News Liste Rust

05.10.23 17:46 Community Announcements


A common complaint we have been hearing for a very long time as the over-use and abuse of turrets. To combat this we've added "Turret Interference" Basically this means that only a certain amount of turrets (sentry.maxinterference) can be active in any particular area ( sentry.interferenceradius). subsequently activated turrets will emit a blue electrical glow and fail to acquire any targets.

There is no hard limit on the number of turrets you can deploy, only a limit on the number of turrets to be activated at any one time within 40m. For example, you may choose to enable 12 of your outdoor turrets but keep your indoor turrets disabled or you can set up smart circuits to detect players and power up turrets when needed.

Hopefully this addresses some of the concerns we've been hearing regarding this issue, and we plan to iterate and improve, we'll be watching the feedback.


While SMGs are not intended to be used in long range engagements, some of the clips sent to us are a little out there.

I've reduced the aimcone on SMGs slightly so that more rounds will land in the center during sustained fire. I've also given the MP5 a bit of a buff, it'll deal slightly more damage and have less bullet drop. The burst mode has also been improved, yielding higher accuracy and less recoil.


Updated TC Layout

TC contents and tools are now one page with +1 tool slot

Vehicle Dismount Settings

Adjust how long it takes to dismount a vehicle per type (Ground/Air/Aquatic/Horse)

Toggle Vending Machines

Can now hide Vending Machines from the map view

Bad Weather

Higher chance of rain, storms and fog

Water Catchers

Water catchers now fill much faster when it rains, even faster in stormy weather

Small Battery

Small Battery now outputs more power and has a higher capacity

Underwater Visibility

Underwater is now slightly brighter

Tug Boat Player Respawn

Players are now unable to respawn on Tug boats if too close to water monuments

Workbench Radius

Workbench radius has been slightly increased, allowing crafting from further away


Available now from the Rust store is the new brutalist building skin which allows you to change the visuals of your stone base.

This skin is for sale at the Steam store. To use, simply equip your hammer tool, display the wheel, and enable building skins. This should reveal the skin's wheel on which you may choose Brutalist upgrade.


In the last update we released the Homing Missile Launcher, and some keen-eyed players probably noticed the sleek digital scope attached to it. We're now happy to announce that this scope is fully functional, and allows for a full ADS view as you doom your whirly-twirly foes.


Last month, we rolled out a Unity engine update for the server. After prolonged monitoring, we're confident to say the upgrade has resolved several long-standing server crashes dating as far back as 2019.

While most server crashes and stalls are resolved, we have identified another AI-related stall we're investigating.

Overall, servers should now be more stable.


Last month we launched Global Networked Bases as an experimental feature... and disabled it 4 hours into wipe. Despite monitoring for a week on staging, it still managed to DDOS servers and make bases invisible on certain hardware!

Although all known issues have been resolved, this feature is still considered experimental and disabled by default.

If you want to give it a whirl, look for "Global Rendering" in the options menu & remember to restart your game after enabling or disabling it!


Tired of waiting 60+ sec for your favourite server to show up? Try enabling the "Use Cache" button & click "Refresh" to load all servers instantly!

Note: although this should be an improvement over steam's server browser, it is still considered experimental and disabled by default.


Another monthly round-up of data that we've captured in the last 30 days. We've got a lot of data at hand but we're trying to pick out the more interesting bits to share.

The data shown below is only from Facepunch official servers, we eliminate data from community-run servers to ensure accuracy within the data we share.


On October 23rd at 19:00BST / 14:00 EST, we'll release a mandatory server and client update to enable some new spooky features!

Server owners, please remember this date.


October 12th - October 19th

Watch your favorite streamers and earn Twitch drops all week.

Make sure to get synced!

Main Event!

October 14th & 15th

Tune into the official Rustafied channel for the main event filled with mini games, art contests, talent shows, and more!

Special Charity Store Items

All week we will have unique charitable items up on the item store. These items are exclusive to the event and account-bound. Proceeds from these store purchases go to charity: water!

Get Involved!

Want to donate?

Full event and participation info can be found at

Keep an eye on our socials for more info in the upcoming weeks.


Full changelog here.

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Release:11.12.2013 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Facepunch Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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