News Liste RUINER

TGIF - Linux version is now live!
06.04.18 14:58 Community Announcements
Penguins and Puppies rejoice for RUINER Linux Beta is here!

Just switch to the “Linux” branch and download the game. Easy!
(Hard? Navigate to the game’s Properties -> Betas and choose the relevant branch.)
We’ve hidden a cosmetic feature in the game for you, so keep looking for the tiniest easter egg ever.

There’s a sliiight chance you may experience performance issues. If you do, please install proprietary video drivers (NVIDIA, Radeon) or Mesa.
In case of video-related issues, install VLC 3 and its dependencies.
Also, make sure that all your drivers are proprietary and up to date.

Now, if you prefer gamepads over keyboard and mouse, you’ll need ds4drv for Dualshock or xboxdrv for Xbox controllers. Get those!

It should be all sunshine and rainbows from here. But - if you encounter any bugs, crashes or anything else wrong with the game, please add a new thread on the RUINER Steam forum or email us directly at (please, write “[Linux]” at the beginning of the title).

And now check if you got to the lucky 13!
RUINER Steam keys go to:

  • 1. Unshra
  • 2. ♤ Evo
  • 3. YouTube.GTuxTV
  • 4. NoXPhasma
  • 5. Pray
  • 6. Big Laugh
  • 7. *Yuki*
  • 8. Wesoły Kupiec
  • 9. [ZSU] MAK777
  • 10. Baleful
  • 11. libgradev
  • 12. cbdunn46
  • 13. Max Is Back

Dispatcher will add you and PM the key.

Good night. Stay tight!