This will be the final big update for Prison Life 1, I will do bug fixes and maybe small updates.
- Ranked Mode - Dedicated mode for players who wants to take the game more seriously.
- Ranks - there are 15 ranks - Play 5 Competitive games to get one!
- Explore Mode - Special mode to help you explore the maps and learn about the game - start a game alone in order to get there - doors/fences/dirt blocks don't spawn, 999 guard points, no penalty for leaving.
- Now public games start automatically when they are full.
- Add steam players to friends directly in game.
- Main Menu UI redesign
- Games that are created by the "Quick Play" button are now will have random map and not only bricksfield.
- Added the ability to hide the invite code, hidden by default if streamer mode is enabled, when hidden you can copy it to the clipboard.
- When a game starts it will list all of the guards and prisoners, and if its ranked game, it will also show their ranks.
- Updated translations and added new languages.
More about the ranked mode
- you will gain and lose ranked points by winning and losing of course - but a lot of parameters will be taken into a count, for example if guards won and 7/8 prisoners escaped, the guards will gain less RR and prisoners will lose less RR.
- Players who leave a match will lose a lot of additional RR together with a penalty to queue.
- Some of the additional performance meters that are used: Arrests(guards), Times arrested(Prisoners), Escaped(Prisoners), general activities and more!
- Added a quit button to the connecting to the server panel.
- Now resolutions without HZ will be displayed in settings.
- Problems with the settings resolutions.
- Many small bugs.