• Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.
  • Silver Chains: Screen zum Spiel Silver Chains.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.08.2019
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Preis Update 12.07.24

Über das Spiel

Nachdem er mit seinem Auto bei einem Unwetter von der Straße abkommt und gegen einen Baum kracht, wacht Peter in einer alten verlassenen Villa irgendwo in England auf. Er kann sich weder erinnern warum noch wie er hier hergekommen ist, doch schon sehr bald muss er herausfinden, dass das Haus nicht so verlassen ist wie es scheint.

Während er nach einem Weg hinaus sucht, enthüllt Peter Stück für Stück die dunklen Geheimnisse der Villa und welche schrecklichen Ereignisse hier vorgefallen sind. Als er Indizien findet, dass er scheinbar zuvor schon einmal hier war, hat etwas Böses bereits die Jagd auf Peter aufgenommen…

  • Ein atmosphärisches Horror-Erlebnis: Fotorealistische und detailverliebte Grafiken versetzen dich in eine alte verlassene Villa. Dunkle Geheimgänge, tosendes Gewitter, übernatürliche Erscheinungen und eine spannende Geschichte ziehen dich tief in ihren Bann, alles untermalt von einem unheimlichen Soundtrack und englischer Sprachausgabe.
  • Story-Exploration-Spiel abgerundet mit Rätsel- und Actioneinlagen: erkunde eine riesige Villa und die Geschichte der Bewohner. Löse Rätsel, um in zuvor verschlossene Bereiche zu gelangen, und nimm dich vor Gefahren in Acht. Du kannst gegen das Böse nicht kämpfen – nimm die Beine in die Hand und suche ein sicheres Versteck.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 (3.2 GHz) / AMD A8-7600 (3.1 GHz)
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 750 Ti / AMD Radeon R7 265
  • RAM: 5 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 (3.2 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX 590
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 00:07
Hallo ihr Goilen Leser.

Wie gerne würde ich euch mehr erzählen wollen, über eine Frau, die mehr sein wollte, als nur Mutter, Vater, Dienstmädchen oder Hairstylistin.... aber ich möchte euch net Spoilern, sondern eine ernst zunehmende Rezension schreiben. Die besonders drückende Atmosphäre und die Story sind beides, welches mir am meisten Spaß beim spielen boten.

Leider gab es einen Bug, der mich nicht voran schreiten ließ. Aber nach einem Neustart, konnte ich es beenden.

Die Goile Community und ich haben einen Durchschnitt errechnet:

75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 14:56
10/10 Story 10/10 Atmosphäre sieht wirklich gut aus und mach unfassbar viel bock!
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 20:39

357 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 14:05
War ein spaßiges Spiel, Jumpscares waren gut ausgedacht und meist auch unvorhersehbar, das was ich an vielen Horrorspielen bemängel, vieles ist zu vorhersehbar!
6h Spielzeit für 100% des Spiels ist schon sehr knapp, ein kurzes aber spannendes Horrorspiel!
1638 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 09:04

Silver Chains

Ist ein kleines Psycho-Horror-Spiel von dem Entwicklerstudio Crackd Heads Games



Wir haben/hatten einen Autounfall und wachen plötzlich in einer Villa auf, reiben uns langsam die Augen ….wir können uns nicht erinnern wie wir hier her gekommen sind…. .
Im nächsten Raum hängen Baby Puppen von der Decke, manchen fehlt ein Auge, eine Hand oder ein Fuß……sehr merkwürdig.
Wir kennen diesen Ort, dieses Haus…….aber wo her???


  • Erfolge gibt es 16, sind mit dem Guide von marklar ohne Probleme zu schaffen.
  • Grafik und Sound waren OK
  • Musikalisch ziemlich vorhersehbar wenn man sich verstecken muss.
  • Rätsel waren meiner Meinung nach einfach, also es kommt nix unlogisches.
  • 3 oder 4 Jumpscares.
  • Nerviges Versteckspiel am Ende, da bin ich mindestens 30mal gestorben… .(nur wegen dem Erfolg natürlich)
  • o Automatische Speicherpunkte waren meistens OK.
  • Preis €24,99.- für ca. 4 Stunde Spielzeit, von mir ein NEIN. (Sale ;D)



Für mich war es ein solides Psycho-Horror-Spiel, ich kann nicht meckern, außer über den Preis, den ist es nicht wert. SAAALLLLEEEE!!!!
Also wünsche ich allen Viel Spaß. (Hmmm, war da nicht noch etwas ???)
Code Du möchtest mehr Reviews? Dann folge jetzt der German Review Group
106 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 17:28
Für den Preis ist es mir etwas zu kurz.
Ich habe es zweimal gespielt und insgesamt nur etwas über vier Stunden gebraucht.
Aber im Sale lohnt es sich definitiv^^
Die Story fand ich sehr interessant und die Rätsel haben auch Spaß gemacht.
Mir wurde nicht langweilig, denn die bedrückende Atmosphäre, ein paar Jumpscares und die Gegner waren manchmal wirklich unangenehm (im positiven Sinn) xD
187 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:59
Stark angefangen, jedoch ziemlich nachgelassen je länger man das Spiel spielt. Für Horror Fans jedoch trotzdem zu empfehlen, wurde zwischendurch von diversen Jumpscares gut aus dem Stuhl gescheppert :D. Das Ende fand ich jedoch sehr lasch und unnötig in die Länge gezogen.
44 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 16:57
Intersante Geschichte und schöne Horrorscenen. Dennoch vergrault das Spiel einem den kompletten Spielspass zum Schluss des Spiels da hier ein Ultranerviges Katz u. Mausspiel mit ständigem Tod einhergeht sowie das Ende unnötig in die Länge gezogen wird! Für mich ein no go !
141 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 21:27
Ist nicht schlecht, aber nur für einmal.
310 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 22:23
Ich mag Horrorgames...
Aber das ist echt gääääähn.

Der einzige Horror besteht darin ein paar nette Jumpscares zu setzen. Des wars dann auch.
Ich hatte oft genug Bugs, das der Gegner einfach festbuggt und nix mehr macht.
Auch das Ende - OMG - wer auch immer gedacht hat im Kreis laufen macht Spaß NEIN - macht es nicht.

240 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.19 22:11
Die KI in diesem Spiel ist schrecklich, Beweis (Warnung Spoiler): https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudySmokyWhaleBCWarrior

Das Spiel ist kaum atmosphärisch, kaum Musik die irgendwas betont. Von den ganzen Jumpscares hat mich eigentlich nur einer erwischt.

Ich hab es geschafft mich außerhalb des Spiel zu glitchen, weil plötzlich eine Unsichtbare Wand weg war.

Das schlimmste war immer noch ein wackelndes PNG Bild was mich erschrecken sollte.... UFF. Really?

Ich hab in dem Spiel eher gelacht als gegruselt. 25€ ist das Spiel nicht wert, höchstens 5-10€.

Ich rate von dem Kauf ab.
254 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.19 19:47
Solides Horrorspiel mit schöner Grafik, Atmosphäre und Liebe zum Detail. Hat alles, was ein klassisches Gruselgame haben sollte. Etwas kurz (4 Stunden) aber lieber kurz und knackig, statt künstlich langgestreckt. Für Horrorfans klar empfehlenswert.
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.19 17:13
Prinzipiell würde ich das Spiel weiterempfehlen. Grafik und Sound sind sehr gut. Die Stimmung und die Shockeffekte machen echt Spass. Aber für 20 Euro ist das Spiel definitiv zu kurz. Wer also noch mit der Anschaffung etwas wartet und nicht mehr als 10 Euro ausgibt wird sicherlich belohnt.
3517 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.19 00:41
Sehr sehr average, keine wirklichen Highlights, keine ultra nervigen Stellen.

Muss man nicht gespielt haben, aber für Horrorfans ganz nett. Wirkt anfangs ein wenig wie Amnesia, verliert dann aber leider recht schnell das hohe Niveau und wirkt wie Standard-Horror-Kost.
Story ist alright, Grafik ist average, Sounds sind ganz nett. Scary? Geeeht so, einige Jumpscares treffen halbwegs, aber keine extremen Schocker.

Wirkt wie ein sehr polierter Indie-Titel, aber etwas überteuert
417 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.19 16:03
Ein schönes kleines Horror-Spiel, das mit der UE4 hübsch aussieht. Die Texturen sind an manchen stellen eher schwammig, aber Stören ein nicht Groß.

Die Spieldauer ist leider dafür sehr kurz (habs in ca 3,3 std. durchgespielt) und dafür ist der Preis viel zu hoch angesetzt.

Die Jumpscares sind gut positioniert und haben mich immer erwischt. Auch das Level-Design gefällt mir gut. Die kleinen Rätsel sind auch nicht zu schwer, so dass man nicht 15 min nur am rumknübeln ist.

Würde dem Spiel eine 7/10 geben, da leider der Preis nicht stimmt. Habs dafür im Humble-Store für 16,99€ bekommen.
nichts desto trotz ein gelungenes gesamt Paket.
160 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.19 22:40
Habs heute am einen Stück durchgespielt fand es auch sehr sehr gut und hat spass gemacht, die Story war echt toll und hat mich überrascht.
Nur der Preis ist Knackig für die Spielzeit, von in meinen fall ca 3 Stunden.
371 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 21:49
Very nice. Very scary.
638 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 17:45
Horror filled with PC indie cliches in all the worst ways. Cheap jumpscares,bad writing,barely any real gameplay. A few braindead 'puzzles' and some short monster chases to spice up what's mostly walking and collecting notes/items like a grand ol fetch quest.
126 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 15:31
its so scary for me.
but after seeing the ending, I became stronger
( ᐛ )و ( ᐛ )و ( ᐛ )و ( ᐛ )و ( ᐛ )و
725 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 03:13
okay 2-hour game
if you're okay with back-tracking, give it a try
90 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 08:35
Not a bad game in my opinion, very twisty and easy to get lost roaming the house, I liked the overall horror feel and the sudden screams etc. The only issues that for me were frustrating were, the final boss. as he's too easy and offered no scares at all, and the lack of save points. There is no manual save in this game seriously? You make people pick up and redo parts they have already done?

Kinda annoying, I don't like the constant redo's, its a waste of time and for me I feel will stop people playing.

Aside from those, the game is cool!
135 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 00:05
Hollow brought me here.
The game has been sitting in my steam library for a long time.

Solid game. Visually appealing. Some jump scares.
Feel like I was screwed out of the not getting caught achievement.
Ending was so-so.
69 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 15:51
completed the game viewers loved it the puzzles are hard but fun. would defo recommend playing if you stream great for viewer interaction maybe throw in !dixper for jump scares
424 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 04:06
TLDR: Not worth the asking price. Get it on sale.

This game had a few good jump scares but not a lot. Puzzles were so extremely cryptic that I had to look up a video on how to finish a few of them. Now I’m all for using your brain and taking time to figure out a puzzle to get to the next area. However this game dosent give you much to go on with some clues and I feel as if they did this on purpose to pad out the run time. Chase scenes from the monster when she spawns are non existent. You finish said puzzle, she spawns and you casually walk over to the nearest closet you see (which is conveniently in the same room) hide in it and she despawns. No real threat involved. The final boss is basically running around In a maze with a badly programmed AI. It’s the only chase scene in the game, but it’s in a small attic that’s set up as a poorly designed maze. Story seems badly written and rushed, almost as an afterthought. Overall it seems more of a chore to complete than it is fun. As I stated before it’s not worth it’s asking price.
1275 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 06:22
Silver Chains does quite a few things right, it's not perfect but overall was a fun playthrough. The music is above average and added a lot of atmosphere, many times I've played indie horror games and barely noticed the music but there's some memorable moments. The graphics are nice but by default was capped at 62fps which for many pc users which use high refresh rate monitors it's kinda a yikes, but like many Unreal Engine games with fps limits like this it's easily fixable, which makes me wonder why the dev would implement this in the first place, took me all of 2 mins to uncapp the fps + increase the fov and play at 160hz. The mansion is actually pretty awesome and well designed, and has some cool shoutouts to Resident Evil and Silent Hill and maybe even Goosebumps? haha. Voice acting decent and story is not great but better than expected honestly. Jumpscares are really hit and miss with horror games, some lame and forced others timely and extremely effective, Silver Chains got me good multiple times so I'd be lying if I said it wasn't scary. I would however, recommend picking this up on sale like I did, because at nearly 30$ CAD for a 2-4 hour decent but not amazing indie horror game, isn't great value, you do get achievements and cards ect so it's not the worse I've seen. Overall I had fun and had a few good spoops so I'm happy with the purchase but I'd grab it when it's on sale. 7.9/10
127 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 15:56
Well, after loving Amnesia i thought id give this game a go.
If you can put up with the low frame rate and screen tearing its not that bad. there are plenty of saves as you go. The game itself is not too bad, there is a story to follow. So far, i would recommend it. Lets see what happens.
4772 Produkte im Account
2331 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 22:24

Before it became popular, the horror them of a tall woman chasing the protagonist around a house is present here but much of the horror is far too slowly delivered to keep the tension up.
36 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 14:21
The jumpscares in this got me so bad at times, apart from a low framerate while using the monacle this was a really enjoyable experience, lots of cool puzzles, scares, creepy atmoshpere, nice graphics and overall story was very good, highly recommended to all horror fans out there! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV4adKSqXF8
333 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 00:42
Super smooth horror game! no glitches or anything. Smoothness the whole way through and amazing story!
506 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 03:31
The audacity to charge $25 for this is outstanding and I wish I had that level of confidence. This feels at best like an early access version. The interact button is finicky and you have to be looking at the exact right range of 10 pixels to get it to prompt half of the time. I'm not a player who has strong feelings about handholding in games, but wow this game could have used some of that. Your next objective is usually unclear and takes guesswork or using a guide, especially near the end. So often you're wandering through this massive mansion in utter silence. Even just some ambient sound - aside from the looping storm - could have helped me be less bored. I wouldn't have noticed how totally dull and uninspired a lot of this felt if there was just some level of sound design.

The last area of this game is incredibly broken and it took a restart of the game and then multiple times to have the final 'boss' spawn and act correctly.

I liked the premise of the story but even that compliment goes out the window with a unsatisfactory ending with no feeling of resolution.

I got this on sale, thank god, and if you want to pick this up for whatever reason I recommend you do the same.
745 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 17:17
Very nice looking and good sounding backtracking-simulator. You're in a house with about 50 rooms and have to fetch thing a from room 27 and then maybe search item f from room 16 (but there is nothing numbered, you run around for ages to find what on earth they want you to do). Got some good jumpscares, but also some annoying moments. The last boss completely ruined the game for me, as his mechanics seem to be broken. Thanks for letting me run in a stupid labyrinth with your oh so cool monster to fetch some stupid trash, while it always appears out of nowhere exactly where I have to fetch the next item, to insta-kill me.
Or he stands before where I hide for minutes and won't move - until I walk straight through him. Then appears out of nowhere again, 2m in front of my next goal and insta-kills again, after I got 2 of 5 needed items.Thanks that your cool labyrinth leeds me into one deadlock after the other when the thing appears again and runs behind me as fast as I do and instakills me again. Oh yeah, SO great developing, ALL players love this. Please give us more, like... a hundred levels in a labyrinth with deadlocks and instakill-monsters appearing always where we're supposed to go to fetch your next item. SO great to play things like this! That's what we all want when we buy a game in hope for a good story and atmosphere. We want to get instakills more often. And don't forget to add more labyrinths with deadlocks in your next game, when they'll insta-kill us!!!
93 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 18:01
A real shame. This game looks awesome, great creepy atmosphere, and a few jump scares. However there were a few frustrating parts where you get so stuck you have to look for hints.
The end game was so frustrating that I just gave up and watched the ending on a youtube video.
Based on not being able to finish it, I can't recommend it.
360 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 22:28
horrible screen tearing thanks to the bad performance. stable 60 fps outside...40 FPS and lower inside the house even on lowest possible detail settings. Getting the same FPS with MAX detail settings. so settings have NO effect on performance. 10 / 10 optimization. no FOV slider. no option to disable annoying head bobbing. this was an amazing 5 min. experience. refunded. thank you.
1443 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 09:27
The classic haunted house hide and catch-up game.
- Scary children - check.
- Screamers - check.
- Old mystery mansion - check.
- Tragic family story - check.
- Ancient curse and doll - check. 
Check, check, check.
If you like same thing, horror and an atmosphere - I recommend this game. But if you are seeking for something new... So keep search
7110 Produkte im Account
394 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 06:03
A flawed haunted-house-style horror adventure. I almost gave it a thumbs up, but after re-reading my review I realized that it's just not quite good enough.

First, an important warning: JUMP SCARES. If you understandably hate those, don't play this game.

There's a very satisfying core to this game. It has an intriguing story with a more psychological horror (they should allow you to disable jump scares, the game would still be fine). The story is neither deep nor original, pretty much what you would expect from this genre, but it has some layering. The graphics and the house's architectural design are pretty good, if not exceptional. After a while you will get to know it quite well...

...because of the backtracking. There are a handful of puzzles. None of them are especially good, some are poorly telegraphed, some are pointless busywork, and almost all involve considerable backtracking. Unfortunately, movement is quite slow and sometimes buggy (I got stuck in the terrain twice), so backtracking is just not fun. I'll avoid spoilers, but mention that there is an action sequence that is unnecessary and frustrating.

A more minor complaint: the English translation quality is very inconsistent. Sometimes it's fine, but sometimes it's riddled with confusing errors, which just makes the whole experience feel unpolished.

I think the team who worked on this game has great potential! But I also think they should spend more time on puzzle design. Make every puzzle count!
467 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 17:35
24,99 for maybe one hour real content is a really greedy disgusting price...
Game itself is OKAY but nothing more its all scripted no reason too play a second time thats all okay cause really not many people work on that game but the price is just a NO just get it on a Sale for 5-10€
1059 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 18:53
Silver chains is an indie-horror. Small in length (~3 hours for 100%). Pretty beautifull graphics. The story begins with you find your way in an abandon house, that slowly it unravels the history of this and the connection with you. I cant say that i scared in any point of the game, but the atmosphere was good. In generall i enjoy the game, but an error almost make it unplayable for me( the game was randomly close and everything you've done was lost), however still a positive experience

Το silver chains είναι ένα indie-horror. Σχετικά μικρό σε μέγεθος(~3 ώρες για το 100%). Αρκετά όμορφο στο μάτι. Βρίσκεσαι σε ένα σπίτι στην αρχή του παιχνιδιού το οποίο έχει τη δικιά του ιστορία και σιγά σιγά την ανακαλύπτεις καθώς και την σύνδεση με σενα. Γενικά δε μπορώ να πω πως τρόμαξα ιδιαίτερα, αλλά είχε ωραία ατμόσφαιρα. Αν και σε γενικές γραμμές το ευχαριστήθηκα με κούρασε λιγάκι ένα error που έκλεινε το παιχνίδι (έγινε 4-5 φορές), παρόλα αυτά θετικό το πρόσημο.

28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 21:49
I was impressed with the graphics and the sound effects, and I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. The story was fun to follow but in the end wasn't super complex. It certainly isn't worth 25 dollars though, and not even 10 dollars when I bought it on sale. The footsteps take away from the immersion and the random laughing/giggling gets old after 15 minutes. There were certainly some scary moments but a lot of it is just cheap scares. 25 dollars isn't worth 4 hours of game play that you probably won't revisit. At least buy it on sale.
132 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 23:11
Boring gameplay. Story is not really too creative. Has some scary moments but that's it. I would definitely not spend the full price on it, maybe get it on sale.
82 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 23:23
0/10 - Another P.T. clone, from the beggining up until the final enemy the game lacks in level design, you will find yourself walking everywhere multiple times trying to find what to do, the game is completable in 1 hour but it will take from 4-5 hours just because the game signals you to get in a room but won't tell you how, locked doors that are locked forever, yet the game tells you you need a key, LOTS OF FILLER ROOMS with only decoration but no purpose, lame puzzles (the number code makes you turn your head to read it correctly, like WTF, whose idea that was??)
The story is decent but the end is predictable.
415 Produkte im Account
295 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 22:07

⚖️ Grade = C. Worth a buy, if you enjoy gameplay of delivery guy and memorize all the area visited. However, if you're looking for an uncommon horror game, it isn't


???? 2019: Game released and attracted by many screenshot
???? First impression: Great graphic and smooth controls
???? 1 hour later: it isn't what I've expected

A+ Worth Deluxe Edition - No Wait
A Worth Normal Price - No Wait
B Overpriced - Wait 10%~35%
C Lack of value Wait 40%~90%
D Not what you need - Wait 100%


✔️ Puzzle Solution
✔️ Love ouija board communication
❌ Stay alive with limited equipments
❌ Optional secret exploration
✔️ Remember all the rooms located
✔️ Stuff collection
❌[strike] Stealth play [/strike](too basic)
❌ Running away from hostile
❌ Fight back

????Long version checklist


???? Game world timeline: 1990
???? No cutscene when event started
???? Lighting strike at day time
???? Basic jumpscares
???? Unreasonable jumpscare
???? Cannot move camera while hiding in the closet
???? Unclear hint to proceed
???? Large complex rooms without a map
???? Lack of music
???? Generic environment
???? Many shortcuts is blocked
???? Very lack of description to get clue
???? Clueless maze
???? Different key but design are the same
???? Different area to unlock but the area design are the same
???? Slow loading without a SSD hard disk
???? Community Rating: Mostly Positive


⚠️ Basic puzzle ➜ True
⚠️ Basic opening ➜ True
⚠️ Basic ending ➜ True


???? Variety of languages
???? Less horror
???? Less interesting
???? Less replay value

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116 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 12:09
Probably one the worst games ive ever played in my life and ive played some dog shit before not very xqcL of you guys sad face emoticon
148 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 12:56
The immense lack of direction in this game and not knowing what you can interact with until you are literally right on top of them leaves you running around the house searching for clues 80% of the time. Completely runs its scary atmosphere as you run back through old areas constantly more annoyed than anything. I wanted to like this game, but I don't think it wanted to like me either.
618 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 04:39
Silver Chains is an atmospheric and gripping psychological horror that was sadly swept under the rug upon its release in 2019. Featuring some decent scares, character models and smooth gameplay, it has all the groundwork for an excellent horror. Despite being grievously and lamentably short, whilst being inadequately priced, I enjoyed my playthrough and was absorbed in the story from start to finish.

+ Impressive and realistic, detailed graphics.
+ Highly atmospheric with a handful of great scares scattered throughout.
+ More variable than a walking simulator, including some hiding scenes, reiterating that players are not just safely dawdling around.
+ Interesting story, albeit a bit cliche, it is recounted in a captivating manner.
+ Mixture of puzzles, relying on player deduction with little handholding.
+ Notes slowly tell the story but are found in a disjointed order, whereby players must deduce the truth
+ Moderation of jumpscares, chase scenes and puzzles, keeping gameplay fresh and exciting
+ Clear inspiration from well-known titles (Layers of Fear, Outlast), mixing and matching specific elements whilst maintaining its authenticity, steering away from just being a bland copycat.

- Minimal interaction with objects, no opening drawers, optional items etc.
- Some objects were difficult to interact with until I was completely on top of it before the command would appear.
- Extremely disappointing 'boss fight', lamentably relying on running loops, repeatedly.
- Far too short (3-4 hours) for a hefty price tag of $AU35.95.


Seeing this on the store page, it does not stand out and the used and abused spooky haunted mansion scheme is not something entirely attention grabbing. Yet, shortly after beginning the game, I was soon elated at how wrong I was and discovered there was much more to Silver Chains than I had first thought.


Upon the initial load screen and introduction, everything seems to stick to the classic formula of the protagonist finding himself at a seemingly abandoned, eerie old mansion, unsure how he arrived there. Despite suffering slightly from these cliche horror tropes, the game manages to march forward and formulate its own unique experience. Set in England in the early 1900's, we start to explore the manor, uncovering its mysteries, striving to recognise its connection with the character and who its ghostly inhabitants are, including a suspicious puppet.

I do not wish to state more details, in hopes of avoiding spoilers for potential buyers. However, I believe it is important to note that Silver Chains is certainly not a pioneer for its narrative. Described in written text, I wouldn't be convinced to play it off this alone either, despite considering myself a veteran horror enthusiast. Yet, with adjusted expectations about its short length and considering it as a whole, even with its commonplace themes, it does manage to carve out its own thrilling experience and I do believe it deserves a place in horror lover’s Steam libraries.


Majority of the game is spent exploring the manor, completing puzzles, with the aim of uncovering the whole truth of the protagonist. The addition of enemies is a massive benefit and broadens the titles engagement with players, actively stepping away from being a walking simulator. Although the scenes where danger is present are somewhat rare, the fear and trepidation caused from this tension-building are what make the game standout as a whole.

After some casual exploring, with little to no spooky happenings, I became brazen in my exploration mission. This was soon thwarted with some excellently placed scares that pushed me back to 'reality' and every nearby sound made me anxious, trying to keep a mental note of all areas I could potentially seek refuge in. I really appreciate that the developers did not rely solely on loud/eerie sounds to depict and give warning when something scary is about to occur. Instead, players begin to feel safe, unsure when or if the next scare will be, which is a much more efficient method of instilling fear and moulding the psychological horror experience.


Unfortunately, I found the lack of interaction with objects quite disappointing, with many rooms having nothing to explore, except marvel at their great visuals. The notes were interesting and found in a disjointed order, allowing the story to be somewhat of a mystery until the end, however I would have liked to see a greater amount of areas with narration or optional objects to uncover. This would give an even greater level of immersion and actively encourage players to explore all nooks, as most of the time, this felt pointless to me. However, there was an interesting feature whereby a monocle may be used that gives the protagonist the power to see in another dimension and view areas of interest that are invisible in the real world.

Being such a short experience, there were only a few puzzles but those that were there, were more than simple fetch quests, the absence of these is considerably rare in Indie horrors and I applaud the developers for not taking this easy route. Most puzzles had a clue in another part of the mansion that needed to be found to complete the task or deduce the combination, etc. There was nothing difficult and for me personally, did sway on the easier side. Silver Chains also doesn't give explicit duties to do and lets players figure things out mostly on their own, with the exception of a few hints to point us in the right direction, such as through the use of the monocle previously mentioned.

Graphics & Sound

Graphics for this game were much greater than I had expected and brilliantly brought the manor to life. The most standout element was that of the 'Mother'. Up close, she was truly frightening. The dolls and other ghostly presences were also depicted very well and with great attention to detail.


The protagonist is fully voiced and narrates some comments along the way but is nothing special. The audio as a whole is surprisingly mediocre. Although the bounding sounds when you are being chased are adequately stress-inducing and some eerie children’s giggles in the background, for a horror game, I must say I did not really notice sound being a core element in its overall performance, but it also did not take away from the experience, either.


[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-9400 2.9 GHz
GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
1920x1080 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]
I experienced no issues and it played extremely smoothly and was consistent from start to finish.


Silver Chains may not have a standout story, but it makes up for this with its excellent performance and almost perfect moderation of horror elements, steering away from overusing chase scenes, jumpscares, puzzles and narration to create a variable and engrossing experience that all horror fans can enjoy. Whilst I adored this game greatly and recommend to all fans of the genre, potential buyers should be aware of its sadly, very short playtime before purchasing.

Rating: 7.5/10

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40 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 11:51
Very Spooky for an Indie horror game, but it doesn't come without its flaws. It has some of the most crisp environment textures i've seen in a horror game but the characters who are low poly fall flat. I don't think this ruins the game. Overall i like the creepy story and places you can explore. Its a game about summoning spirits through occult practices which makes this game stand out above the rest. Has it's scary moments but at the same time, it can feel predictable. Not violent or graphic so great for for young children to play if they enjoy horror and mystery. Achievements made this game extra fun! Definitely worth the price.
88 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 03:00
Loved this game!
Really don't understand why there's too much Negative reviews!
1140 Produkte im Account
838 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 20:52
Okish horror game.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 07:20
Great Horror Game!
73 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 22:06
This game is a haunted house adventure to be honest it's not that frightening however, the story is simple but interesting you will discover that you and this house has a history and it's for you to find out. In a horror game, you must collect items that are scattered throughout the house to open new areas and you have your occasional cat and mouse game with the game's main enemy which is the mother.
5263 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
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424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 21:14
If you would like to read more of my reviews, check out the ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? curation page and you can also join the Steam group, feel free to say Hello to the community on the Discord server!

At the start of this game you stumble from a car accident to take shelter in a decrepit estate but pass out shortly after reaching the entrance. You find out your name is Peter after a nightmare and awake to find yourself on a bed within the manor.

Silver Chains is a first person horror game similar to Layers of Fear or to a lesser extent Amnesia: The Dark Descent. You'll explore rooms, read notes, and solve puzzles with the occasional spooks sprinkled in. Graphically, it looks great in the UE4 engine but be prepared to turn down some settings. I found shadows to became a more significant hit in performance later on but YMMV. I liked what I experienced in the beginning but then things start to slowly sour as certain design choices become apparent.

For one, there is eventually an entity that you'll need to hide from but this element doesn't really fit with everything else in the game, like it was tacked on after the map was designed. Another issue is some of the later puzzles, they require a ridiculous amount of precision to get any further but the worst thing is the final boss. Not to spoil too much, but it's a constant chase around a maze with multiple items to interact with. The problem with this encounter is that if you fail and get caught while trying to interact with these items, you have to start from the beginning. It was a trial of patience that I wasn't willing to partake anymore. After watching the ending on YouTube, it looks like I made the right choice.

Silver Chains seemed to have a lot of potential from first impressions, however it flounders about halfway and over time becomes an increasingly frustrating experience. I could only recommend this if you are willing to deal or stop playing at the latter half and only at a steep sale price, otherwise it's a skip.
805 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 16:20
Flow: 2/10
- The first half of the game has absolutely no guides and I was completely lost for a while.

Atmosphere: 1/10
- This is not an atmospheric (or psychological) horror game. The old mansion is dull and boring. The only moments that I was scared were those cheap jump scares.

Story: 3/10
- The storyline is straightforward and has no twists. Characters are flat. Overall bad writing.

Conclusion: 5/10
- This is one of the worst horror games (aka walking simulator) that I have ever played.

[spoiler]Do not buy. [/spoiler]
1471 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 21:18
A recommendation with caveats.
This game did manage to scare the hell out of me on more than one occasion, so it passes the first test of being a horror game.
However, for full price this is certainly not worth it. Even at 50% off which I got in the summer sale, it's still pricey for what you get.
It's a short 3 hour exploration of a spooky house. The story isn't particularly well told. The cliches of spooky doll is well and truly run into the ground, and there are awkwardly worded and misspelled text throughout which is a clear sign this game could have done with a good bit more care and polish.
Get if you are an absolute horror fanatic in need of an evening's thrill.
57 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 00:43
جيده جدا بالنسبه للعبة رعب قصيرة
816 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 16:13
Time Played: 3 Hours (Finished Game)
Graphics: (6) Overall decent graphics for a indie style horror game. This came out in 2019 and while it lacks a lot of newer graphical features, being made by a small studio the atmosphere and overall look of the game is good.
Gameplay: (6) There isn't much more than most indie horror games, explore the mansion, find some items and solve a few puzzles. There is a few run and hide scare moments, yet there not random and it's pretty hard to die from them. I did run into a few bugs here and there, specifically two that had me fall through the map and have to restart my checkpoint. Again though for a budget horror game it was done well.
Story: (5) I understand what they were trying to convey and overall due, but there were more questions than answers along with a sense of sometimes the horror elements coming off more funny than scary. The ending while straight forward also felt rushed and left everything feeling empty in the end.
Overall: (6) If you can get it on sale and are in the mood for a victorian style horror haunt this isn't a bad choice. The graphics while not amazing due a decent job to convey a sense of dread and the story could use some polish. Three hour playtime means you can finish it in a evening or in some boredom.
59 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 03:26
Being honest, this game is very...meh.

I don't really recommend it. It's very cookie cutter, and feels very shallow for what it could be. I do suggest that the developer give it another go, as the gameplay is sound and the ambiance is fine, but the story's weak and the jumpscares are tedious.
16205 Produkte im Account
768 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 23:53
A great atmospheric horror puzzle experience. Some good jump scares, lots of creepy stuff to explore whilst you find the right objects to solve mystery, progress and avoid the spooks and monsters.
1075 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 12:54
Jeepers! This was a tough game(that is a bit overpriced for 3 hours of playtime).

I enjoyed my play-through of this gem. The story was interesting, the atmosphere was solid, and the puzzles were challenging. Albeit, some of them required a little internet research to complete. Most of the puzzles were solvable on my own.

Like many others, I would have appreciated more save points in the game. At certain areas, you lose a healthy amount of progress when you are warped back to the last save.

I also would have liked the monocle to be a little better explained. There is a point where you need to use it to search the house and the 'clues' are incredibly difficult to interpret. I needed to watch a video to be able to understand what the game wanted from me in this regard.

If you miss a clue, chances are you may end up wandering the house for a LONG time before finding it again or breaking down and searching the internet for answers.

Those were my only problems, which are pretty minor in the grand scale of things. :)

Performance was great. I didn't experience any stutters or choppiness or tearing. The voice overs were decent and I liked that the character comments on most of the journal entries that you find.

This game did really well on the spoop factor. I was shaking in my boots many times while playing. I'm glad that they were using audio cues to announce the 'pursuing monster' so that I knew when it was time to hide.

All in all, this is a great game. Don't feel bad if you need to look up videos on the interwebs to get you through the tough spots. The puzzles can be a little misleading(I'm looking at YOU combination lock).

Replay value is solid if you're missing achievements or looking to beat your last play time. I imagine the game goes MUCH faster once you're familiar with the puzzles and mechanics.

As for the actual cost of the game, I wouldn't pay more than $15 for it to be honest. In the end, the game is really short, and the price should reflect that.

Game on, my precious friends. Grab this title on sale for a spoopy good time! <3
92 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 05:16
For a first game it was not bad. The graphics were really good but to me the story just feel short and some of the puzzles were just like meh they could have gone without this. There were so many ideas mashed together and they just didnt seem to form a complete concept. My stream had a few good laughs when i got scared. I won't say this is a bad game. I did enjoy it to some degree but i hope you guys continue to create games and I hope you guys just keep getting better. Cheers guys
1756 Produkte im Account
837 Reviews
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.19 17:20
Review copy provided by publisher

Guy crashes his car, ends up in a spooky mansion. Which horror game am I talking about? In the world of modern indie horror, that’s about half the field right there. There’s an extremely popular (among developers) approach to horror games where you stick the player in a house with things to collect and a monster to avoid, and maybe the protagonist has some dark secret. That describes Silver Chains to a T, with the only notable aspect of the game being the unusual level of polish for an entirely usual horror game. And in case you can’t tell by my tone, that’s hardly enough to impress.

You are Peter, and yep, you crashed your car like fifty feet away from the most haunted house in the county on a dark and spooky night. Stumbling inside you find the place decrepit and deserted, save for a horrifying presence that is none too pleased to find you trespassing. But it turns out this is no random haunting, because you have a connection to this place that makes you the only hope for the forlorn souls trapped within. You’ll need to comb the entire mansion for keys and clues that will lead you to the secrets of this dark place, and the means to put an end to them.

Silver Chains is essentially a play in three acts. For the first act, you follow the trail of open doors and spooky sounds around the house, catching little glimpses of the overall plot. The second act starts with you being filled in on the details of the haunting, and performing specific hunts in different parts of the place before opening everything up in the third act for a big scavenger hunt. Each of those acts will take you about an hour, and all except the third are heavily scripted to show you things and threaten you at specific points. There are some little twists and turns to the story, but once you figure out who the ghost is and your connection to them, you’re pretty well locked in on the plot.

Does this sound overly dismissive? It might be because Silver Chains is really a story of missed opportunities. From the moment you find yourself in the house, the game fails to capitalize on the atmosphere afforded by its detailed graphics. There were so many scenes where I’d have to peer through a crack in the wall or walk past a window where something really should have happened, but didn’t. The other side of this disappointing coin is how many cliche jumpscares and indie horror tropes ended up here instead, like hiding in closets from scripted monsters and watching a child’s ball roll across the floor. Even the ghost herself fails to impress because you’re going to figure out something about how she works very early on, and it’s going to absolutely suck all the tension out of the game once you realize it.

There were probably two moments that scared me in the game, and both were cheap jumpscares that managed to be timed just right. Everything else in the game is wasted on tricks you’ve seen in a hundred other indie horror games. It’s the same story with the game mechanics too, combing rooms for photograph fragments or collecting doll parts because you’ve been ordered to. Here again, there’s one cool mechanic in the game that helps shake up the middle third of the game, but even that’s nothing unique and only serves to get you to the parts of the house you need to be in for the next setpiece. The graphics are what do the heavy lifting here, with a level of detail and polish not often seen in games of this low caliber, and even the sound design and voice work has their high points. It’s just that nothing that happens manages to live up to the expectations set by the presentation.

The nicest thing I can say about Silver Chains is that it’s probably one of the best cliche indie horror games around. That’s not a compliment, that’s acknowledging that a lot of effort went into making something that’s little more than a copy of a copy of a copy of a horror game. Everything here, from the story to the scares to the gameplay itself, is all lifted from other games. It looks and sounds better than it did in those games, but the experience of playing the thing is certainly no better. With dozens of innovative horror games out already and more always on the way, there’s no reason to settle for the best of a particularly poor pile.

Did you enjoy this review? I certainly hope so, and I certainly hope you'll check out more of them on my curation page!
1087 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.19 14:08
Scary AF!!! this is the first game that gave me good impression on jump scaring, i almost shat my pants. good graphics and retro 3d models. some visuals cues are hard to understand and takes lot's of time to figure out. still this is a good horror game and i can highly recommend it to anyone who want's to get scared badly!

and i also encounter few bugs with controller, such as when i get to the point it didn't prompt the button to press, i had to use the keyboard and mouse to prompt those buttons.
163 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.19 19:12
An atmospheric haunted-house/survival-horror game that chooses cheap jump scares over more meaningful game play.

Silver Chains is a game that looks great, but has shallow game play, a very linear progression, and a weak story. In addition, it's a very short game that will take first-time players, at most, a couple hours to complete. More than anything, it's a game of missed opportunities. It could have been so much more. For the price-point, I simply cannot recommend this game. Only players who love haunted house games should even consider this title, and even then, wait for a sale.

The Good

The graphics are really well done. The game looks pretty and runs smoothly (at least on a TI 1080). There is some inconsistency with the quality of the textures in places, however. For the most part, the game looks pretty fantastic. But in places, there appear to be some lower-quality textures that just leave spaces feeling flat and dull. It's not a huge problem, but considering how thin and shallow the rest of the game is, the graphics have to carry the game, and sometimes they just can't do all the heavy lifting.

The voice acting is good. The music, when it is there and needs to work, is well done. The jump-scares are, for the most part, very effective. Hiding from the antagonist is a neat game mechanic.

The Bad

Pretty much everything else.

Puzzles & Connective Tissue: The puzzles in this game are really weak. Perhaps some of the weakest puzzles I've seen in a haunted-house game. The developers don't seem to trust the player to figure stuff out, so half the time they just give the answers away wholesale. What's worse is, the game's narrative has no connection to the puzzles that are presented; there's no connective tissue here. Learning about the story and understanding the events won't help the player solve any of the puzzles.

Low Interaction: The house is pretty, but is very static. The player can only interact with specific props that advance the story; nothing else. The doors are frustrating because they don't provide the player with adequate feedback. Some doors rattle, but are locked. Other doors provide no clue why they cannot be interacted with, and it is only much later the player will learn they are barricaded or blocked by some object on the other side. There's no way for the player to remove barricade objects and open up the house either.

Story: The narrative is weak. It's another game where the developers try to tell the story through found journals, instead of using the engine and ghostly scenes to tell the story properly. The player-character will frequently comment on things, and this is actually far more effective than the found journals.


Overall, it's just a huge missed opportunity. The game could have been so much better. Haunted-house style survival-horror games benefit greatly from narratives that connect puzzles with story. Strong puzzles that have context within the story are what drive games like these, not jump scares. Cheap jump-scares are fine, but they're not the meat-and-potatoes of a game like this. There's really very little to figure out here. There's not much to interact with, no compelling story to unravel, and no good puzzles to test the player's skills.

Read my full Silver Chains Review at SaveOrQuit.com
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
63.35% 121 70
Release:06.08.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Cracked Heads Games Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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