News Liste Railway Empire 2

Railway Empire 2 – Railway-Academy
Railway Empire 2
20.06.23 12:34 Community Announcements

Railway Empire 2 – Railway-Academy

Welcome to the official Railway-Academy, Tycoons! In this post, we will provide you with a few suggestions on how to solve some of the most common questions asked about Railway Empire 2. We hope they will help you enjoy Railway Empire 2 even more!

Why can I not stockpile goods at a warehouse?

    In Railway Empire 2 we have changed the way goods are distributed: Unlike in the predecessor, every transported good gets assigned a final destination when starting its journey. This way goods can switch rail lines with the help of warehouses and get to their different destinations independently. Goods are therefore never sent to a warehouse for storage, but only for transit to an already known destination.

Why are my trains not running?

Missing station gridiron or missing switch

    In general, trains must be able to return to their initial station. If the tracks are given directions, then the trains need the ability to move from one track to another. This necessitates a station gridiron or switches on both ends of the track.

Minimum required wagons are set above zero

    Maybe you changed the minimum number of wagons while editing the rail line. If the train is ordered to only depart once a certain number of wagons have been loaded, then it will wait until that number is reached.

Problem with route

    If the warning “Problem with route” is shown at the rail line, the route could not be created and the trains cannot be deployed. This also means there is an unresolved issue with the route. See “Why is there a problem with route?” below.

Trains waiting for deployment

    There is something preventing the train deployment. For specifics, see “Why are my trains waiting for deployment?” below.

Why are my trains running empty?

No goods are being requested

    Trains only load cargo once there is a demand for it. Goods without demand will not be loaded. For specifics, see “Why is good X not requested?” below.

Production is halted

    It is possible that your factory is running out of raw resources or the export Warehouse reaches its maximum capacity.

Production is slow

    Consider buying and expanding the site, or simply waiting. Normally, businesses owned by the AI automatically expands after some months running at full efficiency.

No goods in storage (Rural business, factory or warehouse)

    If no goods are present, no goods can be transported.

The demand is fulfilled by a different rail line

    It is possible that another rail line is already fulfilling the demand.

Waypoint error

  • There may be a misplaced waypoint somewhere along the route, that messes with your trains.
  • Please check your waypoints carefully again, there might be a misplaced one along the route.

Why are my trains “waiting for goods” for a long time?

There are a few reasons why your trains might fall short of the minimum amount of wagons you have set:

Production is halted or slow

    See above: “Production is halted” or “Production is slow”.

No goods are being requested

    There is something preventing your goods from being requested by a destination. For specifics, see below.

Why are my trains “waiting for deployment”?

Minimum spacing between trains of the same rail line

    Trains of the same rail line will try to keep a reasonable distance between each other. To avoid blocking a track, a new train is not deployed until the distance is large enough.

Too much traffic at the station

    There is no free track for the train to be deployed on or the free tracks are already reserved by existing trains on the way to that station.

Why is there a “problem with route”?

Missing station gridiron or missing switch

    In general, trains must be able to return to their initial station. If the tracks are given directions, then the trains need the ability to move from one track to another. This necessitates a station gridiron or switches on both ends of the tracks.

Track directions only go one way or are conflicting

    Perhaps a train cannot follow its route because the track directions you have set would cause a conflict.

A track is missing

    Maybe a track was deleted after the route was created

A train station was deleted but the route was not adjusted

    When a station is replaced, it might not be recognized by the initial route. In such a case edit the rail line to fix the issue.

Why is a specific good not being requested?

City is not big enough

    Certain goods are only demanded once a specific population level has been reached. To check this, select the city and open the list “Goods Supply and Demand”.

There is an oversupply

    If a city has reached its maximum stock for a good, the demand will hold until it had time to consume.

A competitor is fulfilling the demand

    There might be a competitor delivering the same good. Goods in delivery are counted as goods in stock.

Why is a specific good not being transported?

A sufficient number of goods is already on its way

    A city will only request a certain number of goods at the same time. Goods in delivery are counted as goods in stock.

Another rail line is shorter by more than 25%

    If there is another rail line passing the same station, goods may use both unless one is 25% shorter than the other.

Not enough train capacity

    A single train only has eight wagons and needs some time to transport its goods. If it cannot keep up with the demands of the supply some goods will not be transported.

Why are goods getting stuck at the warehouse?

Not enough train capacity between the warehouse and the destination

    A single train only has eight wagons and needs some time to transport its goods. If it cannot keep up with the demands of the supply some goods will not be transported.

Something happened to the rail line that was supposed to transport the goods to the destination

    If something disrupts a rail line, goods in the warehouse aren’t automatically reset. You can always reset the goods in the warehouse by deleting and re-adding the selected good type.

Why is my new, more efficient, route not delivering the goods it’s supposed to be?

Another rail line is more than 25% percent shorter

A sufficient shipment of goods is already on its way

    A city will only request a certain number of goods at the same time. Goods in delivery are counted as goods in stock.

A sufficient shipment of goods is stuck at a warehouse

    It is possible that a number of requested goods arrive at a warehouse, but then aren’t transported to a city. For specifics see above.

In case you encounter a gameplay issue not mentioned above, or none of the mentioned solutions helped you resolve the situation, please send a message to Please provide them with a Description of your issue, a DxDiag.txt and the affected savegame. You can find all the necessary information on how to acquire these things in the Technical FAQ
Logo for Railway Empire 2
Release:25.05.2023 Genre: Wirtschafts-Simulat Entwickler: Gaming Minds Vertrieb: Kalypso Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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