Our Dear Community,
We want to apologize once again for any technical issues you might have experienced with the Steam version of the DLC. The matter should now be resolved and you should be able to install it now. Thank you for your understanding and patience and enjoy the new content.
This week, we are not only releasing a new DLC for our players but also introducing a significant number of major improvements to the base game, enhancing the overall experience with more depth and diversity.

You can find more details about the list of improvements below:
Revised Mind Body Spirit Experience System
- Enemies are now classified as either Mind, Body, or Spirit
- Mind, Body, or Spirit experience is gained from defeating each enemy type
- Weapons and Abilities do extra damage if they match the same class of enemy
- Enemies now have color-coded health meters based on experience type
- Tuned overall mind body and spirit experience to make endings more equally distributed
Improved AI
- Enemies are more observant and responsive
- Enemies can chase the player further
Combat Improvements
- More smooth and responsive auto targeting
- More accurate collision for player and enemy attacks
- Gloom colors are more vibrant and clear
* Steam Only:
- Improvements to mitigate hitching on all quality presets