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Announcing H. P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
01.10.14 22:58 Community Announcements

Now live on Kickstarter:

Brothers and Sisters in Almousin-Metraton:—

I this day heard that Senscape got the license for H. P. L. This is a firste in that accurs’d video game industrie; for Players shall be able to delve into Spheres beyond of the sort that Abdool Al-Hazred describ’d in his VII. Booke of ye Necronomicon. I am fearfull, as these Things are Dangerous. I also hear there’s one of those newfangl’d Kickstart’rs involv’d, and Senscape is promis’g the most faithful H. P. L. game ever — crucially a Third-Person Adventure (whatever that meanes) that will throwe Players back to a Golden Age of gaming.

They say renowned scholar and H. P. L. authority S. T. Joshi is assist’g the project, and a rigorous documentary about the making of the game and H. P. L.’s life in Prouidence shall be produced too. It is welle knowne that The Case of Charles Dexter Ward is the only novel H. P. L. wrote, and one of His more popular. The booke tells of ye Adventures of the foolish and naïve Charles as he becomes obsess’d with Witchcrafte and Occult Arts across vintage Prouidence and Salem to calle up Flesh from dead Saltes. Senscape says it is a perfect storie for an Adventure Game adaptation. They are even hint’g at more H. P. L. games if the Kickstart’r Endeavour proves successful enough!

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This can not be. I shall arrange for my returne to Prouidence — this news demands my attention, and I must continue in Gett’g at Olde Matters in my Way. In one monthe it shall be Hallow’s Eue and ye Thing is breed’g in ye Outside Spheres. I was tolde many times that One shou’d not call up Any that One can not put downe; but under these circumstances we have no option but to call up Him; the Beyond-One that commandes in Yuggoth; and which ye vaporous brains know by ye untranslatable Sign… and bringe back ye Crawling Shadows to human-kinde.

Do keep the Guards in Shape and Talk often with Those Outside; and waite for my com’g Backe as an Other.

Yogg-Sothoth Neblod Zin
Josephus Curwen