Just popping in to give y'all a quick update on our release strategy for the rest of Scarlet Hollow, and to ask for a teensy li'l favor that would mean the world to us (Wishlist our new Steam page!) And don’t worry— none of this will affect what you’re getting and when you’re getting it.
We were originally planning to release Scarlet Hollow’s episodes as paid DLC for our free-to-play page on Steam. However, now that we’ve gotten a better handle on how to market video games, we realize making the full game DLC on a free page wouldn’t give us the all-too-valuable visibility Steam titles are able to get from special sales and discounts.
So we made a shiny new page for Steam Early Access, where we’ll be releasing our future episodes over time (the game will automatically update as new episodes are released). If you've already backed the game, instead of getting a Steam key for the season pass, you’ll be getting your key for this new page instead! For those of you who have held onto your Episode 1 saves, never fear-- they should be automatically imported for you.
Because this is a new page, it’s going to start out without any Wishlists, and because Steam shows content algorithmically, getting more Wishlists means that more people will be able to discover our game!
Look at all of these Cool rewards!
So if you're able, please take a second to pop over to this new page and add it to your Wishlist (even though you’re going to get a key from us anyways.) And if you don’t mind, please share the new page with your friends and family and get them to Wishlist us too! And to incentivize these Wishlists we’ve got a list of rewards for major milestones :O
So please, smash that Wishlist button! Ask your friends and family to smash that Wishlist button! Ask your polycule to smash that Wishlist button! Text the One That Got Away about our cool new Steam page and ask them to smash that Wishlist button! Can you tell that Tony wrote this update instead of Abby?
In all seriousness, though, thank you so much for for your constant support (and for smashing that Wishlist button.) Y'all are super rad.
Before we go, we also wanted to provide a quick update on Episode 2. The first half is done and fully playable (which means that way way more than half the work is done!) We’re still going to do our best to hit our end of May deadline, but we’ve also lost some time over the past couple of months to Life Stuff, vaccine side effects in particular, so depending on how the next month goes, we might need to push the release date back a week or two just to make sure that everything is as good as it can be before we release it-- more like early June than late May. So sorry about the delay!
We’re incredibly proud of how Episode 2 is turning out, though, and we can’t wait to share it with y’all.
Thank you all again much for your patience, support, and enthusiasm, and for making our game possible!
~Abby and Tony