warships
05.07.24 10:30 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
05.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Three Kingdoms Premium Container Giveaway!
World of Warships
01.07.24 00:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.5 #3
World of Warships
29.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
28.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
28.06.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Frog Fathers: Lessons From the Normandy Surf
World of Warships
22.06.24 13:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.5 #2
World of Warships
22.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
21.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
21.06.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.6
World of Warships
19.06.24 21:42 Community Announcements
USS Wisconsin Turret Restoration
World of Warships
18.06.24 07:50 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.5 #1
World of Warships
15.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Allied Fleet Maneuvers: U.S. Navy vs. Royal Navy
World of Warships
14.06.24 15:11 Community Announcements
Update 13.5: Are you Ready for the Summer?
World of Warships
12.06.24 15:31 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.4 #4
World of Warships
08.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
07.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Mid-Year DLC Big Sale: Up to 80% Off!
World of Warships
05.06.24 12:30 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.4 #3
World of Warships
01.06.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
31.05.24 10:30 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
31.05.24 09:10 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.4 #2
World of Warships
25.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
24.05.24 12:30 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
24.05.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.5
World of Warships
23.05.24 16:12 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.4 #1
World of Warships
18.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
17.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Marblehead Mania: Get a Free Premium Cruiser and a Bonus Container!
World of Warships
16.05.24 17:05 Community Announcements
Azur Lane—New Commander Giveaway!
World of Warships
16.05.24 14:41 Community Announcements
Update 13.4: D-day Anniversary
World of Warships
15.05.24 16:08 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.3 #5
World of Warships
11.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Customize your profile to get rewards!
World of Warships
10.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
10.05.24 08:33 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.3 #4
World of Warships
04.05.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.3 #3
World of Warships
27.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
26.04.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.3 #2
World of Warships
20.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
19.04.24 09:26 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
19.04.24 09:16 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.4
World of Warships
18.04.24 12:25 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.3 #1
World of Warships
13.04.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
12.04.24 15:17 Community Announcements
Update 13.3: Wisconsin at the Dockyard
World of Warships
11.04.24 10:07 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.2 #4
World of Warships
07.04.24 11:54 Community Announcements
Letter to the Admiral Contest
World of Warships
05.04.24 18:27 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
05.04.24 09:19 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.2 #3
World of Warships
30.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
29.03.24 11:42 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.2 #2
World of Warships
23.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
22.03.24 11:44 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.3
World of Warships
21.03.24 15:40 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.2 #1
World of Warships
16.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
15.03.24 13:28 Community Announcements
Update 13.2: Piñata Hunt
World of Warships
13.03.24 17:25 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.1 #5
World of Warships
09.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
08.03.24 14:20 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
08.03.24 09:22 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.1 #4
World of Warships
02.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
01.03.24 10:20 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.1 #3
World of Warships
24.02.24 11:10 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
23.02.24 14:49 Community Announcements
Community Giveaway — sharing is caring!
World of Warships
23.02.24 13:09 Community Announcements
Enter the Creatorverse in World of Warships!
World of Warships
22.02.24 20:21 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.1 #2
World of Warships
17.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
15.02.24 18:15 Community Announcements
Wargaming Publisher Weekend
World of Warships
15.02.24 17:55 Community Announcements
Work in Progress: Update 13.2
World of Warships
15.02.24 13:08 Community Announcements
Weekend Highlights | 13.1 #1
World of Warships
10.02.24 13:01 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
09.02.24 11:12 Community Announcements
Lunar New Year 2024
World of Warships
09.02.24 10:05 Community Announcements
Update 13.1: Lunar New Year
World of Warships
08.02.24 11:02 Community Announcements
Update 13.1
World of Warships
07.02.24 15:17 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
05.02.24 13:23 Community Announcements
hololive production: Farewell Sale!
World of Warships
05.02.24 09:11 Community Announcements
Customize your profile to get rewards!
World of Warships
02.02.24 14:02 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
26.01.24 14:17 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
26.01.24 09:41 Community Announcements
Podium Warrior
World of Warships
19.01.24 11:26 Community Announcements
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World of Warships
19.01.24 09:14 Community Announcements
Developer Bulletin and Public Test 13.1
World of Warships
18.01.24 16:04 Community Announcements
Signal flag competition!
World of Warships
12.01.24 11:53 Community Announcements
Update 13.0: New U.S. Aircraft Carriers
World of Warships
10.01.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Achievement Hunt
World of Warships
28.12.23 12:15 Community Announcements
Like, Comment, WIN!
World of Warships
22.12.23 15:54 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
22.12.23 14:10 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
15.12.23 15:16 Community Announcements
Five-Battle Sprint!
World of Warships
15.12.23 12:32 Community Announcements
Update 12.11: Holiday Season
World of Warships
07.12.23 13:30 Community Announcements
Holiday Special: Get the Yubari Pack for Free!
World of Warships
06.12.23 18:55 Community Announcements
Letter to Santa Contest
World of Warships
26.11.23 13:00 Community Announcements
Public Test Bounty
World of Warships
24.11.23 13:51 Community Announcements
Apply a Tag — Get 1 Day of Warships Premium Account
World of Warships
24.11.23 10:09 Community Announcements
Nominate World of Warships for the Steam Awards!
World of Warships
21.11.23 20:15 Community Announcements
Follow the news — get the goods
World of Warships
17.11.23 16:32 Community Announcements
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