Die Jungs um Nixxes Software, welche ja für die Programmierung der Computerversion zuständig waren, sind recht fleißig und schickten nun ein zweites Update für Rise of the Tomb Raider ins Rennen. Während nun XBox One und XBox 360 Spieler sich mit dem neuen DLC "Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch" vergnügen, wird die PC-Version immer perfekter. Die vorgenommenen Verbesserungen betreffen in erster Linie die Performance und Stabilität des Titels.
Hier ein Auszug aus der Patchnote:
- Fixed Map sometimes not showing or showing the wrong region.
- Fixed ALT-TAB in combination with Exclusive Fullscreen occasionally hanging the game or entire system. (Steam Only)
- Fixed graphics glitches on NPC clothing on NVIDIA 6x0 and 7x0 hardware.
- Fixed rare crashes with a "DX11 Internal Heap" error.
- Added separate mouse sensitivity control for X and Y axis, allowing users to equalize sensitivity.
- Added option to reduce in-game camera shake, for users that prefer this.
- Added audio-cue for finding secrets in the relic viewer.
- Fixed game changing system screen saver settings for some users. (Steam Only)
- Added additional error handling and messaging in case the GPU driver is crashing or unresponsive.
- Various performance improvements for GPU-bound situations. CPU bound scenarios are not impacted.
- A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.