After of the campaign completion the next major update will include the NG+. In this mode you can replay the campaign again with higher difficulty. After this final major update, the game has all the planned features and can be considered a "full launch version". Stay tuned for the full launch date later.
Some highlights from Part 4 below.
Take the fight inside the Citadel walls and ultimately dig out Benevictus from his hidey hole.

Battle Benevictus' personal guard of Battle Angels

Integrate the Death Knight into your horde

And here's the full change log:
- Opened Part 4
- Added more slots to stash
- Added new unique items
- Added quest for Unit Building upgrade
- Fixed collectible sometimes not reseting to ground
- Added new spell: Blizzard
- Added Rune of Chill to Antarctica
- Added Rune of Bashing to Bootrock Ridge
- Fixed melee and ranged shielding runes bugs
- Fixed Reset cooldown on Crit affix
- Fixed resistances for all elemental enemies
- Fixed Orc Totem
- Fixed Rune Power + Protect melee rune issues
- Tweaked Necrodome balance
- Tweaked Rune Balance
- Reduced Rune Power affix's power
- Reduced poison damage by Gelatinous Cubes
- Fixed issues with Rune Power boosts not correctly adjusting rune effects
- Fixed unused mana/command +damage affixes affecting swords, axes, and fist
- Not showing dps for non-melee main hand items, like shovel
- Item damage/dps print tweaks
- Added world map info for inaccessible levels
- Only beam affected targets when casting spells
- Fixed summoned units plopping through walls
- Fixed areas cleared/num counting bug in stats screen
- Blocked named items from anvil
- Fixed grave-risen units idle
- Duration of Brimstone rune increased
- Weapon Racks drop better loot now
- Mentioning areas cleared num even for small tiles
- Showwing summoned unit count on raise wheel if matching type
- Tweaked affix balance
- Tweaked item type drop chances
- Limited drawing of exit name from Frozen Creek to Serpent's Horn
- Fixed dialogue not continuing if USE key bound to mouse button
- Added black stroke to over-actor text spawns
- Fixed minimap exits flashing when no horde
- Text changes