Here's the lowdown:
- Rewind isn't available until you've finished at least one playthrough. (Dying counts!) A lot of players said their first playthrough was really tense, and we worried that introducing rewind might take that away from them.
- Once it's unlocked, though, you can choose a save slot and rewind that game to any scene you played through. Then you can continue playing from that point forward.
- It should be handy if, for example, you finished the game but want to figure out what other endings were possible, without having to replay the first 70% of the game!
- It's also useful if you want to start a new game without going through the first few scenes, which might not be so interesting for you.
A word of warning, though: rewind will only work for scenes that you played after 9.6.2021! Until that point we didn't have a system in place to save the scene bookmarks that the rewind feature relies on. But any scenes you played after 9.6.2021 can still be rewound to, even if there are earlier scenes in that run that the rewind feature can't get to.
Happy winding!