When it comes to the key visual of Silver Chains we didn’t want it to look like “just another key visual of another horror game”. That’s why we choose to work with the German musician and artist BastiBasti, voice of the Metalcore band Callejon. He created the Silver Chains visual with his own unique and great art style, combinig the elements of the game. Doing this in a way that is unusual for horror in general: in bright colors. Why? Just keep reading.
Your preference for dark designs, your style and Silver Chains hit the nail on the head. What inspired you for this visual?
"Thanks, I think so too! Basically, I was mostly inspired by the games characters. "Mother" did the most to me - she is the most *beep* and therefore the most *beep* character of the plot and therefore perfectly decorates the cover with her likeness. Maybe she would have liked it. ;)"
Usually horror is rather dark. In contrast, the visuals of Silver Chains are bright. Why?
"It depends on the perspective of course - in Asian culture white often stands in a more uncomfortable context, e.g. grief. That fits totally with the role of the mother. In addition, I felt the need to do something different, imagining what the game would look like on the shelf next to the usual suspects. It should stand out, but still clearly convey that this is a horror game. After designing the first visuals I decided to convince Headup with a predominantly bright artwork - fortunately I succeeded, et voila - horror in white works as well!
I had a lot of fun working on the artwork and hope this is not my last trip into the gaming world. Maybe one day I will have the chance to create a complete game with my own look."

Are you a player as well besides your art, German metal and vegan lifestyle?
"I am actually a gamer, but nowadays I rarely get to play anymore. By the way: My absolute favorite game is pretty much the whole game series - Fallout. Since Part 1 I am obsessed with Fallout’s wastelands.
In general, I'm not pinned down to one genre, because I really like a lot of games: Civilization and Sim City building scenarios, LucasArts games and point & click adventures, groundbreaking survival horror titles like Resident Evil on the PS1 or all the infinite current open world scenarios.
The entire gaming world from its beginning till today including all its possibilities of virtual worlds and alternative selves has always fascinated me - I am really excited about what awaits us in the next few years!"
And who is BastiBasti?
I started my artistic carrier with a musical context. Together with my band Callejon I created coherent worlds, because in my opinion the auditive and the visual should be consistent.
On the basis of my newly created illustrative style in those days I worked closely with the whole Metalcore scene on concepts, designs and artworks. I also worked with big names like Heaven Shall Burn and Caliban.
Design-wise I emancipated myself from my illustration beginnings and by now, work with all media that suit me to realise a project; especially visual arts.
At this time also Rammstein became aware of me. I am working with them very closely on design matters up to this day. I also worked with other artists and labels like Lindemann, Accept, Die Toten Hosen, Kreator, Eko Fresh, Sony Music, Century Media, Nuclear Blast Records, Four Music, etc.
Late 2015 I founded my own fashion brand called „BastiBasti Apparel“ where we exclusively sell specially designed streetwear. All our clothing is vegan and made under fair conditions. In addition to alternative streetwear „BastiBasti Apparel“ also sells exclusive items of my limited art prints.