• The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Long Journey Home: Screenshot zum Titel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.05.2017
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Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

The Long Journey Home ist ein Space Exploration RPG, das die Einflüsse klassischer Space Adventures wie Starflight und Star Control II mit modernen Roguelike-Aspekten kombiniert und durch Sci-Fi-Serien von Farscape bis Firefly inspiriert wurde. Ziel ist, eine fremde Galaxie zu bereisen und dabei den Heimweg zur Erde zu finden.

Durch einen Unfall landet die Crew am Ende der Galaxie und muss sich den beschwerlichen Weg nach Hause erkämpfen. Der Spieler leitet seine Weltraum-Crew und erforscht mit ihnen neue Welten auf der Suche nach Verbündeten und Unterstützung. Dabei trotzt der Spieler galaktischen Herausforderungen wie sengenden Stürmen und tödlicher Schwerkraft, um an lebenswichtige Ressourcen zu gelangen oder uralte Relikte zu finden. Stets gilt es, das oberste Ziel, das Überleben der Crew, zu verfolgen.

Auf seiner Reise ist der Spieler nicht allein, denn neben seiner Crew kann er durch die TRANSCOM-Einheit auch mit Außerirdischen Kontakt aufnehmen.

Es sollte eigentlich nur ein Testlauf werden – ein harmloser Ausflug nach Alpha Centauri und zurück. Aber als bei dem Gravitationsmanöver ein Fehler unterläuft, findest du dich gemeinsam mit deiner wild zusammengewürfelten Crew auf der anderen Seite der Galaxie wieder. Jetzt seid ihr ganz auf euch gestellt, und der einzige Weg zurück führt durch die unbekannten Weiten des Alls.

Forme Allianzen mit fremdartigen Aliens, von den noblen Rittern von Wolphax bis hin zu den unberechenbaren Ilitza. Nutze die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten deiner Crew, ob Archäologie oder Diplomatie. Führe Verhandlungen und triff moralische Entscheidungen, die das Universum für immer verändern werden. Tue alles, was nötig ist, um zu überleben.

The Long Journey Home vereint die Freiheit moderner roguelike Spiele mit den Geschichten und Quests beliebter RPGs. Du hast das Kommando! Begleitest du das einsame gestrandete Alien zurück in seine Heimat? Oder lieferst du es an deine Sklaventreiber-Freunde aus, um eine Lücke in deinem Rohstoff-Haushalt zu stopfen? Gibst du das anvertraute Paket wie versprochen ab oder behältst du es für dich selbst? Du triffst die Entscheidungen - und lebst mit den Folgen – in einem pulsierenden Universum, das sein Gesicht mit jeder neuen Reise verändert.

  • Erlebe ein lebendiges, prozedural generiertes Universum
  • Führe deine Crew durch komplexe Aufgaben und moralische Dilemmas
  • Entdecke uralte Geheimnisse in den Ruinen entfernter Welten
  • Kämpfe um das Überleben deiner Crew in einem Universum voller unbekannter Gefahren und Bedrohungen
  • Gib deinen eigenen Kurs vor – jedes Spiel führt dich auf eine neue Reise


  • CPU: 3 GHz Dual Core CPU
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 650 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 7790
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 2300 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch
  • CPU: 3GHz Quad Core CPU
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 970 / AMD Radeon R9 380
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 2300 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch
  • LANG:

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

80 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 17:29
Wenn man gerne neu anfängt und auf übermäßige Herausforderungen steht, der mag das Spiel vielleicht. Ich mag es gemütlicher. Für mich ist es nicht.
113 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 03:58
After reading a lot of the bad reviews there is one thing to say about them: None of them are reasonable. If this is not your game it is not your game, that's fine, skip it and play something you enjoy. But too many seem to literally like to bash this game comparing it to something it simply isn't.
If you expect no mans sky or pioneer or any other space game this is not your game. You don't play this game to just fly through space happily and going on missions. You are playing this game because it will try it's best to not let you get home. This game wants to play against you, not with you. The clunky controls are intended, running out of oxygene fast is because you don't work your ship properly while flying. If you want to get from one point to another fast you'll run out of fuel, this game wants you to take your time.
If you want a game to play once and achieve everything in one go, this is not your game. This game is about failing many many times and restaring many more times. This game is about learning something new with every death and every restart. It wants you to be devastated, it wants you to be frustrated. It wants you to feel as helpless as your crew truly is. I haven't made it home yet, I tried so many times, but I enjoy trying again and again, going through different seeds and see new things every time I play it. And one fine day I will make my way home and will feel superior after failing so many times.
If you think that the procentage of people who played this game from start to end says a lot about how enjoyable it is then you are wrong. This game is not about getting home, it's about the journey to get home.
A Long Journey Home is more easily compared to Dark Souls than anything else. If a game pisses you off because you keep dying again and again and don't enjoy the challenge to beat the obstacle you won't enjoy it. If you want to blame everything the game did supposedly wrong you could as well go into Dark Souls reviews and complain about how stupid its Developers were to make bosses too hard and what not.
Many don't seem to understand what the long journey home really is and therefore leave bad reviews - if you're unsure go watch some lets plays or look up non biased game reviews online. It's not everyones cup of tea for sure and that's completely fine.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 17:47
Schwierig aber belohnend
696 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 18:08
Eigentlich ein Cooles Game!
Schöner Mix aus Exploration und Survival.
Das Problem: Es ist auch ein Rogue-Like.
Rogue-Like, Exploration und Survival passt irgendwie so gar nicht zusammen. Zumindest nicht für mich...
435 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 05:07
Sehr repetiv, eigentlich ist das ganze Spiel nur ein Minigame...
145 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 22:43
Grundsätzlich schöne Spiel Idee aber die Steuerung ist das letzte.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 12:57
Ist ein schönes entspanntest Spiel zum alleine entspannen.
Sehe das viele sich über die Steuerung mit Maus und Tastatur beschweren. Die ist eigentlich ganz einfach.
Für alle die das schwer finden haben das Prinzip von Gravitation noch nicht verstanden.

Kann ich jedem weiter empfehlen der Spaß an Singelplayer hat Geduld beim spielen hat.

Bin vielleicht nicht das beste Beispiel. Hab es im zweiten Anlauf direkt zur Erde geschafft.
781 Produkte im Account
358 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:45

The Long Journey Home

Weltraum Indie von 2017

Es sollte eigentlich nur ein kurzer Testlauf werden – ein harmloser Ausflug nach Alpha Centauri und zurück. Aber als beim ersten bemannten Lichtsprung der Menschheit etwas schiefgeht, findest Du Dich mit Deiner Crew auf der anderen Seite der Galaxie wieder. Jetzt seid Ihr ganz auf Euch gestellt – und der einzige Weg zurück führt durch die unbekannten Weiten des Alls.
Der Introtext vom Herausgeber
und dies ist auch seine Frage.
Wohin wird dich die Reise führen?
Für mich nur bis in die Marsumlaufbahn und nicht weiter....

Es kommt echt selten vor das ich mal ein Spiel, dass mich an und für sich Interessiert schon nach nicht mal eine Stunde aufgebe.
In diesen Game mußst du dein Raumfahrzeug und auch das Landemodul manuell Steuern. Und das ist einfach nur Murks.
Ohne Autopilot ist selbst das einschwenken in eine Umlaufbahn schon ein totaler Krampf und das Landen mit der Fähre kannst du erst recht vergessen. Wer Konsolenspieler ist wird das wohl mit viel Übung besser hinbekommen als ich. Ich bin PC Spieler und nutze zum Spielen, Maus und Tastatur und damit geht das nur sehr schlecht.
Nach knapp einer Stunde Zeitverschwendung und dem rumversuchen was vernünftiges hin zu bekommen hab ich das Game entnerft gelöscht.

Betrachtet dies als Hinweis darauf worum es eigendlich geht.
The Long Journey Home vereint eine offene Welt voller Sternensysteme, Planeten und Anomalien mit den Quests und Mechaniken eines rogue-like RPG. Du musst Entscheidungen treffen - und mit den Folgen leben.
Ja, tue ich.... und noch mehr ich habe für euch sogar noch was dazu geschrieben. Ein gut gemeinter Tipp, ingnoriert dieses Game einfach.
Es sei denn ihr sucht etwas um Frust auf zu bauen.

Meine Gruppe und mein Archiv mit über 3.300 Reviews hier:

The Long Journey Home

Space Indie from 2017

It was supposed to be just a short test run - a harmless trip to Alpha Centauri and back. But when something goes wrong with mankind's first manned jump of light, you and your crew find yourself on the other side of the galaxy. Now you are completely on your own - and the only way back is through the unknown expanse of space.
The introtext from the editor
and this is also his question.
Where will the journey take you?
For me only into orbit around Mars and no further ...

It really seldom happens that I give up a game that I'm interested in and for itself after less than an hour.
In this game you have to control your spacecraft and the landing module manually. And that's just botch.
Without an autopilot, even turning into orbit is a total cramp and you can even forget about landing on the ferry. Anyone who is a console player will probably do it better than me with a lot of practice. I am a PC gamer and use the mouse and keyboard to play games, and that's very difficult.
After almost an hour of wasting time and trying to get something sensible, I completely deleted the game.

See this as an indication of what it is actually about.
The Long Journey Home combines an open world full of star systems, planets and anomalies with the quests and mechanics of a rogue-like RPG. You have to make decisions - and live with the consequences.
Yes, I do ... and even more, I even wrote something about it for you. Well-meant tip, just ignore this game.
Unless you're looking for something to build up frustration.

My group and my archive with over 3,300 reviews here:

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and discover more reviews from me
168 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 08:39
Die Idee ist gut, die Grafik ist gut, allerdings:
- die Steuerung vom Landemodul ist fehlerhaft oder die Umstände sind extrem (Story Modus)
- das Landemodul wird weder vor noch nach dem Landen entladen (Story Modus)
- Tasten drücken wird nicht akzeptiert, erst nach dem 2. oder 3. mal, bis dahin ist der Schaden schon entstanden (Story Modus)
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 19:30
- Spielidee.
- Rassen.
- Realistische Simulation der Schwerkraft im Planetensystem, gegen die ein Ankämpfen oft sinnlos ist. Das erfordert eine Planung der Route, die in der Realität von Computern vorgenommen wird.
- Konstante Drucksituation ums Überleben.
- 2D Abstraktion im Weltraum genügt, weil sich alle Planeten auf einer Scheibe befinden. Das ist eine große Vereinfachung für das Spiel.
- Auswahl der Charaktere.
- Zufallsprinzip der Sternenkarte.

- Weltraumflüge sind wie in der Realität langweilig. Wenn man nicht den teuren Treibstoff verbrennen will, dann ist manchmal eine Umrundung des Sterns nötig.
- Speichern ist nicht möglich. Keine Lust auf einen Neustart wegen der vielen Spielstunden.
- Kein 3D. Aber: Siehe oben zu 2D.
- Keine Darstellung des Raumschiffs im Planetensystem sondern ein Pfeil.
- Keine Zoomfunktion im Planetensystem.
- Keine Galaxiekarte beim Besuch von Weltraumstationen. Hinderlich, wenn man die nächsten Schritte planen will.
- Keine Anzeige der Eigenschaften des Planeten aus der Entfernung. Viele Planeten eignen sich nicht zur Landung. Das stimmt, ist aber frustrierend, wenn man hingeflogen ist.
- Auffüllen des Tanks oder Reparatur des Schiffs nicht über erbeutete Rohstoff sinnvoll sondern über eine pauschale Zahlung in einer Weltraumstation. Also so lange fliegen, bis das Schiff total Schrott und der Tank leer ist.
- Die Charaktere sind größtenteils ohne Funkion. Zumindest bei meiner Auswahl und meinem Fortschritt sitzen sie 99% der Zeit herum.

Trotzdem eine Kaufempfehlung. Das Spiel kann fesseln. An mehreren Stellen scheint es, dass mehr Zeit und Aufwand zur Verbesserung nötig gewesen wäre. Das ist bei Weltraumspielen ein Fass ohne Boden...
18 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 15:07
Dieses Spiel biete eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten dieses Spiel zu erleben und die unbekannten Weiten des (fiktionalen) Weltraumes zu entdecken. Auch wenn man schon mehrmals mit Landemodul gestorben ist, zieht dieses Spiel einen fast magisch an es immer und immerwieder zu versuchen, bis man es endlich zu Mutter Erde geschafft hat.
Heutzutage wird einem in Jedem Spiel alles Häppchenweise auf dem Silbertablett serviert, was zu machen ist und wie man es machen sollte. Dieses Spiel löst das ganze anders.
Es wirft dich ein ein Universum mit wenig Vorkenntnissen über die Spielmechanik oder Steuerung. Klar wird das einzelne Abschrecken und nicht gut finden, wenn man sich jedoch darauf einlässt, ist dieses Gefühl neue Sachen zu entdecken und herauzufinden wie alles Funktioniert und zusammenhängt, ein unglaubliches.

Klare Empfehlung von mir!
193 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 13:59
Es ist zu schwer, bist du zu schwach.
Fazit nach 25 Std. Spielzeit, die gesamte Crew sitzt bei einer Tasse Tee zu Hause auf der Erde und lacht sich über gebrochene Knochen und Hitzepickel schlapp. Punkt ! ! !
Sicherlich muss man sein Hirnschmalz schon einmal benutzen , aber das macht so ein Spiel doch auch aus.
Für mich ist es ein gelungen Weltraumabenteuer der besonderen Art.
Von mir gibt es 5 von 5 Sternchen.
64 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 15:16
Das Spiel hat eigentlich eine tolle Idee aber die Mechaniken funktionieren nicht wirklich sehr gut.
Man sucht sich 4 Charaktere aus, die einem aber völlig egal sind und es sich auch nicht wirklich erschließt welcher Charakter Vorteile bringt, außer dass man verschiedene Items am Anfang hat.
Das Fliegen im Raum mit Gravitation ist am Anfang ganz nett, nervt aber nach kurzer Zeit. Genauso das Landen auf Planeten. Statt wie bei FTL zu versuchen sein Schiff besser zu machen, arbeitet man ständig gegen den Verfall an, was auch so gewollt ist, aber nicht wirklich motiviert. Die Völker, die man trifft sind uninteressant und die Quests nerven auch nur.
Insgesamt hätte es ein wirklich schönes Spiel werden können, aber es macht leider überhaupt keinen Spass sich durch die Galaxis zu schlagen ohne motivierende Elemente.
220 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 16:05
Schreckliches Spiel.
Ich habe es wirklich mögen wollen nachdem ich den Games Podcast mit den Entwicklern gehört habe.
Leider ist dieses Spiel wirklich sehr sehr schlecht. Die hälfte der Zeit weiß man nicht was man tut oder wo man hinfliegen soll, weil einem das Userinterface nichts erzählt. Planeten lassen sich nicht anklicken um zu sehen bei welchem denn nun welche Rohstoffe zu finden sind. Und alle Rohstoffe die man auf einem Planeten findet muss man dafür investieren die Rohstoffe oder Schäden zu ersetzen die deren Abbau gekostet haben. Keine Progression, das ganze Spiel ist eine einzige Tretmühle und ein sinnloser Zeitfresser.
Wenn man mal ein Modul erwirbt geht es auch bald wieder kaputt. Die Flugphysik bei Stationen oder mit dem Lander macht keinen Sinn, weil das Schiff im Vakuum abgebremst wird, der Lander von Wind gestoppt wird aber die Ressourcen die man Sammeln will davon nicht beeinflusst werden. Und Die 3 Euro die ich dafür im Steam Sale bezahlt habe ist es mit im nachhinein nicht mal wert. Ich bin nur froh dass ich es mir nicht für 30€ gekauft habe,
weil ich schon lange neugierig auf dieses Spiel war und es mir schon ein paar mal kaufen wollte.
Gottseidank hatte ich es vor dem Summersale nie getan!
Hätte man das Spiel komplett anders ausbalanciert, eine reale Physik zur Steuerung genutzt und das Userinterface überarbeitet hätte aus dem Spiel vielleicht etwas werden können. So ist es leider wirklich nur mies.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 18:49
In principle an interesting game, but too hard and repetitive. Stuff keeps breaking and you are always on the verge of dying, and frequently will, annihilating all your progress. Some choices lead to unforseeable consequences that can ruin a future path (and leave you dying, again). If you want to get good at it and enjoy it you have to invest a lot of time and endure a lot of frustrations. Once you get the hang of it, it might be awesome, but I never really got to to that point. You aren't really exploring but just jumping around galaxies since you are in desperate need of resources most of the time. There are some little discoveries to be made in ruins or tasks to be taken on from other aliens, but again, you won't be able to focus too much on that because your ship will be falling apart or you'll be running out of fuel.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 21:43
Ein wirklich großartiges Spiel. Habe es gerade nach mehreren Anläufen das erste Mal auf die Erde geschafft. Wenn man einmal drin ist, macht es extrem viel Spaß. Außerdem hat es durch den anfangs selbst ausgewählten Spiel-Code mit variierenden Systemen einen hohen Wiederspiel-Faktor. Meiner Meinung nach ein viel zu unterschätztes Spiel. Ich schreibe nicht oft Rezensionen aber in dem Fall: Klare Empfehlung!
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 23:49
Ich kann jedem dieses Spiel empfehlen, der viel Wert auf eine wunderbare Atmosphäre legt. Dieses Spiel sorgt dafür, dass man sich tatsächlich etwas verloren im All fühlt. Außerdem bist du gezwungen mit den Entscheidungen die du triffst zu leben. Alles hat seine Vor- und Nachteile. Diese Ungewissheit nie zu wissen, was in der konkreten Situation wirklich das beste ist, macht das Spiel immer wieder Spielenswert. Nach mittlerweile knappen 90 Stunden Spielzeit und gefühlten 100 versuchen habe ich den Rouge Modus bezwungen. Es ist ein wunderbares Gefühl endlich seine Crew heile zurück gebracht zu haben, nachdem man unzählige male von Sonnen verbrannt, Aliens vernichtet, beim Sprung explodiert oder von einem schwarzen Loch verschluckt wurde...
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 11:28
Vorweg für die ganzen Leute die dieses Spiel weniger als 20 Stunden gespielt haben und negativ bewertet haben. Spielt einfach was einfaches wie Tetris.

Verzeihung für diese Aussage, aber ja dieses Game ist Schwer, ja es ist wirklich schwer, da dieses Spiel, so wie auch das Universum sein wird, einfach unfair für uns.

Ich habe dieses Spiel aktuell über 5stunden gespielt und auch einen Großteil der Erfolge gemacht.
Ich komme nicht jedesmal nach Hause, da es manchmal wirklich ausnahmslose Situationen gibt.
Aber für Spieler, die Herrausforderungen lieben, die gerne in Konzentration und vorrausschauenden Denken gefordert werden, für diese ist dieses Spiel genau richtig.

Ich liebe den Schwierigkeitsgrad. Manchmal auch sehr Hart, böse Gasriesen, Galaxien mit Schwarzen Löchern, Riskieren mit zu wenig Treibstoff einen großen Sprung zu wagen, sich mit den falschen Alien an zu legen, nicht in sein Schiff zu schauen wegen blinden passagieren und viel mehr.

Ihr müsst das Spiel kennenlernen, was auch Tode bedeutet. Inzwischen komme ich in 2 von 3 Flügen Heim, Sofern ich keinen Erfolg mache wo ich Sterben muss(z.b. Fliege in ein Schwarzes Loch)

Schaut euch die Tutorials an, zu meiner Zeit gab es diese noch nicht ^^

Zum schluß Pro und Kontras:

- Immer neue Reisen(die Wörter entscheiden, gleiches Wort, gleiches Universum)
- Wer Schwer liebt, ist hier genau richtig! Anspruchsvoll bis ins Detail.
- Sehr viele Rassen, Geschichten, Artefakte, Ereignisse. Auch einige gute Lacher dabei.
- Das Spiel ist seinen Preis mehr als Wert.

- Frustpotenzial ist gegeben, sofern man es zulässt
- Schwierikeitsgrad ist ziemlich Hoch, nichts für Leute die schnell aufgeben.
- Effektives Spielen erfordert kennenlernen und auch mal öfter sterben.
- Man darf nicht erwarten in der ersten Runde durch zu kommen!!! (Schaffte es erst in der 2. Runde)

An die Entwickler: Ich würde mich über mehr freuen ^^ DLC oder Teil 2
71 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 17:35
Sehr anspruchsvolles Spiel - selbst im Story-Modus.
Quasi ein Rückwärts-RPG. Man wird voll ausgestattet ans andere Ende des Universums katapultiert und nach und nach versagt ein System nach dem anderen. Mit dem was vom klapprigen Schiff übrig ist, muss man versuchen sich über Wasser zu halten - bis nach Hause (oder auch nicht!).
Auch wenn das Universum voller Leben ist, und nicht alle Aliens einem sofort ans Leder wollen, ist ein gute Mischung aus Misstrauen und Optimismus angebracht - bei allem und jedem.

Nicht empfehlenswert für Leute, die gerne an die Hand geführt werden oder kontinuierliche Erfolge erwarten.
48 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 17:06
Super Spiel, wenn man sich erst einmal mit der Steuerung abgefunden hat.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 13:08
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 22:02
I saw a great review about this game and fell in love with the concept.
Even the bad reviews couldnt stop me from buying it. I regret this decision now.
The gameplay is a frustrating mess. I consider myself a patient gamer that loves a challenge but concept is just too frustrating. Your ship falls apart and your resources depleeting so fast that there is now way to keep up by gathering new resources. The controlls are ok if you use a gamepad. Some planets are still unladable. Scripted winds wont let you. There is no learning curve you can not land. Ever. The game also crashes and freezes a lot. Boooo Deadalic!
402 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 23:33
Das Spiel ist sehr schön und viel zu entdecken wäre nur die Steuerung so gut wie bei Mega Drive Starflight dann hätte ich viel spass. So komme ich gar nicht zurecht. Die Steuerung ist die mieseste was ich jemals gesehn habe. Was nützt ein schönes Spiel wenn man es nicht bedienen kann.
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 08:18
Das Spiel macht viel Spaß und regt sehr dazu an, deutlich mehr als nur einen Run zu machen. Es gibt mega viel zu entdecken und sehr viele Entscheidungen zu treffen. Sehr empfehlenswert!
73 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 23:54

The Long Journey Home

Eye cancer——————————————————Is it real?

Where new?—————————————Seeks probability 100%

Where ears?—————————————————Masterpiece

Calculator level————————————Even NASA couldn‘t help

Noobs are welcome——————————————— Yep


»Game time«

I prefer food——————————————— Absolutely worth it!

Playtime < Bugs———————————————Made with love

Nothing special—————————————————Nice idea

forgotten in 1 year————————————playing it again for sure

???????? ????????????????????????
160 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 04:34
consist of 2 mini games: a space gravity nav and landing shuttle.
Both games are clunky are boring.
You are in constant need for fuel and you will waste all your fuel searching for tiny amount of fuel.
Aliens offer lots of interesting modules and upgrades, but if you trade credits for them, you will run out of fuel.
The game is basically a slow painful death, the more skilled and better at nav, the slower agonising death will be.
Boring, unplayable, frustrating.
263 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 00:42
2nd try after years now. I give up now.
This is only a bunch of ridiculus difficult minigames with clunchy controls and dying. All this without a story worth noticing.
Mimimi? I like dying if it's a part of the game, like Hades or Everspace. But a game should be fun, not 100% frustration.
492 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 12:40
The developer clearly didn't think their UI out... the map vanishes once you get a quest. Am I supposed to divine where to go in systems?
273 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 14:42
This game looks very interesting with the rpg and resource management aspects. However, the primary physics 'game' is so brutally frustrating that i find it is unplayable. I have a ship with a jump drive THAT CAN'T AUTOMATICALLY GO INTO ORGBIT OR LAND??? the primary mechanic is the same one i played on a computer thirty years ago. i do not play rpg/strategy because i like fast-twitch mechancics. huge regret trying this game.
299 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 09:15
I usually don't leave a review if I don't play for at least some hours.
Its quite pretty at times, I don't mind the landing mini-game, and and - that's it. All there is to the game play seems to be land, move to other planet, jump to new system. I imagine there is trading too, but the loop was so uninspiring I petered out and don't feel like continuing.
Feels like a time waster mobile game for while waiting for your bus.
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 11:27
This is one of those stories i'll never forget. Its one of those ones where i've spent some time staring at the ceiling
wondering about the characters and what comes after. the end is so beautiful.

It is so difficult when you're starting due to the controls being a bit weird, a lack of information and resouces and
the ease of accidentally putting yourself in a situation you cant escape from

But. if you read a guide. (probably most importantly) understand and make smart decisions on what systems to jump into, and maybe expect to lose your first run, you will actually dominate the game fairly easily when you understand it. I'm not saying this as an arrogant gamer- i'm not the best at this either. You just have to play for about 8 hours and make a few mistakes before it all starts clicking. I did survive my first story after many very close calls, some frustrations and a couple of alt F4's.

And.. if you're lucky enough to return home.. The piano music, the quick end stories, the culmination of how difficult it was, its just.. special.

Only 5% of the playerbase stuck with it long enough to get home. I challenge you to finish your story too.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 23:23
Gameplay is just tedious and boring. Its two mini-games, getting the ship around the star system and getting to lander down to planets for resources (Asteroids for the ship, Lunar Lander for the planet missions). The controls for both are clunky, imprecise and annoying.
The nice atmosphere and decent world-building does not save it, unfortunately.
Too bad, was looking forward to playing a nice story-based Scifi game again. But this is not it.
841 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
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839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 02:09
Awesome idea for a game, but absolutely falls down in the gameplay department. The two most frustrating and least fun parts of the game, namely, navigating through solar systems and landing on planets, will take up about 80% of your time. They never get easy and they never become entertaining. Trust me, I tried to push through because the rest of the game seemed promising, but I couldn't go on after a while. If those parts were entirely removed from the game, or massively retooled to actually be fun and have control schemes that weren't pure torture, this game might be good. As it is, don't let curiosity suck you in despite the bad reviews. That's what happened to me, and I regret buying this game.
409 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 17:22
Looks like fun, but is sooo frustrating
494 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 00:12
In the span of one session my crew helped fend off a malevolent force of symbiotic plant people and then the old man in my crew fucked an alien at a brothel. Good game.
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 19:02
Maneuvering is slow and isn't fun. Landing sites are illogical. Launch/land cut scene is completely unnecessary.
233 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 23:22
Do not play this game. It looks like an interesting space exploration game, but in reality is a precision control game where you have to guide a difficult-to-control ship, or a difficult-to-control lander.

I didn't manage to complete the tutorial. The purpose of a tutorial is to introduce you to the main mechanics of the game, and allow you to become familiar with the controls, the behaviour of the craft, etc.. But in this game, the tutorial allows you to die. You start the tutorial, it tells you to land on a planet, so you do. Then you move around trying to get used to the controls. But the developers have no idea how to make a tutorial, so your fuel is limited *even in the tutorial*. Fuel level low. OK, so can I make more fuel? Don't know. How do I go back to the ship? Don't know. Oh, my pilot has suffocated to death. Bring up Youtube, find out you are supposed to fly into the sky to exit the lander mini-game. Restart the tutorial. Back to the beginning again.

Now I have to practise flying close to a small planet near a star. OK, this is quite tricky. It will take me a while to get used to this, but I think I can...oh no, now my spacecraft is running out of fuel and people are suffocating. Why? How am I supposed to get more fuel? Hmm. Restart the tutorial. Back to the beginning again.

Now I'm flying into a gas giant to obtain helium. It says to hover over the helium to pick it up. But it's not doing that. Instead my ship is disintegrating. Restart the tutorial. Back to the beginning again.

In fact, let's not. I have other games to play. The developers don't understand the purpose of a tutorial is to tutor the player.

Be smart. Don't buy this game.
91 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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2151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 00:12
spent an hour trying to get an ambassor back to his planet, an extremely dangerous mission only for the base to be hostile and my pilot to be arrested ending my game
241 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 04:00
The controls are awful. I don't really like controlling the acceleration of things. Why am I being asked to do orbital mechanics by hand? These aren't interesting decisions.
161 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 06:00
It feels more like a Jump n Run than a space game. It's all about maneuvering in this game, not tactical decisions. Maneuvering is a mess both in space and on planets, making any movement extremely tedious. Every wreckage is the same, interaction with aliens serves no purpose.
20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 06:15
Graphics are a little slow. The story is well thought through. The variety of planets and landing zones are well balanced on each play through and that is tough to pull off for a SCi-FI rougelike. Nice game. Great work!
367 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 02:29
This game tries to be Star Control 2 (the default universe is even seeded with Ur Quan!), but it fails horrifically. All the same weaknesses of Star Control 2 are here - the endless mining on deadly planets, the scrimping resources for repairs and fuel, long slow maneuvering through space - but none of the charm. By being randomly generated, all the game does is give you an open universe to walk through, with none of the interesting or funny interactions that have been carefully timed by the creators to break up the long slow plod through the game.
Everything takes forever, loading times are 5 seconds or so even just landing on a planet, and it takes roughly the same time to go to warp, so all gameplay actions feel glacial. Flying to other planets is agonizingly slow (to avoid wasting fuel, but it's not great even if you do lean on the pedal), ship combat (and exploring asteroids) is simplistic to a fault. To add insult to injury, every single action eats some resource or another, crew injuries, burning fuel, damage to both hull and components in the ships and the lander during routine operations so the entire game is a huge juggling act looking for the best risk-reward play in any area, further slowing the pace down as you tediously plot the next step. I suspect that this juggling act is supposed to be the main attraction here, but frankly other games do it better, and this one struggles to keep the interest for even an hour.

As my playtime shows, i spent an hour, and two galaxies-worth of jumps, rumbling through space. During that time i met about 7 alien races, none of whom seemed to give me a mission to do, or have anything to say beyond 'I don't know about that'. Eventually i reached the gate to leave the 2nd galaxy and was told i needed to pay a toll (apparently i'd upset that species by visiting one of their shops earlier!). Without a shop nearby, i would have to trawl back to find one (presumably manned by another species), mining for rare resources just to sell (rather than using them to repair the damage induced by merely existing) and i realized i just didn't care enough.

I'm sure there's a good game here, but frankly, there's not enough charm from the alien races to keep you going, and the gameplay is boring. It's not bad, just not enjoyable. So i'll go replay Space Pirates and Zombies instead, at least that had character development and good combat! You should download the UrQuan Masters instead.
124 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
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583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 07:55
Mizzurani are pain in the ass, 10/10 will insult them again.

The control isn't as difficult as other suggested.
I just grew tired of it after a while, almost became a nuisance... well actually the whole game is a nuisance, full of frustrating wear and tear, annoying alien race, as if the maker of this game just wanted to piss us off with great art style just to lure us in.

The ship battle is actually quite fun though.
128 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 02:25
It's a real shame because I'm really into the lore and vibe of this game. The controls of the ship and lander are just too wonky and frustrating.
83 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 12:03
It is okay... I got it on a deep sale. The mechanics and game elements are very... cerebral. On the plus side, it takes space travel, gravitational fields, physics, and things like that pretty seriously. But even the story is presented in a very matter-of-fact way. It is as if you have to be interested in the story/game before hand. The game does little to entice you, and the challenging learning curve is definitely not helping. I'm an hour in, mostly that's consisting of tutorials and the first parts of a jump. If you love space travel and its technicality, it might be a good game for you. Personally, I'm wondering if I should even pursue, there might be better ways of spending my time.
697 Produkte im Account
540 Reviews
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236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 16:55
Real disappointing to see a beautiful FTL-type game with such annoying mini-games and lousy user-interfaces. There may be some interesting stories contained somewhere, but after four hours of maddening controls, I am not sticking around to find out.
647 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 18:21
A neat concept crippled by terrible execution. To be fair, the real problem may well be that the game focuses on the wrong elements. It could have worked, it just doesn't, here.
545 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 11:43
Gameplay underpinned by extremely frequent Lunar Landar minigames.
370 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 20:41
Bad controls. Being unable to zoom out in solar system view cripples the game. How am I supposed to plan orbital maneuvers if i can't see where my flight path is going to???
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 16:07
3D - odd
gameplay - boring
size - 10Gb (wtf)
938 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
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273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 15:07

The game is an interesting concept, the sound, music, and graphics are nice however the game feels half baked.
The gameplay, controls, diplomacy, etc are underdeveloped. You gather resources, explore, land on new worlds but there's no depth to anything, after 10 mins you've done pretty much everything there is to do.

The game had potential which went undelivered. It's a shame, it could have been great.
553 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 01:25
3099 Produkte im Account
339 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 12:22
A very good mix of different game mechanics; lander-style games, gravity and momentum, embedded in a vast world to traverse and explore with different species, communication, and decisions to make. Resources and risks keep it interesting and add a strategic and at times pressing element to it. The game mechanics and environments support the story and setting very well. In the vastness of space you will need endurance, strategic and pragmatic decisions, and execution.

The low “mixed” rating is definitely unwarranted.

I have played 2 hours so far. The tutorial could definitely have been better. Introductory popups do sometimes get in the way of what you are currently doing too.
103 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 13:01
It's actually fun for a bit, and its well put together and it's pretty in places. But ultimately this game is boring and the story is terrible. The crew and inventory management system is so basic - there really is no depth to the game. You're left with a monotonous explore and jump gameplay loop. I didn't even get close to finishing it. I'm glad I picked it up cheap (pay no more than £3 for this, it's like a mobile game) as there are much better things to do with my time. 4/10
310 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 01:18
Would be a nice game if it was not so unbalanced and hard, but i bet there are people who like the challenge (it its a rogue like, most games in this genre are hard to get trough, so well done), but i would appreciate an easy mode just to get the story done.
But the game feels nice, the music, story, races are intresting, what they tell you is funny, nice worldbuilding.
could have some more quests and stuff to do, also balancing why should i do dangerous stuff if i dont get anything good from it? you need to repair your ships all the time and on most lander missions you get more damage than you can repair with the materials you got there. after some jumps you always encounter something that heavily damages your ships and you will never get it repaired fully again, the same with crew members. mine are sick all the time, but i cant heal them because you rarely get the items to do this

most systems feel similar, but also, this is typical for these kind of games, nothing wrong with it, its still interesting to find out what you got.

what i dont understand is the problems people have with the controls? its pretty easy to understand, on planets its like these old lander simulator games and in spaces its like a very very easy kerbal space program like, its all vector and speed.

i got it with a huge discount, i would not recommend it to buy for full price. but for 70-90% why not, neutral to slightly recommended
600 Produkte im Account
537 Reviews
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 12:46
Maybe interesting story and universe. 1 good point
controls are hard to master but doable. evade harsh planets etc.
some flight vector corridor in solarsystem you can aim at would be nice cause watching an arrow slowly moving across isnt that entertaining cause when you accelerate too much you bypass the planets like sonic the hedgehog on speed. most of the time you have to do things slow and steady because of controls,physics and that just sucks and is boring.
the point where i said screw this was when i did a landing direct on resource marker on an arctic planet with moderate winds. so i stand there with lander on ground watching it sliding on ground gettin blown away by wind. sure. losing would be fun if gameplay was fun. nice characters and story cant compensate the lack of good gameplay
6907 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 15:56
Absolutely terrible game ! Only an exercise in frustration, nothing else. Do not get lured by how it looks.
Would maybe have been a little fun had there been a god mode where ship, lander and crew did not get hurt ever.
As is then your ship and lander uses fuel, then to get fuel you must visit hostile gas planets that ruins your lander and hurts the crew. Then you must visit other planets to get minerals for repairs which in turn incur great tear and wear on equipment which for most of it then can only be repaired by buying the repairs or the kit needed for repairs. Credits you can only get by selling the minerals you got doing what I just described. Not to mention the Med Kits needed for curing crew of everything.
You would think that crew could fix stuff, but no , all is consumeables that you need to restock or resupply after one use.
If you are a masochist then try the game , otherwise stay awy , it's such an incredible waste of time !!!
30 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 19:33
immpossible controls its so annooyinggggg just do not even think about to try it
665 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 07:26
One of the many games I would LOVE to love...
...but alas...

There is nothing about the system that is intuitive. Want to steer towards that spot on the map? Wouldn't it be cool if you weren't zoomed in quite so far? Want to navigate that asteroid field? Or jump away from it now that you're done? Sure would be awesome if we weren't doing this blind. Trying to find gas to refuel with? Sure would be nice to be able to tell where the gas it, and where is isn't.

For a game that's all about carefully navigating... you do everything EXCEPT carefully navigate.

Lander controls could be fun, but apparently the ground is always ice, and reentry (despite you being in a 'lander') means hurling you violently into the ground on any gravity more severe than 'Low'. Why?

No clue.

Why does my lander, now firmly on the ground, keep skating away? Forcing me to burn fuel to keep it on the ground, AND fuel to mine with.... while the lander takes damage, the drill takes damage, oh... and the lander makes little hops that interrupt your mining anyways.

Okay.... so instead, let's try diplomacy!

...yeah... you appear to be an amusement to the rest of the galaxy, at best. Almost every 'gift' is poisoned, every 'task' comes with a map marker that you'll only discover after you accept, and even the simple act of helping/not helping comes with drastic consequences.

Not the fun kind.

Call me crazy... but I'd like to just... talk to another ship. And like... do a little trading... because I'm out of fuel, in the middle of nowhere, and have a cargo full of ore I don't need.

What's that? I'm incapable of trading outside of a space station?!?
....and there aren't many of those...?

So I'll board derelicts!
...oh. Special items only, huh?

Then I'll FIGHT!
...but there's almost no loot?!?

Well, combat mechanics have to be something, right? Good, maybe?
........ not miserable...?

If you try combat the 'intuitive' way, you just lose. Your ship simply isn't suited for it. Turning radius, odd controls, and a stock of alien weapons that don't even begin to allow you to win make for laughable combat.

Unless you just go.... ram them.
... and then just shoot them while you have them rammed.

Congratulations, you threw out the entire playbook, and you are now indestructible.

There appears to be nothing between those two extremes.

If the Devs decide that they want to make this game work (and they could), there's a checklist they're going to need:

You'll need to play EV Nova / Starsector / Endless Sky to figure out how to do top-down combat.

You'll need to play Sunless Seas to figure out why your 'story' sucks so badly, and Sunless Skies to figure out how you can make it work instead.

You need to do away with this concept of minerals / gasses that don't mix, and a mother ship with a storage only marginally bigger than the lander you're using to gather them. Concentrated, alloyed, bottled, compressed, nanoatomicwhateveryouwanttocallit.... resource management is terrible.

And lastly, you HAVE to figure out how to communicate what the player is ACQUIRING/PLANNING, and the consequences of those choices.

A line on the mini-map that shows roughly where you're going, for instance. Or, gods forbid, a way to zoom out so that the line on the main screen actually allows you to navigate by it.

There is ZERO reason you should ACCIDENTALLY steer into a SUN you couldn't see, simply because of the zoom / map mechanics.

If every choice has seemingly random consequences, or consequences you only know AFTER you get screwed... then your game balance is internal, and entirely artificial. While forcing people to go against their gut is fun in moderation... it gets old FAST.

So, to recap:
Lander Controls / Communication - So bad you're going to yell at the game repeatedly
Navigation / Astrogation - It's more like a frat party piloting a ship than a bunch of supposed professionals
Resource Management - Orders of magnitude off of what you'd expect given the damage/repair/storage/cost.

...and Devs... if you're not going to bother doing it yourself, at least have the dignity to open the game up to modding, make some of the deciding files/numbers accessible, and watch other folks do the tweaking for you.

It would take a couple of days, and a couple of dedicated testers to get this game back to running fantastically.

But the game is zoomed in so damn far, it doesn't seem to know what it's trying to do either.
84 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 02:18
Every element of the game shows promise, but lacks any semblance of fun.

Do fewer things and do them well.
122 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 13:49
Way too tedious in terms of resource gathering, way too difficult.

If the resource gathering is simpler, with higher yield and easier extraction, then perhaps the various side quests will be more interesting. As of now, it's so difficult just to jump from one system to the next, I am trying to avoid first contact or subsequent contacts with the various alien races. The trade system is also obtuse too. Also, the one-time use of device is a really poor game mechanic.

I bought this game on Steam because it was heavily discounted, 90%. Well, it's not worth it.
260 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 10:57
Flappy bird with orbital physics in spaaaaace. The game itself is interesting. The control is for those well-versed in flappy bird game. Not for me.
271 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 22:28
This game punishes you for making bad decisions, taking unnecessary risks, not paying attention and requires a modicum of skill to pilot the lander in harsh environments.

It does not hold your hand every step of the way and mollycoddle you making sure everything will be OK.

Systems fail, people get sick, resources are limited and space is brutal.

Your constantly teetering on the edge and just when you think you finally might be able to make it home hubris strikes, you explode and everyone dies.

That's why people don't like this game.
1419 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
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273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 20:29
Sounds great in concept - a space roguelike where you’re desperately trying to get home with dwindling resources from an unfamiliar part of space. Unfortunately, it’s inexplicably built around a clumsy Lunar Lander style minigame with controls so clunky that it’s like playing QWOP. To have that in a roguelike where errors can quickly wreck your playthrough makes for unbearable frustration.
85 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 22:27
Was low on fuel so I had to recharge near a star.

...In a system with a black hole

Didn't end well.

Instead of just destroying the ship and killing the crew, I got to see everyone get broken bones, Ripped intestines etc, while each part of the ship broke down individually.

Made me feel like an idiot for even trying and made me pity the crew I doomed.

Thumbs up for that.
494 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 00:06
Well that's 17 mins of my life I'll never get back
325 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 15:48
I wanted to like this game more than I have so far; it could be that it just has a very bad early game and that it gets better the longer you play, but, as it stands:

1. The tutorial and UI is atrocious; fundamentally there's not a lot going on, but core stuff is quite unintuitively hidden without guidance for how to get there.

2. The orbital mechanics could be good; if you were given orbital controls. Navigating between planets is similar to Kerbal Space Program; all about apoapsis and periapsis - but it's not possible to zoom-out enough to view more than your immediate orbit, so all you can do kinda vaguely create an orbit from one end and then wait to see where you end up. This could be solved by something as simple as adding your orbit to the minimap, or allowing you to zoom-out, but it isn't there.

3. There's...well...there's just not much here. You jump to a new system, collect resources via an oldschool lunar-landing game, repair your ship, jump to the next system. I have less than 2hrs on this game and I'm stopping out of boredom as it feels like I've already experienced everything that this game has to offer. I picked it up at 90% off for £2.69 and I'm still a bit underwhelmed.

Maybe there's more here, maybe I'll come back to it - who knows. Unfortunately this game will probably just get filed away in my 'uninspired' category and left to collect dust. I'll update this review if I ever pick it back up and discover its value.
28 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 00:38
This seems like it could be a fun game. Mechanics aren't too tough, some interesting interactions and with some tech upgrades, I suspect things will move along nicely. BUT.

And this is a process halting but... the process of simply operating the ship and lander to get to resources... is completely self-inhibiting. Cargo space is extremely limiting and it takes an enormous amount of resources to refill fuel or repair damages... in many cases, the amount of resources you can acquire from a lander mission won't even fully repair the lander or refuel the ship... and without the ability to fuel the ship or land the lander, you can't get to more resources.

If the game allowed for saves in a normal way, this might not be an impossible process... but since one bad landing or even jump to a system that wastes fuel without giving you a chance to restock... this is 'impossible'. Sooner or later you risk trying to get some gas or metal for repairs and its a game ending set back. Rewind (the game's version of restore) backs you up... but only to shortly before the game ending choice... which is pointless if you throw yourself into a black hole because you no longer have any exotic materials to jump out of the system you're in.

When they improve the yield on harvesting, boost the cargo space and/or change the weighting of how much impact each container of resource helps your repairs/fuel level... AND they add a proper save feature... I'll give the game another shot. It does seem like it could be fun... but after four restarts in six hours of play... I'm not getting far enough in to actually start to enjoy it.
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 00:25
Eh. The games by this company seem formulaic. Do proscribed actions. Die. Repeat. Eventually finish game.

This game is cool because you get to explore space. The orbits and landings are fun.

The game is terrible because the resource and item degradation is pointless. There's no ability to vary from a very stringent collection of accessible resources. You die if you vary. It is boring. There is no ability to explore or differ.

If you can get the game on the cheap (got it on a steam sale) or for free, do it. It's an interesting concept. But it gets boring and sucks.
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 21:31
It takes a little getting used to, but it really is very good. The controls are a bit clunky, but they're supposed to be clunky. You're piloting a primitive ship in an advanced galaxy, after all.
108 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 11:20
Very interesting exploration/survival game. It has a good atsmophere/story, an original gameplay, and manages to be at the same time a challenging rogue-like and being somewhat forgiving with your mistakes. I got it in a big bundle where it was not really the game I wanted but I could pay something like 1€ for 3 additional games, and it has been a good surprise. I'm just starting and I have some doubts about its potential for longevity and long-time replayability, despite the procedural generation, but up to now it sounds very promising. Sure it's not a triple A, but it does what indie games can do best : exploring new ideas, bringing more creativity to the game industry. And I think this should be rewarded.

The UI is a bit too much barebone sometimes and controls can be a bit difficult to master, but you're not actually supposed to master them with huge precision anyway. I would compare this to Kerbal Space Program : there is not as much fine tuning and time to pause the game and think about your manoeuver, TLJH is much more realtime. That being said, and despite a few important differences in the physical simulation, having played KSP will probably help you to get more fuel-efficient manoeuvers more instinctively.
366 Produkte im Account
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 23:45
in theory it looks like an interesting game but sadly just the controls for flying your ship are horseshit
100 Produkte im Account
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1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 13:34
Good fun concept.
Absolute mess of a delivery.

Literally feel like your flying cardboard ships.
You cant sneeze without something being damaged.
In your quest to repair your damage, you will take more damage.

I do see the fun, buried deep, sometimes get halfway through a quest chain and start actually enjoying the game, then get damaged again, and its all for nothing.
335 Produkte im Account
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478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 16:56
I really like the concept of this game. Having a space ship, exploring the stars for new adventures.
Taking care of your crew. Make some tough decisions.
In the first run through, I learned a lot about the species, decisions and events.
I did not give up and it reminded me of when I first played the game FTL.
You have to learn how to play the game.
So yes I tried several times to restart the game and make better choices.

I think the game has a lot of random events. Despite playing for 8 hours, I never felt rewarded for anything.
The only thing I experienced playing this game is loss, defeat, frustration, repetition. Aliens steal stuff, crew die because of deceases. It is very hard to find fuel for the ship, and it costs resources to find fuel.
Skill is required to play the game. The better skill you have, the higher resources you get.

I think this game is unforgiving and harsh. I feel sad and disappointed in this game. I had high expectations. I feel I lack the skills to be able to play this game and that only elite gamers are able to play it. Just like the game Dark Souls.
I waited many years for a game like this. I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.
448 Produkte im Account
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314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 17:08
Great premise and very good implementation but the design choices are very weird and it's extremely punishing even on the easiest difficulty.

What it boils down to is essentially 2 or 3 resource gathering minigames that you have to play ad-neuseum. You have to do this because absolutely everything you do seems to damage your ship and lander, so you gotta endlessly play these minigames to restock your fuel, metals etc.

It could have been a really cool adventure game but instead it's kind of tedious. It's a shame it doesn't have mods or workshop support, I reckon a few balance mods would make this game really great.
221 Produkte im Account
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 09:00
The game focuses too much on the micro maneuver of the space ship and planet lander. A careless mistake in micro maneuvering the ship/lander may cost the player A LOT. It's a central part of the gameplay, which renders the game repetitive.

If the technology of the human race is so advanced that we can make galactic travels, I don't see the reason why it still requires the pilot to manually operate the thrustor of a ship/lander in order to navigate in the galaxy or land on a planet. If the developer thinks this can be considered as a highlight of the game, then I'm speechless.

Furthermore, the game doesn't allow the player to manually save the game. If you make a big mistake (which you will), then you will have to restart a new game and go through all of those boring and meaningless grinding again.
41 Produkte im Account
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1665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 00:36
Great premise and fun initially, let down by inconsistent and poor explanation of in-game mechanics and gameplay. Even on Story Mode it is UNFORGIVING and harsh, and I have tried x3 different attempts to play through on new games. The latest one I've barely started and get intercepted by aliens who scar and want to take my hull repair kits, otherwise they open fire and it's game over. Regret wasting my time with this.
128 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 00:52
While I do understand most of the criticism here I think if you give the game a fair chance and like taking a closer look story wise (looking for hidden information / trying stuff just for fun) you will find that The Long Journey Home has a lot of content for you to explore.

For me the game is like reading a space story with a bunch of minigames.
The Long Journey Home is much more than its minigames, but if you don't care about the lore this game is not for you.

The game kind of trolls beginners. I suggest looking for a beginners guide if you feel like the game is too hard.
(Especially the choice of ship makes a big difference [most of all the jump range ])
12 Produkte im Account
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1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 14:34
I really tried to like it. Game is kinda difficult even on Story Mode difficulty lvl. Took me 2 runs to understand how to preserve fuel - I'm not the brightest pilot out there. So... the game has a huge potential. Physics work fine and it's fun to fly the ship when you understand the gravitation around planets and so on. All the mini games are fine. But - the game itself it difficult and becomes boring really fast. I find it difficult to make money to pay even for the gates between galaxies (some race charged me 300 for it recognising me as an enemy). It's hard to buy anything, especially when your crew members are injured and you need to heal them before they die. Game lacks some depth. Everything is repetitive, it's why I say it's boring. I would love to see my crew building some skills - nothing like that happens. I don't see any difference between pilots I assign to the lander. Fight, when it happen, is dull to put it simple. You either run if the enemy is strong, but they will follow you and stop again, or you kill the enemy if their ship is small but ususally you find nothing exciting after they are destroyed. I get it - it's sapce, far from home, you are surrounded by aliens. Yes!!! Aliens!!! There should be so much more to it! More interaction, meaningful interaction! More story. More loot, more stations, more of everything to make it interesting. So I would say the game is half made. I like the graphics, but when you can't skip all the station docking animations... it is a waste of time. I didn't make it even half way through to Home in the game. I had 4 runs and all of them finished really bad for the crew or the ship. When you die you can use rewind option - but when you run out of recources cos the planets are deadly and you can't get resources that it how it ends. As I say, it's fine when it's difficult and I don't mind dying in the game. Just going through everything again is not interesting enough.
119 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 19:11
I want to like this game, but i can't. It's fair to say that i actually hate it.

This game will not reward you for your time, it will just constantly annoy you and slap you down.
Everything you do in this game is negative, when ever you get a little ahead some random thing comes along and take it from you.

Desperate for resources?, found a world with just what you need? Tough, a Mizzrani ship literally seconds before infested that world and you can't use it without exposing your ship and crew.
Found something valuable and want to sell if for credits to maybe upgrade your ship?... Tough, a random alien ship will intercept you and take it.
Just repaired your hull?, tough.. here comes an alien race of slavers who will attack you.

You know that MEME... 'What a nice 'X' you have, It Would Be a Shame If Something Happened To It....'

That is this game.

Nothing you do ever resolves into a win, you are constantly the victim of bad luck and no choice you make ever leads to anything useful. its all damage, all disease, all a diplomatic disaster, you never win.
Even when you do find something interesting down on a planet you cannot access it because you need a thing to open the door which you don't have, so you travel to where you think you last saw that thing for sale then some large Alien ship comes along and then robs you of it.

Every Alien race in this game is obnoxious and dishonest.

Your ship in this game is called the Ulysses but honestly it should be called the Entropy or Murphy's Law.

Its just not satisfying game play to constantly lose for stupid and annoying reasons. I can honestly understand why this game has been rated so low for so long.

I don't finish playing this game feeling relaxed and entertained but tired and angry. I love challenge in my gaming, but if this game was a casino it would be closed down for stacking the decks. There is no challenge here, its just luck... most of which is bad.

Its frustrating as hell.

I like the presentation and i like the idea and on paper this is a game that i should in theory love.... but i just cannot.
It boils down to a handful of gameplay loops which can get very repetitive over time and they make the game feel drawn out as you fiddle with the controls. The number of times while i'm trying to park my ship in a planets orbit and then some random alien ship INTERRUPTS!! what i'm doing, forcing me to watch an animation only for this species to once again spam out the same inane chatter that i've read a thousand times before (Mizzrani i'm looking at you.... who ever put this race into the the game and thought it was a good idea should be sacked) When i leave this encounter my orbital path is gone and i'm once again flying off into deep space or falling into the star's gravity well.. I'm then forced to waste fuel or crash trying to turn around. dragging everything out....

This game made my blood boil. So many design choices that just Pi*$ you off!

The full asking price of this game is a HARD 'no chance'. I got this game in a sale for £4.30 and that feels about right. Its basically a mobile game in terms of its depth and game play complexity.

Some may love it, Some may find it Meh...

.....i found it rage inducing.

3162 Produkte im Account
233 Reviews
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7482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 12:48

We will await your return with great anticipation.
Simultaneously, we will prepare a short, poignant
eulogy to mourn your demise.

~Spathi High Council, Star Control II

Long story short, what we have here is a casual modern Starflight clone. You assign the crew, you travel through the galaxy, you land on planets, you collect the resources and you trade with the different alien races. That's pretty much it. Technically, there's nothing wrong with that. Personally? I love such games. Huge fan of Starflight and it's not like we have too much of such titles to choose from lately. I mean, with many old genres being completely dead and stuff. So, why giving this game a thumb down? Clearly, the idea is something that deserves some support from us, old geezers.

Well, you see, even though The Long Journey Home is clearly inspired by the good ol' games (to say the least), it's also way, way more dumb. Your main goal is to return home, to Earth, from which you've jumped a bit too far during the test (yes, it's that exact painfully old story all over again, no twists, or changes). The problem is – nothing else in the game feels significant enough. Everything feels like a waste of time. Sure, there are things to do, but the more you play, the more you understand that none of them really matters and the only purpose for them to exist is to put as many hours between you and the ending as possible. You from sector to sector – you waste a lot of time just to be able to jump again. Repeat.

The Long Journey Home is a repeatable mess. With pretty much everything getting old right after the first time you try it. It isn't addicting, it isn't fun in any way and boy, oh boy, is it boring... It looks like developers noticed that too, though, but the way they've tried to fix that? It led only to even bigger disaster. See, even though The Long Journey Home looks pretty cool in store thanks to all those impressive screenshots, the funniest thing about it is that in a nutshell, it's just two incredibly dull and repetitive mini-games. In the first one, you navigate the ship in outer space. While avoiding crap, using the weapons, etc. And in the second one, you control so-called lander to collect resources and contact things on planets' surfaces. The open space part is very close to 1979 game called Asteroids, while the landing part is almost identical to 1969 game called Lunar Lander. I'm not sh****ng you. This game is that retarded. And there's nothing else. Aside from, maybe, terrible orbiting thing (which is required to begin the landing). Which isn't as terrible as everybody says, but will require gamepad to avoid feeling completely awful (note that a complete gamepad support is a lie, though, even though the game does support the Xbox One gamepad, in my case it just refused to work with the tutorial windows and didn't perform that well with the main game either).

But OK, maybe they don't ask that much for this? Well, guess what? They ask $29.99 / £26.99. That's right, folks! They want thirty f*****g bucks for two (three if we'll count orbiting, even though I don't really think we should) mini-games and hours of time wasted for doing pretty much nothing! What... the... f**k? I mean, seriously, what the f**k?! I bought this game with 85% discount and still, I feel robbed. Even though I can see how people may want modern take on Starflight because dated controls and visuals are not for everybody, this game? No matter how you look at it, it's a no-no. Lack of proper story, no proper reasons to explore and the entire thing filled with only two mini games? Let's just say that it isn't something to expect from 2017 game. The only good thing about The Long Journey Home is that it made me to download Starflight from my GOG library again.
51 Produkte im Account
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282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 14:40
Got this on sale for under $5 and it is still not worth it. It just feels like a bunch of free phone app mini games. There is a little depth but it is very repetitive with very little gain. You spend most of your time just trying to stay fueled and repaired, so you don't get to enjoy the exploration. I can see it being more fun if you take the time to learn every little trick, but again it is just like playing phone apps so why would you. Suggestions to make this better: 1) stronger ship / lander, 2) more POI, 3) lower cost of items, 4) raise price for selling ore, 5) let items be crafted from ore, 6) reverse thrust for ship, 7) side thrust for lander.
Final thought; go buy 'PULSAR: Lost Colony' if you want to explore, 'Empyrion - Galactic Survival' if you want to survive, and/or
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.74% 883 481
Release:30.05.2017 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Daedalic Studio West Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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