We have also realized that some of you have been experienced a performance drop after the last patch. This was due to the new system we use for shadows and the higher shadow resolution. This was readjusted so you should see a performance boost on higher settings now.
Unfortunately, we also noticed many OS-X players weren't able to start the game after the last update. The workaround for this was getting back to the "previousversion" branch. This is now fixed, so you can go ahead and update the game to the latest version.
- fixed an issue where the final boss in TSE would not be visible after death
- fixed an issue where the game would crash on some systems after entering the GFX options menu on Linux
- fixed an issue with the game not being able to start up on some OS-X systems
- fixed an issue with credits not displaying properly
- the weapon effects should now be rendered properly in first person and third person views
- improved voice quality when chatting in game lobby
- logos in the intro cut scene will no longer break down on lowest performance settings
- decreased bloom intensity on the game intro
- the weapon selection wheel should now be fully functional with a mouse and keyboard, and not only when using a gamepad
- menu music no longer plays during the intro cut-scene for Serious Sam 3: BFE
- the Xbox gamepad icons should now be displayed properly across the board
- various performance and stability improvements