Hey there, adventurers!
We're thrilled to bring you an exciting new update for Outward: Definitive Edition!
This latest patch is packed with improvements, enhancements, and bug fixes to ensure your journey is smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. Dive into the full patch notes below to discover all the changes and upgrades we've implemented.
Here is the full patch notes:
- Added an Invert Camera X axis option.
- Iron wristband can now be purchased from Cierzo's Blacksmith.
- Shield Charge can now be performed while being sheathed.
- Using Flamethrower with a Virgin Lantern enchanted with Copper Flame enchantment now inflict Extreme Poison instead of regular poison.
- Poltergeist enchantment now converts 50% of the Physical Damage to Raw Damage and repairs 0.5 durability per second.
- Desert Khopesh can now receive the "War Memento" and "Rainbow Hex" enchantments.
- Removed mana cost penalty on Master Kazite Boots.
- A fix for the backpack losing its interaction prompt when switched between players in Split Co-op.
- Dodge Action is now slowed when a Chalcedony (and Charged) Backpack is equipped.
- Iron Knuckles recipe has been changed so it doesn't need a Boozu Hide anymore.
- Gong Strike's explosion radius had been increased.
- Fixed an issue where placing an upgrade on the Chapel would decrease housing count which could result in a progression block of the quest line.
- Fixed Jager Sullivan rewards when all the evidences are collected at the end of the Purifier quest.
- Fixed an issue where Yzan appears in both the palace and hideout after triggering the fight against Cyrene.
- Fixed runic lantern distortion FX.
- Fixed an issue where Simeon would use the wrong dialogue at the end of the Blue Chamber Quest line in Monsoon.
- Fixed an issue where corruption effects would be ignored after a player as been revived after they died from 100% corruption.
- Fixed and issue where stamina would continuously drain after drinking a potion and pressing the attack button while holding a bow.
- Fixed an issue where it would not be possible to block anymore after being knockdown while casting a spell.
- Fixed an issue where night-only enchantments could be applied during the day.
- Fixed an issue where enchanting would not taking into consideration the incense in all the pillars.
- Fixed an issue where Unerring Read and Prime altertness warning would not be properly localized.
- Fixed Blood Sigil description to match its gameplay effects.
- Fixed an issue where Virgin Lantern could not be properly used to arm a pressure plate trap.
- Fixed an issue where The Golding Matriarch would always respawn.
- Fixed an issue where pressure plate traps would be deployed in the air while standing near a ledge.
- Fixed an issue where arrow could be unequipped during the Strafing Run skill.
- Fixed an issue where Pistols would lose their loaded ammunition when a player would join another player's game.
- Fixed performance issues due to lights on various imbue.
- -Fixed terrain issue near Old Sirocco.
- Fixed an issue where Runic traps would fail to detonate when deployed by the guest player too close to an enemy.
- Fixed an issue where the last grenade thrown by a guest player would not explode while in online coop.
- Fixed an issue where FXs would be visible at a level's origin in some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where Unknown Arena would not play the proper background music.
- Fixed an issue where the player would either be stuck in the tent or respawn under the terrain if being knockback/knockdown as they confirm rest.
- Fixed an issue in online coop where area switch would not be possible anymore if the guest quit as the host is attempting to switch area and rejoin after.
- Fixed an issue where a tent would be considered "already in used" when a guest could run past in while attempting to interact with it during online coop.
- Fixed an issue where two players taking a back at the same time would result in each seeing the bag equipped on the other player during online coop.
- Attempt to fix the issue where the Parasite on the Giant Horror would be invisible when detaching from it host as it is being staggered.
- Fixed an issue where the player would not be able to attack bare fists after dropping a weapon while it was unsheathe.
- Tuned bloom to remove artifacts.
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