News Liste Survive the Blackout

HOT Fixes
Survive the Blackout
08.02.20 19:53 Community Announcements

Dear Blackout Survivors!

Thank you again for your interest in our tiny studio's first game. We are happy that many of you are enjoying the game already as it is! But - there's no other way to put it - we screwed up our initial release. By some dark twist of fate, the build that was shipped to Steam was not the one intended for distribution, but a build of an older, in-development version that was never intended for your eyes. And it was lacking. Severely.

Among many other things - it did not include the correct version of the in-game texts. We apologize profoundly, because those of you excited the most about the game, the ones who bought it day-one - got te worst possible first impression. The today's patch improves the quality of in-game text assets, and we're working on polishing it even further.

There's also been quite a lot of other issues. The achievements wouldn't unlock properly, the sound was missing on some systems, and the game was wonky in some screen resolutions. We've been following your feedback closely (thank you for reporting all the problems!) and we've been fixing things as fast as we can. Here's a changelog for the hot fixes patch, that has been introduced today:

  • The correct version of the in-game text assets has been introduced
  • The achievement bugs have been fixed
  • Some quality-of-life and balancing fixes have been introduced:
    • Scavenging has been re-balanced to turn up more supplies and less locked doors
    • Character starting stats have been toned up
    • The conditions for different endings have been re-balanced

  • The bug causing the game not to display properly in some widescreen resolutions when you run it for the first time, has been fixed
  • The wide-screen menu items misalignment problem has been fixed
  • Some problematic in-game events have been polished and their logic has been revamped
  • The bug allowing you to continue the game from the savefile after the last character has died has been fixed
  • The option to turn off quick-time events has been re-named in the options menu, to make it more apparent that it has always been there ;)
  • The bug causing the game to mute all sound has been tracked down and removed
  • + many more minor bug fixes and polish
  • [/olist]

    We hope that today's patch will make the game much more enjoyable! Moving forward, in the next few days we're going to address further issues and slightly expand the in-game content. We want the game to communicate its rules in a mote clear way, so everything feels less random and the influence of your actions becomes more apparent. We're further polishing our main assets - the text assets. New illustrations and sounds will be added. The characters will get a bit of voiceover on interactions. We'll also continue to improve the balance of our game.

    This is just the start of the road for Survive the Blackout. Thank you for setting out on this journey with us. Much more is yet ahead!
