We are currently testing the campaign of the new chapter of the story, so let me tell you some details about it. Firstly, let's talk about equipment.
The items are divided into three categories: normal, improved, and heroic. Considering that heroic requires a significant amount of gems, it will definitely have a positive impact on the game's economy (the market with the purchase and sale of resources will come in handy). Lore states that these items have additional properties, which is why these gems are necessary.

As an example, the griffin armor will make griffin able to fly farther, while the spider mask will increase the radius within which spider can burrow.

The campaign will require you to recruit the vampire Count Valentine. Using his heroic scythe, you can restore your own health upon successfull attacks.

Aside from the main armament, there are other items as well. The alchemist's belt is one such item. The alchemist's belt increases the duration of elixirs, the overall number of which has also been increased. There is even one “improved elixir." When combined with your battle tactics, elixirs can give a noticeable advantage.

Equipment items can also be replenished in battle. A lot of chests are present in the game, and you're sure to find some equipment in each of them, with its level increasing as you progress through the game. A total of 15 slots have been added to the equipment bag so you can store items you don't want to sell. In addition, maybe we'll stash something interesting in the secret mission we plan to do later.

Here's what the merchant's assortment looks like. Please note that not all items are presented here, because each merchant has an item filter built in, and you are only presented with items that your characters can wear. You will receive new items in the store as soon as a new warrior appears in your army or becomes available in the tavern.
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