[C] - Community reported issues.
- Graphics: Added support for 5120x1440.
- Audio - Attempting to open the radial menu during the tutorial would play the sound for it even if you were not allowed to use the radial menu yet.
- Build - Removing all the walls would allow you to place wall mounted furniture on the floor.
- Build [C] - Collision overlap box would not extend up far enough, which would cause some furniture to not be correctly marked as invalid when selling a floor.
- Customers - If customers queue outside the shop they would sometimes not update their movement velocity which would result in walking on the spot.
- Furniture - Can't place carpets through the bounding fence anymore.
- Furniture - Updated the Adorned Table collision box to better fit the shape of the table.
- Furniture [C] - Placing unique furniture was doing a redundant check that could cause unique furniture to be placed more than once.
- Furniture [C] - Fixed issue where you could place furniture outside of the bounding box.
- Objectives - The Employer would not start correctly. You will need to hire an employee to start it.
- Objectives - Fixed a couple of other issues with the employee questline.
- Saving - Locked state doors should now be saved properly once again.
- Saving - Fixed issue where the Tutorial class would not be saved correctly, causing the door explanation popup to show up every time.
- UI - Upgrading a display using a controller should now clear the input state of the controller after closing the confirmation window.
- UI - The objective sort dropdown in the game settings menu would not be translated if the language was changed.
- UI - Updated the preview appearance component cache on all assets.
- UI - Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause interface panels to not show items.
- UI - Fireplace previews should no longer show the distortion shader, solving a graphical issue.
- UI - The objectives menu was not showing the correct amount of active objectives.
- UI - Controller detection should now be remembered from the main menu and correct prompts should appear when starting or loading a shop.
- UI - Clicking outside a menu on a shopobject could cause an unintended interaction.
- UI - Fixed an issue that could sometimes leave an objective in the overview in a highlighted state.
- UI - Completing an objective while the objectives were hidden would cause the objectives label to appear empty.
- UI - Fixed another issue that would sometimes cause an empty menu panel.
- UI - Switching to m+k input while having a locked objective selected in the objectives menu would make the pin button appear when it shouldn't.
- UI - The item sort dropdown options in the game settings was not indicating whether the option sorted upwards or downwards.
- UI [C] - You should no longer be able to walk around while the basement storage upgrade window is opened.
- UI [C] - Fixed an exploit that would allow you to place more than one unique furniture piece.
- UI [C] - The crafting menu could sometimes be closed in segments when that should not even be possible.
- UI [C] - The planter item skill in the planter menu will now also show an item skill indicator without having to first select something.
- UI [C] - Exactly meeting the commission criteria would not show the green checkmark in the commission menu.
- UI [C] - Fixed an issue where you could save during the day when pressing the Discord button and then backing out.