• Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.
  • Warhammer Quest: Sreen zum RPG-Strategie Titel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 07.01.2015
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Preis Update 22.03.24

Über das Spiel

Based on the classic tabletop game, Warhammer Quest is an addictive mix of role-playing and strategy.

Lead your group of brave adventurers through the perilous dungeons of the Warhammer World in the search for wealth and glory!

Level up your party of heroes. Loot weapons, armour and mysterious artefacts from fallen enemies. Crush Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and more ferocious enemies!

What perils lurk in the darkness? Only the mightiest warriors will survive.

The standard edition includes 4 heroes, 3 game areas and a special Vampires and Zombies tileset & enemies pack. There are additional in game options to buy up to 7 more heroes, 5 extra weapons and a Skeletons & Necromancers enemy pack. The Warhammer Quest Deluxe pack includes all of these extras.


  • CPU: Dual Core, Intel Core i5 (3rd generation Ivy Bridge)+
  • GFX: GeForce 200 series+
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 2 GB available space
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

139 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 00:53
Das Spiel ist besser als Warhammer Quest 2. Warum? Weil im Gegenteil zu Teil 2 (von einem anderen Anbieter) hier tatsächlich etwas Warhammer Feeling aufkommt. Wieder ein Beweis dafür dass Grafik nicht alles ist. Aber warum muss das Spiel denn so grottik gemacht sein???

Also liebes Chilled-Mouse-Team: Fasst euch ein Herz, holt euch in Nottingham eine Lizenz, und entwickelt Teil 3!

+++ PROs +++
- Ein Warhammer Fantasy Spiel, leider eine Seltenheit!
- Warhammer Feeling
- Wesentliche Karrieren sind abgedeckt
- Angenehm schwer, bis manchmal unfair was absolut okay ist
- Soundtrack ist okay. Ein zwei Stücke mehr zu entwickeln wäre aber nicht geprotzt gewesen.
- Tatsächlich finde ich einige der Quest-Texte gar nicht mal schlecht
- Die Karte haut mich nicht vom Hocker, ist aber okay (und besser als in Teil 2)

--- CONTRAs---
- Die Anmitaion wenn man eine Stadt betritt erinnert mich an Games Ende der 90er. Mir wäre eine stimmungsvolle, schlichte Illustration lieber gewesen als das.
- Chaosbarbar! Hallo. Wir sind nicht mehr in den 80ern. Bitte keinen Chaosbarbar mehr. Das erinnert wirklich an MB Spiele
- Grafik ist nicht alles. Aber sowas??? Junge junge. Die Anmitaionen sind unterirdisch.
- Ich habe jetzt knapp 80 Stunden und das Gefühl bald durch zu sein; Liefert doch eine DLC mit einer neuen Region! Besser: Macht euch an Teil 3
- Generell ist die Grafik wirklich scheiße. Holt euch doch einen Illustrator ins Boot der stimmungsvolle Zeichnungen macht statt das (Avatare, Intro für Stadt etc.
- Man braucht ja nicht Berge an Beute. Aber das ist wirklich etwas mager
- Liefert doch mal ne neue Karriere nach (z.B. einen Langbart)

Ich finde das Spiel wirklich okay, auch wenn es unangemessen scheiße gemacht ist (technisch). Ich spiele es hin und wieder wirklich gerne. Warhammer Fans können ruhig einen Blick riskieren. Leute die nicht schon Warhammer-Fans sind und einfach ein tolles PC Game suchen würde ich eher abraten. Dafür kann es wirklich zu wenig, da gibt es massig bessere Lösungen.
5623 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.15 12:23
WQ ist ein rundenbasiertes Rollenspiel und basiert auf einem Brettspiel von 1995. Mit einer aus gemischten Charakteren bestehenden Party zieht man auf einer Weltkarte von Ort zu Ort und erledigt Haupt- und Nebenquests. Die Quests werden aber immer durch Dungeongänge erledigt, mit maximal 4 Mann kann man hier dann in den Kampf ziehen.
In den zu besuchenden Städten kann man seine Helden ausrüsten, aufleveln und in Tempeln lassen sich Buffs beziehen. Beutegut lässt sich auf dem Markt verkaufen und neue Items kann man dann natürlich auch dort erstehen.
Soviel zum Guten.

Dann mal das Negative:
WQ setzt auf Mikrotransaktionen und zerstört damit ein wenig das Spiel und den Spielfluss. Alles im Spiel dreht sich um Gold; zum Kaufen selbstverständlich, aber auch fürs Beten und Aufleveln werden die goldenen Taler benötigt. Leider ist der Goldsegen nicht besonders reichhaltig und insbesondere in den Städten wird man durch permanente Zufallsereignisse schnell um sein Erspartes gebracht. Entweder grindet man nun Dungeon um Dungeon ab oder man investiert Echtgeld. Man kann sich das Leben aber auch sehr viel einfacher machen, indem man direkt zur Deluxe-Edition greift. Dort ist der mit Gold/Geld zu erstehende Inhalt direkt verfügbar, es handelt u. a. um Items, ein neues Gebiet und weitere Charaktere. Trotzdem wird man um viele Dungeonbesuche nicht herumkommen. Und auch hier ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt.

Die Dungeon sind erfreulich klein, nach 10-15 Minuten ist man meist schon am Ende angelangt. Die ohne besondere Taktik zu meisternden Kämpfe können mitunter nervtötend sein, weil niemand trifft. Fernkämpfer z. B. taugen m. E. nichts und auch die Zauberer können kaum kämpfen und haben nur alle 2-3 Runden mal etwas Magiepunkte übrig, um dann mit lächerlichen Schadenwerten anzugreifen. Besser direkt zu Nahkämpfern greifen und vielleicht noch den Hexenjäger, der gegen Untote eine sichere Bank ist. Leider kann man immer nur 4 Mann mitnehmen und genau nur diese 4 von allen 12 Charakteren in der Gruppe erhalten am Ende Erfahrungspunkte und das auch noch danach gestaffelt, wer am meisten Viehzeugs umgebracht hat.
Ein Wechsel zwischen allen Mitstreitern kann dann dazu führen, dass man für die Dungeons zu schwach ist und da heißt es erneut, Nebendungeons abzuklappern. Besser auf 4 spezialisieren und diese hochleveln. Erspart viel Zeit.

Die Grafik ist schwach, altbacken und irgendwie sieht alles gleich aus. Die Kämpfe gegen die immergleichen Gegner können schnell ermüden, auch wenn die Besuche wie geschrieben recht kurz sind. Die Bedienung durch die Maus scheint zudem immer irgendwie einen Klick zu umständlich zu sein. Dies liegt wohl darin begründet, dass das hier eine iPad-Konvertierung ist. Auch der eine Grafikbildschirm in den Städten ist immer gleich, egal, wo man ist. Immerhin gibt es eine Animation beim Betreten der Stadt, die an das Game of Thrones-Opening erinnert.

Jetzt habe ich soviel Negatives geschrieben und gebe doch den Daumen-hoch. Warum? Das Spiel ist in der Deluxe-Edition kein kompletter Reinfall, für ein paar Dungeons zwischendurch ist das immer noch gut genug. Die Kämpfe können trotz der Macken und der nüchternen Grafik Spaß machen und noch ein weiterer Dungeonbesuch geht eigentlich immer. Auf lange Sicht wiederholt sich aber zuviel, weswegen eine Langzeitmotivation kaum gegeben ist.
Vom Vollpreiskauf kann ich allerdings nur abraten, bei einem Sale und wenn man was für rundenbasierte RPGs übrig hat, kann man aber durchaus mal zuschlagen...
187 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.15 09:42
Man sollte nicht zuviel erwarten: Es ist kein tiefgründiges Spiel. Jedoch frage ich mich was an diesem Spiel so teuer gewesen war, dass man es für ca. 20€ im Store anbietet? Die Grafik ist ein Witz. Hier hätte man sich viel mehr anstrengnen können. Ich rede hier nicht von einer tollen 3D Grafik oder sonst was... nein... wo sind die Details? Wo ist die Verliebtheit ins Warhammer Universum? Wenn man sich überlegt wieviele Menschen sich anstrengen ihre Figuren anzumalen und dann schaut man sich diese lieblose Grafik an. Desweiteren hätte man min. den Text mit einem Sprecher vertonen können.
Ich denke 95% des Preises macht die Warhammerlizenz aus....
Ausserdem sind die INGAME Transaktionen eine Frechheit! Sehr teuer für kaum Content.

Wenn ich ein Free-to-Play Spiel spiele erwartet ich genau was ich hier vorgesetzt bekomme -> Low-Grafik, kaum Aufwand ins Spiel gesteckt und einen InGame Shop. Aber doch nicht wenn ich ein Haufen Geld für das Spiel ausgebe!

Man hätte aus dem Spiel viel mehr machen können. Mehr Warhammer, mehr Details, Sprecher, mehr Sorgfalt etc.

Kauft es im Sale... wenn man nichts erwartet ist es trotzdem ganz nett.
133 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
12047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 01:54
its fun
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
40442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 15:53
I received the game as a gift at a time when I did not have a good game computer. Most fantasy games that I have played have been based on the Forgotten Realms World. I like this one because it is the only Warhammer based game that I know. It is a bit simple because all the events outside dungeons are text based. The randomly spawning monsters give excitement to the play experience but the characters are not balanced. Some are clearly more powerful than others.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 22:18
Excellent game. Really enjoy it. Back in 2022 for another blast. Highly recommend.
220 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 02:27
Was very disappointed to see that the additional characters were only available via micro-transactions. Wish I had read more reviews before paying for this game. Totally on me.
142 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 14:21
WARNING: This game is not isometric! It's TOP DOWN! Very Ugly!
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 22:30
this seemed to be a good game as i loved the table top game, to start with this was an enjoyable game but as soon as you start to get characters up a few level the enemy to hit rolls get insane they hit far more often then you do . an the number of constant monster appearing while you in combat really gets over welling and makes game pointless as you get group wiped out even before you reached end of dungeon
361 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 19:08
Very simple board RPG, but there's something very nostalgic that made me like it a lot.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 21:26
Old Advanced HeroQuest table top fan here. I've been away from Games Workshop for donkeys years and picked this up as a humble bundle. I'm hooked!
271 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 18:34
Pathetic cashgrab. Half of the games content is sold as seperate DLC but it is part of the world. The DLC regions appear prominently on the map you constantly find items for the buyable characters etc. Despite being as simplistic a possible this game still has tons of crashes. You can tell that this was neither created with love or skill. And given that they charge 20€ for basically 2 enemy types (greenskins and critters) is inexcusable, this doesnt belong on STEAM, it's a shitty, overpriced mobile port.
418 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
6236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 17:15
316 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 20:32
Depressing game? As someone who grew up playing Heroquest I always wanted to try Warhammer Quest 1995. This port makes me wonder if I'd even like the real game. The music is dreary and the gameplay is kind of miserable and unfun. Seems like only bad stuff happens from the RNG. Speaking of which, is there really no option to turn on die rolls? I mean, rolling dice is like half the fun of table top games. Seems odd they wouldn't bother emulating that?
1866 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 11:43
Game tries to sell you additional stuff after you've bought it. Would not recommend.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 06:27
This takes me back to the original Quest Board Game and I really like the way it looks just like the game I played....However...I feel like there are not enough variety of weapons and armor etc... like there was in the Quest game and I was disappointed when I found out that the warriors max out at level 8 and not 10 like in the board game...This game needs expansions and more variety of monsters as well...It would be great if it included more of the expansion things from the original board game....other than that it is a fun game to kill time
118 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
4710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 04:33
This is based on the eponymous board game by Games Worshop that was inspired by HeroQuest. Only purchase this if you are a lord nerd.

While the gameplay is objectively terrible, I recommend the game for warhammer fans who are looking for a great world to explore. You command a band of adventurers that travels from inn to inn, from settlement to settlement, carving their bloody way through dungeons jampacked with orcs, undead and skaven. The devs did a great job with the overall storytelling - collecting items inspired by the warhammer fantasy universe really hammers in the immersion.

7/10. Great storytelling, terrible gameplay, lots of fun overall for fans of warhammer fantasy. I have sunk close to 80 hrs (and plan to play more) in this - the game is truly a diamond in the rough (the rough being the loads of shitty warhammer titles in Steam).
184 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 11:31
you play this shit in a small window ando buy all characters except default for real money.
631 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 10:34
Decent game, but the walking animations suck the fun out of it for me. It feels like 50% of my play time is spent watching units moving around.
203 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 17:50
Fantastic adventure game that keeps the spirit of Heroquest alive.
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 14:54
Good game but not worth its money. You have also to pay again the money you got it to finish it. Avoid it...
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 13:29
Classic dungeon crawl, good content, but repetitive gameplay. It's a nostalgia trip though, y'all.

Poor monster AI, combat animation and random events.
Good loot, dungeoneering itch scratcher.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 13:42
good little game with simple combat mechanics like a basic DnD make full screen it makes it easier to see. only problem is the extra playable characters cost and cant buy a bundle for all of them, so £2 each is not great. you get equipment for them during missions so why do you have to buy the content?
653 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 18:55
Abandoned. Unable to get additional characters so you are only able to play with starter ones.
134 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 11:38
So you would expect Deluxe edition is unlocking the content that unresponding servers do not let you access ?
Think again
You think now you will be able to access regions that were locked on the vanilla version ?
WRONG !!!!
Deluxe pack add some characters you don't need....
To help you complete a game that cannot be finished due to the devs not giving a damn about maintaining a system they actually designed.
Deluxe DLC is a scam... don't waste your money on this.
121 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 13:18
Nice little dungeon crawler set in the Warhemmer Fantasy world. Lacks a lot of polish, even in the reading of missions and dialogue between characters. The Paywalls are a big downside too but they are now actual walls as the servers supporting the extra content aren't responding. Despite all this I'm enjoying playing through it. Not worth full price, if I didn't get a free copy with White dwarf I would only have spent around €5 tops.
669 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 12:40
Server are not responding, so you cant buy new heroes. Nothing more to say.
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 21:27
Wait... I just bought this game on steam and now I have to pay ridiculous prices for most of the content? WTF?
150 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 12:00
Awful - I could forgive it the blatant con of charging you for almost all content even after you have purchased the game. I could forgive it the lack of controls to control how long the enemy animations are. What I can't forgive is the tedium of miss and miss after miss. When your character misses 12 times in a row in a close fight (just happened to me) only for two mega mobs to then spawn and wipe the whole party, lose all the XP I had built up in the quest and waste about 30 minutes of dungeon crawling - it just isn't fun. If you are in two minds about whether to purchase this then I have only one word of advice: *MISS*
328 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:41
Its Warhammer Quest on PC. Its good....
345 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 20:13
This is a somewhat decent game on mobile phones ported onto PC that is being sold at obscene price for its content (that is locked behind paywall of dlc for heroes, items and air I presume). Looking at what is locked I really wonder why stop there and miss opportunity to charge per minute of gameplay?

Gameplay is simple, fun on short runs and incredibily repetetive. Classic mobile game, you CAN farm missions to gather gold to train heroes or buy stuff, or you wanna drop a dollar or 2 and skip that hassle?
Weird concept, paying for NOT playing,
Quest descriptions are pretty well written, but there is NO story and nothing really pushes you forward other then getting item that has +2 toughness rather then +1 for quest reward.
Sound meh.

All and all , pretty bad mobile port that loves you for your wallet much like Russian mail order bride. It can be fun but you'll lose your money, self esteem and learn to swear in multiple Slav languages.
263 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 07:39
simple fun!!
222 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 08:59
TLDR – A game that relies so heavily on RNG (Random Number Generator) and poorly/unexplained mechanics it’s more an exercise in patience and tolerance as oppose to being any sort of fun.

For a start I’m a big Games Workshop (GW) fan but I’ve also not played the table top version of Warhammer Quest so this review is purely based on this game.

To start you can tell this is a (somewhat poor) port from mobile. Pretty much everything has to be done with the mouse as doing something as simple as re-naming your character can result in the inventory screen opening if your new name has the letter “i” in it.
You also have to click and hold on certain pieces of text to find out further information. What text you can do this on is never explained so you can be pressing and holding on text that won’t do anything but you don’t know that. On the flip side, something such as an ability or spell might have useful information behind it but you could easily be missing this.
When you can click and hold on this text changes as well. So you may click and hold on one word in one instance (such as the world map) and nothing happens. But when you’re in the dungeon or a town, clicking and holding will reveal more information.

A lack of information is a bit of running theme for this game. Even though there is a Journal which “explains” everything, some information is either unclear or just missing/very well hidden.

Like most GW games, there are a lot of stats and pretty much every action relies on RNG. This isn’t a bad thing but the majority of stats are not fully explained, if at all. Also you don’t get to see the RNG results as you would in GW games such as Blood Bowl or Space Hulk where the results are displayed in a panel. So you may be trying to hit an enemy and have literally no idea how close or far away you are from doing so.

For example you have stats for your characters such as Ballistic Skill (BS) and Weapons Skill (WS). Both determine how likely you are to hit from ranged (BS) or melee (WS) combat. The game explains that BS ranges from 1 to 6 with 1 equalling a 15% change to hit and 6 equalling an 85% chance to hit. And that’s all the information you get. No information on what 2 to 5 equal or if anything else effects this chance to hit. All I know is my main ranged hero have a BS of 5 and misses the vast majority of his ranged attacks. As I can’t see any dice rolls or stats during combat I can’t really be sure why this is.
WS is even worse. You have to compare you heroes WS to the enemies WS. When you initial click on an enemy you do get very limited info about them, such as Name, Hit Points (HP), number of attacks but WS is not one of them. So you have to click and hold on them to bring up another info panel to find this out.
If you and your enemies WS are the same you have a 50% chance of hitting. After that the games says higher WS can increase your chance to hit up to 85%, while lower WS can decrease the chance to hit to 15%. Again, that’s all the information you get! Nothing to say how much the chance to hit increase/decrease depending on the difference or what else, if anything, can effect thigs.

Things really get frustrating when you enter a dungeon where most of the game takes place.

When you do encounter enemies you have to fight them (obviously). The ambiguity around the stats as mentioned earlier plus the lack of any sight of the RNG makes this very frustrating. You’ll do a lot of missing and I mean a lot. Be it either ranged or melee. The enemy will also but this means combat really drags and there’s hardly any skill involved. You just have to hope you get more hits than the enemy.
Early on in the game you can kill enemies with just one hit but as the game progresses the HP of the enemies go up meaning you’ll need half a dozen hits to kill an enemy.

Some of the enemies are also pretty annoying as well, bordering on unfair. You get enemies that can stun your hero(s) meaning they miss a turn. Others can mass heal or even summon more enemies. Given the ropey combat and spongy HP enemies later on, this makes a steep up-hill climb pretty much vertical!

To make this even worse (yes, it does get worse) there is a random chance of a “Surprise Attack”. This results in more enemies joining in to attack you. The chance of this happening are never explained (surprise-surprise!) and this can make a difficult fight borderline impossible.

I’ll give you an example of the last dungeon I went into:

For this dungeon I had to find and kill a necromancer.
I got to the last room where there was my target, another necromancer and 8 skeleton champions. After a couple of rounds one Necromancer would try (and usually succeeded) in stun locking my whole party. The other would then use that turn and his next turn (seeing as I would miss my turn) to summon more skeleton champions.
Even though I killed 3 skeleton champions, thanks to the summoning I was now facing 15, up from 8. This didn’t include the two necromancers. I then had a “surprise attack” from a Vampire Lord and 3 more skeletons. I had so few attacks during my turns and the enemy had some many (purely due to having more units) I lost. By the time my last hero died there were nearly 30 enemies on screen.

There was literally nothing I could have done to win this one. My melee units couldn’t get into melee with my main target due to the number of enemies in the way and my heroes unable to hit a cow’s back-side with a banjo. My ranged hero also didn’t land any of his 3 ranged attacks per turn on the Necromancer. In melee, even concentrating on one enemy usually didn’t result in a single kill due to high HP and low number of landed hits. Plus all the stunlock/summon cheese I was on the receiving end of turned the tide very much against me.

This doesn’t happen with every encounter but more often than not. Combat is a slow, laborious slog mid to late game.

There are other games in the game, such as the towns where you can buy equipment and level up your heroes after gaining enough XP but this isn’t anything we haven’t seen done before. Useless equipment is cheap and the most useful stuff is so overpriced you probably won’t be able to afford it.

The magic is also so-so. It’s actually one of the few things that gets a detailed explanation although some spells are redundant/useless as soon as you get them so you’ll probably only stick to using one or two spells per magic user.

There are a lot of dungeons and quests to do but as with the previous two points, it’s nothing extraordinary as most missions are going unto a bland unremarkable dungeon and killing something.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this game, coming from mobile, was stuffed full of micro-transactions to overcome this sort of thing, i.e. making the game so unbalanced the only way to progress is to buy extra things. The micros aren’t present in this version but the balancing issues haven't been addressed. They haven’t even bothered doing a decent port from mobile to PC. You seem to win or lose purely based on luck, chance and how cheesy the AI is with hardly anything explained and all the RNG results being hidden from your sight.

It’s a shame as there is potential underneath all this. If more time had be spent explaining how things work, RNG results being displayed and a few balances made this would be an enjoyable game.

But as it is I cannot recommend this game. There are far better GW games out there but there are even more superior squad based games.

If you’re a massive die-hard Warhammer Quest fan then I guess this game is for you. Otherwise I suggest you look elsewhere.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 17:14
Faithfull to the original, if I could name three down sides, first is that It only single player, second is that it’s only in 2d and third is that you can’t take every character .... I loved the pit fighter
703 Produkte im Account
506 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 05:25
not a bad implementation of the warhammer quest board game, ok to kill an afternoon or so.
535 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 20:25
This is a 5/10 game for me, If you like tabletop style games, then its a thumbs up and for that reason i will thumb up, otherwise i'd skip it.

The Game is well designed and i found i did want to get the levels and gear but a little too slow to play, very grindy and the random spawns extremely annoying that can swing a fight against you in an instant
140 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 21:33
Your heroes will miss 95% of the time.

Enemies will hit you 95% of the time.

Also very slow moves. Boring.
69 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 17:21
Overall, the game is a fun dungeon crawler with some interesting characters and classes. Nothing that really breaks the mould, but if you're a fan of the genre, you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this.

That being said, there are a few things in the game that are very poorly balanced and as such, I don't recomend the permanent death mode. (A mode that I play in every game that allows it.) A good example of this is the spell Crystal Maze that some of the Necromancers use. This removes one of your characters from the game and if the caster dies during this spell the removed character is gone forever. It shouldn't be that hard once you realise this, however there is another problem. If anyone is occupying the square in which they dissapear, they can't come back and they are lost forever. In a game where your characters often can't leave melle combat, it can easily just mean instant death and there's nothing you can do about it. There is another balance issue with the fight in the sewers under Null mission. There are two high HP casters with magic resistance that spam stuns on your entire party and another until that every few turns locks everyone down so they can't move. This makes it very hard to close on the casters to remove the effect and if one of your units isn't stunned, the entire room glomps them and you can't revive them because everyone else is stunned. It's not an impossible fight, but it is so RNG dependent that it gets incredibly frustrating since best case scenario you have to restart the long level and worst case your whole party is permanently dead.

These cases are the outlayers though and overall the game is well paced and fun, it a tad repetitive.
439 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 08:48
Why would I keep playing this? There are so many roguelikes and other dungeon crawlers available at prices that far exceed the value you get here. This game is 15 euros when not discounted... I paid only 3 euros for this and I still feel ripped off! There is so incredibly little content in this game. Most insultingly: Unless you pay extra (hah! as if!) you will not even be able to make your own team. In an RPG... what? Because only 4 characters will be available in the game without buying DLC, so your team is pre-defined.
Dungeons are a dull slog where usually nothing happens when you slowly traverse hallways, so why not just teleport me directly to the next fight right away?
You find little of interest and even the combat is rudimentary and standard. I don't get the appeal of this game. Here's a list of games you should go and play instead:

Wizardry 1-8
Heroes of a Broken Land
Curse of Yendor
Legion's Crawl
Legend of Grimrock
any Might & Magic game
the 3 original Realms of Arkania games
and so on, and on, and on...

This game is a mobile game and it shows in the worst way.
55 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 17:28
Wow! I wasn't expecting much from the reviews. Just looked like a small diablo like DnD dungeon crawler. I was very surprised when I was met with story, traveling, interesting characters, betrayal, and story choice! I was also surprised to find myself laughing at the humor and amazed to see my equipment changing my characters appearances. I definitely recommend this, it seems the Warhammer community is quick to salt.
215 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
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41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 09:18
Standard = demo
Deluxe = actual game

I hate microtransactions in a game that I've already bought... and when they're as prominent as this it's a straight negative review from me: I won't play Free To Play games and I'm not happy to see the same mechanics appear in any other games.
386 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 15:53
Feels like old school warhammer quest. People complaining about the pace or grind don't really remember WHQ, I think. It was a story-light dungeon romp board game, and this hits the nail on the head for me.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 16:55
Turn based
39 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 19:33
I like this game a lot, even after some years. It's still a fun game. I especially like that every mission is quite short and playable in about 15 minutes each, if you don't have much time
78 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
18199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 17:43
Classic D&D style game has aged well. If you liked the Warhammer Quest board game, you will love this adaptation. Each character has strengths and weaknesses. Some characters that were horrible at level 1 are now faves at level 6 ( war priest).

The game has an overarching storyline quest that you get pulled into ( sometimes by force). More than just grind to get gear. Easy to play one mission and leave game or keep on a roll.

Hardcore is much harder - death is dead and some game effects last a lifetime, not just a dungeon.

Game is turn based so if you have to leave for a bit - it will wait on you. Single player so no pvp jerks to worry about.

Very luck based and whim of dice - strategy only takes you so far.

Music gets old after a bit but easy enough to mute. Limited inventory means making tough choices. Cities have different specialty stores so you have to keep up with who has potions and who has scrolls - annoying can't get info about towns you have been to before but you have to travel there.

If you played the boardgame - fear not travel. Much fewer travel random events and not nearly as brutal as in the original game.

Warhammer Quest was how I introduced my son to the basics of DND and miniature gaming - this online version will work as well.
169 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 05:09
Simple old school table top rpgs. Simple played with friends crawl through a dungeon and find what the next room holds. Its a relaxing game to play and while it can be a grind... For me if I enjoy something i want to be able to continue to enjoy it.
1200 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 16:40
It is a nice, uncomplicated dungeon-crawler. I like it.
139 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 10:34
-The soundtrack caught me by surprise... while resting in town the music invokes so many feelings, not only of
when I was a young teen but so many deep, unspoken emotions. The wild rustic tone of the melody reminds me of home.

-Just when you believe you have a situation figured out you're grabbed by the hand
and taken aback by the twists that may befall you. And so I'm often left with a smile on my face for it's sly way of concluding quests.

-Decisions hold weight, like in the real world; one shouldn't always trust strangers...
you may regret it.
Then again there is meaning in seeing your mistakes through,
for the interesting places they will lead you to.

-Very eloquent dialogue, the wordplay is charming, 'tis easy to feel invested in whatever story is presented to you, both great and small.

-Suitable options of difficulty; you can tailor the experience to suit your preferred way of fun

-Ideal for those who enjoy tabletop games but don't always have the energy to be a part of a live social-oriented group

The atmosphere captures the essence that I wholeheartedly desire. It never seems to miss a note.
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 17:31
Not much story, but a good tactical combat game with a variety of characters with different play styles.
229 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
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99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 20:18
Feels like a game from the last Century. Pretty much you travel corridors into rooms and are ambushed every single time. you don't have the gear or the skills to do anything clever and instead end up fighting a melee that lasts five to ten minutes in which you take damage. Then you heal then do the same thing again another two or three times then you've completed a mission.

Then you go to the settlement and sell your stuff or in one case get swindled by the person you've helped.

If that sounds exciting knock yourself out. I've completed two missions and that's it.
66 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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2257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.19 20:54
Terrible controls and very bad mechanics – everything shows it's just a mediocre port of a mobile game. When you add macrotransactions (yest, macro, not micro), where they offer features cut from the game for additional money, you get a frustrating grind fest. I regret having bought it and trying to complete it.
375 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.19 07:41
This game is just like the board game Hero Quest, but I dont have to set up the board, roll dice, move the dudes around, or any other tedious tasks, or put it all away when I am done, and it has RPG elements to it, and is more fleshed out than the basic hero quest game.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
67.99% 495 233
Release:07.01.2015 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler: Rodeo Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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