News Liste Pillars of Eternity

Build Patch Notes
Pillars of Eternity
06.06.24 21:54 Community Announcements
The player log file has been moved by Unity and it can be found in the following location:

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity

It has been renamed player.log


  • We have updated to Unity Version 2019.4.11.
  • Updated graphics to DirectX 11.
  • Fixed an issue where backer rewards would appear or unlock incorrectly.
  • Also fixed a case where backer rewards might not unlock at all for users in the public beta.
  • Corrected save file location for the public beta (You should no longer need to move save files into a _Local_ directory for them to show up correctly).


  • Fixed areas that could not be navigated in numerous scenes.
  • The lake in Cayron's Scar should no longer be unintentionally traversable when submerged.
  • Fixed some cases where NPCs would become stuck when pathing during cutscenes.
  • Fixed some cases where NPCs would walk or run in place during cutscenes.
  • Fixed a handful of doors throughout various scenes that could be walked through due to lacking proper collision.

Visual and Audio:

  • Fixed multiple cases where characters might T-Pose briefly at the beginning of a cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where paperdolls in character creation and inventory screens might appear blurry.
  • Overwhelming Wave should more reliably play its visual effects.
  • Fixed VFX issues with the Woodskin spell rotating or attaching incorrectly.
  • Symbols western chamber of Lle a Rhemen should now properly light up when expected.
  • Fixed redundant horn audio playing after the battle of Yenwood.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to open locked containers could play multiple voice lines at once.
  • Fixed a handful of cases where dialogue audio wouldn’t play when certain nodes were re-triggered.
  • VFX will no longer become displaced when a character teleports or uses a movement ability.
  • Unstrung Bow’s visuals will now properly appear on the ground when discovered.
  • Soul Whip VFX are no longer lost on save/load or transitions.
  • Penetrating Shot, Vulnerable Attack, Savage Attack, and similar VFX should no longer be lost on save/load or transitions.
  • Released soul VFX in Sun in Shadow should now display correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with Ninagauth’s Freezing Pillar VFX overlapping other visuals.
  • Gafonercos will remain correctly positioned after completing certain attacks.
  • Potion of Fleet Feet now properly plays a drinking animation.
  • Reading from scrolls and rites will now position the scroll correctly in the reader’s hands.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause water VFX to display improperly in certain areas.

Quests and Dialogue:

  • Ready the Cannons side quest should now properly update its objectives.
  • Dialogue from Buried Secrets quest should no longer allow the player to demand their payment more than once.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple barked lines in Gilded Vale could overlap excessively.
  • Fixed an issue where Eder’s bark lines in the Temple of Eothas may end abruptly.
  • Fixed a case where Calisca could trigger the wrong bark line near the camp inside Cilant Lîs.
  • Fixed bark lines in Defiance Bay cutting short after their first line.
  • Crag Ogres in Flames-That-Whisper Cavern should now more reliably play their banter on approach.
  • Prisoners in Icantha’s house should no longer respawn in certain cases after save/load.

Combat and Mechanics:

  • Earth Blights should no longer sometimes detach from their selection circles when dominated.
  • Scroll of Ray of Fire should now appear correctly and more accurately match the behavior of the Ray of Fire spell.
  • Fixed a case where manually resolving stronghold combat could sometimes yield no rewards.
  • Fixed a case where prone characters might try to move while prone, resulting in sliding behavior.
  • Concelhaut’s Draining Missiles should no longer occasionally show 0.0 damage in the combat log.
  • Weapon Specialization: Peasant should now reliably add its damage to unarmed attacks.
  • Fixed some cases where the Halt spell might confuse enemy AI, causing them to repeatedly interrupt and re-attempt their own actions.
  • Removed errant untargetable Xaurip that could sometimes appear in Dyrford Crossing.
  • Fixed a case where Sleafhota might teleport to an alternate location mid-dialogue before attacking the player.
  • Attacking Osrya directly will now reliably engage with her revenant and skeleton minions.
  • Fixed a case where all survival camping bonuses might appear after spending only a single skill rank on Survival.
  • One-Eyed Molina’s Gold-Fingered Spike-Flinger’s last two soulbound upgrades now increase Reload Speed instead of decreasing it.
  • Deadfire Pack’s soulbound weapons now have the Universal weapon group.
  • Fixed an issue with status effects from old saves duplicating when loaded on newer builds.
  • Battle-Forged Godlike racial ability should no longer trigger a hit on the owner when non-hostile abilities are used (E.g. Second Wind).
  • Caedebald’s Blackbow and Llengrath’s Blunt Wisdom are now of the universal weapon type.
  • Stalker’s Torc item should now apply and display its effects correctly.
  • Psychic and Brutal Backlash now correctly respect their per encounter rules.
  • St. Ydwen’s Redeemer no longer displays “Destroys Vessels” activations in the combat log when not fighting a vessel.
  • Scroll of Minoletta’s Minor Missiles will now better match the effects of the origin spell.

User Interface and Interaction:

  • Fixed a UI issue where chants could sometimes clip beyond their scrolling frame.
  • Fixed a case where the damage type icon on the character sheet might not position correctly.
  • Fixed some cases where assigning companions to multiple stronghold missions at once might cause UI issues.
  • Quick loading with the crafting or enchanting UI open should no longer result in a permanent black screen.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of Animal Companions.
  • Fixed an issue where highlighting certain parts of a defeated enemy would not allow you to loot them.
  • Doors in some scenes that were difficult to interact with have had their collision revised and should now be more reliable.
  • Fixed a case where the final pressure plate in the Temple of Woedica would not appear.
  • Examining the wall trophy inside of Elm’s Reach should now be possible.
  • Skipping intros when first starting the client should now be more responsive.
  • Fixed accuracy tooltips not appearing on the character sheet.
  • Interactable tree in the Abbey of the Fallen Moon now can be interacted with properly.
  • Fixed a bug preventing interactable highlights from appearing after opening the map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tooltips to sometimes shake in the UI

Known Issues:

Displayed version numbers across platforms for this release are not accurate. (Don’t worry, all content is the same between versions!)

Steam builds incorrectly display 3.4.xxxx.

Displayed version:
Accurate Version:

This issue has been resolved for the next release, and all platforms should use the same version numbers going forward.

This update is currently unavailable for OSX & Linux. We are investigating bringing these platforms up to speed as part of a future patch.
Logo for Pillars of Eternity
Release:26.03.2015 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Obsidian Entertainment Vertrieb: Paradox Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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