Torment: Tides of Numenera
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Über das Spiel

Torment: Tides of Numenera ist der geistige Nachfolger von Planescape: Torment. Auch dieses neue Spiel beschäftigt sich mit tiefgründigen und persönlichen Themen wie dem Leben selbst, der Vergänglichkeit und der Selbstaufopferung, sodass Spieler dazu angeregt werden, philosophische Positionen zu beziehen und moralische Entscheidungen zu treffen.
- CPU: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or equivalent
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
- HD: 20 GB
- SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
- DX: Version 9.0c
- CPU: Intel i5 series or AMD equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or equivalent
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
- HD: 20 GB
- SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
- DX: Version 10
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 06:55
Do you like reading?
Do you like mind-bending science fiction?
Congrats, you love this game. Torment: Tides of Numenera is basically a really great book that richly illustrates its world with beautiful graphics. The ending does unfortunately feel a little rushed, but that ending in no way discounts the rich and rewarding journey that brings you there.
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 17:47
You really need an expository character that grounds you when the worlds are as strange as they are in this game. It is very, very strange, maximal strangeness. Because that contextual character isn't there, I often felt like an ape just randomly pushing buttons and seeing what happens because you don't have any context for the information the game is giving you. This also affects player agency, because your choices don't have as much impact when you don't understand why you're even making the choices that you are - you're just pressing responses in dialogue IU's because they're there. Another issue is the NPC sprite design. There are lots of weird races in the games setting, but you can hardly tell that in most cases as all of the sprites just look like adult human males of sometimes different color.
Stuff I really liked:
- The mechanics and leveling system were really interesting
- The art style of the locations was really cool
- The overall plot was great
- The philosophical themes were there.
- Merecaster dialogues were *awesome* in many cases. I hope that sort of thing finds its way into this genre more widely.
Stuff that I wish was better;
- More context needed in nearly every location (though the Bloom, despite being one of the weirdest places, had a lot of context characters and so felt very smooth).
- More interactions with NPC party members
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545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 04:49
I bounced off of this game five years ago because I went in under the advisement that it was meant as a spiritual successor to the original Torment, yet it seemed extremely dour, aiming for drama rather than dark comedy.
I tried it again today. I found some of the 'comedy.' It's not funny. On top of that:
With every choice, you're bombarded with 2-5 'Be an asshole' options and one 'Be slightly less of an asshole' option.
The writers continuously attempt to confront social and societal issues, but they clearly have no understanding thereof.
The sidequests just sort of happen, you talk to one person, then another, then another, then it resolves, with nothing interesting coming of it.
There are way too many people eager to go in-depth on the complexities of procreation among their species - This ties into the 'humour.'
That's a hard pass from me. If you want a crash course in how not to write a game, or any kind of story really, get past the introductory chapter of this game and just bask in it.
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691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 20:28
This things need a rebuild.
4417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 08:56
2656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 19:39
* Character generation process is really cool and helped me come to a proposed config quite naturally.
* Good leveling mechanic. I liked leveling up frequently but only upgrading things in small and distributed increment rather then longer waits and bigger bangs.
* The powers are varied and compliment each other.
* I felt like the NPCs were mostly quite engaging and interesting.
* They have some really engaging little 'interactive story' sections where you read and make plot choices to progress the story. I liked this touch and the sections they were applied to seemed well written.
* Reading... So MUCH reading. I'd really have liked some more voice-acting. Perhaps LOTS of reading is not really a con if you like such things, but it is extreme. Everyone has something to say and with the exception of a very few scenes, there no voice acting in the game in general.
* Do everything or you miss out. Big black blob that looks super evil? Dive in, get an I.Q. boost, move on without any meaningful consequence. Basically, touch, interact and talk to and agree to do EVERYTHING. Nothing lasting will happen to you, but you WILL miss out if you don't. This made things feel quite shallow and two dimensional as most NPCs became a fairly shallow excuse to click 20-30 time to get a stat point before you moved on.
* This is not really a pro o a con, just an intentional style choice you may or may not like... The isometric top down graphics were good. They are not the most up top date or ground breaking, but the art is good and the style is well executed.
I enjoyed it. :-) I recommend it.
3164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 06:56
3593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 19:48
+ The writing is exceptional, thought provoking and sometimes deeply touching.
+ The fact that I could choose my approach in every mission and it truly changed the outcome and my experience was simply incredible. I wish every game had this mechanic and it’d be done this well.
+ The characters are complex, I cared about them, and they changed the way I thought about the story and each quest.
+ Nothing in the game was obviously good or bad but it didn’t make me feel gross about myself and it didn’t make me say anything I didn’t mean to say.
+ There were some surprising plot twists in some quests. But I really cared about all the quests because they were never just “Go and kill”.
+ If I ever failed or didn’t have enough information for the solution, it was always my fault, not the game’s fault.
Literally the only minus to me were the graphics, the style looks way older than I’d expect for the year 2016. But the entire game was seriously amazing.
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:58
3919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 03:09
To that end, it is a game for a niche target audience, and might not have a broader appeal as some other CRPG's do. However, if you love reading, a deep story about the sense of self, then this is something you will have to experience.
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201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 19:40
22806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 16:47
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6414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 15:58
2698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 05:57
This is a metaphysical fever dream wrapped inside a dying mind.
The story does two things extremely well:
World Building: Using both bottom-up & top-down design the entire structure of the universe you're playing in becomes crystal clear by the end of the journey.
Ideas: A myriad of thought provoking ideas we won't be seeing in popular fiction for years to come. This is where game truly shines.
These are the cornerstone of this story and from here everything sprouts. Engagement will depend entirely on the reader and if the ideas and world-building are interesting to you. I will say I found myself exploring new ground in what is possible in fiction & old-ground brought back into the limelight with new insight.
On a final note: I highly recommend not save scumming to clear luck based encounters via the dialogue options. Even in failure there is often a different story branch.
13765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 06:42
The mechanics took a bit of getting used to (Numenera), but I become comfortable with them by about 150 hrs (lol).
This last playthrough (my second) took about three months and 100 hours. Trying to do it faster would have overloaded my brain with story points. With that said, there are few aspects of the story that I'm not familiar with.
I'm a very good reader who can dedicate a lot of time to a good game. This game would be a very difficult and probably boring game for someone who isn't a good reader, and/or doesn't want to dedicate a large amount of time to it. To get the maximum out of the game you should be willing to dedicate time outside of the game to contemplate the meanings. Very different and interesting concepts, such as the Bloom when you think about it. Then the pieces fall into place nicely.
In other words it's a lot like Planescape Torment. In fact the pacing of the story is almost exactly like Planescape, but of course a vastly different subject matter. And, I would say, a MUCH more complicated story.
I think TTON may be a very tough sell in the modern world as the topics are very similar to what we're all facing right now. Many people are struggling with the fear of technology. Planescape on the other hand had similar concepts but was wrapped in the D&D universe that people embraced for its mindlessness. TTON is not like that, it tries quite insistently to present itself as realistic. And, is based in a world where technologies dug up from long dead civilizations are leading the world off a cliff.
This game made me a better reader, and a better person. I would HIGHLY recommend it, but only to a certain type of player.
5471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 08:37
Too bad they didn't have enough funds for voice acting and animations, which makes the game difficult to play for a longer period of time. Bear in mind that 95% of the gameplay consists of dialogues (which you'll be reading because there's no voice-over).
If you enjoy text-heavy RPGs like Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate, this game is a good choice for you. On the other hand, if you don't like to read a lot, avoid it at all costs.
My score: 7/10
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 10:25
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1567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 22:47
It's a narrative-driven game with a narrative that gradually starts showing cracks before totally crumbling in the last hour or so of the campaign. Without going into details, the final stretch of story feels very rushed and disjointed and ultimately left me feeling like I was duped by the much more compelling early stages.
On top of that, this game has been out for, what, 3 years now? And there are still bugged and broken quests throughout.
3961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 01:41
What I really like is the setting. The Tides bring a unique flavor, to the point [spoiler]I was really excited to see that Oom could tell me how my tides shifted depending on my answers in dialogue.[/spoiler] It also seems to me so far (not having completed the game) that the mood and story are very dark, more like Tyranny.
The criticisms of this game seem a little unfair; people can view things through the nostalgia lens. I think the writing is great for a CRPG. Unlike some games like Pillars or Wasteland 2 (although I love both to death) I didn't find the writing boring at times in Tides. It made me laugh out loud often, but that's fairly normal for me. What isn't normal, is how often it made me actually think. I was rereading paragraphs to make sure I understood every nuance of the context. I honestly think the people that found the writing boring, missed a lot and had it go over their heads. If you don't pay attention, smoke too much Lemon Drop sativa, you WILL miss key details.
As far as combat, I am a strategic combat nerd. I would have loved to see more combat. However, this game is what it is, and is a successor to what that was. So I'm cool with less combat. I still found my ways to get some work in, loving those cyphers. I still think I fought more battles so far than my entirety of Planescape.
So many interesting things about this game, I can't list them all:
-The Fifth Eye Tavern
-The machine that makes forced telekinetic copies of the grieving man's daughter from the Ashen imitation quest
-slowly understanding Oom's metaphoric thoughts
-The House of Empty Time
I was putting off playing this because I thought, meh, a lot of reading, gonna be boring, not gonna be PS:T. I was wrong.
1600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 17:48
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3950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 15:38
3316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:01
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1365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 15:50
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642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 09:51
I've given this game about 4 to 5 tries. With different starting choices and trying to play different roles. Well... it just does not feel engaging. Writing is okay, combat is subpar and the visuals of 9th World are good(but not great). So maybe give it a shot, it has very nice ideas story-wise, but for me for some reason there's just no wish to continue playing and I really wanted to get into this game.
I'd like to also mention that for me game had zero to none technical issues,
5925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 23:22
This was actually a VERY good RPG, with excellent writing! I dont understand why so many negative reviews, but I guess the main reasons were a) fanboyz of the original were butthurt that it wasnt what they wanted b) something about the kickstarter promises not being fulfilled, which, fair enough if you were an early backer I guess.
>>> IF you are a hardcore RPG player who cares about STORY more than other stuff, then this is a great game for you.
This game is the opposite of Pillars of eternity, which had gorgeous visuals and had fun combat, but the story was an idiotic mess, with no memoral plot or characters (Honestly PoE was stupid).
On the other hand THIS game has an amazing, quite original story (hard to achieve!), VERY memorable characters (I dont think I'll ever be able to forget Erritis), but lacking in the visuals department and the combat also felt a bit weak. That doesnt mean they were terrible, just not as good as other RPGs you might have played.
- Excellent writing. The story is very scifi, with some concepts and ideas that I honestly havent seen before or see rarely. Genuinely interested in what was going to happen in the end. So many mini stories as well, the kind that will stay with you for long after you finish the game.
- Dialogue was excellent, the characters and the companion interactions were also excellent, honestly being some of the funniest and wittiest I have ever seen in RPGs, reminding me a lot of Baldurs Gate 2.
- Voice acting (companions) was very nice!
- Some of the visuals of the game arent that amazing. The main menu for example looks like it came straight out of the mid 90s.
- The combat felt a bit weak, although that might be in part because you can play the game with almost no combat at all if you wanted. Whats there is good, its just missing that extra kick.
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3600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 14:51
1993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 17:27
This game is amazing and I really don't understand what the negative reviews are complaining about. Maybe this is just people who played Planescape: Torment with rose-tinted glasses about a game from their younger years. Maybe expectations were set incorrectly, and people expected another Divinity, or a point and click story game. This is a fully-fledged RPG that's very heavy on the story elements, and the writing is way better than most other RPGs I've played.
The combat system was way more than good enough for the relatively low number of combat encounters in this game. There was interesting class variety, interesting ability choices, interesting equipment choices, etc. I see others complaining about it being inscrutable or not knowing why their characters are ineffective, etc. but I found this game to be very easy outside of one fight that was moderately challenging and could have been skipped if I wanted to skip it.
Unlike most games my companions actually had interesting back stories and I found myself making choices that the characters themselves would approve of, rather than optimizing for power.
And as for the story - you really feel like an important character in the world with the ability to change things. Characters actually remember what was said to them previously and remind you of your past words and actions. Your decisions can unlock or close off quest lines or other content, and often the reward is just more great writing in the form of 'merecasters' which are like short story choose your own adventures that sometimes have real-world repercussions. And the end of the game actually provided a ton of viable options for you to decide the fate of the world with no obviously correct answer.
The best part is that the game doesn't mislead you about what your choices will entail. When you click a line of dialog intending sarcasm, it's treated as sarcasm. When you're asked to do something shady, you're given both the option to lyingly accept, or genuinely accept - unlike other games that make you guess if you're going to be able to double cross later, etc. I never felt like I was intending to do one thing, and had something completely different happen, which is a common problem in story-driven RPGs.
Highly recommended.
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2944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 12:13
I didnt care about the protagonist or the companions which are mostly unlikable.
The writting is tedious and tries way to hard to be weired, bizzare and mysterious.
Nothing matters, everything is abstract, strange, a dream, a hallucination, a different future or past,
a different dimension and so on. So much pretencious reading that has no impact at all.
The tides-system has no impact, the combat is garbage, the animations are bad...
Well, unfortunatley i did back this game with 175 bucks and to me personaly its complete shit. Can not recommend it.
Rather play the original/enhanced edition of Planescape Torment, Baldursgate, Icewind Dale or the newer Pillars of Eternity.
2894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 17:49
2491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 04:57
EDIT: Finished it. It's awesome. It's clearly not for everyone. You are going to be reading 85% of the time, and the other 15% you are going to be expending it admiring the gorgeous and weird vistas this game has to offer. It's what I would call deep sci fi, or sci fantasy. It reminds me a bit of Asimov's Foundation Saga in some respects.
4083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 13:38
There was a lot of Reading, but i didn't mind that since it was an Interesting Story & i Enjoyed it.
The Graphics of the Characters was Good, nothing special, but the Environments & Backgrounds were Pretty Cool.
There were also times when there'd be a Big Chunk of Text in the Corner along with a B&W Drawing looked quite well done.
I would've liked more Voice Overs parts (there r some), but i guess voicing all of that Text would've cost a lot of $'s.
Another thing i would've liked is a Rotating Camera, to b able to get better angles on some of the NPC's, but Oh Well, i still had Fun.
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975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 22:31
Good Things: The story! A bit confusing but still chocked Full of really interesting ideas. The characters! Every single named character in this game is interesting in some way. They are fun to click on, read their story, and interact. The artwork is quite rich and evocative. You really feel like your character inhabits the insanely-distant future in a world that impossibly big than you can hope to take in.
Bad Things: The system/combat! PS:T had a really, really terrible system. Apparently, T:ToN thought that was a great idea to retain for this spiritual successor. The overall structure of this system really tells me that there's an equally nerdy RPG system with lots of details. And facts and angles toward character creation... And the whole time, I just know I have a terrible build. But I couldn't tell you WHY.
But here's a fun fact: Who cares? Because I'm in my late forties and don't give a rat's ass about learning another esoteric system in order to optimize my build so that I can enjoy all the story bits while not crashing hard on the rocks in every unavoidable encounter.
And I encountered one bug toward the beginning. While its impact on the story is largely negligible, it was disappointing to know there was a problem years ago and there never emerged a solution. This game is so close to being Good... I just don't have the patience to wade through this.
It's a darn interesting, textured story and an incredibly ambitious failure.
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1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 19:16
CONS: I'm writing this 5 years after it came out, but Torment was already 15-years-dated by the time it was released. It would almost work better as a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game: virtually everything in the game is conveyed through text anyway, not visually. But I didn't love the style of the writing—it's weird for the sake of being weird, and you can *know* the author's smugness through the words. The combat is agonizingly bad, which would be more of a problem if there were more than a dozen fights in the entire game. And for a game obsessed with choice, it's hilarious that it has the same ending as Mass Effect 3.
I didn't hate it. But I can't think of anyone that I could recommend it to. If a bizarre text adventure game with overly poetic language sounds up your alley, though, check it out. Otherwise, probably best to pass.
2582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 14:50
Pros: It is an incredibly interesting, atmospheric world. Most of the writing (see exception below) is interesting, evocative, and worth the time to just sit there and read. It's worth it to approach this game like an interactive novel. In the first half of the game, I was in love with the writing, the mysterious antagonist, the philosophical undercurrents, and enjoyed RPing my main character. I loved that failing checks sometimes had more interesting outcomes than succeeding did. Extremely immersive game overall.
Cons: I never finished the game because I was so disappointed with where the main plot went. I thought the main antagonist was one of the best I've ever seen in a game...until you learn the truth about them and their motivations. Then the whole story felt very underwhelming. I also dislike when hugely important people/plot points are introduced at the very end of a game/story, and when a twist ending wasn't at all foreshadowed or predictable. It's like, congratulations: you surprised me with info no one could have never pieced together or guessed (except randomly). And now, at the climax of the story, I'm supposed to have feelings and opinions about people and relationships you introduced 5 seconds ago?
Overall I still recommend this game (maybe not at full price), and don't worry if you don't finish it. The stories you imagine in your head might end up being better than where they chose to take it.
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4912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 16:48
3182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 21:47
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1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 17:36
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524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 22:46
Overall I'd say some people might like this game, but to me it is just waste of potential, because both talent and work are there, just applied at the wrong places.
2797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 19:04
But if you are open-minded, you like to read a lot, and want to experience something special, that's your game.
3940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 10:26
2661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 09:02
It's a shame it didn't sell more, i'd love to see a sequel to it.
2329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 13:35
The good part is the deep story and the atmosphere. In part one could stay that it is even fascinating.
The bat parts is that the game could as well be a book, every NPC with what you interact throws at you a wall of text and you will find yourself skipping a lot. Also the game engine is not good at all, you can not turn the camera and as such you have blind spots, the world seems from time to time 2D. Also the battle system is quite bad, I play as a mage only to found out that I do not have spells that do meaningful damage and had in the middle of the game reorient to a speed oriented character . . . with a great penalty to using weapons. I would really like to change the class but it is not possible.
BTW: I do not believe that I would play the game a second time
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709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 15:46
-Interesting setting
-Compelling and colorful visual style
-Lots of bugs. Some of the bugs are major bugs and, despite being well-known, have gone unfixed for years.
-Game systems are poorly explained
-Combat can be janky
-Subjectively, I don't think the writing is very good
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2825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 19:55
1873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 16:37
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5743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 15:01
Wanted to say that there is something positive and cool in the game.. but the endings.. the endings killed it for me.
1565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 16:31
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1239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 14:41
I gave this game a negative review due to the bugs. There may not be many bugs, but the bugs that exist are very major, and when the game has been out this long it's unlikely they'll be fixing them. The worst bug I encountered was in the third act, it rendered movement difficult to impossible, removed my ability to save, and persisted on switching maps and reloading older saves. After digging around on the forums, it seems the only way to fix this bug is to start over the game from scratch. A few hiccups and having to reload an old save I can understand, but to have to restart after 20 hours of play is extremely disappointing, especially since most of the game is mystery and exploration it loses its lustre when you know what to do already.
If you have the patience for major bugs, possibly starting from scratch, and are a diehard rpg fan willing to slog through it to harvest fun storylines and worldbuilding, I can recommend getting this game on sale. I can only recommend this game at full price if you or a friend can psychically erase your memory of the game if a bug forces you to start over.
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3376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 14:06
if you don't wanna read it all;dr - developers half-a$$ed the game: a lot of missing content and abrupt ending with no cutscenes.
- Brilliant writing, intriguing character dialogue and world lore.
- It's something separate to the original Planescape, a homage instead of a carbon copy.
- Appealing to newcomers of the CRPG genre (easier than most classic CRPG)
- No meta builds or specific interactions you need to play to progress (or you're doomed)
- Beautiful sci-fi environmental design, areas are unique and grotesque
- Good looking character models.
- Building characters for combat is SO EASY compared to other CRPG.
- Interesting cypher system that aids combat and boosts stats
- Combat is turn-based, not hard or broken at all. Very simple and you can make your character & companions invincible without the need for guides.
- You cannot beat the game solely on dialogue, some fights are mandatory. However final boss confrontation can be beat with dialogue.
- $4.2 million dollar budget, and many missing kickstarter promises such as LONGER STORY, another MAIN CITY HUB - Oasis of Mra Jolios, Crafting... which could have ultimately made the game a masterpiece.
- The Tides (character good/bad alignment system) does nothing for the game. Very shallow.
- All character animations are....missing? All they do is stand still with a short looping animation and run around. As a modern CRPG with a high budget I expect AT LEAST some hand/arm movement while speaking to them.
- This is a science fiction game and I only saw 1 alien animal species that I can kind of interact with. And 1-2 intelligent alien species. Seriously what.
- 2nd main city hub is underwhelming, small and you spend a short amount of time there.
- Playing a GOOD character ultimately gimps you. Being mean has no consequences but rewards you with more money and items.
- NO FACTION REPUTATION! Seriously do the cultists hate me or like me? I treat them like shet, scare them off and they still welcome me? Even top-down ARPGs have faction reputation!
- I got the good ending which brought the story nicely together HOWEVER IT WAS FAR TOO FAST. I was expecting at least a beautiful CUTSCENE BUT THERE IS NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Relatively good game but the missing features make it far from of a masterpiece. I would have given this a recommended if it weren't for the disgustingly abrupt ending. Proceed with caution.
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1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 03:34
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2464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 03:29
2531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 04:58
Playing this game is like reading an interactive novel. A Choose Your Own Adventure type of game. Lots of adventuring and problem solving. Proof that not everything is solved with muscle. Excellent!
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1430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 19:08
At this, it fails miserably.
The characters experience no growth over the course of the game, apart from choices made at the extreme end which change things in the epilogue. Your companions will talk the same, act the same, and feel the same throughout the entirety of the story -- regardless of how they feel about the protagonist and how much you've done their quests.
The story is short, taking around 20 hours to complete if you do a fair amount of the content. For a CRPG, especially one that costs $50, this is utterly unacceptable and pathetic.
The writing has moments where it's nice, but otherwise is generally bland. Some parts are funny, some parts manage to make me tear up a little but, but the vast majority of the game makes me feel utterly apathetic.
There's a lot of bugs, most of which are harmless but a couple of which will softlock your game. While the game autosaves somewhat frequently, this can be obnoxious in larger fights and force you to backtrack significantly.
The game says that most crises -- what the game calls encounters, or fights -- can be handled nonviolently. This is a lie. The vast majority of them require fighting, and those that don't often are much harder to resolve nonviolently.
The game states that failing a check is often more interesting than succeeding one. This, too, is a lie. Generally you'll get a message saying you failed and be offered the chance to try again. Other times you actually get a unique result, generally one which punishes you for failing a die roll.
I was really hoping this game would be good, but it just isn't. If you're able to get it for under $10, it might be worth looking into -- otherwise don't bother.
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3485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 19:58
And the ending.., it is just... unfinished. It feels uncomplete, rushed, They don't give you most of the answers, you can't get the revelation you expect. Ending choices are plain and simple and choices and character progression you made throughout the game doesn't do any significant difference.
After all, even it has nice bits in it, it sums up as a boring game which i uninstalled right after i finished. They used lots of similarities with PS:T, even the name, to grasp some players (yes, me). But that doesn't work in the game. Nowhere near the legacy of Planescape: Torment, sorry.
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 13:43
2021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 17:08
The overall game is, in my opinion, great. The big difference between Torment: Tides of Numenera and Planescape: Torment is that while they both resemble a series of short stories, PS:T has an overarching theme and serious deep philosophy.
1358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 20:39
The characters are interesting and have nice background stories. The level of interactions with them is at decent level.
Locations - beautiful but not so many in fact and not very large. You can see the limited budget, unfortunately.
Combat - is rather simple and in my opinion is not the core of the game.
Dialogues - yes please. A lot. A lot of a lot, so reading and reading. For me it is perfect but many of You could be forced off to quit. One BUT. The dialogues in any other lang than english is broken. If any of the dialogue is too long it will crash the game. Still not fixed in 2020!!! SHAME SHAME SHAME
Interactions - great and with many options.
World - perfect, romantic, mysterious
Story - love it. Recommended. Just give it some time and be patience and You will be sucked into this world.
Maybe sequel some day... Who knows. I hope so!
Bugs - still few including night/day options NOT available, dialogues broken sometimes.
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2313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 01:42
2484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 14:22
The main criticism others seem to have is that it's too slow and text-heavy, which I personally don't mind.
*My* problem, I think, is that I was expecting more from a 'spiritual successor' to my favourite ever RPG. I was expecting a game made in the last four years to feel as such; updated GUI, less clunky controls, nicer graphics etc. But those all seem like they've just had the dust blown off them and shoved straight in. It doesn't *feel* nice to play, unlike the new Divinity games.
I also found all but the two most useless companions to be irritating at best, boring at worst. Because I chose to take non-combat-primed companions with me, I've had a harder time in the unavoidable scraps, which in any other game I'd enjoy. But the combat in Numenera is unsatisfying. It feels hollow. The fiddly nature of having to watch how many points you're spending is tedious, not challenging. After a while you get used to it, but it's just not *fun*.
There are also little details that shouldn't matter, but they stuck out to me. Things like NPCs sprinting around for no reason. Being called 'Sir' when I'm playing a female character. The fairly phoned-in voice acting. Some lines being voice acted and others not, with no clear reason evident. The fact that you can ask your companions for their opinion on Oom before any of you have even encountered him. It feels... unloved. Like nobody cared enough to iron out the creases.
With all that said, I can't deny I'm still playing the damn thing, so it can't be *that* bad, right? There are plenty of good things about it, plenty of things fellow fans of the genre would enjoy. I'm a sucker for games with karma systems, multiple ways to complete goals, lots of replayability. Numenera certainly seems to deliver on those counts. I think I just expected more. I don't feel pulled in and hugged by this game, maybe because I feel absolutely no investment in any of the characters, including my own. I'll finish it, because I bought it and it was expensive, and I'll recommend it to fellow CRPG fans. But I will say, if you're expecting a modern take on a beloved classic, you won't find it here. It is what it is, and it does deliver enough to not be a waste of money, if it's store tags appeal. But if you're looking for humour, warmth, fun, combat satisfaction, head to Larian instead.
3885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 20:31
6296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 13:43
The game i waited it for years until it released and i got dissapointed after 30 hours of playing it, too much text and very little combat, after a few years i gave it a second chance, after playing Disco Elysium (game that is basically text), and i liked it a bit more, the story is good, it makes some revelation at the end that are quite good, but it felt like a chore to get to the end, the writting is not bad but its tedius more since there are no voice actors, if there were the game would be way better.
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1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 02:59
Numenera is often called ambitious, experimental and in part suffering from being affiliated with a title as prestigious as Planescape: Torment – Having finished it after just under 30 hours, I would only subscribe to the latter statement. Rather I'd consider Numenera an utter failure for a variety of reasons that are reaching further than just minor complaints about misshandled combat mechanics or story hiccups, both of which naturally are issues that are often addressed by other reviewers still.
The most glaring issues of Numenera lie in its technical problems. While I didn't experience any crashes, I did experience softlocks, I did experience frankly terrible pathing and worst of all multiple instances of enemies just refusing to end their turn. In a game that barely features any combat, for this to pose more than just a slight annoyance is frankly embarassing in itself. Secondly and somewhat related, Numenera critically lacks many features that have been a standard in the CRPG genre for many years now. The in-game Codex, usually meant as a means to properly read up on lore, game mechanics and more is ridiculously useless, only featuring the most basic terminology and information while the rest of the game floods the player with mindless exposition and mind-numbingly written dialogue that often feels like the NPC's are merely reciting wiki articles of the area, the character or the event that is being talked about.
Extending this critique to the gameplay elements, Numenera doesn't go to great lengths to properly explain its combat mechanics either outside the first half-hour tutorial. Not that it needs to, as the game isn't either very deep nor very challenging, but even after my first playthrough I still wouldn't be able to tell what exactly the difference *is* between the damage types at your disposal. Sure would be amazing to be able to read up on information like that in-game. Not focussing your game around combat but rather dialogue confrontations is fine and can work, as has been recently proven by games like Disco Elysium, but in Numenera it feels much more like combat has been streamlined towards the end of each specific chapter, resulting in hours upon hours of pure reading of questionable quality, followed by hours of combat encounters chaining into each other.
This critique ties into one of Numenera's greatest strengths, which is that your combat resources (Might/Speed/Intelligence) – are also your resources for roleplay interactions. Thus, instead of simply rolling for, say Persuasion, you instead still have your Persuasion stat that however offers you the ability to also tap into your Intelligence stat to possibly allow your character a higher chance to succeed on any given roll. This kinda works to discourage save-scumming and is also a nice way to allow for more free party building. On the flipside, I feel the game thoroughly lies to the player whenever the loading screen claimed that failed checks often offer more interesting results: I can remember exactly one instance where failing a check delivered an actually interesting way to progress by way of unlocking a new sidequest. At best the failed checks otherwise give you an alternative items, perhaps some minor alternative options that don't exactly lock you out of any kind of progression. At worst, it's the same thing as every other game: Redo it until you pass.
Which leaves the actual story, something that I struggle to describe as anything other than 'disjointed'. The first part of the game is something that is again very reminiscent of Planescape: Torment itself, allowing the most freedom and sidequest activities – Here is where the game does shine, allowing you to explore a universe that is foreign to you and, as long as you aren't showered in needless encyclopaedic exposition, isn't necessarily badly paced; But the issues arise when the game tries to sharpen its narrative towards the second and third chapter. Without going into spoilers, most progress you make, most characters you meet feel utterly redundant, including your companions. To offer an example for this, companion quests, which I would consider the backbone of many comparable roleplaying games, are barely resolved in Numenera, the most fitting example being one of the companions you start the game out with and literally ends her entire story minutes before the epilogue within a single dialogue choice.
What makes this infuriating is, that Numenera isn't necessarily uninteresting. It's just that the actual story is terribly misshandled – It tries to offer an absurd and mysterious world to explore but only manages to drown the player in an ocean of needless exposition. Equally, it tries to offer a unique take on companions – A woman who is split between endless versions of herself; A child who can't remember anything about her past but has both an uncanny affinity to the Tides and also a pet god – Yet none of it is resolved and properly explored. It's shallow. And sometimes it's worse than shallow and dips into pretentiousness.
+ Extremely unique companions
+ Generally solid quest design
+ Decently balanced considering the lack of difficulty options
- Numerous bugs (Quests not updating properly, poor pathing, endless turns..)
- Poor Explanation, both in terms of gameplay mechanics as well as lore
- Lacking core features of similar games (Combat log, text highlights..)
- Combat generally clunky and poorly paced with the rest of the game
- Storylines, particularly companion quests, are barely resolved
- Ending feels rushed; Critically lacking in interaction with the antagonist, as well as general substance (Ending slides with barely any information on how your choices influenced anything; One ending in particular is a simple game over screen)
Numenera has the same appeal as Planescape: Torment – Its unique universe, characters and therefore the mysterious atmosphere it inspires while playing. The Bloom stands out as one of the most interesting hubs I ever played through, but the game simply does not deliver upon all these premises and instead consistently falls flat on delivering a narrative that builds upon the ideas the game wants to present to you. At worst, this feels insulting, like reducing one of the ending decisions, where your own playstyle should reflect in the ending you get, being reduced to a mere game-over screen, accentuating the otherwise also very barebones epilogue.
inXile Entertainment
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