News Liste Warhammer Quest

What’s new?
Warhammer Quest
27.10.16 14:37 Community Announcements
Hello everyone,

You may have noticed a recent update to WHQ so have a look below at what's new.


Particularly for those players who enjoy a gamepad based experience (for example the Xbox 360 controller for Windows), we have completely reworked the control model.

The character’s tabs for abilities/inventory/spells etc. can now quickly be accessed with button presses - a single press to activate the currently shown ability, or hold down that button and move the d-pad to quickly change abilities.

Tips show what action will occur if you press A or B when moving your cursor around the dungeon, and many actions now only require a single press rather than a double press. For example, firing is now one press of A rather than having to tap to aim first: your direction of aim is determined automatically as you move the cursor around

There are button tooltips showing which buttons do what throughout gameplay. RB now accesses the inventory in the dungeon, for example, and we’ve added button tips for how to quickly move items between your stash and what your character is armed with.

For everything else not marked with tooltips (the various menu buttons), just use the standard d-pad/stick controls and press A to use that button.

The tutorial has been rewritten to account for all of this too - so if you have a controller plugged in, the tutorial will tell you which button presses do what (and will revert back to the original mouse based scheme if you unplug the controller).

If you have a Steam Controller, we recommend setting it to emulate a 360 gamepad, which can be done in the Steam Big Picture settings (first go to Big Picture mode by pressing the gamepad on the top right of the Steam client). Support for other controllers hasn’t been validated at the moment, so please do let us know what else works.

It should also also be possible to play with the 360 controller on an Apple Mac: check out this article for how to install the drivers:
However, your mileage may vary depending on your OSX version, wired vs wireless etc.: getting Microsoft and Apple products to talk to each other is notoriously difficult!
There are some newer drivers here that may work better with El Capitan:


Aside from the above, we’ve made a few tweaks to performance and compatibility, and how quickly things load, so it should altogether be a much smoother experience.

But please do let us know if you find anything that isn’t quite right, and we’ll investigate for you.
