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Patch Notes - November 26th, 2024
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
26.11.24 19:10 Community Announcements
Read on for the tunes, changes, and fixes coming to TCSM on November 26th, 2024.

Our November 26th, 2024 patch will start rolling out across consoles and PC at roughly 8AM EDT. This patch will also include the release of the Summertime Outfit Pack (this will unlock automatically for Content Pass holders), Ana Outfit Pack III, and Julie Outfit Pack III. We have Blackout Cosmetics for Hands, Maria, and Virginia for all Level 99 players releasing, as well.

We wanted to share with players some known issues that were found late in testing for tomorrow’s patch.

Known Issues:
  • [strike]Some players may experience server errors when trying to unlock the perks 'Unrelenting' and 'Dracula' in Hands Skill Tree [/strike] [list]
  • EDIT: This issue has been resolved prior to deploying this patch - 11/26/2024
[*] Players loading into 'Rush Week' may experience prolonged wait times for player refills if players leave the lobby [*] Players may experience native invites not functioning properly for Private Matches
  • Current workaround is joining a party before loading into a Private Match
[/list] Please note that these known issues are being worked on by our teams for a fix that will launch outside of our usual patch cadence. The testing and certification process may be affected by the holiday. Thank you for your patience.

Changed: Base Game - Hands Skill Tree
  • We have removed ‘Scout’ from Hands Skill Tree[list]
  • ‘Scout’ will be replaced by ‘Unrelenting’
  • ‘Dracula’ will replace the previous node for ‘Unrelenting’
  • Please Note: Players who own Hands will have to respec his Skill Tree
Changed: Base Game - Custom Private Match Toggles
  • We have added a toggle for item spawn rates
  • They are half and double

Changed: ‘Rush Week’ - Fusebox Minigame Instructions
  • Text for the Fusebox Minigame has been updated[list]
  • Previously it read “Match the round fuse color with the correct slot, ensuring the AMP value is met for each pair. Once complete, power will be restored and the basement exit will open temporarily”
  • It will now correctly read, “Match the round fuse color with the correct slot, ensuring the AMP value is met for each pair. Once complete, power will be restored”
  • We have also updated the text players will see upon successful completion of the minigame
    • Previously it would state, “Basement Exit Opened”
    • Now it will read, “Success”
    Changed: ‘Rush Week’ - Slammed Doors on Johnny
    • Once Johnny is Level 3, doors slammed on him will break as intended
    • We have added a notification at Level 3 which will read, “Slammed doors now break on Johnny”

    Tuned: ‘Rush Week’ - Fear Rebalancing
    • Sorority Girls will now start with some Fear and different visual effects
    • Previously, Sorority girls would start a match with no Fear

    Fixed: Base Game - Danny’s Tamper UI
    • We have fixed a visual bug where a Danny player would use their Tamper with at least half of the knowledge bar filled, but the Tamper minigame UI would fill up completely
    • Danny’s Tamper minigame will now display visually the correct knowledge added

    Fixed: Base Game - Danny Star Sign Ability Cancellation
    • An issue has been resolved where progress made by applying knowledge in the Tamper minigame was reset if a Danny player attempted to progress the minigame before the entire Knowledge charge could fully apply
    • Progress made in the minigame will now apply correctly

    Fixed: Base Game - Leatherface Exploit
    • The team has fixed an issue where Leatherface players could bypass the opening animation of doors and gates by running towards the door/gate, revving, and swinging their chainsaw at the same time
    • Leatherface can no longer melee attack while opening a door or a gate

    Fixed: Base Game - Grandpa Perks Activating at Wrong Level
    • We have resolved an issue where all Grandpa Perks equipped in the match were intermittently activating at Family Bond Level 1 regardless of their level
    • Grandpa Perks will now activate at their correct levels

    Fixed: Base Game - Background Elements
      We have resolved an issue where a patch of grass would be misplaced in the UI

    Fixed: Base Game - Barge Animation
      An issue has been fixed where players were able to cancel their barge animation in order to barge a door faster than intended

    Fixed: Base Game - Blood Issues
    • Blood was incorrectly washing away from characters after being wounded [list]
    • We have fixed this issue, and now blood will remain on players unless they are exposed to rain
    [*]We also resolved an issue where no blood would show when a player took damage
      Blood will now correctly display when taking damage or jumping out of a window
    Fixed: Base Game - Localization
    • We have added localization in available languages for the following[list]
    • Execution Pack IV names and descriptions
    • Maria Outfit Pack I names
    Fixed: Base Game - Gas Station Storm Textures
    • We fixed issues with rain textures being incorrectly applied to characters when inside
    • Now the correct textures will only display when outside

    Fixed: Base Game - ‘Choose Fight’
    • Our team has fixed an issue where ‘Choose Fight’ was not extending the stun duration for sneak attacks properly
    • ‘Choose Fight’ should now correctly extend Family Member stun duration after a sneak attack by 2/3.5/5 seconds

    Fixed: Base Game - ‘Rough Cut’ Activation
      ‘Rough Cut’ has been fixed to where the perk will activate every time Leatherface attacks a Victim

    Fixed: Base Game - PlayStation Native Invite Issues
    • There was a bug that would cause a player to remain in a state of infinite loading if they accepted a native invite for a custom lobby or party when in a public lobby [list]
    • This has now been fixed
    [*]Players would occasionally receive a network error when accepting a native invite while in a custom lobby or in a party
      Network Errors will no longer occur when accepting a native invite
    Fixed: Base Game - Localization
      ‘Unique Nancy’s House Escapes’ Stat is now localized for all supported languages

    Fixed: Base Game - Sneak Attack Illogical Distances
    • We fixed the issue where Victims were able to Sneak Attack Family members from illogical distances
    • Now, the Sneak Attack prompt will only appear when a Victim player is close enough to do so

    Fixed: Base Game - Climbing Wells
    • The bug that caused players to be able to climb on top of certain wells on Slaughterhouse, Nancy’s House, and The Mill has been fixed
    • Players will no longer be able to climb on top of those wells

    Fixed: Base Game - Stuck Spots
      The stuck spot at the Cotton Fields on The Mill has been fixed

    Fixed: Base Game - ‘Suffocating Grip’ Perk
    • ‘Suffocating Grip’ was making the close encounter minigame more than 25% easier for Family members
    • The perk will now work as intended

    Fixed: Base Game - ‘Bar Room Hero’ Well Issue
      We fixed the bug where if a player had the perk ‘Bar Room Hero’ equipped, they would get stuck upon falling down a well

    Fixed: Base Game - Wells and Desync
      We fixed an issue where Victim players would lose the ability to interact with items or desync from a match after they became incapacitated from jumping down a well

    Fixed: Base Game - Cook Padlock Exploit
    • There was an exploit where a Cook player could add one of his padlocks to a door or gate and saved minigame progress would transfer to his padlock instead
    • Now, when Cook places a padlock on a door or gate with saved minigame progress, the progress will remain on the door/gate regardless of Cook’s padlock

    Fixed: Base Game - Party Disbanding and Restarting
    • We fixed the issue where when a lobby closes due to not enough suitable players, the party would disband and players couldn’t join a party until they restarted the entire game
    • Players will no longer experience this

    Fixed: Base Game - ‘Security Pins’
      We fixed the bug that resulted in ‘Security Pins’ not increasing the difficulty of the lock picking minigame

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - UI Localization
      We have updated the 'PREFER TO PLAY AS VICTIM' text to be localized in every language available in the game

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Red Phone Cable Textures
      We have fixed the textures of the phone cable that was stretching to the Sorority Girl’s location

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Pepper Spray Clipping
    • We have resolved an issue where Pepper Spray was not correctly aligned while being used in a Sorority Girls' hands
    • Pepper Spray will now be correctly aligned with the Sorority Girls' animation

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Softlocked With Options Tab Opened
      We fixed an issue where softlocking occurred for the 6th or 7th player if they loaded into a match while ‘Options’ is open in a lobby

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ -Softlocked in Rush Week’s Main Menu
      We have fixed a bug where players be would softlocked after pressing the chat function button or key at the Rush Week main menu

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Johnny’s Camera
    • An issue has been resolved in Rush Week where a Johnny player’s camera was stuck inside the character model after starting the match
    • The camera will now be positioned behind the character

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Softlocked in Rush Week Lobby
      We have resolved an issue where 6 players in a Rush Week lobby couldn’t change tabs or access any menus

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Sorority Girl Cinematic
      An issue has been fixed where a Sorority Girl’s leg was deformed during the cinematic intro of a match

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Stuck Spot
    • Players would become stuck behind the front double doors, between the doors and occasionally get stuck in in-game assets
    • We have fixed this issue

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Localization
      Halloween Outfit names are now correctly localized in available languages

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Vents
      An issue has been fixed where vents would remain ‘in use’ throughout a match

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Inconsistent Wounds
    • There was an issue where wound marks would appear inconsistent on the Halloween Outfits in ‘Rush Week’
    • Now, wound marks will be correct

    Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Multiple Car Keys
    • We fixed the bug where more than one pair of car keys would spawn in multiple locations
    • Now, only one pair of car keys can spawn in select, random locations

    Fixed: Private Matches - Boon SFX
    • There was an issue where the SFX for Virginia’s Boon would play in a loop at the location where she initially used her Boon
    • This will no longer occur

    Fixed: Private Matches - Crashes
      The game would crash when the party host would establish a custom lobby with at least one other player

    Fixed: Private Matches - Non-Functional Native Invites
    • We fixed the issue where a native invite would not show up for a non-host player after they’ve joined the lobby via a code
    • Now, when a player joins a lobby with a code, a native invite will work as intended

    Fixed: Private Matches - Missing Generator SFX
    • The audio for the generator was missing for whoever was the host of a custom private match
    • Players who host a custom private match will now be able to hear the generator SFX

    Fixed: Private Matches - Host Spectating Bug
    • A bug has been fixed where the host couldn’t see a Victim’s character model in spectator mode after the player finished the Fuse Box minigame
    • The Host of a Private Match can now see all character models in spectator mode

    Fixed: Private Matches- Visual Bug for Host in Spectator Mode
    • We have fixed a visual bug where the host of a private lobby couldn’t see the Proximity Warnings while in spectator mode
    • Proximity Warnings will now be visible for a host in spectator mode

    Fixed: Private Matches - Perks Not Saving to Loadout
    • The team has fixed an issue where a Player would rejoin a custom lobby after conclusion of a match, swap to a character they did not play with in the previous match and their perk slots would unequip in their loadout
    • Character perks will now stay equipped in their loadout when moving onto another private match lobby

    Fixed: Private Matches - Crawl Space Sound FX
    • We have fixed an issue where the Sound FX of the Crawl Space hitting the ground was not present when the action was canceled
    • The Sound FX of not completing the opening of a Crawl Space will now be present

    Fixed: Private Matches - Localization
      Customization prompt and settings are now correctly localized in available languages

    Fixed: Private Matches - Lobby Customization
    • We have fixed an issue where a non-host player was able to change Private Match settings in Lobby
    • Now only the host can access the customization menu

    For any existing or persistent issues, please use the support site.

    Thank you for reading the patch notes. Keep the conversation going on our official subreddit, r/TXChainSawGame, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
    Logo for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
    Release:18.08.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Sumo Digital Vertrieb: Gun Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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