News Liste Sublevel Zero

Huge patch plus a Valentine's bonus!
Sublevel Zero
14.02.17 18:32 Community Announcements
Hi all! This has been a SUPER long time coming (we’ve been working hard on Sublevel Zero Redux, coming soon on PS4 and Xbox One….) but we’re finally rolling a huge amount of fixes and tweaks back in from the beta branch, as well as lots of other improvements!

VR is still in beta, so please stay on the latest branch for that! But for now that’s the only difference between beta and main builds.

Finally, if you have any issues with the new build - please tell us! We’ve also archived the previous main build on a new legacy branch so switch to that if you need to.

Patch Notes

Almost unnoticeable valentines easter egg

Controller layout diagrams
Lots of weapon rebalancing
Hull inventory space increased slightly
Better controller button prompts
Updated player ship model
Updated Orb Grunt, Shotgrunt and Homing Defender models

Lots of improvements to industrial and military rooms

Procedural generation tweaks
Fixed crashes during level loads
Fixed some reactor issues
Lots of UI fixes, mainly for controller/keyboard input
Fixed some controllers not responding when multiple plugged in
Fixed conflicts between custom bindings and presets
Fixed issues with rebinding multiple controllers/joysticks/HOTAS
Fixed tabbing away from rebinding menu
Mouse is captured properly after alt-tab
Joysticks/HOTAS no longer have default bindings as they caused complex conflicts with rebinding and presets. However manual rebinding now works properly even with multiple inputs plugged in.
Applying a controller preset will wipe ALL manual bindings!