New Features:
- Leaderboards Activated:** Leaderboards now work, allowing players to track their progress and compete for the top spot!
- **Fangs Collected Reset:** Added a clear fangs collected option to the main menu for easier tracking.
Gameplay Changes:
- **Ammo Management:** Ammo will now automatically despawn after 5 minutes, reducing visual clutter and improving gameplay performance.
- **Slayer Adjustments:**
- **Sprint Cost Reduced:** Slayers can now sprint more efficiently, allowing for better maneuverability during combat.
- **Stake Damage Increased:** It now takes only 7 hits to kill a vampire with full health, down from 10. This makes slayers more formidable against their undead foes.
- **Rider Fire Delay Reduced:** The delay for firing as a Rider has been decreased, making for faster and more reactive combat.
Visual and UI Improvements:
- **Malissa Blood Vision Fix:** The grayscale effect from Malissa’s blood vision no longer carries over to the next round when used at the last minute.
- **HUD and UI Fixes:**
- Removed HUD hits during map votes to prevent mouse glitches.
- Map vote UI now displays map names for easier selection.
- **Name Tag Enhancements:** Name tags have been optimized for performance and responsiveness, and are now visible in Team Death Match. Additionally, bot names can now be seen.
- **Cosmetic Adjustments:** Blood Avenue has been adjusted for improved cosmetic presentation.
Map and Performance Optimization:
- **Map Performance:** Optimized Blood Avenue, Cemetery, and Club for better performance, resulting in smoother gameplay experiences.
- **Particle Effects:** Removed blood particles spawning on player spawn and implemented a more efficient method for preloading particle effects.
Bug Fixes:
- **FOV Issues Fixed:** Fixed Field of View (FOV) issues affecting Lisa Slayer to ensure a consistent gameplay experience.
- **Lens Flare and Chromatic Aberration Settings:** Resolved issues where settings were resetting unexpectedly.