Windjammers 2 demo is over for a week now. But our community lives on and the hype remains!
Windjammers community is like a big international family that welcomes anybody feeling the need to jam the wind, learn basics, all mechanics, and tricks to become a true champion.
Today we'd like to introduce you to Mike Bisson AKA Mohawkmike, a fan of competitive gaming, wrestling, and pizza!

Q: Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
M: My name is Mike Bisson but everyone knows me as Mohawkmike. I'm a fan of Competitive Gaming, Professional Wrestling, and Pizza. I've been running gaming events/tournaments since the early 2000s and have been lucky enough to do it for a living full time since 2014.
Q: When was the first time you played Windjammers and with who?
M: The first time I played Windjammers was at my local arcade in Cincinnati, OH by the name of Arcade Legacy. I was running an overnight PC LAN Party in the arcade and as a bonus, Jesse Baker, owner of Arcade Legacy, left all of the cabinets on for us. We organized a mystery game tournament and the first game Jesse suggested be played was Windjammers. It was love at first sight and the mystery game tournament quickly turned into just a Windjammers tournament. Arcade Legacy got such a big following for Windjammers that we started organizing eight week long tournament seasons that culminated in the "Wimbledon of Windjammers".
Q: What was your first reaction?
M: The beautiful thing about Windjammers, aside from the aesthetics and gameplay, is that its so intuitive. I instantly knew looking at the game that anyone could play it and have a blast. From that moment on I had to spread the word and get others involved.
Q: How did you react when you heard that WJ2 was in development?
M: I lost my mind! So much passion and effort have been put in by the community to just keep people playing the game but now that we are getting a sequel it's like getting to show the world your newborn child.
Q: Why Windjammers is a competitive game?
M: Windjammers is competitive because of its straightforward game mechanics and tournament ruleset. Additionally, while there are indeed top tier players, we've seen time and time again that someone who has just learned how to play the game can also place high in tournament standings. You never know who the next Windjammers legend will be!
Q: How's your relationship with the Windjammers community?
M: Incredible! I'm so thankful to be a part of the Windjammers community. It's one of the most welcoming, creative and outlandish groups I've ever belonged to. Best part is it continues to grow. I feel very lucky to have had so many amazing opportunities with Windjammers and I'm ecstatic to pay it forward and create opportunities for others.
Q: What type of WJ player are you? Mostly defensive-based, attacking-based, and/or all-round player?
M: While I'd like to think of myself as an all-around player, I recognize I'm a super offensive player. I mash the heck out of that A button!
Q: What are the key requirements to win a match when you're playing on the competitive scene of Windjammers?
M: Split second hand-eye coordination will do more for you than anything else. Also, you will not always know your opponent in a tournament setting so identifying and reacting to their playstyle is paramount. Lastly, being calm under pressure is incredibly important once all eyes are on you. Can't let the bright lights and crowd noise distract you.
Q: Any advice for players who discover Windjammers for the first time?
M: Never get discouraged. Windjammers is the definition of "easy to learn, hard to master". Think of it more like a traditional sport instead of a video game. Some days you can't be beat but on others, it takes everything you have to score a goal. Last, but most importantly, HAVE FUN! Get involved with the community and make a few friends while you're at it.
Q: Would you like to see Windjammers 2 on the biggest international competitive scene? If yes, why?
M: Yes, with all of my heart. If you had told me when I started running Windjammers tournaments at my local arcade for a handful of players I'd one day organize and run 256 player tournaments at EVO two years in a row I wouldn't have believed you but here we are. Things can only go up from here and anything is possible. The passion and personalities within the competitive Windjammers scene cannot be denied and should be seen by the world.
Q: What are your favorite characters and courts?
M: Hands down Biaggi is my favorite character. I love his perfect balance of speed and strength. As for courts, Tiled feels like my second home but I'm also a big fan of Clay because of how crazy Biaggi's super reacts with the bumpers. All of that said, since getting hands-on with the Demo of Windjammers 2 I am quickly becoming a fan of Max Hurricane. He's not only got that Pro Wrestler swagger but he can also DROPKICK THE DISC! I really look forward to playing him more.
Q: Which former WJ character would you like to see in WJ2?
M: I feel like saying Biaggi is somewhat underwhelming because we've already seen him in a previous gameplay video but of course I want to play him in Windjammers 2. I'll be happy seeing all of the original characters alongside the new jammers.
Q: Do you think that Windjammers 2 is easy to learn? If yes, why?
M: Yes, Windjammers 2 is an easy game to learn. My theory has always been once you've played Windjammers for 10 minutes you have all the foundation you'll need to build upon. I've loved seeing new players getting caught up in the hype of the demo and look forward to many more getting hands-on with the game. Most importantly, the community is so welcoming that it eliminates any potential hurdles for new players. I myself have had several online matches where I played slower than normal so that my opponent can get a better understanding of the game and controls. If you want to learn more you can play against the AI but there will always be someone you can reach out to teach you as well.
Q: Anything else to say to the Windjammer Community? (veterans and/or newcomers)
M: Thank you so very, very much to everyone who has been playing since the arcade days, to those who are just picking up the game, and those that have traveled to participate in tournaments around the world. I have so many incredible memories and friends because of this amazing game. Regardless of what comes next, we'll always have each other. JAM ON!
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