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Update Details (28th March 2019 - Alpha 48)
28.03.19 15:59 Community Announcements

Double Barrel Shotgun:

A new shotgun can now be crafted at the workbench. The Double Barrel is a powerful weapon and has a much tighter spread than the pump-action, making it suitable for mid-range combat as well as close.

It’s dual barrel allows for two shells to be fired in quick succession, however then requires a fairly lengthy reload, so be tactical with your timing on shots/reloads.

I know it seems strange that other weapons are still crafted in the player crafting menu. As new weapons are introduced, the higher power firearms will slowly move over to the workbench.

The flashlight can be attached as with the other firearms.


Players can now craft a Distiller (located in the BCU). This item must be placed within range of your base and allows you to distill your own Alcohol (“moonshine”) overtime.


Alcohol requires potatoes and sterilized water to be crafted in the Distiller. It takes time to craft, so be sure to queue it up and plan ahead.

The motivation behind this is to add greater purpose and benefit to potato farming, and to open up craftable flammable items for players to play with.

Molotov Cocktail:

Alcohol can be used to craft Molotov’s in the workbench. Molotovs are effective at damaging bases, and dealing with mobs during attacks.

When a molotov explodes near a player/animal/hunter the initial blast will catch them on fire. They will remain on fire for up to 10 seconds. Jumping into water will put the fire out. Hitting multiple targets with the initial blast is an effective way of dealing a lot of damage.

Molotov fires will burn for up to 20 seconds, dealing damage to all buildables/players/hunters/animals that touch their flames. The player who throws the molotov will get a distinctive sound and hitmarker display as the molotov fire inflicts damage.

Base items (such as storage chests, generators, etc) protected by a wall will not take fire damage if the flames originate from the opposing side of the wall (even if flames may sometimes appear to clip through).

Hunters Will Use Molotovs:

During attacks, hunters will now sometimes use molotovs instead of grenades. I think it adds to immersion to fire-fights to have flames illuminating the battle (and creating no-go zones in the flames).

New Tree-Chopping Animation:

I’ve added a subtle tree-shake animation and falling leaves while players chop trees. It’s a small tweak, but I feel this makes the process feel less static and more satisfying.

Big Networking Performance/Scaling Improvements:

A large part of this update was focused on continuing to improve network play. I was discovering that some long-term co-op profiles would suddenly start lagging and becoming unresponsive for clients. This would occur when extremely large bases were built on the map.

This was caused by having too many dynamic items in the world and exhausting the available network channels on each client connection (not bandwidth related). The main culprit was physical loot in the world (1000’s of items), with each item using its own network channel.

I’ve added a new system (which uses only a single channel) which reports to the client on harvestable items in their proximity.

This has big benefits for clients, servers and solo games:
  • Both client and server now only spawn dynamic items for loot in their immediate view (less rendering and tick cost).
  • Far greater stability and scaling for servers with huge bases.
  • Less demand on the server to determine if items are relevant to clients (much less stress on CPU).

Other than performance gain, players should notice no difference in gameplay. I’ve also set a building cap for co-op games (to ensure stability) which will display in the hud for all players if it gets near. The cap is high, but I’ll be working to increase this as I continue work.

Player Count Increased To 10:

With the recent improvements to server performance, I’ve increased the max count from 8 to 10. Please let me know if your experience problems.

Ore Nodes Not Showing For Clients:

This was being caused by the server deeming nodes “not relevant” to clients, so as a side-effect of the new system detailed above, this problem has finally been eliminated.

Zero Harvesting Lag For Clients:

Previously clients of co-op games had a noticeable lag on hits registering while harvesting trees and ores, and when picking plants in the world. I’m now using client-side predictive logic to eliminate this lag entirely, so clients will have a much more responsive experience while harvesting!

Shotgun Slugs:

Players can now craft high-powered, single-projectile slugs (currently only used with the double barrel):

Slugs do extreme damage but are expensive to craft. Press Left-Alt (rebindable) to switch ammo types while the weapon is equipped, or click on the ammo-type icon above the weapon on your toolbelt.


The male character model will now grow a beard if alive for a long time. Dying will reset this. It’s a simple feature without any transition states through growth, I just thought it added a bit of variance to character aesthetic.

Animal Housing Changes:

I’ve reduced the slots in the animal housing. The previous 8 slots was too much and encouraged early-game players to keep far more animals than they could afford. It now starts with a single slot and additional slots can be added via the upgrade menu.

New Hitmarkers:

Hitmarkers (that show when you hit an enemy) have been increased in size. They will also now flash red when the shot was a headshot, giving the player better feedback during combat.

Oxygen Meter:

Suggested many times by players; an oxygen meter will now show at top-center while diving.

Explosions Camera Shake:

If standing near an explosion, the camera will now shake based on the power of the blast. This should increase immersion during attacks. I may add a toggle for this in a future update.

Weapon Holding Position:

I’ve pulled in the first person weapon holding position for all firearms in attempt to give better body presence (also while aiming down sights). I think it feels better, but let me know your thoughts.

Co-op Hardcore Fail Message:

Co-op hardcore games end if one of the team dies (and there are no bed spawns). Previously other players would wonder why the server exited. Now all players will see a message indicating the name of the player who died.

Danish Language Support:

Credits for the translation (thank you for the support):
  • Morten sørensen
  • Jesper Christensen
  • Bartholomeo Rudolph

Other Notable Changes:

  • New sound for tools breaking.
  • Current ammo types now show above all toolbelt weapons while the inventory is open.
  • Chicken stew now gives +hydration.
  • Fixed bug that allowed items to be lost via shift-clicking into the fabricator.
  • Slightly increased speed at which loot will repopulate after harvesting a zone.
  • Fixed newly-posted co-op chat messages fading out while the player has the chat open.
  • Fixed glitch where animal house water meter would briefly fill to max when adding cooked foods.
  • Fixed bug where queued crafting meters would visually continue while game was paused.
  • New first person sprinting animation for the M9.
  • Selected ammo type for a weapon (such as premium/grenade arrows) now persist through a save/load.
  • Prevented hitmarker showing when player takes environmental damage.
  • Condition icons are now cleared when player dies.
  • Fixed oven not showing pans cooking when loading a save.

Thanks you so much to all the players who have been posting thoughts and discussions on the Steam forums/Discord server/FB page/etc. I try to read it all and see lots of great ideas and insight posted regularly. This all helps immensely while I continue moving forward with development. Hope everyone’s having a great week, please stay tuned for more updates!


Discord invite:

Twitter: @playSubsistence

Continued Translation Support Credits (in no particular order):
Spanish (David Lascasas)
Hungarian (Erb Ármin)
Portuguese BR (Thiago Schumacke)
German (LPCaiser)
Italian (Federico D. Ravagli)
French (Anthony Charrault)
Czech (Dílna U mnicha)
Danish (Morten Sørensen, Jesper Christensen, Bartholomeo Alexander)
Dutch (Damster_NL)
Russian (FRAME)
Turkish (Çağla Gurbet)
Polish (Daniel Łokietek)
Logo for Subsistence
Release:25.10.2016 Genre: Survival-Sandbox Entwickler: ColdGames Vertrieb: ColdGames Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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