This week's update focuses on bug fixes related to the Supplies Storage & Consumption features that were released last week.
The major fixes include:
- Astronauts will no longer pick up supplies from a Spacecraft when there's no storage space available. They will ignore any supplies waiting to be unloaded until more space becomes available in your Storage Compartments. Either by removing something from a Compartment or adding a new Compartment to your Station. This bug was causing Astronauts to get stuck carrying supplies forever with nowhere to put them!
- Fixed several scenarios where the Storage Manager window wouldn't open when it should, or would open when it shouldn't.
- Fixed a bug where the Spacecraft Manager window could sometimes open when closing the Storage Manager window.
Thank you for your detailed feedback and bug reports this week. Now that the Storage & Consumption system is working much better, the next updates will focus on applying it to more types of supplies and consumers.
As always, if you notice anything unusual with this update please report it in the Bug Report Thread.
And don't forget to join us in the Space Station Continuum Discord Server for discussions about the game and all things space.
- John