Rust's 10th Anniversary is coming up and we would love nothing more than for all you loyal Rust players to nominate for us in the Steam Awards - Labor of Love!

In the last 10 years, the game has undergone some huge changes, including graphic, physics, and engine updates and rebuilds, all because we’ve wanted to make Rust what it is, and what it could be.
But what has really blown us away is the great milestones that have been achieved within the community such as:
- Regularly being in Steam’s top 10 most played games
- 350+ content updates
- 16,000,000+ copies sold.
- $1,703,923+ raised for multiple charities
- 960,000,000+ hours watched on Twitch
- 244,000+ peak player count
- 75,000,000+ Twitch drops claimed
- 151,000+ peak player average per month
- 124,000+ Steam workshop items posted

If you feel we are deserving of your vote, we'd love for you to give Rust yours in this category and we have no plans to stop crafting and refining our rewarding and multi-purpose game any time soon!
And stay tuned for Rust 10th anniversary celebrations!
Beginning December 7th till December 31st 2023 we will be hosting our very first Twitch Support a Streamer Campaign!

During this period anyone that purchases 2 (two) subscriptions from any participating Rust Streamer will earn an exclusive Creator Computer Station to use in game! This functions just like the current computer station, but in style.
Keep an eye on our socials and the official website for more details and who you can watch to get the creator computer station!
More info & FAQs:
Well well well ...he did it! Bloorprint hit 2 MILLION subscribers. I do believe this makes him the highest subscribed Rust channel to date? Please do correct me if I'm wrong.

With his great achievement he's also created what he calls his "magnum opus". A nearly 4 hour masterpiece to commemorate the long road that got him here.
Settle in, grab some popcorn, and give this man some of your time (and a thumbs up).
Congratz Bloo, we're proud of you!
Another long-time coming project SyntheticKill as been working on is out! Tons of cameos in this one including yours truly as the Exposition Commentator.
Had a few hitches a long the way with ever-changing Rust development causing some delays in his cinematics but we got there!
Is this how YOU saw Rust lore happening?
Alright so as many of you may know FancyOrb did a huge event this summer involving tons of creators and their pals to do a Global Warfare event.
The map was a replica of earth in its entirety. Every region was battling to maintain control of their territory and take control of others. Blood was shed, politics were fierce, and treaties were undermined.
This epic story FancyOrb narrated shows exactly how events unfolded. 300% worth the watch!
This event will take place again next summer even bigger and better. Stay tuned!
Dyl Dip make this cute little action cinematic short!

Is this where we call Vin Diesel?
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.
Cover image by Alpha!