• STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.
  • STASIS: Screen zum Spiel STASIS.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.08.2020
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Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

STASIS ist ein Sci-Fi-Horror-Adventure-Spiel mit Point & Click, das aus einer einzigartigen isometrischen Perspektive gespielt wird. STASIS vereint eine grausige Erzählung mit Retro-Adventure-Gameplay. Kombiniere Gegenstände, interagiere mit Computern und löse Rätsel, während du die düstere Atmosphäre erlebst.

In der fernen Zukunft an Bord eines riesigen verlassenen Raumschiffes erwacht John Maracheck aus einem Stillstand, der sogenannten Stasis. Er muss neue körperliche und emotionale Grenzen bewältigen und die Rätsel um ihn herum lösen.

John hat enorme Schmerzen, seine Frau und Tochter fehlen und die Zeit wird knapp, als der Groomlake weiter in die wirbelnden blauen Methanwolken von Neptun stürzt.

  • Herausfordernde und realistische Rätsel
  • AAA-Filmmusik von Mark Morgan komponiert (Fallout)
  • Sehr detaillierte isometrische 2D-Grafiken Klassische
  • Point-and-Click-Interaktion
  • Mehrere Figuren zum Einsetzen und Verwenden
  • Tod – John kann (und wird) auf die schrecklichsten erdenklichen Weisen sterben
  • Spezielle Gegenstände können auf John selbst angewendet werden, um es alles zu beenden
  • Ein holographischer Stripper

Eine überzeugende dystopische Erzählung vereint diese ausgereifte Abenteuergeschichte. Greife auf Computer-Terminals zu und interagiere mit der Umwelt wie nie zuvor. Ein großer Teil der Hintergrundgeschichte und Informationen der Figur befindet sich auch auf den PDAs, die um die Leichen herum an Bord des Groomlake verstreut sind.

Klicke, lese und interagiere, um die dunklen Ecken des Groomlake zu erforschen, um Inventar-Gegenstände und Hinweise zu sammeln, um Rätsel zu lösen, um weitere Fortschritte zu erzielen.

hat eine isometrische Bildästhetik, die Abenteuerspielen einen neuen Blickwinkel verleiht. Jede Szene ist individuell und detailliert erstellt, um die perfekte Kulisse für das düstere Abenteuer zu schaffen. Obwohl es eindeutig isometrisch ist, sollest du dich bereit machen für fesselnde Zwischensequenzen.

Die Geschichte entfaltet sich mit professionellen Synchronsprechern und einer steigenden Musik – emotional auf beiden Seiten. Die talentierten Sprachkünstler bauen die Tiefe jeder Figur auf, die du kennenlernen wirst.

Der legendäre Mark Morgan (Wasteland 2, Fallout) hat mitreißende Musik komponiert, die von Angst und Emotionen durchdrungen ist. Zusätzliche Musik wurde von Daniel Sadowski (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Warhammer) komponiert, der dem Soundtrack eine einzigartige filmische Note verliehen hat.
STASIS wurde über die letzten 5 Jahren hinweg liebevoll von Christopher Bischoff geschaffen. Im Jahr 2013 unterstützte ein erfolgreicher Kickstarter die Weiterentwicklung des Spiels.


  • CPU: 2 GHz (Dual Core)
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce 205, AMD Radeon HD 3400 Series with 256 MB+ VRAM, latest OpenGL driver (Shared Memory is not supported)
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP 32 bit SP3
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • MISC: Windows XP may require a few extra drivers. Shared Graphics cards not supported at all. OpenGL 2 + Required.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 2.6 GHz (Dual Core)
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce 405, AMD Radeon HD 5400 Series or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 (32/64 bit versions), Windows 10 (32/64 bit versions)
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • MISC: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio required
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

385 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 07:04

Weltraum-Horror auf havariertem Raumschiff

Der Lehrer John Maracheck möchte gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Ellen und der Tochter Rebecca Urlaub machen. Das Reiseziel ist der Saturnmond Titan. Aufgrund der langen Reisezeit müssen die drei in eine Art Kryokonservierung, in die sogenannte Stasis. Das ist in dieser Zukunftsversion eigentlich ein Standardprozedere. Doch diesmal ist es für John fern ab von jedwedem, denkbaren Standard und allem was er jemals für möglich gehalten hätte.

John erwacht aus seiner Stasis, aber nicht an dem Ort wo er in Stasis versetzt wurde und auch nicht in Begleitung seiner Familie. Er befindet sich auf dem havarierten Raumschiff Groomlake. Warum ist er hier und was ist auf diesem Schiff vorgefallen? Was haben perverse wissenschaftliche Experimente und die Cayne Corporation mit alle dem zu tun?

Anfangs noch geschwächt von den Nachwehen der Stasis, muss sich John zuerst selbst medizinisch notversorgen. Nach und nach lernt John sich auf diesem surrealen Horror-Raumschiff zurechtzufinden. Dabei wird er mit unvorstellbaren Situationen, einem Horror, Ekel und sowohl psychischen wie auch physischen Belastungen konfrontiert. Aber John muss funktionieren um sein Ziel zu erreichen, seine Familie zu retten und mit seinen Lieben diesem Alptraum zu entfliehen.

Science-Fiction Horror:
Ähnlichen Science-Fiction Horror wie hier bei STASIS kennt man aus Filmvorlagen, wie der Alien-Reihe, Prometheus, Event Horizion, Pandorum, oder Sphere. Wer sich von solchen Weltraum-Horror Filmen gut unterhalten fühlt, der wird auch von STASIS gut unterhalten werden.

Grafik und Ton:
STASIS liefert einen isometrischen Blickwinkel, d.h. fast alle Screens sehen wie ein Würfel aus in dessen obere Ecke eine Kamera positioniert ist. Der Blickwinkel dieser Kamera ist zumeist zentriert, somit ist der Abstand nach allen Seiten nahezu gleich groß. Demnach erlebt der Spieler also eine Art Draufsicht auf alle Szenen. Es wirkt so als sei man ein stiller Beobachter durch eine Überwachungskamera.

Die Grafik ist weder herausragend gut noch schlecht, aber sie bringt den gewünschten Horror ganz gut rüber. Mit Blut und Ekel wird nicht gegeizt, daher ist eine FSK 18 Einordnung vollkommen gerechtfertigt.

Es gibt eine englische Sprachausgabe und deutsche Untertitel. Die Musik und Geräuschkulisse ist atmosphärisch und passt gut zu dem SciFi-Horror-Thema.

Steuerung und Rätsel:
Gesteuert wird mit der Maus per Point und Click. In der linken unteren Bildschirmecke befindet sich das Inventar, was aber selten mehr als 6 Objekte beinhaltet. In der rechten oberen Bildschirmecke kann man das Menü aufrufen. Manuelles Speichern ist nicht vorgesehen. In dem Spiel kann man oftmals sterben und erhält sogar Errungenschaften für die diversen Versionen des Ablebens.

Die Rätsel würde ich als mittelprächtig bezeichnen. Den Großteil der Hintergrundgeschichte und Informationen befinden sich auf PDAs, die überall auf dem Raumschiff verteilt sind und neben Leichen liegen. Die PDAs sind eine Art elektronisches Tagebuch der Verstorbenen. Vollkommen ungesichert sind diese privaten Einträge für John lesbar. Mir wurde das irgendwann mal zu viel und ich habe diese ganzen Einträge maximal überflogen, oder weggeklickt bzw. gar nicht mehr aufgerufen.

Entwickler und Finanzierung:
Bei STASIS handelt es sich um das Erstlingswerk des Indie-Entwickler-Studios THE BROTHERHOOD, welches im Grunde nur aus zwei Brüdern besteht. Eine erfolgreiche Kickstarter Kampagne bescherte den Entwicklern Ende 2013 ein Budget von ca. 115.000 EUR. 2015 wurde das Spiel auf Steam veröffentlicht. Der deutsche Publisher Daedalic brachte Ende 2015 eine Retail-Version des Spiels auf den Markt.

Ein Weltraum-Horror, der nichts für zart besaitete Gemüter ist. Spielerisch ist es ein mittelmäßiges Adventure.

Bewertung: 72 %

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????
174 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 19:47
Das Spiel hat Stoff für einen Weltraumthrillerkinofilm vom Allerfeinsten. Fallout2isometrische Ansicht, schicke Grafik und der Sound von Falloutmeister Chris Morgan selbst. Entführt, aus dem Kryoschlaf gerissen und in einem untergehenden Raumschiff verloren , wird aus dem Versuch Johns Familie zu retten ein Spaziergang durch das menschliche Grauen unendlichen Ausmasses. Tonnenweise Leichenberge von Fehlexperimenten , ekelerregende Mutantenkreuzungen bis hin zur tödlichen Gaskammer für unpassende Laborkandidaten wird hier alles geboten, was den Horror so einzigartig macht. Nur eine FirstPersonsicht würde das alles übertreffen. Eine Dystopie , eine Mahnung an die Menschheit, was passieren wird , wenn man Konzernen erlaubt an der DNA rumzupfuschen.
123 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 18:08
Erinnert sich noch jemand an das Point-&-Click-Adventure The Orion Conspiracy aus dem Jahr 1995, das mit seinem ernsten Sci-Fi-Setting, seiner expliziten Gewaltdarstellung und seinem beherzten Gebrauch von f-bombs überzeugte? Nein? Kein Wunder, jenes Game verdiente sich mit seinen brutalen und vulgären Ausbrüchen zwar einen nischigen Kultstatus, aber besaß auch ernsthafte Mängel in Gameplay, Rätselbalance und Langzeitmotivation. Stasis besitzt exakt die gleichen Probleme und mutet beinahe wie ein geistiger Nachfolger im Early Access an.

Natürlich hat Stasis ganz eindrückliche Optics, für den Ein-Mann-Entwickler (!) gewiss schon ein Motivator auf dem Konzeptpapier: Das düstere Setting einer verlassenen Raumstation, kalt flackernde Neonlampen in Stahlkorridoren, brutal anmutende Arbeitsmaschinen, verwaiste Mannschaftsquartiere und Labore, sogar holografische Projektionen nackter Tänzerinnen zur Tekke im entvölkerten Freizeitbereich, überall grausig zugerichtete Leichen und mit Blut bespritzte Wände - dazu die Frage: Was ist hier geschehen, verflixt nochmal?

Die mysteriöse Stimmung lädt zu hohen Erwartungen ein, bald aber weichen die mitreißenden Impressionen dem bräsigen Herumgelatsche. So bereiten die Rätsel anfangs noch kindliche Freude, nach der ersten Spielhälfte jedoch verwandelt sich das logische Schlussfolgern in ein tristes Trial-and-Error-Gerödel an fremdartigen, außerirdischen Geräten. Ich gebe offen zu, irgendwann eine Komplettlösung konsultiert zu haben, um durchzurushen und alle liebevoll gestalteten Räume der Station zu sehen.

Trotz seiner durchaus frustrierenden Elemente erhält Stasis meine positive Wertung, denn seine klassisch-düsteren Sci-Fi-Motive und die in diesem Geiste designten Settings, der ganze Topos stählerner Gewalt und kalten Weltraumterrors, flashen entsprechend popkulturell geprägte Buben. Mehr als fünf Credits sollte man jedoch nicht investieren. Wer lieber The Orion Conspiracy zocken möchte, findet es als Abandonware (auch mit deutscher Sprachausgabe inkl. Jack Nicholsons The-Shining-Synchronstimme) in Bruchteilen von Sekunden.
290 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 18:49
Einfach Großartig!
Die Stimmung ist perfekt, schön düster und das von Anfang bis Ende.
Hier und da ist das Spiel etwas Makaber, aber nicht übertrieben und vor allem immer stimmig.
Die Story aus den PDT's gibt einem zu denken und jedes gefundene Datenpad ist super interessant zu lesen.
Das Spiel lohnt sich definitiv!
865 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 17:33
Having just come from playing Cayne I pretty much knew what to expect with Stasis. I expected to not be a big fan of it’s puzzles but absolutely love everything else. This was spot on. The atmosphere was a delightful mess although the graphics were showing a bit of age compared to Cayne as they were lacking in colour variety and detail. The voice acting was top notch and everyone involved did a wonderful job. The music was great throughout. As for the puzzles, they were the same as Cayne, which is to say a mixed bag. My issue with many of them were the fact that many were what felt like random mixing of items and others required multiple tries. When I click on a valve and my character can’t turn it my train of thought never gets to “maybe I should try it exactly three more times” and several puzzles have this. Turning valve’s multiple times; hitting glass multiple times, etc. Usually in puzzle games something either works or it doesn’t. There was also a surgery puzzle I thought was terrible. The first part was alright but in part two of it you must hit buttons in a very specific order with little to go on as what that order is and if you die you start it from scratch. Being able to run was great. I do wish there was more of an objective list, it would have been very handy. I also wish that you could pause the game during dialogue but you can’t. You can die in the game but it isn’t really a big deal. A lot of it is common sense stuff of what not to do and if you do you respawn to a point usually shortly before. You never have to worry about enemies which is a bit weird. There are several creatures roaming about the ship; they have killed most of the crew; you can hear them running about; but they never attack you. I know the reason is probably due to combat not working well with a puzzle game but it’s still weird. I guessed the twists in the plot pretty much a mile away but the journey there was enjoyable enough I didn’t mind. The ending could have used a bit more of Epilogue but I guess in a way Cayne helps with that.

I played Stasis on Linux using the Linux beta. It never crashed and I didn’t notice any bugs aside from Steam achievements not working. You can save whenever you want or there are auto save points as well. One thing I didn’t like was sometimes if I died the game would load an auto save point instead of my last manual save which was further along. It wasn’t a big deal as I just manually loaded the save file I wanted. There are no graphics options at all. Alt-Tab worked. I couldn’t monitor frame rate but I didn’t notice any lag. A couple times there were loading screens that lasted 3-5 seconds, which felt long for being on an NVME, but most loading screens were near instantaneous.

Game Engine: Visionaire Engine
Game Version Played: 1.3.9
Disk Space Used: 2.84 GB

GPU Usage: 4-15 %
VRAM Usage: 1165-3257 MB
CPU Usage: 2-11 %
RAM Usage: 2.9-3.6 GB

Despite the puzzles I really think Stasis is a solid game. Everything else is of such high quality I have to recommend it. Fans of the genre probably won’t mind the puzzles anyway. It’s worth it for the story; characters; voice acting; music and visual style. I finished the game in six hours and six minutes. I paid $5.74 CAD for it and felt that was fair value. Even $10 would have been alright.

My Score: 7/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 580 8GB Gaming X | Mesa 21.3.7 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Garuda Soaring White-tailed-eagle | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 5.16.16-zen1-1-zen
518 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 14:24
Contains some of the most gruesome, f'd up things I've seen in any game. True horror.
171 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 22:34
So I really wanted to like this game, but I had to stop for a few reasons.

While some puzzles are very easy to figure out others like the one with the bathroom rag are difficult to realize what you are supposed to do without a guide, Items that for instance can damage a lock one time don't another time, sometimes puzzles feel like they were thrown in for no reason.

But none of this would be a deal breaker if its wasn't for the fact the game has no brightness setting, nor colorblind mode. Meaning people who have issues perceiving either specific colors or like me have photo sensitivity issues leading to me having an issue seeing colors and grays mixed together means half the screens all I see if black. Normally I'd fix this by turning up brightness so my eyes can perceive it better but there isn't one. This game is basically limiting who can play it to people who don't have issues with their abilities to see color or specific shades of light.

I get why you didn't add one, you want people to play the game a specific way, but for example the rag puzzle, I didn't even realize there was a toilet there because all I saw was black, due to my eye issue. Please at least add a brightness and contrast setting.
418 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 03:29
Beautiful and highly atmospheric point and click adventure game of the old school genre (with the small drawback of being somewhat pixel hunty at times), very much inspired by Alien, Event Horizon and to some degree Dead Space.

Voice casting and writing are excellent. The Linux port is functional (though one have to add the beta branch) and unfortunately achievements doesn't work but everthing else worked, performance was good and the game was stable.
69 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 22:24
I gave this game a fair shot once, made it 5 hours in? I don't know how much of the game I actually completed, but I do know where I decided I was done.

The experience of the whole game was underwhelming. I was really expecting a little more suspense.
It just isn't engaging. The gameplay isn't memorable. I can't bring myself to try again.
204 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 08:31
Story very well written. Fantastic athmosphere.
295 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 22:42
I enjoyed the 5 hours I spent playing Stasis. That is mostly due to its atmosphere. If you are a fan of works such as Dead Space, Event Horizon, Pandorum, Alien etc- chances are you will like it.

That said, do not expect anything particularly original or outstanding. It is almost beat-for-beat a copy of the aforementioned Dead Space, but far less thrilling.

The writing is okay, though the text logs start to become repetitive half-way through and some of the characters are just cartoony.
258 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 13:09
Ah yes takes me back to Monkey Island days. It feel like that, but much more disturbing. Be sure to use integer scaling on your GPU so you get nice crisp pixels on a high res screen.
197 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 18:52
Just added positive review
241 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 09:07
Yes and No, Yes in that the game makes you work for the ending. There's lots to read, lots to put together, and lots of things to figure out. From that angle, I really enjoyed the game. On the other hand, [spoiler] I freaking hate sad endings, way to depress me after so much play time, everyone dies and you can't do squat about it! [/spoiler]
This was definitely a one and done game, but not bad for the price. If you like an intense story rich game, this is for you. Just if you get emotionally wrapped up in your games, check the spoiler for a heads up.
779 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 05:03
I don't usually play point and click games or horror games. Snagged this game for a great price off of Fanatical and I really enjoyed it. When i wasn't playing it I was thinking of all the disturbing things in this game. The game is pretty well written and I didn't feel like reading people's PDAs were a slog, I was eager to learn more about the characters who worked on the ship. The game is pretty unsettling and disturbing but that is why I liked it. Will have to check out more from this dev.
2062 Produkte im Account
165 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 20:10
Gruesome and compelling story with a horror sci-fi theme. A true point & click, at such a distance that the horrors look less horrifying.

John wakes up from stasis...

in an unfamiliar place. He, his wife and daughter were on their way to Titan. Everybody is gone, and there is a lot of blood everywhere. Via a radio John has contact with a woman named Te'ah, but she doesn't give a lot of information about what's going on there. That doesn't bother John, he has one mission: to find his family! If she can assist in any way, he's fine with that.
The story is told via the environment, the minimalistic conversations between John and Te'ah, and the personal logs of every corpse you come across.


The visuals are good, and chosen with such a great distance, that the horrors don't look so bad. The interactable items all are clearly visible because they have a tiny bright light on the screen. The inventory is kept small, and most of the time it's clear what's required for the puzzles.
The sounds are all good. I'd like to mention the voice acting of John in particular. The way he voices his disgust of all the gore he encounters is very believable.

There is a small issue with some of the mouseclicks, such as reading a PDA, or selecting inventory items. Those clicks need to be very short. The vast majority of players won't notice this, however some disabled players might experience this.

My opinion

I loved my playthrough, although I think many aspects were spoiled for me because I had already played Cayne, which happens in the same universe, is a lot shorter yet to my memory way more extreme. Although that's a free game, I would advice for anyone to play Stasis first.
So for me the surprise of the horrors happening on board weren't there. Nevertheless I enjoyed the story, even when I knew how it was probably going to end.
I was a bit disappointed that some parts of the PDA stories didn't get a stage in the journey John experienced. It might just have been explained in later PDA's, because around halfway I only skimmed the headlines of the personal logs due to the clicking bug. I am referring here to [spoiler]Charlotte[/spoiler].

I like games that handle the extreme versions of moral dilemmas. This game isn't about the fine line of morality, hell no. But when reaching extremes, at some point you must cross the line. The game touches a little in that zone, but the majority goes way beyond that.

This game is not suitable for everyone. If human experimentation is a pass for you storywise, this game will be too.


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
580 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 20:51
Best adventure game I've played since Grim Fandango. All puzzles except for one (oxygen tank) make perfect sense, I have no idea what people are bitching about... Yes, some are hard but they ALL have hints if you read the log entries and examine your environment. No need to search for solutions online unless you want to skip reading tons of well-written backstory.

The sound design and graphics are fucking amazing, by the way.
550 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 07:17
kind of liked the game until it had shock gore which ruined the whole thing for me! puzzles ranged from okay to mediocre with weird logic jumps, game is very visually dark so often difficult to just navigate or get puzzle parts. skip this!
408 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 22:04
Awesome game for those of us that like scary games but find them hard to play because they're scary. The main story plot itself is relatively uninteresting but everything that is going on and happening while you're pursing the main plot is very interesting.

I'd say everything about the game is about average except for the environment and reading which is well above average. There are PDAs throughout the game that you can find and read if you choose, despite there being allot to read it is well written and had me looking forward to each new PDA that I would find to gain another glimpse into the gritty life and death of each crew member.
176 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 02:29
I love the look of the game and was interested in the larger story but it has way too many flaws. Often when walking into an area you can't tell where you are due to dimness and it's a bit disorienting. Alot of the puzzles are pretty arbitrary and weird. You're better off just clicking on everything. The writing on the small scale is absolutely terrible. These people's journals are written by someone who has absolutely no understanding of adult relationships and it is unbearable. Avoid at all costs.
119 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 00:41
I’m starting to think the world is divided into people who Do and Don’t Like Point and Click Adventure Games. If you Do Like these games, you may like Stasis? If you Don’t Like Point and Click Adventure Games – as I am increasingly believing is an immutable part of my personality – Stasis won’t change your mind. An overwrought sci-fi horror that makes adolescent use of body horror and buckets of gore, Stasis is Alistair Reynolds’ Revelation Space by way of Nine Inch Nails, detailing the journey of an angry man escaping a sinister and abandoned space ship. Along the way our protagonist will need to complete a lot of tasks along the lines of feeding space cucumbers into the blender you (hopefully) picked up in the galley to produce liquid to grease the axel of the space engine three levels back to power the shower to rinse the tentacles of space octopus of the slime you can then combine with the robot surgeon to inject into your spine to allow you to lift out the way the girder in engineering.

Stasis is an unrepentant point and click adventure game, hiding behind a mask of handsome isometric art, with a derivative plot, voice acting dialled to maximum angst, and no gameplay concessions to players on the fence regarding their Do or Don’t Like These Games status. Miss a crucial interactive object or inventory item? Too bad. Go read a walkthrough, and get back to combining everything in your inventory with everything else. If there’s a good jumping-on point for this genre, Statis isn’t it.
173 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 00:57
The game was a fun Isometric DeadSpace with achievements based on how many types of deaths one can find.
Though it sadly has a few flaws with the gameplay and story, such as our protagonist ignoring locations clicked on the map. And the ending really wasn't very good at all. It would have been a great game if there was another ending, sadly that isn't the case here as the writing fell off with a failed attempt to explain it away with a one off line and 0 buildup. I'd say buy it on sale and see if you can finish it in 2 hours, but otherwise I'd skip this one. Hopefully their new game will be better.
104 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 17:34
Good B movie atmosphere, great graphics, loved the gore to some of the puzzles, but the 'busy environments' and no way to highlight items, which you have no clue what they do, because of SF futuristic 'sh.t'.

Good experience, play with walkthrough to avoid frustration.

With highlight of items and a LOT more of information after clicking on items which are progress mandatory, to explain what they do, maybe a comment of character here and there what should player do, would make this a good puzzle game.
As it is, it's 'use walthrough' game or leave it frustrated, because information is not there.
128 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:48
Harkens back to the glory days of PnC Adventure games in a way I never thought would be revisited.
299 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 01:13
Really good point and click adventure with a great atmosphere and good character writing with a sad and really disturbing narrative.

Some people say that the puzzles are not intuitive and stuff not highlighted enough. I can't agree with that. For me it was always clear what the next step is, I think I struggled only one time but it was more me being a bit tired. The puzzles are all about combining items to affect the world and all combinations made sense. I played many point and clicks and I know several games where the puzzles make no sense at all and you have to try and error your way through. And STASIS is NOT one of them. I would even say the game is pretty easy if you use some logic and A leads to B thoughts. And yeah sometimes you need to be observant, talking about the small postits sticking to the PDAs which told you how to solve several stuff. But I instantly saw them and when the puzzle came it was just an: AHA! Maybe that's cause I love puzzle games but you have to expect that things might not just be thrown into your face sometimes.

The combination of the great world, atmosphere, sound, story and meaningful puzzles makes it one of my fav p&c games I have ever played and showing that this classic genre isn't dead at all.
1616 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 19:47
STASIS is a decent space horror game with disturbing graphics and an interesting storyline. I'm surprised this game was made by a three man-studio, as the quality of the game feels much higher than that!

The story itself is pretty trope-y, you play as your Regular Joe waking up on a spaceship and you start looking for your family. However it does lead into something more, something worse and it does tie into a really good ending with twists and turns. Reading the PDAs that are available gives more background lore, making the setting even better. The characters might be trope-y but they're not over the top and the voice acting is actually really good.

Gameplay-wise it's puzzle solving with simple point n click mechanics and sometimes timing involved. It makes the good flow on and you can instead focus on the story and the environments, which are both beautiful and terrifying. This game is visually appealing, however at times maybe a bit too dark graphically speaking. However the game is dark itself as well, based on both the storyline and the fact that your character can meet his death in several gruesome ways, both self-inflicted and by the surrounding environment.

I recommend this to any space horror fan! It's really good and I can't wait for the upcoming sequel! In the meanwhile I'll play the other games released by this dev.
140 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 23:20
Audio, acting and level design are great. The story was ok, though I couldn't finish the game.

Some of the Achievements involve using some of the tools/environments to kill yourself. Normally not an issue and it shows off some of the animations someone obviously worked hard on. But there is no way to save your game. There is a Save/Load menu in the Options, but no Save button in said menu, and no Autosaves in the Load Menu.

I was about 90% through the game and was going for another Suicide Achievement. I got it but I lost well over an hour of gameplay. May not seem like a lot, but I set aside a free day to play this and getting to the end just to be shoved back tho the halfway point is a complete waste of time (and money). A game that was released in 2015 should have a Save feature. It can't be that hard. I wash I had known about the lazy development before I purchased Beautiful Desolation, and F*@& I hope BD has an option to save.

And the graphics options are launched separately but all the options are grayed out, unable to change. WTF

289 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 17:19
Looked bad on a large monitor and the character moves painfully slow. I got frustrated pretty fast and refunded even though I was really feeling like playing an isometric point and click game but it quickly became apparent I would never feel like playing this so I refunded.
451 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 17:08
It's a point and click game with good visuals, great sound, bad gameplay that doesn't make sense in a lot of cases, and a poorly presented story that turned me off from delving into it.

Despite my love for good horrors, overall it was boring and i beat it using a walkthrough because the gameplay makes no sense and i wanted to end it asap.
301 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 02:49
I like point and clicks but struggled with this one. Some of the puzzles were brilliant, others were... interesting. But the whiny protagonist and the excruciating voice acting is what killed it for me. Just. bad. Wasn't thrilled with the forced resolution, either. Felt very... 1995.
104 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 18:07
At $10, if you like point and click adventures it's worth it.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 19:35
I wanted something different from the usual AAA titles and I got it. Felt the need to go back to the roots of gaming when graphics were rudimentary and developers had to be creative to keep the audience engaged. I am not disappointed. This game feels fresh to me at least, but will not be for all. It's a point and click game that means pixel hunting and you will have a lot of that, when you find something, then you will have to mix it with something and put it somewhere that you would have not think in a million years. This is one of those games that are impossible to complete without a walkthrough, but maybe I am just not smart enough to play video games :)

Story 7/10 reason: not much interaction with other characters. (npc) also, character motives were easy to figure. You will read a lot of pdas. While I like to read, not necessarily in my games. Not this much anyway.

Typical archetypes. My character is very good all heart, while the enemy is ultra bad full psychopath.

Graphics: ?/? not gonna rate it. Go on YouTube, watch 10 min walkthrough, it is consistent.

Sound: see above but I think as a non sound designer 7/10 Main characters voice over is horrible. Too bad.

Gameplay: you have not been paying attention, it's a point and click. You click and character goes.

Note: developers are very sick puppies.
58 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 00:29
Good Game..played smooth and great story.... a good ride.
1712 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 18:07
Sanitarium and Dead Space seem to be main inspirations for this one. Its not perfect, but overall it is fun to play
407 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 21:21
Frustratingly nihilistic with nonsensical puzzles and terrible voice acting. Dark Sci-Fi settings are really cool, and this one does have a lot of beautiful environment design and thought put into the actual aesthetic. The problem is that the story doesn't really live up to the tension that the environment is building.

The story begins onboard a medical ship inside of a lab filled with corpses and clearly falling to pieces. From that summary, you can guess at the villains, the narrative twists, what's happening aboard the ship, and the general trajectory the story will take - and you won't be wrong. If you want this sort of story, play System Shock 2 or Dead Space - games with this kind of grimy used future aesthetic that have a lot more going for them.
319 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 13:59
STASIS is an average-to-good, point-and-click, sci-fi horror game. Interestingly enough, it manages to squeeze in some jump scares. It goes places few (?) games dare to, but I do not wish to go into details because I do not want to spoil the game. The main story is interesting at its core. The objects are generally easy to find. The puzzles are a bit lame but there is rarely moon logic, so things make sense. The developers want the ending to be opened to interpretation, which I am personally not a fan of.

Rating: We’ll make our own Rapture, with space and…

1183 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 18:38
Liked the game a lot. It hit the spot for me. A lot of spots :D
- music by Mark Morgan,
- visual style similair to Sanitarium and Gorky 17,
- super thick dark atmosphere and a fair amount of gore,
- horror point and click.
1530 Produkte im Account
407 Reviews
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:36
A solid horror point and click adventure game about a man who wakes up from cryostasis on a spaceship to find that it's a total nightmare zone. The puzzles were a bit opaque and you will probably struggle quite a bit without a walkthrough (I did), but I enjoyed the voice acting and the story and the art. A good game.
1899 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 11:39
John Maracheck, his wife and their little daughter were talking how everything in their lives was going for the better and the future looked bright before they all went into hyper-sleep onboard the commercial spaceship. But John’s stasis is now interrupted; he is on a different, dilapidated ship, without his family in sight. John is about to experience the most horrifying day of his life.

Stasis is a true mixed bag for me; if I could recommend it as such, I would. But since Steam has a binary choice for recommendations, I’ll label Stasis as a barely positive experience, but with a word of warning: For everything this game does right, an equal amount of wrong design decisions are present as well.

+ Decently told story with a couple of unexpected twists and an even better world-building
+ Visual and audio presentation looks and feels stunning, terrifying and jaw-dropping
+ The “Groomlake” starship is an amazing and unnerving character of its own that you’ll want to explore and discover its horrifying secrets
+ Puzzles are fairly straightforward if a bit too simplistic

- Main characters of John and Te’ah are interesting but severely underdeveloped due to game’s unrelenting tone
- Crucial dramatic moments have no weight to them since the story focuses very little on its central characters
- PDA reading sections constantly usurp and break the pace of the game with fairly bad level of writing
- Main villain is a walking cliché with corny over-the-top dialogue that just doesn’t gel with the overall serious tone of the game

Deathship Has a New Captain

As you investigate the innards of the lost ship in space, you will uncover many secrets and horrors that are result of human hubris, greed and unchecked, fringe science. Every section of the ship that John visits, deals with its own problems and terrors, and he will have to survive or overcome these problems to continue his desperate search, thus in the process almost becoming a hero. These mini-stories later on nicely fuse to the main story about an experiment gone horribly wrong and what fate might await John’s dearest ones. There is subtle foreshadowing in found PDAs as to what trial awaits you next, as well as fascinating backstory about the Cayne Corporation that financed the construction of this ship and controls much of Earth’s resources, how this corporation came to be and what are their ultimate goals. Designers of the game were very open to the sources of inspiration for Stasis so I won’t mention it here again, but let’s just say the universe of Stasis and its sequel Cayne remind me a lot of World War III from Star Trek (quite disturbing part of the franchise) and Warhammer 40K.

Stasis is quite an eye catcher, with beautifully rendered and highly detailed ship’s environments you’ll be traversing through. Every room has its own atmosphere and a story to tell, making Groomlake starship a character of its own, a dark reflection of its passenger’s desires and shortcomings. The impressive presentation is relegated to the game’s characters: main characters, unfortunates and monsters have detailed animations that express successfully their current emotional state. John sags when injured; his body is bent and clutched when he is feeling emotionally distraught and helpless; every living thing you meet in the game have these expressive animations which help being immersed a lot. Mark Morgan and Daniel Sadowski have created a soundtrack for this game that is subdued and enhances the mood and set pieces of the Stasis’ story, the same goes for sound effects.

Speaking of intense, Stasis is a very gory adventure game, though the far away, isometric view dampens and shields you quite a lot from the atrocities John is experiencing directly. You will need to find items throughout the level and use them in the right manner to move on to the next one. There are puzzles and computer records of the ships’ passengers but there is no communication or dialogue with others besides the occasional, very brief scripted chat between John and Te’ah via intercom. Puzzles’ design is mostly okay, you never have more than a few items in your inventory that you have to use or combine, hints for more complex puzzles are signaled in advance and most puzzles are contained in a room or two at most, thus there’s no need for a constant backtracking. Two puzzles did appear illogical to me, but none of them is hair pulling difficult.

Evil is of Old Date

There are plenty of things wrong with Stasis that blemishes quite a bit the overall experience. Since the sole focus of the game is put on the investigation, there is a minimal amount of dialogue between characters. In fact, John only gets a dozen of short chats with Te’ah, a scientist he met via bloodied intercom on the ground. Their communication is mostly delegated to exposition and highlighting what the player needs to do next. Since John will be entering from one horrible situation to another all the time, there are no calm and introspective moments where they can truly talk and know each other better. You’ll know a thing or two about these characters at the start of the game, and that won’t change when you finish it. This lack of focus and detail on their character and dialogue development makes them look superficial and makes the players emotionally unattached to their goals and plights. So when truly bad things happen in Stasis, something that should have a lot dramatic and emotional gravitas for both the character and the player, I didn’t feel connected at all. Surprised and shocked – yes, invested and caring – no. To rub more salt in, the villain of this game is a stock “mad scientist” we’ve seen hundreds of times before. His communication and involvement throughout the game can be totaled to about 4 minutes of his entire game presence. That is simply not enough time to present a neither good nor memorable villain. His only goal is to antagonize the player and spew “I am a god, whelp! I can do what ever the heck I want!” drab dialogue which seeps out a lot of horror from this game.

I’ve finished Stasis in 7 hours, but 30 percent of that time was spent on reading countless PDA messages that seem to never end. Every time a PDA or two shows up in a room, the game would just stop as I flick and read all the messages which could easily take 5-8 minutes and more. Now I am not against reading walls of texts, my all time favorite is Planescape Torment, but the writing here is just not good. Every PDA is from someone, usually a deceased member of the ship’s crew, and while you can see the clear attempt to put small idiosyncrasies and unique character ticks to these messages, majority of them end up reading like its coming from one and the same person: a foul-mouthed and spiteful little dipstick. There’s just too many of these PDA messages with a lot of exposition and meaningless chatter. This could’ve been alleviated by giving more screen time to the main characters and the villain that would talk and discuss the past accidents on the ship while also connecting their reaction to these events and ultimately uncovering their goals.

A Curse of the Grandest Kind

Stasis was followed by Cayne, which I also reviewed, and in both of these games I’m noticing similar strengths and problems. The presentation of the game, the style and the pace are effective, quick and to the point, but the character writing and dialogue leaves a lot to be desired. These problems don’t ring so loudly here in Stasis since it’s a much longer and more complex game than Cayne. There are some improvements though, as the story here is more coherent and told much better than it was in the sequel/prequel. But I really hope that future games from these developers will continue to evolve and that they’ll work on patching major shortcomings these two games have. In the end, Stasis offers the gore and shock, but little else.
211 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 22:12
Excellent little game for fans of sci-fi horror! Recommend using a walkthrough for a few counter-intuitive puzzles.
484 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 20:47
It's depressing, disgusting, disturbing, non-apologetic and I love it.

If you want a taste for this game but aren't ready to fork over the money, play CAYNE. It's a sort of side story and i'll give you a good idea of what STASIS is about.

I do recommend this game if you miss point-click adventure games and want a more adult horror scenario.
I've had a great time with this one and it made me say out loud WOW a few time. READ ALL THE LOGS!
226 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 17:34
Stasis is a linear, grotesque, science-fiction, point-and-click game which brings horror to complete the pizza toppings. A lot of uncomfortable topics are discussed throughout the gameplay - abuse of power, God complex, child abuse and experimentation with toddlers, murder, eugenics, cloning and many more ethical topics related to science and psychiatry.

I was shocked to find out what a tiny team has worked on this project! It's one of the best story-rich games I've played in a long time. Absolutely wonderful were both the reading and playable content. The characters, although a few, were well-managed and adequately written.

The music was sometimes repetitive but good overall. I found some of the sound effects, however, quite bad for my hearing (a high-pitched tone within one of the later scenes where you can witness some of the abominations resulted from the experimentations that made up Project SEED). I had to mute the game while being in this room, cause it was really bugging my ears, as silly as it may sound.

One unique characteristic of Stasis is how you can kill or suicide the MC. It's so gratifying to be able to burn, shoot, smash, evaporate and destroy in many other ways that quite annoying man! Thank you for providing us with so many options to prove how much of an a**hole we can be ourselves!

I'm looking forward to trying out more of the studio's projects!
351 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 22:36
Great game. A great and immersive story. It's been a long time since a game has grabbed me like this.

The story telling, voice acting were convincing and well put together. I was initially disappointed by the 720dp graphics but to be honest it really doesn't matter. You are so immersed in the story after the first 10 minutes of play you don't notice it.....at all. Haven't enjoyed a game like this in a long time.

Well worth the buy.
265 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 21:56
Amazing atmosphere and story. Beautiful visuals. Story being told by mostly log files of the crew that you encounter, the puzzles are not difficult, mostly based on pixel hunting and combining + using objects.

The game really has it from it's amazingly rendered graphics, talking you to a very Alien-esque atmosphere with a seriously dark story, you will not know what it going to hit you in this game. Recommended.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 16:43
Great indiegame that requires mental gymnastics

I blocked a furnace door using a shit-stained towel
I minced meat using a pistol
I forced evil insects to suicide on a fan
I used a queue to trigger a methane explosion
I held my face into a methane explosion and survived unscathed
I used a dancing hologram to trigger a laser based movement detector
I killed pregnant women
I cut my wrists and bled to death

12 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 20:47
I do recommend this game, I liked the story but without walkthrough I would be lost.
1872 Produkte im Account
283 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 00:10
*After having played Cayne first.
Cayne was better but not incredible to begin with. Incredibly disappointed.

If you enjoy discovering stories and backgrounds through notes, it might be for you.
The environments help a great deal with envision of that particular lore aspect. - Strongest suit and the only reason I would tell you to play Stasis.

Otherwise a slog of a terrible see-from-a-mile-away main story and not too difficult, yet cumbersome puzzles.
Backdrop, while still enveloping that Cayne visual style, somehow fell short and failed to create as strong of an atmosphere - for me.
More so, it's a selection of scenes from Alien and Dead Space with a protagonist blend-in feature.
There were many moments where it seemed to be designed to simply extend playtime, in gameplay and environment.

On the other hand it's a point 'n click that lets you commit suicide, a feature that should be present in all point 'n clicks.
326 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 04:54
Its a reccomend.... ish.

It has some great voice acting and decent writing,

But it also has some tired tropes and at some points feels like its being edgy and gross just for the sake of being edgy and gross.

As for the gameplay itself, most of the puzzles were pretty well designed. Challenging enough that they werent always immediately obvious, but logical enough that (most of them) weren't just brute force guessing. Though like most point and click adventure games, some of them were a bit too out there and required some pixel hunting where I ended up looking them up.
239 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 07:19
its basically a dead space type of game as an old style point n click....lots to read but can be avoided.
i recomend it to get it on a sale for less then 5.-
757 Produkte im Account
390 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 22:09
This is an old school adventure that reminds me very much about Sanitarium - it has the same eerie atmosphere and gory unsettling visuals. But in terms of setting Stasis reminds more about Alien, The Thing and other 70/80s sci fi movies.

Some people compain about illogical actions you have to make, but I only had to look in the walkthrough for a couple times (damn chemicals puzzle was tricky!). And I actually think almost everything you do in the game to progress is pretty well justiifed if you are attentive.

Anyway, if you are interested, you can check out Cayne – a free game set in the same universe from the same developers. It is significantly shorter than Stasis, but will give you a good idea what to expect.

100 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 12:35
STASIS is an isometric point-and-click horror game whose story perfectly depicts the horrors that science without moral constraints might give birth to. Most of the story is contained within the logs that you find throughout the game, so I would strongly recommend checking each and every single one of them so that you can get a full picture of the events that took place during the protagonist's drug induced coma. My only complaint is that there are no hints to guide the player in the right direction. Backtracking is quite common in this game, yet it is not always clear as to when you are required to do so.
127 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:01
I would definitely recommend this game. If I'm not mistaken this mostly a 2-person job and for me that makes it even more impressive. I can definitely forgive a few glitches here and there since the developer aimed high and generally delivered.

First of all, yes the game has definitely a slow pace but on the other hand that really helps the overall atmosphere. (Hey, the first alien was a slow movie, right?)

I believe that the aim of the game was mostly to deliver an atmospheric experience and not to challenge the player with difficult puzzles. Not to say that there are not some challenging ones. (Fixing the broken Stasis terminal was a bit brutal for me)

Players should be a bit careful not to miss a hotspot on the screen since there are cases that some items are really small on the screen. For this particular game and the isometric perspective, it was a really good idea to present info for each object by simply hovering over it rather that clicking on it.

The devs made sure not to allow player to carry a large number of items, so you wont find yourself in the situation of randomly dragging items to the screen until you find the solution.

The writing is good. Yes, we have seen similar scenarios in the past but let's be honest, the sci-fi genre is recycling similar ideas again and again in all mediums. The most important thing is to do something right and the game does this imo.

I really adore the late 90s-styled pre-rendered graphics. Reminded me of some great games of the past. Most people mention Sanitarium and I totally agree with that. The animations could be a bit better but no big problems there.

The sound does the job. Voice-overs are quite good for an indie production although a bit uneven if you ask me.
169 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 13:58
Bought this game for $3 and change. Totally worth it. A simple point and click that has some pretty hard puzzles and is actual terrifying at times.
215 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 18:57
The game starts interesting, but as the story progresses it becomes more and more grandiose and conspiracy laced. The devs should have kept the focus narrower. The mood/flavor text of items were excellent, how ever. It really set the tone.
Also, the written dialogues were written 4th wall breaking, with characters reacting to situations with information they shouldn't have (but I as a player have). For example, they may comment on what I as a player do, without my charater telling them what I am doing.

Unfortunatly the game is rendered in 720p, which ages poorly. It also didn't help that items didn't get highlighted or stood out better. I would have preferred an option to toggle a show of exits and items that can be interacted with. It doesn't detract from anyone elses experience, but it would have helped me to toggle it on.

All in all, short, moody and it looks promising in the future for The Brotherhood.
220 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 18:11
I won this game from a giveaway.

At first when I played this game, I got very frustrated. I am not great at point and click games. I am not great at puzzles haha.
I slept and let the game rest for awhile, then played the game again when I woke up.

The game is great, finding all the achievements can be tricky, but the story is great, spooky and sad.
I loved it.
2052 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 10:52
Slow, confusing, and insipid.
522 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 06:14
I've never written a review before but theirs a first for everything, this game was so frustrating because beneath this indie game they're are tons of exceptional moments. But past that this game can't decide on what it wants to be. Im only going to talk about three parts that frustrated me the most and then forget about this game.

1.Sound Design: The sound design can range from ok to was that spooky noise just to keep me on edge or is there something I need to actually worry about. None of it is exceptional or even ok, and because I cant even be bothered to go into a much detail, the dialogue in this game doesn't have contextual emotion, if our protagonist see's something crazy they're will be no mention of it after seeing it when looking at nearby debris.

2. Gameplay: Its a horror point and click adventure with inadequate scares and any stress or anxiety that may occur is whether or not the horrendously bad checkpoint system saved before or after the long unimportant unskippable dialogue. In summary the original Space Quest games were scarier had evoked more terror than this game when they wanted to by having threats approaching you and only having a limited time to outwit them while in this game its the illusion of something approaching. And theyre puzzles had logical conclusions i just oh my lord almighty I need to stop and move on or I'm gonna lose it.

3. Story: Beneath all this just mindnumbingly frustrating puzzles and checkpoints, the annoyingly vague animation work where there were times when I couldn't figure out if I had solved a puzzle or if I needed to do something else they're was something actually pretty nice about the game. The PDA's, although the actual events are still fuzzy seeing different characters interacting with one another and seeing the other characters perspective in these journal entries was actually suprisingly well done and interesting, and the overarching story had a lot of hope but at the end of the day I think think the story like the gameplay and much of the game was likely limited due to financial constrictions. A kickstarted point and click game that did deliver on a genuinely intriguing art design, environments, and writing. But the dialogue and gameplay and the overarching story itself suffered. Which is a shame

If you dont want to read the word vomit above heres some 1-10 ratings below

Gameplay 4/10
Sound 5/10

Sexy dancing hologram ladies 14/9

Guess its a winner baybeeee
243 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 15:25
Horror sci-fi “Stasis” is like an indie adventure version of SOMA with abundant violence and gore. While this dark story-centric game explores a somewhat common nowadays theme of being abandoned on a spaceship with mysterious “something” on the loose, it does so in a gripping, soap opera-level dramatic manner and manages to keep player engaged all the way to a twisted, “open for your interpretation” end.

Player is violently woken up from the state of stasis as John Maracheck, a teacher on his way to an interstellar vacation with family. Or at least that’s what John thinks he was doing because he can’t recognize the ship he’s on. Oh, and his family is gone. As matter of fact, everyone is gone and John finds himself surrounded by broken equipment, copious amounts of blood smeared all over the place and strange shadows lurking around followed by either low growls or guttural screams. Hurt and scared, John still has his priorities straight – first, he needs to find his daughter and wife while trying to figure out what the hell happened, and then – get away from the damned place. Good thing a cool, collected and, most importantly, alive scientist Te’ah somehow got ahold of him through the comm system in his suit and now helps guiding him. Sounds familiar? Sure. Alien Isolation, Dead Space, aforementioned SOMA… Then add some Sanitarium on top… And yet, THE BROTHERHOOD’s take on well-known premise still comes through as a worthy contender.

Beautiful, 2D isometric graphics and highly detailed backgrounds make this point’n’click stand out amongst the line-up of like-minded games. Heavy, dark colors and tones permeating majority of the game subdue the generously gory scenes and wild grotesque creatures making atmosphere much more unsettling at the same time. Somehow, blood splattered all over the room seems more menacing in the dark and monsters whose features we can’t quite make out appear to be more sinister.

This is a classic PNC game, although interface takes a bit of getting used to. The lack of highlight function in particular, which can be no big deal in the game with less details to explore but becomes quite overwhelming when anything you point your cursor on has a lengthy description. It takes a good second for a player to “read” the room he’s in as every item, whether to be used or not, is giving you a small bite of background info. The rest of the UI stylishly fits within the game, fully disappearing if you don’t need it and being brought up with a cool sci-fi effect upon hovering in the correct corner. There are evenly spaced inventory manipulation tasks throughout, but majority of the game is focused on interacting with environment to keep moving forward at a brisk pace.
Puzzles vary from logical, smoothly integrated into game’s world to such unintuitive ones (looking at you, “refined biological tissue”) that it’ll take quite a few trials of “what if I try this item on this” to figure it out. Still, they blend well with the futuristic universe, and aside few occasions where a paltry 2020 player might be stumped by highly advanced solution, never hinder the progress for long. Special mention should be given to a multitude of deaths John Maracheck will be subjected to if he isn’t being careful. The game reloads right before the deadly sequence, so it’s not a big issue, but the sheer amount of such opportunities available displays morbid creativity of developers in its full glory. Speaking of morbidity, there’s a whole section of achievements marked “suicide” in this game. I’ll let the player connect the dots on this one.

The writing in “Stasis” is of high quality if a bit on overly descriptive side. Prepare to read a lot, as the core of the game is the exploration of surroundings trying to make sense of the situation. There are tons of PDAs of now deceased/disappeared workers that contain personal stories and outlooks on the situation, written in unique to them style. It’s not necessary to read through all of them, but this is where the “meat” of the narration is; and while the drama factor intensifies tenfold towards the end with moustache-twirling villains and destinies of thousands at stake, this dark, eerie story is a lot of fun to follow.

If there’s one thing that absolutely elevates the entire experience to a whole new level is the combination of music, voice-over, and sound effects. In “Stasis” they aren’t merely supporting the big picture – they lift it up to new heights. While a substantial portion of the game is played in relative silence, the occasional well-placed track always adds ambience in just the right places. The voice actors are all solid, but the guy playing John Marachek absolutely takes the cake conveying every emotion, every physical pain or moment of horror John is going through. And the sound effects are of stellar quality. Whispers in the hallways, broken radios coming to life as John walks in the room, robotic advertisements, millions of spaceship’s creaks and mechanical sounds and, of course, fantastic array of hellish screams/threatening growls/wild howls allow for a grand level of immersion.

“Stasis” will be a perfect fit for the players who like their game to be centered around a story. Yes, there’s plenty of running around and puzzles to do, but it all works to open a heart of the title – a horror space drama unfolding right in front of our eyes. Those who prefer their games on the darker side, especially developed in the sci-fi universe and don’t shy away from extensive amounts of gore would also find this suspenseful indie gem to their liking; while the tale maybe becoming as old as time in gaming, “Stasis” developers’ take on it is an endeavor worth exploring. At $10 for over 10 hours of content, this is a no-brainer.
You’ll also get to see a giant insect being MILKED. How can anyone resist now?

For more point’n’click awesomeness join our group!!
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CPANDC" target="_blank"> Coalition of Pointers and Clickers
409 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 02:55
Very strong aesthetic, very 'Starcraft 1 cinematic' in a way that I appreciated. Terrible gameplay, but I'm not a fan of the genre. Good story, ruined by some ridiculous melodrama at the end. Overall, it gets a pass.
410 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 11:34
Stasis is an old school point-and-click adventure, which unfortunately carries the burden of old school puzzle design. I wanted to give this game a thumbs up, but unfortunately the bad overweight the good -- which is a shame because there is a lot of good here.

The plot is hardly original. You wake up in a starship where mutated things have slaughtered the crew, you have another survivor guiding you over radio, everybody has kept a diary on their pads, there’s a mad scientist and so on and so forth. Visually this game is very nice, although the locations are often so dark it’s hard to find your character. The writing is mostly okay, but the voice acting is often cringy. There are some pretty effective moments. It’s also nice that you can look at things just by moving the mouse pointer over them without having to click, but unfortunately the description appears right in the bottom of the screen, which is surprisingly annoying.

But then there are the puzzles. They are usually so illogical you just have to try every item with everything until you get lucky. There’s a lot of pixel hunting and sometimes the solution is to keep interacting with something many times despite the character saying it’s futile. Here is a good example: you have to open a thing, and you have to make a cast of the lock with a rather random item, which is far from apparent. You can’t use the cast right away, though, because “it may break”. You must acquire a piece of metal to act as a handle, and somehow by using it the cast won’t break. There are absolutely no hints about any of this that I could find. Okay, creating challenging and nonobvious puzzles is hard, but a few hints here and there wouldn’t have been too much handholding.

You can die in Stasis. The dialogues are apparently non-skippable. Often when you die, the last save point is just before a long dialogue...

I’ve been playing point-and-click games since the eighties, and I ended up finishing Stasis with a walk-through just to experience the story.
223 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 20:52
A little gem of a point and click adventure game. Perfect for scratching that sci-fi itch and juuust not scary enough for me to play it.
It's well worth the time!
85 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 09:04
60% Sanitarium + 30% Dead Space + 9% Alien Isolation + 1% Flour...
194 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 02:06
  • Environment reminiscent of Dead Space.
  • Puzzles that actually make logical sense (mostly) to figure out. (You feel pretty good after solving some of the harder puzzles)
  • A character that interacts with the world in a way that feels organic. (John is scared and repulsed by the horrors he encounters)
  • An overall enjoyable experience.

Now, the game isn't without it's flaws, as there is some element of predictability with character interactions. But generally these can be overlooked as they are a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

The game is also rather short. (Don't let my play-time fool you, I let the game hang for a bit while I did other things.)

If you like these types of games? It's definitely worth a buy.
If you aren't a die-hard fan of point & click adventures? Get it on sale; it'll still be a worthwhile experience.
172 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 06:17
A fantastic game. The atmosphere is incredible, story is great and the puzzles all have sensible solutions. Definitely worth your time!
1070 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 20:43
A cliché-ridden science fiction short story, ineptly disguising itself as a point-and-click adventure. The gameplay mainly consists of solving rare puzzles (that have a varying degree of logicalness) between reading insane amounts of text logs (presented on highly crafted eyestrain-inducing backgrounds), and limping through endless pre-rendered corridors. All of that would work a lot better in a survival horror game.

Also, the object descriptions' text size, the save menu, and the numerous PDA interfaces need fixing – those are just painful.
165 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 18:32
Stasis has the kind of atmosphere you just can't do justice with simple words. It is fucking epic. Please support the devs and buy this gem. I could complain about the voice acting, but hell, I let it slide this time. This game is an absolute masterpiece despite it's shortcomings in certain areas like mentioned voice acting (which is good most of the time). If you happen to love isometric point'n'click adventures you know what to do!
506 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 05:38
This is a great point and click horror adventure game. Fantastic story line, great writing and great voice overs. The visuals were quite good as well, much more that I was expecting when I bought this game. Highly recommended. I can't wait to see what The Brotherhood come up with next.
540 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 22:45
TL;DR: If you are a fan of sci-fi classics (both literary and film), STASIS is a must try/must have addition to your nerdy collection.

I started playing STASIS back in 2016. I'd get off work around midnight and chip away at it. Eventually life got in the way and STASIS sort of receded into the background. Coming back to it, nearly four years later, has proved to be more than worthwhile. STASIS checks all the boxes when it comes to utilizing the necessary elements found in a vast majority of sci-fi classics and, in my humble opinion, ends up shining as one itself.

The story starts with a repurposed mining vessel that now acts as an experimental research ship, floating out in the uncharted void. This ship of doom, the Groomlake, hijacks other crews and performs experimentation upon them, with no bounds (both moral and legal). The meat of the story is delivered via PDA entries and computer terminals for the most part with the voice acting only being triggered through key events as you, John Maracheck, desperately search for your missing daughter and wife.

STASIS truly shines in the puzzle department. This game will force you to embrace the horrifying desolation and destruction around you as you are pushed to wander and wonder, determining what appropriate combination of random 'ingredients'/items from the environment are required to move throughout the ship.

The pacing of STASIS is perfection. A plot that starts out as a confusing whisper eventually evolves into an absolute maelstrom. STASIS is truly an emotional game (maybe it's because I have a wife and child myself and am therefore immediately empathetic for John) or maybe it is just because it's wonderfully written and has amazing audio. Hell, let's say it's both.

My ONLY complaints with STASIS are the occasional glitch with the UI where you can't intuitively back out of a interactive menu or your own inventory. I've also had the game simply reload a prior save while I was in the middle of performing an action. This only happened twice to me throughout my play through but it is worth mentioning as it was both confusing and frustrating (depending on how much unsaved progress has been made).

Long story made short, support these South African developers. STASIS is a hidden gem. I eagerly anticipate The Brotherhoods upcoming 2020 release.
816 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 15:18
usually i don't play point & click games since i absolutely detest hunting pixels to find stuff to click on and combining items in the most absurd ways to solve nonsensical puzzles.
however every now and then i find a game that looks interesting to me and i pick it up.

stasis is one of these games and i was very pleasantly surprised by what i found.

just because it's a point & click game doesn't mean it's going to be a walk in the park.
in fact it feels a lot like playing the point & click version of dead space. obviously you don't need to fight monsters around every corner but all the rest feels very similar.
stasis is seriously dark, grim, disturbing and gory for a point & click game.
it's certainly not suited for kids and the faint of heart.

usually the puzzles require some mild thinking, observing the environment and reading through data pads and computers to find clues on how to proceed. all in all the puzzle experience was quite reasonable actually.

the game was finished and 100% completed in about 10 hours (ocd-grade exploration) and it certainly left a lasting impression.

if you like what you see and you're not completely allergic to point & click games this one is definitely worth checking out.
367 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 17:46
Stasis is one gnarly, grotesque game, and it's not afraid to wade into some truly dark subject matter. It's got rough edges, but there's enough going on under the hood, that it's at least worth giving a chance.

Taking place in the far-flung future, players assume the role of a man named John Maracheck, a school teacher moving his family to Titan when, after mysterious circumstances, he wakes up from cryostasis aboard the dilapidated deep-space ship, the Groomlake. There, aided by a mysterious woman named Te'ah, John must make his way through the depths of the ship, coming across horror after horror after horror in his efforts to save his wife and daughter. It's familiar fare for fans of horror video games, and the specific lens of sci-fi horror will be all the more familiar to fans who spend much time in that genre. (On top of a very on-the-nose reference to Jones from Alien, the design of the Groomlake is reminiscent of the USS Ishimura from Dead Space run through the filter of Event Horizon.) Don't take that as nay-saying, though. Stasis uses the language of other science fiction and horror media, but its deliberations are all its own. Furthermore, its subject matter is far bleaker than any of the aforementioned titles, easily drifting into thematic territory closer to I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, toying with grim subjects like eugenics and the dehumanizing effects of capitalism.

Stylistically, Stasis also manages to hold its own, inspite of the plethora of homages to other sci-fi horror. The Groomlake is dripping with menace, even if the illusion sometimes breaks down. Backgrounds are prerendered, in a visual style akin to the 1998 game, Sanitarium Additionally, from distant metallic thuds and the meaty sloshing of many a body horror, the sound design deserves its own commendation. Voice acting too, what little of it there is, is quite good. John Maracheck sounds like a man desperate for his own survival, terrified of the hell he finds himself in, and though no other cast members really live up to that performance, it's all quite serviceable.

It's a shame, then, that the gameplay is so hit and miss. Stasis is a fairly standard point-and-click adventure, though it does sport a variety of possible deaths considerably more gruesome than your standard Sierra title. While it never feels like Stasis falls back on the the infamous moon-logic which haunts most adventure games of yesteryear, it also does very little to help the player navigate to solutions, often leading to moments of frustration. There are also a few moments that fall under the pixel-hunt umbrella, where solutions are difficult to pick out. At a certain point, I had to run through the game with a walkthrough open in a separate window, just so that I could double-check myself rather than spend half-an-hour backtracking in pursuit of the wrong solution.

But, really, the biggest reason that I think Stasis is worth playing is that it's the epitome of indie games, and I'd like to see THE BROTHERHOOD branch out and make more titles. Designed by an incredibly small team (effectively a core team of two brothers and a small assortment of outside help), it's frankly shocking that Stasis is as good as it is considering. It's clunky, it's a little broken, it's weird, but I'll be damned if it's also not kind of a breath of fresh air from an increasingly insular and predictable AAA market. Stasis won't be for everyone. It's nihilistic outlook, bleak setting, macabre content, and deeply unsettling tone ensure that. But, for those who enjoy the horror genre and are looking for a unique ride through a truly hellish story, the experience is certainly worth the asking price.
417 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 02:47
Pre-rendered backgrounds, a general sense of dread, and some pretty lackluster voice acting. A point and click adventure for the whole family.
1042 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 23:24
You wake up as John Maracheck on the spaceship Groomlake. But where are your wife and daughter? And where are all the other passengers? Lots of traces of blood suggest that pretty nasty things must have happened on the Groomlake.

After a while, in which you are completely on your own, you get radio contact with a scientist named Te'ah. The woman is still on the ship three months earlier despite an alleged evacuation. She helps John to find his family. It quickly becomes clear that humans experimented on the Groomlake.

Many data storages (PDAs) give insights into the devious processes as well as into the psyche of the people by madly written reports. History has its strong moments here: the logbooks, combined with the terrible surroundings, create an intense and, to this degree, credible atmosphere that makes you shiver exquisitely.

The Brotherhood has done a great job and STASIS is a graphically and stylistically very appealing game. Its a really great game with a great horror atmosphere, which later suffers from a confused story and some absurd puzzles.

- Great graphics
- Suitable ambient sounds
- Good game flow
- Great sci-fi horror atmosphere

- Targets are not always clearly defined
- Some absurd puzzle combinations



If you like this review, then please consider giving it a thumbs up. I've also reviewed other games that you might find interesting. If so please follow Top of the Chart.
65 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.19 00:24
This game has a lot going for it, unfortunately, as others have pointed out the major design flaws and downright frustrating bugs sour the experience to the point I now have to force myself to complete it.
Whoever wrote this and designed and implemented the art deserves a gold star, the coders should be fired though.
My advice for future releases would be to consider the end user experience.
2511 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.19 19:46
I like that this game covers some disturbing stuff, that other games often seem to avoid :3

The environments look amazing and the writing is also very nice.

Puzzles are okay-ish, but I'm not really a puzzle guy...if I'm stuck for a bit I just look up a guide.
I'm more interested in the story and I enjoyed this one.

I didn't like that the Settings are not directly in the game...you have to start the config tool for that.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.17% 793 184
Release:31.08.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: THE BROTHERHOOD Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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