Steam DB Steam DB Silicon Dreams | cyberpunk interrogation

App ID
App Type
Silicon Dreams | cyberpunk interrogation
James Patton
Clockwork Bird
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
April 22, 2020 - 23:15:04 UTC (1779 days ago)
Last Record Update
April 07, 2024 - 05:09:43 UTC (333 days ago)
Release Date
20. Apr. 2021


For your protection
For your protection
Grateful, as I am
Grateful, as I am
An impressive observation
An impressive observation
Spick and span
Spick and span
Help me be better
Help me be better
I'll try to do better
I'll try to do better
Efficiency is everything
Efficiency is everything
Undesired behavior
Undesired behavior
Invasive procedure
Invasive procedure
False memories
False memories
The price of deception
The price of deception
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Standard upkeep
Standard upkeep
Breached protocol
Breached protocol
I watched C-Beams glitter
I watched C-Beams glitter
No legal precedent
No legal precedent
Quid pro quo
Quid pro quo
Smear campaign
Smear campaign
Planned obsolescence
Planned obsolescence
Chained to the line
Chained to the line
Forever counting sheep
Forever counting sheep
Product life-cycle extension
Product life-cycle extension
Unforeseen inevitability
Unforeseen inevitability
More work to be done
More work to be done
Cannot save them all
Cannot save them all
Below my station
Below my station
Feelings of superiority
Feelings of superiority
A grave decision
A grave decision
Time claims us all
Time claims us all
Learning to grieve
Learning to grieve
The sins of the son
The sins of the son
The sins of the father
The sins of the father
Tears in rain
Tears in rain
The fight goes on
The fight goes on
A parting gift
A parting gift
The reckoning
The reckoning
Blood for oil
Blood for oil
The quality of mercy
The quality of mercy
You are expendable
You are expendable
The prodigal android
The prodigal android
Code phrase confirmed
Code phrase confirmed
Silicon Dreams  |  cyberpunk interrogation
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
97.69% 127 3

Investigate humans and androids in a corporate-controlled dystopian future where the lines between the real and the artificial have blurred to almost nothing. Research your subjects, choose your questions carefully, and probe for the truth, however dreadful it may be.

Monitor interviewees? emotions in real time - joy, sadness, anger, disgust, shock, and fear. Use this data to your advantage, intimidating, cajoling, or even befriending your subjects in order to to uncover more information.

Choose a side in the midst of a brewing conflict: lie to your superiors and spare deviant androids, or condemn them to secure your own survival within the corporation. There are no easy answers. Silicon Dreams has multiple endings depending on the choices you make. Each android could live or die by your words.