Silicon Dreams
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Über das Spiel

Monitor interviewees’ emotions in real time - joy, sadness, anger, disgust, shock, and fear. Use this data to your advantage, intimidating, cajoling, or even befriending your subjects in order to to uncover more information.
Choose a side in the midst of a brewing conflict: lie to your superiors and spare deviant androids, or condemn them to secure your own survival within the corporation. There are no easy answers. Silicon Dreams has multiple endings depending on the choices you make. Each android could live or die by your words.
- CPU: 2 GHz or better
- GFX: Any
- Software: Windows Vista or later
- HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Any
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
- CPU: Intel core i7 or equivalent
- GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 10 series or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7 or later
- HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Any
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 22:49
there was one minor bug so far (a choice was displayed 2 times) that had no negative outcome on gameplay.
love the presentation overall. really great game.
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 03:56
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 22:31
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 01:04
Can't get enough games like this - especially innovative ones set in time periods different than what we are used to.
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 03:29
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 20:05
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 03:44
It's not expensive, has multiple endings. I'm not gonna spoil the game by telling you how I'm playing, all I'll say is I'm going for one specific ending this first play, and then will go for the other outcome.
I would recommend it.
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 18:47
This is a very intelligent game that puts you in the role of an AI 'interrogator', designed to identify deviancy in the various androids out in the public sector.
To do this, your task is to ask questions and read the emotional output of the various models - some have a full range of emotions, some have programmed hard-limits such as being incapable of feeling anger or sadness, and therefore need to be dealt with if they do exhibit these feelings.
Throughout the game, you encounter androids from all sectors, from manual labour androids to personal butlers, each has a story to tell and each has something for you to dig into and present them with three judgements which have to be tied in with unique 'reports'
Reports are a set of goals the company wants answered; for example, does the android's emotions cap work, does the android have a reason for doing something, a motive, a behaviour or a belief etc. Using the report guides you to three types of judgements:
Firstly, you can deem them innocent and release them. Secondly, you can deem their deviancy to be minor, and send them for maintenance, memory wipes and so on. Finally, the nuclear option is to execute them as irredeemable.
There are several ways to play each episode, and the game very clearly offers you options, you absolutely can play the game in such a way that you aid AI's becoming self-aware, alternatively you can toe the company line and do your job as a soulless android designed for one purpose, executing judgement on deviants!
But what pulls this through is the solid writing and considered questioning mechanics - to get the best out of this game, you do need to plan your questioning to drive you towards certain answers, or build trust etc. Clicking through every option willy-nilly will give you generic answers and may even close you out of alternative methods of solving a case.
A solid game, definitely worth considering for any sci-fi or adventure fan, get this if you're up for plenty of reading. There's a demo available and the price is fairly reasonable.
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 02:59
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 20:50
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 19:59
But it's not without flaws. The story, while well crafted, doesn't really say anything new. Not all stories need to be new, but this is very similar to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep amongst other stories. It doesn't make it bad, I enjoyed the characters and general story, but it didn't push the envelope, so set your expectations for a good story with no real surprises.
Although, end game spoiler, [spoiler]RO knew SOP and outmaneuvered me at the end. I'm impressed and proud.[/spoiler]
The optimization, however, is abysmal. I can run Chernobylite on Low with the same framerate as Silicon Dreams? There's a lot of overhead here that never makes it on-screen. Of course, this tends to happen a lot with small teams with limited systems on which to test the game. Sometimes it's a CPU issue with lossy, high-level routines, or a GPU issue with brute force display routines. In a game where you don't move and light sources don't change, there shouldn't be this much load.
Likely not too much of an issue for most gamers, but you cannot trust the posted minimum system requirements.
It's pretty okay. A few optimizations and it'll be really good. It's a bit on the short side, but it didn't overstay its welcome, which is a real risk with nice gameplay loops like this. Much like Spinnortality, it's faithful to the genre, and I'm certainly interested in what's coming next, but it's not an all-time favorite.
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 12:08
Score: 8/10
The morals of AI behavior have always been a question. How close should they get to human emotion? Would they be considered people? Should they be considered and treated like machines? What happens if one becomes rogue and starts feeling outside of its programmed emotions? Many games, books, and movies have explored this concept. The movie A.I., Bicentennial Man, I, Robot, Isaac Asimov’s novels, and most recently with Detroit: Become Human. It’s a fascinating concept that becomes closer to reality as technology advances. With cloud-based AIs like Siri, Google, Bixby, and Cortana, and realistic-looking robots that have been created, this could be the future within the next 10-15 years.
Silicon Dreams puts you in the eyes of a robot interrogator for a mega-corporation called Kronos. Kronos creates bots for service and work and must keep a close eye on any that might be considered rogue. The game is mostly basic visually, but you spend 90% of your time on the interrogation screen. You click around on questions and try to gain the responses and information Kronos asks of you. Each case is different and you also interrogate some humans. At first, this will become confusing and you won’t be sure what the strategy is. As time goes on you are contacted by a rogue robot who wants to start a revolution. You end up interviewing robots that have gone rogue, or what Kronos thinks has gone rogue, and it’s your job to get as much information as possible. Some robots are easy to crack and some require trust.
As you go on you will realize that emotions are the main way to get what you want. There’s a wheel pie chart with different emotions and as you talk to the subjects that slice will flash and the graph will adjust. Some robots aren’t supposed to feel certain emotions and Kronos might ask you to observe this and the end report you fill out might ask this question. Of course, your own morals come into play here and it’s one of the few games I’ve played where I was torn between helping out Kronos and wanting to help the robot revolution. Every single interaction will sway you either way as you will be afraid of being decommissioned yourself and get caught if you help and you never know if what you’re doing is correct in either direction. The mystery is good and it’s akin to how you might navigate these situations in real life. Kronos promises private quarters and a more lavish lifestyle if you cooperate, but then you see a news article at the end of each day talking about the robot revolution and you sympathize with the stories and situations of the subjects. You want to just do your job and keep your head down, but you also have a chance to change the world.
This leads to different outcomes as you play. I was so torn between not wanting to help either side that my company points kept dropping to the point where I was interrogated myself. I also screwed up that interview by playing the neutral party and I got a bad ending. There’s tons of replay value here and I intend to be for either side solely so I can see what end I get. However, this also goes for interviews. I would exhaust all my options and be unable to invoke the emotion I needed to get the correct information. I had to choose to either let the subject go, send it to maintenance for a memory wipe, or decommission. This is one of the hardest choices to make and what eventually can piss of Kronos the most. They want to keep a clean image and if you let deviant robots free it makes them look bad. I did eventually get my company points to 60/100 and acquired the ability to invoke and sway the robot’s emotions. You also get to cuff them to invoke fear and anger and sometimes this is the last resort if you end up choosing the wrong responses and wind up not getting everything you need.
Outside of all the interviews, there’s nothing else to do. The visuals are very basic, while not ugly, there’s no voice acting which would have added some character to everyone, and the Blade Runner style Voight-Kampff iris vision is just for show. Same thing with the option to show camera angles. You’re never close enough to see emotion visually which would have added another layer to the overall gameplay. As it is your only indicator is the text itself and the emotion pie chart.
Overall, Silicon Dreams is a fantastic text adventure that pushes the moral boundary of AI as humans and makes you think with every mouse click. I had to make sure I even talked about certain topics in a certain order to open up trust first before talking about the actual reason why the subject was with me. Sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn’t, but that’s part of all the fun in this game.
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 01:49
best of luck to the devs of course i hope they do well in the future projects.
if you like numbers: 6/10
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 23:32
Visit for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
In the year 2065, we are an interrogator android, owned by a robotics company Kronos to question various androids and determine if they're operating correctly or if they've become deviant. At the end of each interrogation, we get to fill out a report with crucial information that can affect our reputation with the company, and then we decide what to do with the android - whether to release them, to erase their memory, or to decommission them completely.
The dialogue system is very deep and diverse. Each conversation feels like we're talking to an actual living being with emotions. Through these dialogue interrogations we get to learn a great deal about the game's world, the ongoing plot, and the development of each character.
The game successfully and rather frequently puts us in situations of having to make difficult moral choices during these interrogations. On the one hand, each android is developing an emerging understanding of the world and deeper emotions, and we can choose to sympathise with them and be humane. On the other hand, the company expects certain standards from us and to protect its interests at all times, which often require us to be harsh on the androids and treat them as mere tools and nothing more.
Because of these different choices and ways in which to handle situations, the fates of each android, as well as our own, and that of the ongoing plot, are all affected. Because of this, the game is quite replayable even if a single playthrough isn't overly long (took me ~4 hours on one playthrough and I've done two so far).
During the interrogations we can monitor each subject's emotions - yes, these androids are programmed to feel them, though it can vary from one android to another. Some are programmed to have certain emotions capped or not feel them at all, and we need to check for that. The subjects will respond to everything we say in a certain manner, like a sentient being would, and not only what we say, but the tone we use to say it, and also when we bring up a certain topic. Some topics are better to bring up later after winning some trust first or putting the subject into a certain emotional state.
The game has a user-friendly interface and is easy to navigate through and find everything, despite being a dialogue-heavy game. The music is very atmospheric and synth-like, adding to the feel of the setting. The dialogue is very well-written and the conversations manage to convey a lot of what's going on without it feeling like an info dump.
There's no manual saving present. This means we can't simply reload if we regret a decision. Though not being able to save manually can be tricky if you need to exit the game for whatever reason as you'd lose progress.
'Silicon Dreams' is a unique game that is put together well. It presents many moral dilemmas and questions to us regarding sentient A.I and robots, and as a result also moral questions about our society as a whole and how we treat others. It's not for everyone, as it's a dialogue-centric game, but it sure is great at what it does, so if you don't mind a game where you read dialogue a lot and have an interest in the robotics topic, then this game is well worth getting.
For a more in-depth review, check here:
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 16:30
Began to spin.
Let's move on to system. System.
Feel that in your body. The system.
What does it feel like to be part of the system. System.
Is there anything in your body that wants to resist the system? System.
Do you get pleasure out of being a part of the system? System.
Have they created you to be a part of the system? System.
Is there security in being a part of the system? System.
Is there a sound that comes with the system? System.
We're going to go on. Cells.
They were all put together at a time. Cells.
Millions and billions of them. Cells.
Were you ever arrested? Cells.
Did you spend much time in the cell? Cells.
Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.
When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
Do they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.
Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.
Do you dream about being interlinked?
Have they left a place for you where you can dream? Interlinked.
What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.
What's it like to play with your dog? Interlinked.
Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.
Do you like to connect to things? Interlinked.
What happens when that linkage is broken? Interlinked.
Have they let you feel heartbreak? Interlinked.
Did you buy a present for the person you love? Within cells interlinked.
Why don't you say that three times? Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.
Where do you go when you go within? Within.
Has anyone ever locked you out of a room? Within.
Where do you go to when you go within? Within.
Where is the place in the world you feel the safest? Within.
Do you have a heart? Within.
Did you pick asparagus stems?
What comes from something else? Stem.
Have you been to the source of a river? Stem.
When's the first time you gave a flower to a girl? Stem.
What did she look like? Stem.
Is it a slang word for people's legs? Stem.
Have you planted things in the ground? Stem.
Have you ever been in a legal battle? Stem.
Within one stem.
Is that an old fashioned word? Dreadfully.
Did you ever want to live in the nineteenth century? Dreadfully.
What's it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully.
Do you think you could find out all the answers to all the questions? Dreadfully.
How good are your eyes? Distinct.
Do you have a particular personality? Distinct.
What separates somebody from somebody else? Distinct.
Who do you admire most in the world? Distinct.
What was your most shameful moment? Distinct.
Dreadfully distinct.
Were you afraid of the dark when you were little? Dark.
What's it like to hide under a bed? Dark.
Did they keep you in a drawer when they were building you? Dark?
Was it dark in there? Dark.
Do you have dark thoughts? Dark?
Did they program you to have dark thoughts? Dark?
Do you think it's some kind of corruption these dark thoughts? Dark.
Maybe it's a spot of rust or something? Dark.
Who's the darkest person you know? Dark.
What is it like when someone gives you the silent treatment. Dark.
Who did you get your darkness from? Dark.
Against the dark.
What kind of power do you have against the dark. Against the dark.
Do you think there is such a thing as evil? Against the dark.
Do you think you can protect people against the dark. Against the dark.
Why are these things happening? Against the dark.
Do you prefer the day or the night? Against the dark.
When is the last time you saw a starry sky? Against the dark.
What's your favorite part of the moon? Against the dark.
Have you seen the Trevi fountain in Rome? Fountain.
Have you ever seen the fountain in Lincoln center? Fountain.
Have you seen fountains out in the wild? Fountain.
What's it like when you have an orgasm. Fountain.
Have you read the Fountainhead? Fountain.
White Fountain.
Is it pure white? White Fountain.
Is that a metaphor? White Fountain.
How did the white Fountain make you feel? White Fountain.
A tall white fountain played.
When you were little did you ever fall into a Fountain? A Tall White Fountain.
Do you like fire, earth, air or water. A Tall White Fountain.
Do you like skipping around in the water? A Tall White Fountain.
A blood black nothingness.
A system of cells.
Within cells interlinked.
Within one stem.
And dreadfully distinct.
Against the dark.
A tall white fountain played.
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 00:24
However main and probably only downpoint is that game is very short, unless you're a completionist it might not be worth investing in at the current price. The total runthrough for me was about 5 hours from start to end, may be worth waiting for it to be on sale if you're put off by the sale value.
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:12
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 06:45
I'll have to understate how the game felt, considering I don't want to spoil the story to those who are considering a purchase.
I could feel myself under the skin of the interrogator and, much like my subjects, my emotions were all over the place.
I had to make many difficult decisions, often to ensure I would remain alive. You have to carefully select your line of questioning, and blindly trying to go through all lines will put you in an undesired spot.
The ending - at least in my branching of the storyline - was thrilling and epic.
Highly recommend.
About 5h total play time, not counting the replay value.
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 19:19
Silicon Dreams: Cyberpunk Interrogation
Thoughtful, provoking, atmospheric and wonderfully written. The premise may be nothing new but I felt a genuine anxiety being judge, jury and executioner.
Silicon Dreams is a cyberpunk, futuristic courtroom for androids.
You are D-0527, an interrogation model specially designed with an extended emotional range, better equipped to detect deviancy in other androids, and humans.
Your task is to interview potential deviant subjects and report back to your employers. You also have the power to decide their fate by either letting them leave, sending them to maintenance or destroying them.
Constantly being evaluated, and in fear of your own life, you will need to lie, manipulate, coerce and even befriend your subjects to get to the truth.
Story ????
The year is 2065 and androids are in nearly every home in the United States. It is big business.
Kronos have cornered the market in robotics, and are now a multi-millionaire conglomerate, and your employer.
Kronos androids are built to be indistinguishable from humans and simulate a variety of emotional states, mostly suited to the type of work they engage in.
With such advanced emotional range, androids have started evolving and thinking for themselves. Some have bypassed their programming and are becoming rebellious.
You have been specifically employed to interrogate androids and humans. If one of their androids breaks down or develop deviant behavior, it would negatively impact the business.
The more you interview, the more you question your role and purpose in life.
Overall Impressions????
I really enjoyed Silicon Dreams.
Yes, the premise has been done before but it was a clever take on the formula. It felt fresh, entertaining, informative and thought provoking.
The writing was superb and the pacing of the game was excellent. Each case brought about new dilemmas, new connections to previous cases and gradually a story started to develop.
The characters were really strong and you are given a wide scope to ask them various questions from personal to professional. Each character feels emotion like any human would. They get frightened, plead for your mercy and try to get you on board by asking you ethical questions. You feel like you are having a genuine conversation with them and it is easy to get entwined in the situation.
Uncovering a juicy bit of information due to your interrogation skills feels rewarding but sometimes causes conflict. As you get to know the character you may well form a bond and take their side. Now you have to decide whether you reveal this information or hide it to your detriment.
This makes your decision even harder at the end. It really does become a dilemma. You end up feeling sorry for them and of course as time goes on you empathize and sympathize with them. This makes deciding their fate agonizing in places and you will feel regret and remorse for doing so. It is testament to how good the writing is.
Whilst you juggle with your conscience, of course there is opportunity to either tow the corporate line or aid your android comrades by helping them, either with a bit of leniency or complete fabrication of the truth.
I found this part to be a bit confusing. We are told that a third party is reviewing the transcripts but this seems to be hit or miss. Sometimes, I blatantly lied to help someone and was not found out, but on other occasions I fabricated the truth and was caught out completely.
Also, your performance rating after each case can feel unbalanced. For stopping an insurrection, I received five points but for saying I could not confirm their anger was capped to fifty percent, when it was, I was docked six points.
The story has multiple endings (more than you realize) and cases do relate, so uncovering hidden truths is not only satisfying but also enriches the story. There is a little strategy involved in deciphering clues and making witnesses feel a certain way. Picking certain questions invokes different emotions and some questions they will only answer if they are feeling a certain way. This means you have to be careful in which order you ask questions, or use some specific equipment in your arsenal to illicit a certain response, like using shackles.
Honestly, I could have easily written sixteen thousand characters in this review. I have never taken so many notes. It is incredibly thought-provoking and interesting. Obviously, it has similarities to Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. It is even referenced in the game. The moral implications of owning, and forcing an emotionally intelligent being to do your bidding is discussed eloquently throughout the game and poses so many interesting questions.
Unfortunately, there are no manual saves which means achievement hunters will have to play through the game numerous times. If you want to see all the endings you will need to play the whole game again at least twice, but probably three of four times. The first play through is around four to five hours, but dialogue can be skipped, so subsequent plays are quicker.
Gameplay & Video????️
You uncover potential risks by interrogating and asking multiple questions on different subjects.
At the start of each interview, you are given a report containing a list of answers Kronos would like you to extract. At the end of the hearing, you will need to fill in the report with the answers you have gleamed from the witness. If you were clever enough to uncover the truth then this will show on the drop-down list under each question, otherwise it will be generic.
The more detailed the response, the more points you will receive. You will be evaluated after each case and if successful you will be rewarded with a promotion and better living quarters. If your score is low, you risk being destroyed.
During the interview you have the ability to monitor the accused emotional reactions to questions, revealing hidden meanings, and you can manipulate them into feeling a certain way to best answer you. For example, they might only answer a question when frightened so you could threaten them, shackle them and intimidate them. If a question would be best answered with trust, you can agree with them, promise them things and befriend them.
Graphics ????
Graphics are quite basic but have a nice cyberpunk vibe.
Text is very easy to read and the reports and charts are easy to navigate and view.
Sound ????
There is an atmospheric cyberpunk tune playing through the game. It is quite dramatic and suites the game wonderfully but it doesn’t change with events or create much tension when required. It sounds great but it just plays on a loop.
Music can have the power to create all sorts of emotions and this game provides a lot of emotional moments that may well have been enhanced with dedicated music.
Silicon Dreams is very well written, and provides an entertaining and moral peek into the future.
I loved the courtroom feel to the game. The questions flowed intelligently and gave you scope to strategize your moves to best effect. It was clever, tense and excruciatingly difficult to make decisions due to the close bonds you formed with your subjects.
At first glance, the game appears simple, but it turned out to be a well developed and multi layered experience which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I loved the courtroom feel to the game. The questions flowed intelligently and gave you scope to strategize your moves to best effect. It was clever, tense and excruciatingly difficult to make decisions due to the close bonds you formed with your subjects.
At first glance, the game appears simple, but it turned out to be a well developed and multi layered experience which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Curator Info:
Thanks to Reviewers' Paradise |
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 15:22
The developers once started a Kickstarter for this game, and although the initial campaign failed, the game still saw the light of day. For in indie project, Silicon Dreams is quite ambitious and reminded me a lot of Orwell: Ignorance Is Strength. As the protagonist, we are thrown into the deep end and need to interrogate a potentially dangerous android. The company we work for has clear guidelines we should follow and yet we find ourselves questioning every order we are given because the subjects we are examining seem to be more human than machine.
Play by the rules, or discover what lies beyond.
I liked the Sci-Fi setting of the game, as well as the interrogation sequences. There is a lot of reading involved and it is absolutely necessary that the player pays attention. Sometimes, it can be really challenging to answer questions in the sequences or find the right clues, just like a real interrogation would be.
Bonus points:
- 3 saves
- different achievements for different outcomes
- choices matter
- poses important philosophical questions
If you are a VN lover or just generally love Sci-Fi, this game could definitely be for you. At present, there are no guides available, which adds to the immersion. I would recommend not looking at the achievements, guides, or even many reviews to really grind your gears. After all, what would we do if we were in the protagonist's shoes?
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 13:59
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 18:21
In Silicon Dreams, you are an android yourself, owned by the manufacturer Kronos. Your job is to interrogate deviant models, and if they have developed too much humaneness, you must recommend their liquidation. If you are too soft, you might be the next android being questioned in handcuffs. At the end of an interrogation, you decide over life and death, and sometimes you have to erase a mind just to save your own skin. These decisions are tough, and they get under your skin.
To me, Silicon Dreams was a deep and intense experience about what makes us human. It is complex, satisfying, and left me thinking, like those times I left the cinema after Matrix or Fight Club (yes I am that old).
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Clockwork Bird
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