American Legends is back! Introduced in Season 5, we're bringing it back in style with a fresh new batch of stories. Kicking off American Legends, is an introduction to our Motorfest host herself, Malu! Delve deep into her memories and discover information about her life.
Coming up in Season 9 is an update we've all long anticipated, the Race Creator! With the addition of the Race Creator into The Crew 2, it's going to allow players to create races never before seen in The Crew franchise. Players will be able to create, share, and celebrate each other's content opening a world of possibilities.
For a more detailed breakdown of the content released with The Crew 2 Season 9 Episode 1: American Legends, please refer to the Content Overview. Please follow our official channels for any additional updates.
Patch Size per platform
- PC: 34.3GB approx.
- PlayStation:
- MENA: 31.2 GB approx.
- SCEJ: 31.8 GB approx.
- SCEA: 33.0 GB approx.
- SCEE: 34.2 GB approx.
- Xbox: 35.22 GB approx.
Patch sizes may vary based on your game version.
[Added] Race Creator is here!
- Players now have the ability to create, publish, and share their own races.
[Added] The Crew Motorfest Collection Import information.
[Added] 4 New Stories will be available in Episode 1 and will be focusing on the background of some of the hosts in The Crew Motorfest: Malu, Pierce, Jim, and Toji.
- Episode 1 will also have the 'Road to O'ahu' new event.
[Added] Dual Currency Purchases.
- Introducing Dual Currency purchases, you can complete the purchase of a vehicle with another currency if you are missing the full amount of one currency.
[Added] Activity Tickets updated with screenshots accurately representing the events.
Vanity Items
[Added] 93 Vanities, 58 Included in the Motorpass
- Horns: 11 items
- Nitros : 14 items
- Outfits: 6 items
- Rooftops: 10 items
- Smokes: 10 items
- Tires: 21 items
- Underglows: 16 items
- Window Tints: 5 items
[Added] 81 New bundles throughout the season.
- 19 Summit Bundles
- 24 Custom Bundles
- 19 Vanity Bundles
- 19 Basic Bundles
- New vehicle highlights in HQ's and new Vanity Shop rotation each week.
LIVE Summit
[Added] 19 New LIVE Summits
Game Mode
[Added] 4 New stories have been added for this Season.
- 2 Long stories.
- 2 Medium stories.
[Added] Brand new Motorpass split into 2 episodes.
- Each episode containing exclusive vehicle and vanity rewards.
- 64 Fame-based Seasonal challenges, 32 per episode. Motorpass
[Fixed] Can no longer see patches of grass south Miami concrete.
[Added] New PvE Events.
- 1 New Mixed Event 'Road to O'ahu'
Activity Menu
- [Added] Race Creator Tool
- [Added] Community Races Tab
New Vehicles
- [Added] 24 New vehicles.
- [Fixed] Mclaren 765LT no longer has incorrect widebody fender offset
For more information on The Crew®, check our official website. Join the The Crew® community on the forums, Reddit, TC Social, and Discord and be sure to follow us on Twitch to never miss a livestream. The game's Photo Gallery, Leaderboards and Summit Calendar are all viewable on The Crew® Hub. Videos highlighted by our in-game sharing tool can be seen on the official The Crew® 2 - Community Videos channel.