• Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.
  • Secret Government: Screen zum Spiel Secret Government.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2020
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Preis Update 11.07.24

Über das Spiel

Secret Government ist ein eindrucksvolles Strategiespiel über einen Geheimbund. Seine Mitglieder ziehen bereits jahrhundertelang die Fäden und herrschen im Verborgenen über die Menschheit. Deine Rolle ist dabei nicht die Führung eines Landes oder einer bestimmten Region, sondern das Kommando über die Bruderschaft – eine uralte Organisation, die stets im Schatten agiert und die gesamte Welt manipuliert. Steuere das Schicksal, indem du auf globaler Ebene Gegenwart und Zukunft beeinflusst und die ganze Welt nach deinen Vorstellungen formst.

Steuere deine Agenten strategisch, während diese in unterschiedlichsten Regionen Aufgaben verrichten und Regierungsinstitutionen infiltrieren, um Länder ihrer Ressourcen zu berauben und die Kontrolle über die Machthaber zu erlangen. Deine Entscheidungen beeinflussen die innen- und außenpolitischen Agenden eines Landes.

Das Streben nach Macht und Vermögen ist nicht der einzige Antrieb der Bruderschaft. Ihr Ziel ist eine umfassende Neuausrichtung der gesamten Welt.

Du beginnst deine eigene Geschichtsschreibung im 17. Jahrhundert und nimmst bei deinen Missionen an den wichtigsten Konflikten der jeweiligen Epoche teil. Greife in die Glorious Revolution Englands ein, in der du es mit einer feindseligen Geheimorganisation zu tun bekommst, die ähnliche Methoden benutzt, aber völlig andere Ziele verfolgt, nimm Einfluss auf das Unabhängigkeitsstreben der dreizehn Kolonien entgegen der britischen Kontrolle über die „neue Welt“ oder entscheide den Ausgang der Amerikanischen Revolution.

Agiere bedächtig und sorgsam, um in den jeweiligen Ländern kein Aufsehen zu erregen. Ansonsten wird man deine Machenschaften aufdecken und du verlierst sämtlichen bisher erarbeiteten Einfluss ...

Dir stehen zahlreiche diplomatische, wirtschaftliche und militärische Aktionen zur Verfügung. Beobachte die Innenpolitik der einzelnen Länder aufmerksam. Wenn die Ideologie des politischen Machthabers sich stark von den Ansichten der verschiedenen Klassen und Stände unterscheidet, die Steuern zu hoch sind und die öffentliche Ordnung gering ist, kannst du mit einer Revolution rechnen. Oder vielleicht willst du ja genau das?

Du kannst Herrschern nicht direkt deinen Willen aufzwingen – deine Manipulationen im Spiel sind stets indirekter Natur. Dir fehlt die Macht, einen Monarchen zu zwingen, einem Nachbarland den Krieg zu erklären, doch du kannst deine Agenten an den richtigen Orten platzieren, durch indirekte Aktionen eine künstliche Verschlechterung der Beziehungen provozieren, einen Grenzzwischenfall arrangieren und die Länder in einen militärischen Konflikt hineinziehen.

Wir hoffen, dass du viele unterhaltsame Stunden mit der Erkundung der Welt aus der Sicht von Secret Government zubringst! Schließ dich der Bruderschaft an!

Wichtigste Funktionen:
  • Schreibe die Geschichte neu – Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, von der Glorious Revolution bis zum Unabhängigkeitskrieg. Jede Mission lässt dich in die wichtigsten globalen Konflikte eintauchen und lädt dich dazu ein, diese zu manipulieren, um das Ansinnen der Bruderschaft in die Tat umzusetzen.
  • Plane deine Schachzüge – Die mächtigsten Personen der Welt, vom nationalen Herrscher bis zur militärischen Supermacht, sind für dich lediglich Figuren auf dem politischen Schachbrett. Lerne, wie du ihre komplexen KI-Mechanismen manipulieren kannst, um dir ihre einzigartigen Fähigkeiten zunutze zu machen und die Welt nach deine Vorstellungen zu formen.
  • Indirekter Einfluss – Wieso solltest du selbst dafür sorgen, dass deine diplomatischen, wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Ambitionen in die Tat umgesetzt werden? Platziere deine Agenten und zwinge andere indirekt dazu, deinen Anordnungen Folge zu leisten. Dazu kannst du aus über 50 verschiedenen Aktionsarten wählen, deren gemeinsames Ziel es ist, das Gleichgewicht der Welt zu deinen Gunsten kippen zu lassen – während du dir selbst nicht die Hände schmutzig machen musst.
  • Manipuliere eine lebendige Welt – Von Ideologien zu gesellschaftlichen Klassen, von Steuern bis zu Bürgerunruhen: Secret Government beinhaltet zahllose verknüpfte soziopolitische Systeme, die in ihrer Gesamtheit eine glaubhafte Welt erzeugen, deren unterschiedliche Teile auf internationale Geschehnisse entsprechend reagieren. Wird es dir gelingen, das System zu destabilisieren und eine weltweite Veränderung herbeizuführen, während die Herrscher der Welt lediglich die Beibehaltung des Status Quo anstreben?
  • Du bist im Schatten nicht allein – Setze dich mit einer feindseligen Geheimorganisation auseinander, die sich genau wie du den Weg in die Geschichtsbücher manipulieren möchte. Sei deinen Gegnern mit jeder Aktion und Entscheidung stets einen Schritt voraus und behalte deine hart verdiente Heimlichkeit und deine Infiltrationsstufe, damit der Schatten dich stets umhüllt.


  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon X1900, 1gb video memory required
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X - compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Internet connection required for online multiplayer
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-6770
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X - compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Internet connection required for online multiplayer
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

182 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 15:21
Bin leider nicht weit gekommen, da sich das Tutorial schon am Anfang aufhängt und man nicht mehr weiter machen kann.
(mehrere Neustarts versucht)
Die Auflösung passt sich nicht der Bildschirmauflösung an (Resultat: überlappende Fenster)

Aktuell nicht empfehlenswert.
50 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 08:04
In general the concept is interesting. When it comes to the actions you can take it feels really limited though. Aside from recruiting influencial members of government there's not a lot to do, even though you have a big bulk of information you can study.

Also, another factor which made me not recommend this game right now is that the game just reset the whole country I operated from. The government officials were the same, it just deleted the lodge, forgot I had all those people recruited and even forgot the 5 neuphytes I had. But the penalty for recruiting them stayed, so I couldn't get new ones.
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 08:32
Nice Game and a lot of potential.
Played it after every update to see what happend.
I dont think this very expensive and buggy early access game will ever reach what it could be.
Meanwhile its getting worse.
25 euro for an early buggy access game which is not really playable is way too much.
wonder where the time is when early access games didnt want to get the full price from the beginning.
would pay 25 perhaps 35 euro for the completely finished game.

So now its out of early access and i gave a seond chance and what should i say it crashed at starting and wasnt able to load the game i wanted to try but its still as buggy as before and now i dont want to give this sadly bad programmed game a third chance. dear devs perhaps you could have taken the date for full realase to a date when the game is really finished, and i really hope you dont think that its finished now......
i looked too many hours at developing this. so i cant unfortunatly refund anymore.


Nettes spiel mit viel Potenzial.
Habs von zeit zu zeit immer wieder gespielt um zu sehen was sich getan hat.
Ich glaube aber nicht das dieses teure und verbuggte early access game jemals das erreichen wird was es erreichen kann.
Es wird immer schlechter.
25 euro für ein early buggy access game das nicht wirklich spielbar ist ist viel zu viel.
Ich frage mich wo die zeit ist als early access games nicht von anfang an den vollen preis haben wollten.
25 eventuell 35 euro würde ich für das fertige spiel zahlen.
887 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 16:36

Secret Government is not a common strategy game. Instead of making you rule as a king, it makes you lead a secret organization that manipulates the world. The game features two main campaigns, the first one set in Great Britain and Europe during the period of the glorious revolution (1685), while the second one features the colonization of America during 1775. Additionally, there is also a free mode that allows you to customize the Brotherhood settings. As the Grand Master, you start each campaign by choosing the aim of your organization. Three of your agents will offer you their suggestions on possible goals to achieve (economical, political and military) that are associated with the chosen ideology of your Brotherhood.

Gameplay is not very intuitive and understanding mechanics can be hard and time-consuming at first. The tutorial doesn’t cover all aspects and it only asks you to read a few informational tabs, so it’s mostly about theory instead of practice (contrary to many other strategy games). It’s one of those tutorials that could potentially stop players from giving the game a good chance, because it is lacking so many infos that you need to spend quite some time in the codex, and even then, you don’t have enough time to practice because the tutorial doesn’t give you the chance. Starting with free mode could be a good way to test mechanics before jumping into the main campaigns, but it doesn’t fix the tutorial problems.

The core gameplay is more about micro-management than strategy, featuring a well-elaborated system of statistics. There are six masters at your disposal and you can send them around the world to run errands and influence countries. These masters have six titles, each one with unique features and multiple traits that make them best suited for different set of tasks. Completing errands takes time and resources, which are represented by the “wealth” status. You obtain more “wealth” (and thus, resources) by moving closer to the Brotherhood’s goals. To do so, you must first build a lodge in any country of your choice using the master with the title of “worshipful master”. After that, lodges become rather pointless, but developers recently announced that they will expand their use and make them more important with an upcoming update.

Each government has many officials located in different areas of the country’s society. Your organization can recruit them and use their powers to directly influence the situation in the countries and reach your goals more easily. For every one of them you can determine which recruitment method is more appropriate (threatening, bribing, persuading etc.) or you can send your agents to different countries and let them infiltrate public roles and institutions. This way you can manipulate more countries at the same time, which will spare quite some time. You can also change countries ruling power, ideology, economy, resources consumption, trades,and even provoke them to start alliances, wars or peace treaties. Countries are also divided into estates, each one with their interior rules. New ones can be born and old ones can die or simply migrate to another estate, but most importantly, everything can be under your control. As time goes forward, some events will also pop up and require you to take impactful decisions for your organization. As you can see, the management system offers a great level of options.

To make things more interesting, your Brotherhood is not the only one who is able to influence countries. There is another secret organization that aims to rule the world which will constantly try to expose your agents. You can do the same of course, and you can even convert them to your side (although sometimes it can be very risky).

Technically I didn’t experience any game-breaking bug, but I surely noticed a few slowdowns while doing multiple actions at the same time. The UI is not really intuitive or user-friendly and sometimes it also lacks some important stats that you need to manually check for each one of your masters.

✅ Pros ❌Cons
  • An original concept for a strategy game
  • Great variety of choices and management options
  • The tutorial really needs to be expanded
  • UI is not intuitive and user-friendly, which is very important for strategy games
  • Some technical slowdowns when assigning many actions at the same time
  • [/list]

    Verdict: 6/10

    Secret Government features an original concept for a strategy game, including two interesting historical periods and offering great freedom on how to play. The execution is far from perfect, and players who are new to the genre will find it difficult to learn due to a tutorial that doesn’t explain much, but those who already have some training with strategy games will absolutely be thrilled to try something new and lead a secret society.

    Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own.

    For more reviews, game giveaways and much more come join us at Zeepond and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
    172 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
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    32 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.12.21 17:50
    This game really needs a better tutorial. I will give it another try later.
    The controls could use some improvements too.
    2343 Produkte im Account
    69 Reviews
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    127 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.12.21 16:30
    As others have mentioned, the UI is not equal to the amount of information you need to track, making getting the information you need tedious and take too long.
    What to convert a member of the government?
    You can bribe, intimidate or persuade each government official. You can have up to 6 masters that can do so. The game will only show you the success rate of one master preforming one type of conversion at a time. That means to see who has the best chance of conversion, you have to click through each master and each type of conversion individually. That's right, you have to select all 18 options, one by one.
    Why not show the odds of all three types at once? Why not let us select a conversion type, then show the success rate of that type next to each master's portrait?
    Getting any information at all requires too much clicking and hovering for my taste, and you need a ton of information to play this.
    89 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    299 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.11.21 11:31
    I tried this when it was in the first few stages of early access because the concept sounded great. Back then it was stale with not a lot to do and the tutorial just took way to long to get through. I dropped it until they got more work done on it. It now has some progress the tutorial is more streamlined and there are a lot more things to occupy your time so you no longer just wait. I think it can only get better from here if the devs keep at this like they have
    46 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    459 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.21 23:01
    An okay game needs more in terms of guidance but great idea and the gameplay was easy to use too.
    220 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
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    307 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.11.21 05:34
    The concepts and the gameplay are pretty cool, but this game has plagued me with repeated crashes ever since I bought it many moons ago. I picked it back up today (Nov-2-2021) hoping it would be more stable, and was sadly disappointed with yet another crash after less than an hour of gameplay.
    738 Produkte im Account
    137 Reviews
    202 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.10.21 23:28
    As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be an Illuminatus. To me being an Illuminatus was better than being president of the United States.
    1482 Produkte im Account
    36 Reviews
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    99 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.10.21 18:55
    Great idea but falls down in the implementation.

    The game is simplistic in that it revolves around a few simple resources to limit your power but in an effort to create balance you're faced with enemies with limitless power.

    It feels a little like they've built the game around a narrow focus group of early players which has created layers of needless complication instead of depth.
    815 Produkte im Account
    36 Reviews
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    403 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.09.21 16:03
    I really want to like this game. And in fact, while playing the tutorial, I could really see myself enjoying it. The problems however, are at present too large to recommend this game.

    There are two core issues: the game is too shallow to provide a lot of long term fun; after you've beaten the tutorials and play the full game, you'll realize there just isn't a lot there to do. Most of what you're doing involves just sorta clicking on something and waiting for things to happen. It's not particularly engaging.

    The second problem is much worse, in my opinion: the game runs terribly. Because the game is trying to constantly call and update hundreds of individual values all with their own myriads of modifiers, the game slows to a crawl immediately. This isn't a framerate issue; the game runs at a fine framerate. But the actual progression of days is so slow that the game continually struggles to move forward.

    This is because it's trying to update, individually, the modifiers of around twelve different population groups and their modifiers, as well as the economic outputs and their modifiers, as well as the various ideologies and modifiers.

    To put it bluntly, the game is trying to be a turn based game in real time. It is trying to keep track of too many things to be a real time game, and it shows. Given the fact that every action taken by your agents takes days, it makes little sense to make this a real time game. It would make more sense to simply make it a turn based game and have the turns be days, so it can actually update everything without chugging along and requiring ten seconds per day.
    44 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    649 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.09.21 09:03
    this game is pretty much looks good but has way more potential than what i am seeing here for the price they were asking for, for instance the fact that this is a game that covers the aspect of a secret organization that survives through the ages infiltrating nations and governments but has no research into improving the organization or the capabilities (and i did see something like that in a trailer showing for the game) of it's operatives. i have been playing the tutorials and tried to play a solo game but never saw this exact concept in any of it. and as for the rest of the game ignoring the missing concept of research in game the rest of the game it seems they did not fully draw up the concepts and capabilities of what you can do in the game for instance you could change a nation ideology from absolutism to despotism or make England a equality nation before the discovery of the Americas and install some new version of government but then what, at the end which does not take long sometimes you don't really have much to do other than keep making yourself other goals to keep you busy.

    If you want a game that scratches that conspiracy itch which has some strategy and management of an organization than this can be for you but for me i was expecting more than what I'm seeing I'm going to get my money back.
    469 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    736 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.09.21 16:31
    Hey this will be one of the few reviews i make but here it goes

    Secret Government is very much a Mess around with the world and make your own story kind of experience and my play through has generally been positive, something about causing revolutions and manipulating countries to do your bidding and generally just to make wacky scenarios, Want a Liberal Russia run by the peasants to invade militarist Poland and watch it unfold? sure you can do that! to be honest that's what you will be doing most of the time, Messing around.

    in my opinion this game needs Polish since that's what i feel it was lacking during my time playing. Also i feel the Map could use a bit more Detail because i find it rather odd that half the worlds nations are non existent, while i can understand this was probably done due to optimisation reasons its definitely something that needs to be worked on and added in the future.

    Like i say i don't do reviews often so it will be rather rough but all in all i enjoy playing this game so its a recommend from me!
    53 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    2027 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.09.21 02:27
    Just six hours in so I may need to revise this.

    This game is amazing because there are so many complex moving parts to consider and affect.

    I like it because I need a game to work my brain.

    If you want mindless entertainment - this isn't for you. It's for people who want to experience the complex arrangement of organizing a secret government as best as a game can do it.

    So, I recommend that you get this if you want to make your mind work.
    256 Produkte im Account
    43 Reviews
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    572 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.07.21 04:43
    What game in 2021 does not support high resolutions or UI scaling? If you run anything about 2056x1024 get ready for your eyes to pop out of your head trying to read anything on screen. The only thing I can find is it was not a priority during early access, so what does that mean for those of us who waited but still can't play the game due to the extremley small text and UI size?
    22 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    10912 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.06.21 20:56
    I really like this game. I've learned it by doing a lot of trial and error. It's fairly complicated and you have to learn where all the levers are and what they can do. You also have to pay attention to the changing information in the panels. For instance the one on estates informs you about their wants and needs plus immigration status, and you have to adjust for them and know where you can go to adjust their situation. There is also an adversary organization wearing red robes that has to be dealt with and they are competing with the Brotherhood. Once you figure it out it's a very engrossing game that you can play for hours without getting tired of it.
    304 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
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    2461 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.05.21 12:09
    This game has a lot of potential but it is literally too buggy to play right now. Can't get out of the tutorial without having to start over.
    253 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    273 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.05.21 23:36
    I'm not very far into the game yet, however there's a reason for that. Namely the game continues to crash during the first portion of what's considered its tutorial missions. While that the problem will be addressed by the devs eventually, as things stand at the moment this does not give the game a very good light, in spite of what appears to be a very impressive, and ambitious, political sim.

    Another problem that I've run into, again with the beginning tutorial, is with the actual, opening cutscene stuttering, lagging and simply not properly loading. I've already sent in a report to the developer about these two issues and hope they will be addressed soon.

    The little bit that I have been able to play certainly points to the game turning into a potential favorite of mine. But as things stand right now, I can't really recommend it. At least not until I can get it running without any hiccups. Perhaps by then I'll write a full review of it.
    16 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    746 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.05.21 17:11
    While the game has its fare share of bugs and flaws, it has potential. Want to make the USSR hundreds of years early? Do it! Want to make Native Americans retake America? You can do it! Want to assassinate the leader of the country during a war to plunge the country into anarchy? You can do it.

    Overall, I give the game a 7/10. If you can tolerate a bug or two and have patience to learn mechanics this is the game for you.
    333 Produkte im Account
    49 Reviews
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    278 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.04.21 00:05
    This game has a lot of potential.

    However, it is clearly an Early Access game that the developers released without declaring it to be Early Access. Even within an hour and a half, I encountered multiple game breaking glitches and bugs. I've restarted the tutorial 3 times now and am stopped by various ingame errors.

    I love the concept. I hate this particular execution of it.
    794 Produkte im Account
    62 Reviews
    333 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.04.21 20:33
    I read a lot of the reviews for this game before purchasing. I also watched some of the few available youtube videos. So I knew what I was getting into. This game is obviously a work of love, the programmers are competent and have a great solid concept here. The problem is accessibility. I love convoluted deep strategy games, bring on the Dwarf Fortress, the Aurora 4x and any Paradox grand strategy game and I'm in heaven. Being this type of person, the confusion and convolution of this game is the main draw, experimenting and not understanding anything at all because the tutorial is poorly conceived and executed, is why I play and will continue to play. So if you don't mind a buggy convoluted beast of a game with no functioning tutorial. Then like me, you are the perfect person to buy this game. For everyone else wait till it bakes longer and gets fully realized.
    38 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    879 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.04.21 07:20
    The game is really fun, as has so much potential, there are flaws, e.g. The tutorial needs work and there are some things which are left really unclear, such as how to get a government to import more of a certain good, or to build industry to exploit more of it's natural resources, and most importantly to me how slow the game can be at times, sometimes the days take almost a minute to tick over, albeit that may be more related to my PC than the game itself; but despite these flaws it's a wonderful game with an amazing OST.
    54 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    337 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.03.21 03:27
    Saves don't load. I'm surprised that a bug this significant and frustrating is still ruining my experience this close to the game leaving early access.
    123 Produkte im Account
    35 Reviews
    3521 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.03.21 02:50
    This game is great, even with the bugs.. and there a lot of bugs.
    Recently I managed to industrialize Russia, the year was 1777. We had a booming, unrivaled economy, more prestige than the papacy and a stronger military than Portugal. Even the aristocracy was happy. It was a Utopia, and it broke the game.

    But even with the calculation bugs that resulted, we Russians settled New York and Louisiana. It was glorious. Cold war averted, all Americans already spoke Russian. No need for the recklessness and disregard for human life that is communism to surface in the world - ever.

    10/10 would save the world from reckless, lying, subversive, genocidal idiots again - and you wouldn't even know to thank me because we are invisible.
    375 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    34 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.02.21 22:23
    FINALLY! A game for adults. Love the level of details and the overall concept. It is a bit raw at the moment, but it has all the chances to be THAT game you will be spending hundreds of hours in
    57 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    353 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.02.21 18:17
    Alright as someone who is huge fan of conspiracy theories and strategy games like Civilization this style of game has been something I have been wishing to come into existence for the longest time! This has the setup for a truly amazing in depth strategy game! The sheer amount of strategy and tactics that can be played out to achieve your desired end goals can seem overwhelming at first but in my opinion that simply just adds to the potential replay value of this game! If you want your entire outlook changed on how national politics, geopolitics, mega corporations, and intelligence agencies function in the real world behind closed doors this game will do it!

    Definitely looking forward to improvements in quality of life since it can be very confusing to navigate the UI and to be sure the actions your doing are actually having the affect you want. As well there is bugs that features that need to get ironed out for example I tried assassinating a government figure in England which gave a +80% chance of success, 3 times in a row, he didn't die, and his health only went down to 1/4 hearts idk if this a bug?

    Also I would suggest the publishers/developers reach out to conspiracy theory comedians and show hosts like Tim Dillon, Sam Tripoli, Issac Weishaupt or Greg Carlwood because I'm sure they would gladly promote this game considering the content of their shows lol!

    At current Game build 6/10 false flags

    Potential once this Game is complete 10/10 Illuminati confirmed!

    127 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    209 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.02.21 10:05
    It was decent at the start, but it's frustrating when you give the player missions and then throw so many sliders and tabs at them without any explanation on what they all do. Assassinate a party leader? Cool, where's the button to do that? Probably buried in all the tabs and clickable portraits.

    It's a cool concept of a game and I'm open to changing my review in the future as it gets more developed.
    42 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    330 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.02.21 16:26
    i would gladly change my rating because i love the time i got to spend on this game. the dynamic is amazing as long as you stay patient. the only reason I'm not giving it a thumbs up is because once you have spent 5 hours on a game you would think you'd be able to pick up where you left off but nope, i opened my save game and the time wouldn't pass in game. i hit play and fast forward and nothing happened. i trouble shooted for a bit and couldn't get it to do anything. once this is fixed i will gladly give a 5 star review. so ya as of right now i completely wasted my money on this game.
    52 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1185 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.12.20 14:33
    Only got 14 hours of gameplay but ive enjoyed all of them. There is one hell of a learning curve and im sure i have not even touched the surface of the game yet, but i am learning slowly but surely. The concept of this game is outstanding and aside from the trivial early access issues, the game is fun and addictive and my goodness the choices you get.......infinite options. Just hoping the devs do not abandon this game with such potential! be nice if someday there is a detailed manual released for this game to learn the perks of being able to manipulate all the tools at our disposal, but I guess at same time, this is what adds to the excitement of learning the game. Tutorial kind of helps you get a feeling to at least keep head above water for awhile, but after that its kind of being in uncharted waters. Imagine taking the knowledge you have now sitting behind your Pc and then bam, your given the infiltration powers of illuminati hahaha how many of us would know where you even start. In a way, thats kind of what this game experience is like and im loving it
    105 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    2766 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.10.20 18:26
    Let me level with you: this is a thinking person's game. Though its aesthetics reminds one of the Europa Universalis games, if you lack the patience to tackle your goals in a subtle, clandestine way, you will suffer. Unlike the EU games, you cannot simply go up to a ruler and order them to go to war with another country, nor can you simply go to the citizens and order them to support your newly created political party. In fact, it is best if neither are aware of your existence at all as they will crush you if their Awareness of your Brotherhood is high enough and it doesn't necessarily have to reach 100 first for them to start weakening your Brotherhood.

    Instead, as the puppetmaster you are, you have to influence events in order to indirectly control your pawns of choice to bring about your desired change. Want a war? Use your agents to infiltrate the governments of both future belligerents in order to deteriorate relations between the two before lighting the powder keg with a border incident. Want your pet political party to rule the nation? Decrease the influence and number of supporters of the current incumbent, then decrease the garrison and public order in order to create conditions ripe for a revolution.

    Of course, the above points are ancillary to the government officials you need to induct into the Brotherhood as your ability to get things done depends on who has the authority to do whichever actions you desire. Thanks to the #3 major update that dropped on Oct 15, the officials have traits that can either make it easier to convert them to your cause or difficult and you have to resort to other actions to get your agents into government seats. Sometimes you just have to slit some throats in order to make your life easier. Keep in mind that while you're busy being the Illuminati in an early modern world, another Brotherhood with its doubtlessly inferior goals and desires is trying to muscle its way onto your clandestine turf. You will need to eliminate them as well as their support structure lest they do the same to you.

    In summary, you will have to plan your moves in advance. If you lack the patience for this type of game then it is not for you. If you love the idea of pulling the world's strings in the background and having your pawns dance to your tune then dive into a world of intrigue and deception and become everyone's master. Keep in mind though that there are bugs as to be expected in an Early Access game though the developer's squashing them,

    8/10 Cloak and Daggers
    531 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    376 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.10.20 19:17
    I highly recommend this to people that are fans of secret societies.
    413 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    94 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.08.20 11:39
    Don't let any of the game's flashy images fool you, Secret Government is at it's core an incremental/idle game. Put your piece on a block, piece gathers resource, piece goes on a cooldown, rinse and repeat. The game's strategy tree and combat mechanics simply facilitate this monotonous gameplay. The most interesting aspect of it, in my opinion is the steam description.
    386 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    432 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.08.20 05:56
    Now first off i need to state that this game is early access and unlike a lot of others who have reviewed this game I understand that early access means buggy, clunky and sometimes even unplayable. I pay for the opportunity to test this game out see what its about, report bugs and issues, give feedback and in general support the ongoing development of said game. If you want a perfectly polished ready to play game you need to stay out of early access games period as you might not understand what that means yet.
    With that being said I think this game is a gem, it has a huge potential to be one of my all time favourite games and I have almost 500 games on steam. The music is quite good and fits the theme of the game, the entire premise of being a shadow brotherhood that tries to influence and control the whole world is genius and I'm not sure why I haven't seen games like this come out yet. The actual game play is fun, sending most of my organisation to an enemy brotherhoods home territory and having a war of attrition to root them out because they killed my best brother was quite exciting, sparking wars between England/France/Russia against Spain and her allies was also quite a lot of fun. There still needs to be a lot of work done on things like info for some of things you can do or what they mean, most of it is explained in the tutorial but not quite everything but I look forward to that being expanded in the future. Normally with a game when I don't fully understand something I go on a wiki or google search but there isn't really a lot available (I end up on conspiracy websites not anything of actual use for the game) There will be a big update coming out in September and then full release later this year I believe so between now and then if you're on the fence just chuck it on your wish list and see how it ends up by full release.
    So far for an early access game that still has a few major updates left before release I am positively excited for the future of this and I give it a 8/10 on current gameplay and value and I will revise after more updates.
    140 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    221 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.08.20 14:02
    It has all the hallmarks of a great game. My only gripe would to have the tutorial go into more things because after the prompts stopped holding my hand i was clueless. So i have subverted Austria and helped draw a plan up to defend Prussia... what now?

    Ok so there are steps to follow to gain powers within your brotherhood and checklists to follow but its not obvious how to do so... Wait a while until i figure out how to please the intellectual class... only now half my crew have been converted or killed by the enemy?

    Hours of fun to be had!
    3 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    576 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.08.20 02:25
    Dear dev team,
    I like this game. Can you gave me speed up button x4 or x8 because most of my play time is waiting
    277 Produkte im Account
    38 Reviews
    391 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.07.20 17:54
    if this is the base line i am excited to see where they take this there are bugs but if you are turned off by that stop looking at early access games they could do a better job simplfying and explaining the uses of things but agian tons of fun and they only have like 1 content update so for one of the most promising games ive ever picked out of early access
    158 Produkte im Account
    35 Reviews
    260 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.20 13:01
    After playing this for a short time, I am so glad this exists. The idea and concept are very good and although others like this may be out there, I haven't seen them. I eagerly await the future of this game and I forsee many hours on this one.

    I can hear you asking, 'If it is so awesome, why only 4 hrs (or so) on it?' Well... it is nowhere near finished. At the time of my typing this, about 90% of the discussions involve the game being more Mafia Wars than Secret Brotherhood. There is another Brotherhood out there in the world, one that is hostile to yours. That is understandable, after all there is only room for one hooded, cloaked organization integrating themselves onto the political, religious, social, and governmental stage. The bad part (as of now) is that the 'Bad Guy' organization has essentially unlimited funds, manpower, and ability... unlike yours. You see, YOUR Secret Organization must play by the rules, theirs don't. So, that makes this currently (see date of posting above) basically non-fun. You carefully and slowly plot and expand your influence - they come in with A) One Bad-Guy Brother with a secrecy so high you can do nothing except watch him assassinate and capture your ENTIRE organization in a few turns or B) You find yourself surrounded by an entire army of Bad-Guy Brothers who proceed to dismantle your entire organization before you can even capture/assassinate one of theirs.

    Like I said, as of now, not so fun. However, I will watch this one with anticipation and when it becomes a bit more... fun... I will dive back in and devote a ton of hours to it. Until then I will fade back into the shadows and watch.
    129 Produkte im Account
    79 Reviews
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    1405 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.07.20 03:32
    This is about what I expected of a $20 early access game, it's a little buggy, clunky, needs kinks ironed out, and straight up needs more development (but of course that is why it's in early access and not released). I can see alot of promise here, there is a very complex system here allowing you to manipulate the economy, demographics, political parties, international relations, and so on of any given country. With enough time and effort any state is putty in your hands.

    This game is still pretty rough though and I can’t really recommend this game in it’s current state as it just isn’t put together enough to really get a sense of enjoyment out of it. I’ve only played it for so long because I fall prey to a mindless stupor in these kinds of strategy / simulation games when working towards a goal (looking at you Crusader Kings…). However if development continues I can easily see myself recommending the game as bugs get ironed out, mechanics fleshed out / iterated on, and new features added. There is definitely a very interesting game in here if the devs have the time and budget to make it.

    I only have two real complaints about this game as it stands, the lack of meaningful progression and the mechanics around the enemy brotherhood.

    1. Lack of meaningful progression: For the first part there seem to be very few quests and those that exist seem to be highly specific such that you'd have to go far out of your way to complete them. That's a problem given that quests effect your alignment (which to be fair is so meaningless as to be basically only for roleplaying) and give you tech points. Tech points don't really matter since technologies don't seem to do anything as features gated around some techs are already in play (such as the sphere of influence mechanic). Just with those there already there are 3 systems that could be feeding back into gameplay which are not, and that's a problem. Currently the only way to make any sense of progression in this game is pushing your agenda on the world (i.e. the point of the game) and leveling up your brothers (which I also have issues with). If the devs can get these mechanics working with the rest of the game, and hopefully improve on them, then it will feel a lot better.

    2. Mechanics around the enemy brotherhood: I get that this game needs some kind of adversary to shake things up and make the player react instead of passively doing the same things over and over, however the enemy brotherhood as it is currently implemented just takes away from the focus of the game and just PROMOTES doing the same thing over and over. Instead of being a mechanic that engages the player enemy agents just present a delay in the form of having to divert resources and time to resolve the problem. Every time I found an enemy agent I would have to do the same song and dance; kidnap, expose, expose, interrogate, interrogate, interrogate, execute. Rinse and repeat for each agent. It’s just a waste of both in game time as I wait for the counter actions to complete and a waste my time as I have to spend minutes setting up the counter actions for each of the infinite number agents they can throw my way. It’s neither rewarding nor engaging.
    253 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    1520 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.07.20 17:19
    Truly a great game. It's early access so there is work to be done but the game is playable and enjoyable
    36 Produkte im Account
    53 Reviews
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    471 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.07.20 04:11
    So let me start by saying I love the idea of this game and please put this on your wishlist to check back later to see if my review changes.

    The Cons
    Enemy seems to have unlimited influence, health and etc. They pop up like grasshoppers and you are backed into a corner into one country within minutes and then they cause complete caos to your founding country all why you are just trying to kidnap or kill their agents.. it's freaking rediculous and the one reason I am shelfing this game its not balanced at all. I am so mad!

    Second con is wth do I keep losing all the influence or power or money levels I invested in the countrys after a few turns that's so annoying. I have to spend a long time trying to rebuild my influence all over again.

    The tutorial drops you yes it was getting cheesey like uncle bob likes grasshoppers he haw cheesey but it actually taught you crap! Then uncle bob dies and you have no clue what the crap you are doing and then your surrounded.

    The idea is awesome and the possibilities are exciting what this could become.
    It's not that expensive for the investment though their is a risk if the game doesn't get more balance.

    Word to Dev's please don't put to much effort into a new scenario please balance this game the enemy slowly but surely becomes the focus of everything you do and ruins the game you can't do crap a few rounds into the game they own everything and theirs unrest on the whole map.
    147 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
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    329 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.07.20 20:10
    First of, I do like this game, it has a lot of potential. In its current form however it's still too buggy and unbalanced. It needs more time to develop, and judging from the quick patch they implemented after release, the developers seem very motivated to make this game into something great.

    I'll give some examples which need to be worked on:
    The game froze on me in a peculiar way, the game speed was on full, but the game acted as if on pause and it would not resume in any way or form.

    You can get totally creamed in even the tutorial, never even being able to finish it or fight back if you have not yet progressed far enough to unlock certain features, making it impossible to defend against foreign agents and killing you.

    In free-mode, which was fun, I eventually reached a point where I had all 6 brothers in Brandenburg, with red agents/brothers coming after me non-stop. I tracked, captured, interrogated and killed around 15 red brothers in rapid succession (as in, approximately 1 every real-life minute) before it became a chore and annoying, so I only captured them from that point on. The total number of agents in Brandenburg never exceeded 10 though, so at that point I could start ignoring them.

    The point of this last example, is to point out that honestly? I would most certainly enjoy this mode more if I were able to switch off the enemy agents, and actually start putting countries against one-another for fun. Right now, I just keep being forced to take down enemy agents before they take me down, a literal race against time which distracted from all of the other game-play options. I never got that far in the tutorial (as stated before) but I managed to figure out a bunch of the features to incite wars, militarise, and economy boons which I found fun to do.

    I'd already give a positive recommendation for this game if they'd just implement a game-mode without enemy agents in them.

    I sincerely hope the devs keep improving upon this game as it has so much potential as to become one of my favourite games to play.
    263 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    498 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.06.20 01:47
    Game concept is good and the potential is there. Here is the thing though:

    You need to make the game more secret government and less brotherhood battles.

    I understand the idea behind other factions competing but the game becomes dominated
    by these battles against other brotherhoods. You spend more time focused on the other
    brotherhoods and less time meddling in international affairs.

    Either nerf the competing brotherhoods, or in the very least, provide players the option to
    either disable competitors, set their difficulty or remove the focus from this concept.

    This game will be perfect when it feels like you are controlling countries like puppets and
    fighting to avoid their detection rather than clashing with other brotherhoods constantly.

    If you need to have these competing brotherhoods, let them become invested into a single country
    which gives you the incentive to incite actions against that country in order to bring down that
    108 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1288 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.06.20 02:29
    I'm about 15 hours in and so far.... I'm in love.
    In fact, it's been years since 'grand strategy' felt this fun for me.
    The basic gist is that you build and maintain a shadow government. An Illuminati. A 'Brotherhood'.
    And you're subtly pulling the strings of countries far more powerful than you... While evading detection, you're manipulating culture, economics, criminals, the military, immigration, royal weddings... All kinds of stuff.
    More buttons and dials than you can imagine. And there's another brotherhood vying for control.
    Each of you corrupting the power structures of Europe. Sending criminals and police after each other... starting wars and killing thousands... just to drop the enemy's bottom line a little.

    It's like a chess game where the board is always changing and every piece has 1,000 possible moves.
    It's a game where the AI genuinely surprised me. I was certain that I had the other 'Brotherhood' on the ropes and they managed to turn it all around and gain the upper hand!

    The game has issues. And I fear that the other reviews will be brutal... But I can feel the labor of love in this game.

    In the immediate future, the team needs to fix their translation.
    I'm grateful for whoever did it, but it leaves a lot to be desired. These are complex topics with complex mechanics, and some of the basics are locked off from me... because I just CAN'T make sense of the writing.
    The game's also pretty poorly optimized... but it's not very graphically intense. I'm hoping this will be an easy fix for them...

    But this is early access...
    And I normally LOATH that excuse... but this isn't a cynical cash grab. Secret Government is something special.
    131 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    311 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 02:00
    This Game Shows Great potential. I do wish the different map modes had bolder colors to better identify different areas like religions and such. There are some translation issues and the game is lacking in depth tooltips to aid in understanding it's complexity. All in all very fun game and I am very interested to see where it goes from here.
    138 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    152 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.06.20 13:34
    You spend so much time defending against other brotherhoods that you can't do any of the other features. I wouldn't recommend at this time until the enemy brotherhoods are nerfed a bit

    Additionally, once a save game is loaded you cannot zoom in or out or move the map around
    264 Produkte im Account
    193 Reviews
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    68 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.06.20 01:44
    Secret Government looks and plays well enough, although the loading times are long and it runs a little bit choppy sometimes. No CTDs in just over an hour of play. The way you can bring your brothers along and promote them is nice. I enjoy things like that.

    However, the save feature doesn't work properly. When you reload, you'll find that your brotherhoods goals and unlocked capabilities no longer match up with where you are in the game. Which means you cannot do things that you need to do, which means this game is worthless as it currently stands.

    They may well fix this eventually, but for me at $20 its better to check it out again once more severe bugs like that are ironed out, as opposed to holding onto the title and hoping the devs don't disappear.
    106 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    513 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.20 14:43
    Game is very deep and fun.But i must say AI is very unbalanced.They can use acolytes while i restricted with 6 people to operate.And they are so aggressive it's almost impossible to catch their speed.Most of the time i spent my time to kill or capture enemy agents instead managing countries.And i think AI must be less agressive.
    18 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    1048 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.20 00:26
    i only have 5 hours in the game so far, but I am enjoying the game. there are a few things that I would like to see addressed. One of the things that I was disappointed about was the free-roam mode. I thought the game was about building a secret organization the free-roam mode starts you with a full leader cast as well as a full row of initiates. The FPS of the game also suffers quite badly sometimes, and this might impact the response of the mouse and keyboard because it doesn't always pick up when I press something. (but I don't really know a whole lot on this and they might be totally unrelated) those are things I have noticed a lot while playing the game anything else I have noticed has been so negligible that I can't remember them right now.
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    Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
    57.25% 79 59
    Release:22.06.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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