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The Long Journey Home - Update 6.9.2017
The Long Journey Home
09.06.17 13:44 Community Announcements

This update will reset your settings back to their defaults. Sorry for the

Game Start / “ISV Serenity” issues
● The collision model of the lander “ISV Serenity” has been changed. It is now much
easier to get it back on its feet, particularly for new players.
● A display bug in the lander preview in the mission selection lead to people assuming
that the Serenity was the best lander. For new players, we recommend the “ISV
● Story Mode is now selected by default when game is started the first time
● In Story Mode the lander is not rotated during surface entry anymore, making it
easier to prevent crashes.

Star System:
● Changed out of bounds handling in star systems: Ship now activates autopilot mode
and returns to star system
● Star System jump out sound was being played a bit too early which could cause to
an unwanted jump abort by the player
● Sometimes the player wasn't set back to the right position in the star system when
opening and closing the galaxy map after an encounter

Lander cargo:
● Hint about cargo unload of lander when docking and undocking added to resource
● In addition the lander gets unloaded when going into orbit and when leaving the
resource screen
● Added lander cargo overview to planet overview when in orbit

● In rare cases the player ship could have been placed inside the Ilitza starport model
when entering the encounter from a specific angle. Fixed.
● In rare cases the player got stuck in the Cueddhaest starport when undocking. Fixed.
● Fixed a hiccup when activating weapons and shooting aliens for the first time

● When Zoe used an item to scan for locations, the item couldn't be sold anymore.
● When the last crew member died, or the ship got destroyed during a jump, “game
over” wasn't always triggered properly which could lead to a zombie ship
● Metal Scrapper spawns uncommon/common resources instead of rare/uncommon

● Mission log and end screen log is now scrollable with mouse and right stick
● We had to disable the possibility for own log book entries for now, but we plan to
bring it back in an improved form
● Achievement screen scales now in different resolutions and is properly scrollable
● Ship and Lander Details in the ship menu are now positioned near the selected
device and also work in 4:3 resolutions
● Resource Icons are no longer shown when ship menu is open
● When an alien got bored by bad trade offers, re-entering the trade menu could lead
to different issues. Fixed.

● Quest "Unfriendly Competition" could lead to an endless interception in some rare
cases and could lead to an unwanted diplomacy loss.
● Stowaways are now discovered when player is scanned by Logos. Previously you
had to discover them to hand them over, confusing players.
● The Logos Case File Quests could lead to unwanted chains of diplomacy changes
● Intercepting a Marauder could cause some unwanted chains of interception
● Meorcl criminals are now affected by the psychic blocker
● Meorcl cargo scans don’t take away the DNA sampler anymore
● Fixed several re-docking problems in several quests (eg. when healing Kirsten)
● Fixed some cases where ships would intercept endlessly without any purpose. If you
still encounter this behaviour we would be very grateful for any savegames that
exhibit this bug.
● Removed a secret encounter from last badland sector - but be careful, there are still
dark things awaiting in quiet sectors!
● Fixed cargo scan behavior of the Logos in hostile mode
● Fixed an issue that could lead to Logos ships with multiple personalities (cargo scan,
quest giver, military ship,…)
● Fixed an issue that made plants think the lander was full in some quests
● Tylenium deliveries will no longer send you to hostile gates
● Fixed an issue where a gate could ask for a Tylenium delivery even when the quest
hasn't been started
● Fixed some potential issues with aliens turning hostile during cargo scan
● No more Cueddhaest followers after Rapture
● Glukkt mining chief could get stuck in endless dialog mode in rare cases
● Many more small bugfixes…

Finally, we want to thank everybody who has been providing constructive feedback and
reports! You are a lovely community. We’re still carefully watching the forums and Discord
for your feedback, and are planning an even bigger update in the near future. In particular,
we’re looking to improve our mouse/keyboard controls. Join us at [url][/url]
to share your ideas, feedback and bug reports.