• Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.
  • Outward: Screen zum Spiel Outward.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.03.2019
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Preis Update 12.02.24

Über das Spiel

Outward bietet ein klassisches Rollenspiel-Erlebnis mit realitätsnahem Gameplay sowie belohnenden Herausforderungen für die abenteuerlustigen Spieler.

Als Abenteurer musst du dich nicht nur gegen bedrohliche Kreaturen verteidigen, sondern auch den harten Umweltbedingungen trotzen. Schütze dich vor Krankheiten und sorge dafür, dass du genügend Nahrung zu dir nimmst. Begib dich auf riskante Expeditionen durch wilde Länder, um wichtige Missionen zu erfüllen und erkunde neue Städte und versteckte Verliese, in denen es nur so vor schrecklichen Feinden wimmelt.

Um in der schönen, teils tödlichen Welt von Aurai zu überleben, musst du schlau sein... und gut vorbereitet.
Teile deine Reise online oder lokal mit deinen Freunden und erlebe ein ganz besonderes Abenteuer!

Nur ein ganz gewöhnlicher Reisender
Als gewöhnlicher Abenteurer musst du dich nicht nur vor gefährlichen Kreaturen verstecken oder dich gegen sie verteidigen, sondern du musst auch den harten Umweltbedingungen trotzen, dich vor Infektionen schützen, für ausreichend Schlaf sorgen und genug trinken. Unternimm aufregende Reisen durch wilde Landschaften, um neue Städte zu entdecken, schließe dich verschiedenen Missionen an und entdecke versteckte Höhlen voller beachtlicher Gegner.

Stelle dich den Herausforderungen allein oder zu zweit
Um in der wunderschönen, aber dennoch tödlichen Welt von Aurai überleben zu können, musst du berechnend vorgehen und gut vorbereitet sein. Verfolge unterschiedliche Strategien, um deine Gegner zu besiegen, achte dabei auf deine Grundbedürfnisse und begib dich zusammen mit einem Freund lokal oder online auf deine Reise.

Städtebau-Mechanik: Der Wiederaufbau von Sirocco
Hinterlasse Spuren in Aurai, indem du der Bevölkerung hilfst, in dieser gnadenlosen Welt zu überleben! Dank der neuen Städtebau-Mechanik kannst du das Flüchlingslager zu Neu-Sirocco ausbauen.

Mit dem Verzauberungssystem kannst du deine Waffen, Ausrüstungsgegenstände und deine Rüstung verbessern und so stärker werden. Du kannst dabei den ausgeteilten Schaden erhöhen, deine Wetterresistenzen verstärken, mehr Elementarschaden verursachen, deine Ausrüstung individualisieren und noch vieles mehr! Wähle die perfekte Verzauberung aus mehr als 85 Rezepten.

  • Überlebe in der Wildnis, während du das Land erkundest
  • Spiele solo oder kooperativ, Split-Screen lokal oder online
  • Ritual-Zauber: Erlerne Magie Stück für Stück
  • Dynamische Szenarien, die auf dein Verhalten reagieren
  • Konstantes automatisches Speichern bedeutet, dass es kein Zurück gibt
  • Hoher Widerspielwert: Eine einzigartige Erfahrung bei jedem Spieldurchgang

Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel

DLC Outward: The Three Brothers 15.12.2020 9,99€
DLC Outward - The Soroboreans 15.06.2020 -85%7.99€1,19€


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-750 or equivalent
  • GFX: Nvidia GTS 450 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit) / 8 (64 Bit) / 10 (64 Bit)
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 or equivalent
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 960 or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit) / 8 (64 Bit) / 10 (64 Bit)
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 20:35
Sehr cooles Game. Zusammen macht es echt viel spaß. Man wird vor einer Reihe von Entscheidungen gestellt die den Ablauf des Spieles beeinflussen, man sollte wirklich lesen was man antwortet und mit allen Reden bevor man Entscheidungen trifft.
219 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
10439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 18:37
Klare Kaufempfehlung. Für Basisspiel sowie die beiden DLCs.
Das Game hat klaren Suchtfaktor.

Habe aktuell 160 Std. Alle 3 Fraktionen des Basisspiels mind 1x durch gespielt.

Was wir hier haben?

Erstens Singleplayer und 2 Spieler Coop
( via Mods auch auf mehr erweiterbar )

Starker Einfluss der Survival Elemente.
Neben Nahrung, Trinken und Schlaf kann hier auch das Wetter zum Tode führen
Erfrieren und Sonnenstich sind reale Gefahren.
Genau so wie diverse Krankheiten.

Ein Souls-Like Kampfsystem
Heißt Stamina Kontrolle ist essenziell
Blocken frisst Stabilität bis der Block nicht mehr aufrecht gehalten werden kann.
Ausweichen bietet I-Frames.
Haltbarkeit auf Rüstung und Waffen

Mein Lieblings Feature: Fatigue Events
Wenn man in Outward stirbt ist es nicht aus. Man wacht nach einer Weile wieder auf jedoch nicht wo man gestorben ist.
Killt euch zB eine Hyäne verschleppt Sie euch in ihren Bau.
Findet euch dagegen ein Städter schleift er euch ins Gasthaus, und die kassieren Miete solange ihr dort pennt.

Die Hauptstory im Game ist relativ kurz, sind infakt nur 6 Missionen.
Die aber äußerst anspruchs voll sind.
Sollte man mit The Elder Scrolls vergleichen, die Story existiert, das Game bietet aber wesentlich mehr.

Aber was mach ich dann?
Überleben! oder auch nicht. Und die Welt erkunden, es gibt massig Gegner, Dungeons und Geschichten zu entdecken.
Ich liebe die Dungeons in diesem Game, jeder bietet ein eigenes Gimmick/Rätsel und wenn es nur gezeitenbedingte Zugänglichkeit bestimmter Abschnitte ist.
Außerdem stehen nach Ende der Hauptstory einige dicke Bosse an die geraidet werden wollen.

Appropo. Die Welt
Das Hauptspiel bietet 4 recht riesige Karten, die DLCs fügen jeweils 1 weiteres hinzu.
Das 3 Brüder DLC erlaubt es euch sogar eure eigene Stadt auf zu bauen.

Leveling System?
hier wirds interessant. Es gibt keine Level, keine Exp.
Dafür gibt es unzählige Lehrer die euch gegen Geld neue Fertigkeiten beibringen.
Allerdings ist das eingeschränkt Jeder Skilltree hat in der Mitte einen sogenannten Durchbruch.
Diese Skills kosten neben Wärung auch 1 Durchbruchpunkt, wovon ihr nur 3 habt und auch keine weiteren erhaltet.
Da durch könnt ihr nur 3 der Skilltrees vollständig erlernen.
Was ordentlich Wiederspielwert bietet.

Gibt es 3 im Basisspiel +1 durchs erste DLC
- Die Blaue Kammer, ein Rat gebildet aus den Stämmen des Landes, hier gehts um Politik und Achtung von Traditionen.
- Die Heilige Mission, eine Religion die sich für mich zum ersten mal seit Gothic 1/2 gut anfühlt. Es sind keine Mönche keine Phanatiker diese Kirche verschmilzt mit ihrer Welt.
- Heldenhafte Königreich, ein Reich von technischem Fortschritt das in einer unwirklichen Umgebung ums überleben kämpft.
- Die Akademie (DLC), im Grunde eine Großhandels Gilde, die im gesamten Land operiert.
160 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 03:03
ein gutes Spiel
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 21:39
This game is hard. And unforgiving. I LOVE IT. When they say you have 3 days, you only have 3 days. There are quests where you simply do not have time to sidetrack all the sidequests.

+ It is better with a friend
76 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:49
Ihr wollt nicht an der nase zum nächsten quest gebiet gezogen werden,könnt auch mit etwas in die jahre gekommenen grafik stilen leben.
habt eh einen eingebauten kompass, und liebt den alten rpg style dann seit ihr hier genau richtig.
Das ist ein game wo es viel zu entdecken gibt auch wenn einen das kampfsystem manchmal den letzten nerv raubt kann man nicht anders man muss es lieben oder hassen.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 11:32
baba game, gemacht für könner und nicht für larrys
131 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 21:28
love it :)
354 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 01:41
My deaths gave me better loot than everything else combined, with 2 or more enemies theres just no point in fighting them melee. No Progression - just buying skills, wow, what a progression. Ive spent hours on perfectly timed blocking in dark souls as example, and it felt really good. This thing on the other hand, is just a unrewarding mess - enemies will punish me just as as i lower my shield, dodge perfectly and 2 shot me.
No perfect blocking nothing, i can just wait for like 20 secs to finally do one attack and wait again.
Ill keep my sanity rather than to get bullied by an empty world of enemies that are placed like its metin 2.
88 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 07:45
Werd hier jetzt nicht groß das Spiel beschreiben, dafür gibt's genug gute Rezensionen. Aber möchte erwähnen, dass die ganzen negativen hauptsächlich von Pus**s stammen. Beschweren sich über die Grafik (klar kein Meisterwerk, aber muss alles heutzutage high-end sein?), die Gegner seien zu stark, keine Markierungen für Quests/Spieler auf der Map, schneller Verschleiß von Ausrüstung, etc... Hab selbst noch nicht viel gespielt, aber genau diese Sachen mag ich daran. Es ist halt kein Ponyhof, wo deine größte Sorge ist, dass das Pferd krank wird... Man kann sich auf der Map z.B. super orientieren, WENN MAN ETWAS HIRN BENUTZT. Hab auch eine Beschwerde gelesen, manche Quests würden nicht im Log stehen. Meine Güte, wenn dir n dude sagt er hat da und da was versteckt und gibt dir das Passwort für die Kiste, dann MERK ES DIR MIT DEINEM HIRN. Glaube einige wollen wie n Hund an der Leine durch das Spiel geführt werden, um am besten noch zwischendurch mit Echtgeld krasse Sachen zu kaufen.

Musst mich mal über die Leute aufregen, die mit meiner Meinung nach sehr schlechten Gründen das Spiel schlecht bewerten. Feel fronted :)

P.S. 40 € würde ich trotzdem nicht unbedingt ausgeben, außer man hat's Dicke... War im Sale für 14 € und das geht absolut klar.
110 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 13:28
Ich hatte beim Spiel am Anfang richtiges Bauchkribbeln. Man hatte so richtig das Gefühl man geht auf ein Abenteuer. Nur nach ca. 30 Stunden kommt langsam die Ernüchterung. Am ende ist das nichts weiter als ein mittelmässiges RPG Spiel mit schlechter Grafik. Dieses Abenteuer Gefühl schafft man nicht aufrecht zu erhalten. Warum nur? Weil man normale RPG gemacht hat und festgestellt hat, äh das wird nichts. Und dann ein paar Suvival Ansätze eingebaut.
Für ein richtigen Abenteuer Simulator erwartet ich keine Story oder Quest die man in 60 Tagen erledigen soll. Sondern eine dynamischen Welt in der man Überleben soll. Das Ziel soll der Spieler selber leben. Man kann das Spiel auch ohne ganze Quest spielen, ABER die dynamische Welt, wie für ein echten Abenteuer Simulator notwendig wäre, kann dieses Spiel nicht bieten.
Das spiel ist nicht unbedingt schlecht, sonst hätte ich nicht so lange gespielt. Aber wenn ich zwischen ja oder nein entscheiden müsste, würde ich nicht noch mal kaufen.
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 19:27
Bisschen Clunky und leer, hat aber Potential wenn die Entwickler mehr Arbeit und Inhalt reinpacken würden.
51 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 00:35
Ich kann viele negative Rezensionen nicht verstehen?
Ich bin noch nicht sehr weit im Spiel aber es macht mir unendlich viel Spaß!
Ich zocke es zurzeit mit einem Freund häufig am Abend oder Nachts und es macht uns sehr großen Spaß auch wenn man oft stirbt oder nicht gerade gut vorankommt ist es dennoch sehr geil.
Alleine kann ich es nicht beurteilen, aber wenn man richtig ausgerüstet ist schafft man es dennoch zu 2 sehr weit!
Die Grafik ist trotzdem immer noch gut gelungen
Gut, ich kann verstehen das viel monoton ist, aber das Konzept ist genial und wer weiß vielleicht machen sie ja noch was besser.
Ich kann es nur Empfehlen!
66 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 16:07
Ich glaube nicht das dieses spiel fertig Programmiert wurde,
Alles ist verbugt nichts geht Items verschwinden.
211 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 17:30
If you like games like Fable, Kenshi, Morrowind, Valheim, Dark Souls and always wanted to roam with your friends in an RPG, get this.
It's truly a gem, albeit a rough one. I F*** love this game and it's one of the few games that managed to suck me in for hours. I do not get this from most games today anymore.

Before adventuring, I strongly recommend you to watch a combat & beginners tutorial on youtube and play through the ingame tutorial. Otherwise you will have a very rough start.

If you just want to chill or do not like Oldschool RPGs where everything is not handed to you, the game is not really for you. Check out SsethTzeentach's review on this game to get a feeling if you would like this game. Some Bugs he mentioned do not exist anymore however some general critiquepoints about the game from him still stand.

I also recommend getting the Multiplayer Mod for more than 2 Players and checking out more mods for this great game.
418 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 03:24
nice game with my brandon
388 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
3424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 19:00
Love it.
341 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 18:00
Wer Gothic (I - III) mochte, wird Outward ebenfalls mögen.
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
14185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 20:30
Nachdem ich das Spiel nun einige Zeit gespielt habe, kann ich auch ein ordentliches Review geben.

Da das Spiel stark den Survival Aspekt hervorhebt, ist die Story an sich kurz und knapp gehalten. Man ist nicht der oberkrasse Überheld, sondern ein Niemand mit Schulden und muss sich nun in der Welt von Outward behaupten. Aspekte wie z.B. das Nahrung nicht ewig haltbar ist und man sich vor Hitze und Kälte entsprechend schützen muss, machen Outward zu einem guten Survival-Spiel.

Die grafische Gestaltung der einzelnen Biome ist auch gut gelungen und manchmal bleibt man einfach stehen um sich den Sonnenaufgang anzuschauen (vergesst nicht zu essen und zu trinken xD).

Das Kampfsystem ist auch realitätsnah umgesetzt und teilweise sehr anspruchsvoll. Damit meine ich unter anderem, dass es nun mal nicht möglich ist, mitten im Angriff mit einer fetten 12 Kilo Zweihandaxt einfach wegzurollen xD oder mitten im Schwung nen dicken Skill zu usen.

Im Multiplayer rückt die allgemeine Story des Spiels teilweise komplett in den Hintergrund, da man mit seinem Partner einfach die Welt erkunden und Herausforderungen bewältigen will. Gut gemacht ist, dass im Multiplayer die Welt und die Story des Hosts relevant ist, der Beigetretene jedoch alles behalten kann, was er während der Reise mit seinem Partner bekommt.

Nach der Mainstory an sich ist das Spiel noch lange nicht vorbei, da es viele Geheimnisse im Spiel gibt, die hier selbstverständlich nicht gespoilert werden ^^.

[spoiler]Die Mechanik bis zu vier Gegenstände als Vermächtnis zu vererben, habe ich in Outward auch das erste mal so gesehen und finde dieses Feature richtig gut in einem Survival Game.[/spoiler]

Mein Empfehlung:
- du bist jemand er alles schnell schnell schnell will?
- du willst ein einfaches Spiel?
- du bist jemand der sich schnell entmutigen lässt?
DANN bist du nicht für dieses Spiel geeignet, es sei denn du willst die oben genannten Punkte auf die Probe stellen ^^.

- du willst ein anspruchsvolles Spiel mit gut umgesetzten Survival Aspekt?
- du suchst Herausforderungen, wie z.B. den Hardcore Modus (%ualer Permadeath) von Outward?
- du bist jemand der gern Geheimnisse im Endgame lüftet?
DANN ist das Outward genau das richtige für dich.

Ich kann das Spiel auf jeden Fall empfehlen und wünsche allen die sich Outward gönnen viel Spass dabei.
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 11:04
Besonders gut gefällt mir an dem Spiel, dass auf Hardcore der Lebensbalken des Charakters mit feinster Achtsamkeit beobachtet wird. Neigt sich das Leben gen Ende, so nimmt man die Beine in die Hand und LÄUFT, denn das Ende des Lebensbalkens ist mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit das Ende des Charakters und der Speicherstand wird automatisch vom Spiel gelöscht. Dies gebietet eine einzigartige Vorsicht, wie sie bei Spielen wie Skyrim, Oblivion und Gothic, bei denen man den Spielstand speichern und im Todesfall den letzten Spielstand laden kann, nicht aufkommen kann.

Besonders negativ ist aufgefallen, dass aus Gesprächen nur Bruchstücke vertont wurden. Dies ist im Dialog schlimmer als wenn gar nicht vertont werden würde.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 18:18
Schreckliche Grafik, Welt ist riesig aber leer. In den 4 Stunden Spielzeit die meiste Zeit mit laufen beschäftigt gewesen. Kampfsystem ist klobig und langsam.
622 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 17:59
Please fix the mouse delay on 4k.
79 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 20:10
Das Spiel hat Potential, ist aber insgesamt einfach noch nicht fertig.
Die Welt ist leer und recht lieblos gestaltet, neben den Hauptquests gibt es kaum etwas, was gerade dazu führt das nur die Wüstenregion wirklich gelungen ist (:
1459 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 11:09
Ich habe mich eigentlich richtig auf Outward gefreut.
Die Grafik erschien mir solide auch was ich so gesehen habe entsprach meiner Vorstellung eines RPG´s.
Nach 20 min die Ernüchterung.
Die Grafik ist auf Max nur als gräslich zu bezeichnen, das fängt schon mit der Erstellung des Avatars an.
Das Kampfsystem ist stures drauf los prügeln, alles fühlt sich so an als wäre es mal mit einem schmierigen
Lappen abgewischt worden.
Ich will nicht sagen das das jeden so geht, ich kann auch nicht sagen ob das besser wird.
Dennoch das was ich gesehen habe reicht mir um sicher zu wissen wer klassische Rpg´s mag ist hier fehl am platz.
Und ich ganz besonders.
65 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 12:49
A very fun and challenging game.

Every decision in the game should be carefully taken and several playthroughs are necessary on order to get the whole story.

Allthoug there are already mods for this game, some annoying Bugs (with and without mods) still exists.
Neitherless I would give this game a 8/10
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 14:30
Sehr Gutes tiefgehendes Spiel mit interresantem Levelingsystem, guter Story und reichlich Komplexität.
Ich empfehle allerdings ein Walktrough für den Anfang, da es sonst recht frustrierend sein kann am Start.
204 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 16:15
192 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 21:15
Outward ist ein Spiel, das ich nie wirklich im Auge hatte. Was kann man also darüber sagen? Die Grafik ist von vorgestern, die ist wirklich beschissen, das Storytelling irgendwie umständlich und grob, das Kampfsystem ist... schlecht? Fordernd? Es ist schwierig in Worte zu fassen. Was ich sagen kann, ich bin gefühlt 20 Mal in den ersten Stunden gestorben. Würde ich das Spiel also empfehlen? Klares Ja. Das Spiel ist großartig. Die Grafik ist alt, aber alles daran ist richtig gemacht. Es erinnert mich an Spiele wie Gothic 2 oder Morrowind. Man hat sehr viel Freiraum und zum ersten Mal fühle ich mich auch wirklich wie ein Abenteurer in diesem Spiel. Die ganze Nummer mit dem Rucksack, den Laternen, Wasser und Proviant, all das ist echt gut gemacht. Es dämmert und du schlägst irgendwo dein Zelt auf, rollst den Schlafsack aus und weinst dich in den Schlaf, wie ein Mann. Bämm. Willkommen in Outward.
Es sind viele Details, die das Spiel gut machen. Eine Zweihandwaffe wird locker auf der Schulter getragen, die Laterne kann am Rucksack befestigt werden, alles ist stimmig und fühlt sich gut an. Die Grafik ist scheiße und irgendwie wirken die Sachen zusammengewürfelt, aber ich kann nur empfehlen, dieses Spiel mal an zu machen.
Btw: koop. Teil dir mit deinem besten Freund ein Zelt und nehmt euch gegenseitig in den Arm, zum Schutz vor der kalten kalten Welt da draußen.
87 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 11:12
Super Spiel, kein Dragonborn, kein auserwählter vom König einfach nur ein Typ mit Schulden der versucht hat abzuhauen und als Schiffbrüchiger zurückgekommen ist. Das Crafting System ist sehr intuitiv die Survival Aspekte sind nicht Überladen. Und anders als bei großen RPG machern kann man keine 50 Schwerter unter seinem Magier Mantel verstecken. Ohne Kleidung kann man nur die Hände bestücken, für alles weitere ist ein Rucksack (bei anderen RPGs nur als Mod ESOFallout oder noch besser als DLC) oder Kleidung notwendig. Ist den Preis Wert.
50 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 09:25
Das Spiel hat Potential, welches aber nicht genutzt wurde.
Stattdessen wurde eine schlechte Kampfmechanik integriert und ein Steuerungssystem, welches völlig unbrauchbar ist.
Dadurch wird alles, was das Game bieten könnte, zunichte gemacht.

Vergeudete Zeit, und leider habe ich meine anfängliche Zeit zu sehr mit dem Tutorial (welches sich als völlig überflüssig herausgestellt hat) und den allerersten Schritten vertan. Als es dann langsam ans Eingemachte ging und sich gezeigt hat, wie unbrauchbar das zuvor beschriebene ist, war es zu spät.

Darüberhinaus: schlecht vertonte Monologe der NPCs, der Erste Satz wird vorgelesen, den Rest muss man dann selber lesen. Hier empfiehlt es sich, die Stimmen gleich ganz zu muten.

Die Musik ist nett, aber eintönig, es läuft im selben Gebiet (ich bin noch nicht ins Nachbargebiet gekommen...) immer die selbe Mucke im Hintergrund. Auch hier: besser Muten.

Für mich ein Fehlkauf sondergleichen.
0 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
1967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.23 21:46
I am in love with the magic systems in this game, I was not expecting such complexity and customization and I fell in love with it immediately.

Outward is an open world survival RPG that has great combat, lots of world building, and a fascinating story. I will say that it is less of a survival game in terms of building stuff (which I actually prefer less of that), it is survival in the aspect of keeping yourself alive by braving the elements, fighting monsters, and not starving to death. Also, decisions that you make in game change the story and world so that was fun but nerve wracking as well!

I am playing this co-op and it is a lot of fun playing with friends as well, highly recommend!
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.23 08:23
I have enough play time to finally give an honest review, this game is for all the masochists out there scratching your balls after finishing elden ring. THIS GAME IS PEAK. I love the theme of this game, its a grindy loot filled adventure that always surprises you from what comes next, and the best thing is, you have freedom! go where you want, fight who you can, and learn from your deaths. Multiplayer is surprisingly not buggy and its hilarious to watch your friends get the shit kicked out of them. The Ai is not forgiving, so playing co-op is definitely recommended if you're new.

^except its not like league of legends, in the sense where you need a phd and 200+ hours to understand

And now lets get started on the weapons/armor --THERES SO MANY--. You can find weapons, craft them, or earn them from some quests. You also have a generous amount of different classes(weapon builds) that you can constantly change. Certain weapons and armor even have specific elemental properties/ effects which makes them all unique. AND if you really want to meta game, use those weapons/armor on hard enemies that are weak to specific things. Though if you're built different you can just free ball it through any enemy with enough buffs or potions.

The faction system is fun to do and it provides the lore this game has to offer. Different factions can give you abilities, passives, weapons, money, and even more loot. I've done about three of the main ones on diff characters and there's definitely better ones than others but it's all built around what character build you're going with, so just watch a quick youtube vid on which one you wanna choose.

--NOW, to address all the hate this game gets--: YES its hard at times, YES its partially a walking simulator, YES you're backpack weight can be annoying, NO im not a virgin because of how hard ive been FUCKED by some enemies. And like a good sub I take it and enjoy myself. But let me tell you something 70% of players dont know/utilize:


--Walking far? drink water, gaberries, stamina potion, unequip heavy armor, put on speed boosting armor, aquire stamina skills. EVERYTHING IS A BUFF IF YOU READ THE ITEM. YOU CAN LITERALLY PAY A CARAVANNER TO TAKE YOU TO DIFFERENT CITIES

--Backpack full? go to your friends world if they're in a city and just go back to your world. You can create a second character and leave them in cierzo, do split screen and join your second characters world and SELL SELL SELL. Also get the big dick backpack in the beginning of the game at the first bandit camp (need 2 power coils)

--Keep dying? learn the Ai, they all have set attacks that are VERY predictable. STOP RUSHING FIGHTS, find the attack cooldown on the enemy and dont spam attacks, play your fights slower and you will come on top every time

--Under geared? literally craft new armor, go on the wiki and you can pull up any armor piece. You can even be team blood or crip early in the game from some easy crafts(ammolite or blue sand armor)

--Complaining about progression? Guys THERES NO LEVELS, and progression's not even mainly money based. Its all about skills and passives from the trainers. And they're broken: +40 health, +40 stamina, +40 mana, +10% movement speed, less hunger, drink, and sleep drain, be able to dodge full speed with a backpack on, etc etc. And that doesnt even include the crazy attack skills. You can wipe through 3 enemies with just 2 skills and being skilled enough to use the space bar.

--USE THE WIKI, it has EVERYTHING. Stop complaining about the loot and just look up the item, cause chances are 80% of drops are used to craft potions, armor, weapons, food. Oh and guess what? even if you dont need the drops, use the ingredients to craft the stuff just to sell. YOU CAN SELL EVERYTHING IN THE GAME. Craft 1 weapon/armor piece and it will sell for 80-800 silver

--You can use different weapon classes if you don't like yours. I've tried at least 5-7 and played them all differently in their own fun way. Shield and one handed weapon is broken if you're solo.

The other thing no one talks about is having multiple characters, this is the only game I can stop playing for 8-12 months and just create a new character and get a whole new game. The replayability is crazy. And a little secret, you can trade every single item including money between characters if you want to quick progress a character(split screen).

So go buy this game with a friend and have an experience you'll never forget, ignore the bad reviews bc of all the ones i've seen... get gud. there is a workaround every issue they're all complaining about if you just play the game and browse the wiki.

And now i'll get back to playing my 4th character
0 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.23 21:24
I really tried to like this game, but I couldn't.

I played it with a friend and solo on multiple builds.

Things that ruin this game for me:

- Walking simulator. There is way too much walking in this game. If you don't craft stamina regen consumables (which requires you to know or look up recipes), this game is unplayable. Playing the game with Wiki open on the second screen doesn't seem fun to me, nor does trial and error for everything.
- The most fun part of these games (fights) is a waste of time. You get very little back for killing enemies, no exp, no gold (very rarely, you get a small amount and only from humans), only crafting components. Which railroads you into an obscure crafting system that should be built on top of a good gameplay loop, not as a must-do for every single thing.
- Painful resource management, especially on mages. You have to eat, drink, and sleep. Sleeping is very important as it gives you stamina cost reduction and heals hp and stamina. For mages, if you sleep, you LOSE mana. So you have to buy consumables to get it back. You don't regen mana at all as well. Consumables go bad rather quickly if you travel, So anything you make you will have to use soon, which forces you to stock up almost after every travel. This is just tedious and adds nothing to the game.
- Exploration feels like a waste of time. So in this game, walking around takes a lot of time, fights are a waste of time, and on top of that, exploring is a waste of time too. You can't really do much of anything in this game until you have gear. The game doesn't like you picking hard fights, your weapon durability will tank very fast, making you deal 0 DMG, and your stamina will burn, making you unable to do anything at all. If you die, you will waste even more time. This especially sucks in starting area, as dungeons are either impossible without gear or a waste of time since you don't get any good loot. Most dungeons are tied to a quest, so if you just go there randomly, you will have to redo them later.

I really tried to like this game, but the tediousness got the better of me.
2495 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.23 09:57
“I can’t cook! I can’t use swords! I can’t navigate on the map! I can’t lie! I am confident that i need help!”

- Monkey D. Luffy

- Follow my https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37909124/" target="_blank">curator page if you like. -
77 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.23 03:27
-finally leave town
-get jumped by hyenas
-get dragged into their cave
-escape the cave
-climb a cool looking mountain
-get jumped by a bigass bug
-wake up in a bandit cave
-i am now a slave forced to mine iron day in day out.

10/10 would get fucked by bug again
103 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.23 08:57
Mixed feelings. Pretty interesting, but the fact that your character is saved on local and that the progress when playing co-op is only rewarded to host is pretty disappointed.
0 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
7136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.23 17:37
Outward is a janky, unforgiving, slow-paced RPG where your actions (and inaction) always have consequences. Most enemies have more health than you, all of them have more stamina and mana than you (they don't need any to attack, dodge, block, or cast spells,) and you're usually going to be outnumbered. Outward is a game where you need to make your own advantages, because while the game offers many different things you can take advantage of, none of them are given for free. You need forethought, planning, and quick, smart decision-making to make the most of any of them.

It's a lot of fun. It'll feel unfair sometimes, so you need to approach it with the right mindset - the kind where you can look at what you did wrong and be eager to do better next time. This is also a game that encourages and rewards multiple playthroughs, so don't hesitate to start over if you feel truly stuck.

If you have the patience for it, it's a good, old-fashioned RPG. I recommend it.
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.23 20:57
I want to like this game, I really do. I want to explore the game, but there are few things that get in the way.

Carry Capacity: I get it, its a great concept, but damn I feel like I have to constantly throw things out or run back and sell to get enough money to buy a skill. You get bogged down next to immediately. Sure there is a giant back pack you can get early on, but you have to throw it down every time you get into a fight. Sure you can get a pack that you can roll with, but it has crap carry capacity and you are back to square 1.

Survival: Cool idea. But its tedious as all hell. Bring enough things that make you warm/cool. Great, but hell one of those is not enough, you might need another item to boost it more. Or maybe you need different gear to get it better, but the different gear is crap compared to the one you are wearing, and gear means a ton since there is no leveling up. You want to bring two sets of gear/weapons. Go to step one carry capacity problem. You get hit with all kinds of negative effects and need 85 different remedies to cure all different kinds, can't carry all of them, please refer to step one and carry capacity. You can also learn, what each region can hit you with. Great, but there is so much crap that this is now a life simulator and not a break from reality.

Combat: Yea, no I'm sorry. You can learn all you want, stop defending this garbage. I know I'm not great and no "git good scrub", but holy hell. Hit boxes? What hit boxes? I get it you can't cancel roll, that's fine and I can commit to an attack. However you get 3 shot or 4 shot, while enemies can take a pounding. Your attacks won't stagger them, unless you hit their stagger bar down. In that time, they are smashing your face in. Combat becomes, move in a circle and bait an attack, hoping the wonky hit box won't get you. Then you may attack, perhaps, if they do not back away or slip your hit box. God forbid there are more than 1 enemy. Good luck getting that locked on and figured out.

Maybe the game is better with add-ons. I'll try again, but so far, it is a ridiculously frustrating experience.
337 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.23 12:57
Medium game. A lot of ideas on the paper, but those harm the game feeling. Every thing is slow, nenus are not super ergonomic. A lot of micromanagement of objects: turn on/off or drop the lantern, not enough space in pocket/bag. Map pretty big, but travelling is not fun. Worst are the fights. I had the impression to see tanks moving around and landing blows to each others. Finally, enemies are tough, and you will restart from afar if they got you.
0 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
5462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.23 22:18
Beginning of the game feels like scraping my balls against broken glass. It gets better
363 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 00:07
This game is the RPG equivalent of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. The shell is there for a good game, but it's lacking key features to make it a worth while game for more then a once through
230 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 17:17
One of the best RPGs money can buy.

Seems difficult at first. I suggest paying your debt first with grinding. Then, you can freely explore its world.
27 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 18:10
love game
231 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 16:31
Just one of the best RPG's I played in my life. Had similar feelings like playing Gothic, although the game is very different.
112 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 03:25
Honestly a wonderful game that has a difficult learning curve but an amazing atmosphere and its sense of adventure that more than makes up for it in its own right.
The sense of Discovery especially with magic and the various skill combos you can make keep me very interested.
It's very difficult and challenging gameplay keep me on edge and not blindly running in to places like you would in Skyrim instead kind of using tactics, thought it is bullshit at times I won't lie.
The DLC content is fun but I'd recommend just getting the definitive edition that is coming out that includes it.
I'd rate this game and 8/10
It could use more quests and direction for the player to go in.
BUT if you play this game as an exploreing adventurer you'll have a blast letting yourself be engrossed by the music and the vistas or the dungeons themselves.
There is a good amount of lore to go diving for which is always fun.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 15:08
Honestly this is one of the funnest games I've played in a long while. It really does capture what it means to be an ordinary adventurer. Could it be expanded upon? Of course. Does it do a great job at its base level? Absolutely. 8/10
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 22:53
Open world, no cheating this game. Gotta just play the game.
144 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
1381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 15:50
+ Fun with friends
+ Challenging
- Pricey
- A bit buggy
622 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
3234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 23:56
+1 definitely rough around the edges, but overall a very good game, very atmospheric. Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Best played co-op imo.
114 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
8275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 04:45
Outward is a strange game. You can think of it like an open-world souls-like with survival elements, but the game is not kind to folks who may already be familiar with souls-like combat or survival games. The world is populated with enemies but, in most circumstances, there isn't a clear benefit to fighting them. You'll stumble across dozens of ingredients without a good way to identify what they're for or how they'll help you. You'll walk into an area and start dying very rapidly from weather or status conditions that you've haven't had a chance to learn about yet. When you die, you're likely to end up in a bizarre situation that you didn't get to prepare for. Like all games, Outward needs you to learn how to play within its ruleset, but it doesn't do a great job teaching those mechanics to you.

Yet, I still recommend the game. If you get past those early hurdles (and if you don't that's okay, too; there are lots of other great games) then you'll be free to experience the charm this game has to offer. That charm comes from the environments, the dungeons, in planning ahead for your next journey and possible fights along the way, in constructing a character build, and even in the lethality of combat and the death scenarios.

Exploration is king in Outward and there's a lot of cool stuff to see and find. Exploration, more than any other game element finances your character growth. If you need that exploration and growth to be in service of a clearly set end goal, you may not find this game as fulfilling as others. It can offer a few concrete goals, such as the main story or tough boss fights, but they feel a bit separate from the core gameplay loop. As an example of this separation, you can choose when to continue the main quest after a clearly punctuated intermission. To compare it to another game, it's like choosing when to do Bleak Falls Barrow in Skyrim (just a similar example; playing Outward is not like playing Skyrim). In Skyrim, a significant element of character growth is tied to completing that quest. But in Outward, there's no such gatekeeping. There's perks to completing certain quests and doing them well, or in siding with certain factions, but you can finish most of your build and go nearly anywhere without progressing the story at all. In fact, at the time of this review, I haven't actually done much of the main quest. ^_^;

If you're not sure whether this game is for you, here's what I'd recommend if you're willing to give it a quick try before a possible refund: play the opening sequence, get to the point when you can leave the first town and then go explore for a bit (all easy to do within 2 hours). Don't worry too much about the quest you've been given; it can be a bit stressful and it's not very representative of the rest of the game. You can try the tutorial first, but I'd recommend to do that after exploring (it's always available), since it can take a bit of time with all the info it shares. Here's some tips that may help you.

Outward is a survival game in the sense that everything you do costs something: resources and weapon durability are common to other games, but you'll also spend other things like max health and stamina, especially in fights. If you sleep to recover those, then you'll lose max mana. It can be frustrating early on when the first enemies out the door are wailing on you and you're only getting weaker as they hit you. But, enemies don't necessarily have anything useful for you to loot, and since there's no character experience, it's often better not to engage. You will eventually have to fight, so when you feel up for it, shadowbox with your weapon to get a feel for its timing and range, then practice on enemies outdoors, or better yet, [spoiler]lure enemies into each other so that you can see how they behave[/spoiler]. If you don't like your weapon, there's one of every type lying around in the first town. The most difficult thing to adapt from other games is that enemies don't stagger when you hit them, at least not at first, and the AI will see your attack as an opening to counterattack. If all else fails, just run away and recover. When you die, because dying is a near essential part of the game, you'll probably end up somewhere you don't recognize, weakened, with debuffs and [spoiler]maybe enemies nearby and ready to attack[/spoiler]. Mercifully, the only things you may lose upon death are time (in the in-game calendar) and possibly a bit of money. [spoiler]Losing time only matters if your doing a timed quest[/spoiler]. You may not have your stuff on or next to you after death, but look around and you'll find it soon. Defeat scenarios are meant to be a bit stressful, but accept that you can always recover from them and that mindset can help pull you through an otherwise dastardly challenge.
162 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 01:50
Incredible concept of a game. An average guy that has to leave town to make his way in the world. very fun game and has some good replay-ability. i only wish that there were some sort of mounted travel.
69 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
12726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 04:17
i died, laughed and died again. 'code sonic' easter egg is the best thing in this game. combat makes me cry. but once i kill what killed me 50 times over, i feel like a god. bask in the sunset, attempt combat again, run out of stamina. die. make enemies fight each other- bet on pink- lose 50 silver, then die again. dude in barrel told me not to hurt fish feelings? dont expect a walk in the park. the devs dont hand you end game, or any game in general, gotta pay-- or-- figure it out. youre smart? S-M-R-T, I MEAN S-M-A-R-T. tango chicken is cute. i want chicken nuggets. hungry. always hungry.
749 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 21:06
Clunky and needlessly punishing = pure frustration. Only positive is the soundtrack, which is unreasonably good lol
105 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 16:10
very nice experience as far as rpgs go, multiplayer experience is not bad either.
86 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 13:16
i absolutely love this game is it hard yes but i see one review bashing about the five days at the beginning if you lose your house follow the story and go else where also maybe try looking up some tips and tricks on youtube as it is actually very easy to keep your house if you explore a little bit find one needy person help him with an item and viola you still have your house and spent no money the game gives you choices and everything you need. Make the wrong choices you get punished the game is amazing also whining about increasing item capacity makes you slower well thats why you have the option to drop your backpack in order to fight the game is a masterpiece takes some time to learn how it works and to learn the map but once you do this game is amazing! i absolutely love this game! 9/10
69 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 01:40
Recommendations to people interested;

Get a friend
Get a bow (at least 1 person or if solo)
Dont get hit or limit it
Its like dark souls (so have patience)
Dont look up guides or anything, ruins the unknown experience.

Get it on sale lastly
461 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 07:25
Wow what a game. Never did it to the end, but still trying. I hope next game from this guys will have Outward survival and magic mechanic and more like Dark Soul fighting mechanic. :) Good Job guys. I have it on Epic and Steam and love both. And now Definitive edition I can try again, and probably fail.

Get it if you like challenge. Great game.
465 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 22:25

Positive but only barely

This game is not for everyone, and as much as I tried to like it, it wasn't for me either. I loved the exploration feeling when getting out of the city and enjoying the wilderness. The game has interesting ideas (i.e. with the visible backpack and realism systems), but a blend of it trying to be too hard just for the sake of being hard and clunky controls/fights ruin it for me.

Managing the inventory is a nightmare, dying can mean you are spawned miles away with nothing left on you, and the combat isn't fluid enough so you end up feeling that deaths aren't always deserved. Perhaps playing co-op and sharing some of the burdens while having someone to share the adventure and hardships would be the way to approach this.

Still, I can't rate it negative cause I had good times with it (exploration, gazing at the night sky trying to find my way home, and other small pleasures of this kind).

Gameplay 5/10
Aesthetic & GFX 7/10
Music & SFX 7/10
Time Played 6hrs

Final Score: 6/10

97 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 02:33
Pretty tricky. Very enjoyable once you figure it out.
1082 Produkte im Account
192 Reviews
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 00:34
Co-op adventure.
Very nice exploration.
I like the combat.
538 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 23:38
I really enjoy this game, but it absolutely does not deserve positive reviews. In fact, if you read the positive reviews, you'll notice they say the same things about how bad the game is. I'd love to write a positive review, but the issues I have with this game are, in my opinion, inexcusable. You should definitely pick this game up on sale, and try to get past the first hour or two, especially if you have a co-op partner, but I can't leave a positive review in good faith.

Here's the short of it:

- The combat is terrible. Extremely unfair, delays in everything you do, constantly getting stun-locked, enemies spam attacks HARD, enemies almost always come in a pair or group, and the best strategies involve avoiding actual combat mechanics at all costs. When you die, you respawn halfway across the map, or in the middle of multiple strong enemies with reduced health and stamina 95% of the time.

- The areas are HUGE, and you have to run/walk EVERYWHERE; there is no fast travel. It takes a VERY long time, and you have to travel back and forth through full regions for the main quest line.

- There are horrible bugs; not a lot of them, but bad ones that happen frequently. Losing all audio, losing the ability to block (which is crucial to combat for all classes), losing the ability to pick up/remove your backpack (which means you lose all dodge i-frames), getting stuck in terrain with no way out, and bosses going invincible. A lot of these bugs have been around for a long time, some since release, and still haven't been fixed.

- Co-op scaling is extremely aggressive. The game is still easier in co-op by a long shot, but enemies gain very big buffs to their health and stability, which makes bosses a nightmare.

The rest I have to say is less important but I'm going to say it anyways for those who want to read it. I'll start with some things I like about the game:
- The running animations are detailed, based on how much stamina, move speed, and carry weight you have.
- Some areas are visually, and conceptually stunning.
- When the combat isn't f*cking you in the *ss, which is uncommon, it can be satisfying.
- The options for building your character's skills are extremely diverse, and there's a lot of approaches you can take to the terrible combat.
- There's lots to explore, and it keeps the intrigue high.

Now more bad things:
- More of the armor is ugly than not.
- The character creation is TERRIBLE; NPCs and the player-character are doomed to look ugly as sin. I mean, REALLY f*cking ugly.
- There's a quest that automatically starts which destroys the entire starting city, and it's extremely possible for this to happen without your knowledge. This will block access to your house in that town, delete whatever was stored there, delete the trainers so you can no longer learn their skills, and prevent you from crafting the cities unique armor set at the black smith.
- The devs support modding, but seemed to make modding more difficult than necessary.

That's about all I have to say about Outward. I really do like the game, but I'm not going to lie and say the devs did a good job with it. I'll likely add more things to this review as I think of them.
96 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 19:24
In my opinion this game is much better to play with a friend. The survival elements are really enjoyable, and the learning curve isn't huge. You'll get into the swing of things within about 5-10 hours of game play i'd say.

Shame about the poor expansions.
496 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 11:37
My partner got me this game to co-op through it together with him, we didn't have the intention of playing it solo. It started out kinda fun early on, sure there was some jank here and there but it looked like it was going to be a nice co-op experience... but then there was the discovery that only the host gets progression and quest rewards.

The combat is rather stiff and janky, I don't think it was the worst aspect of the game for me as I was primarily playing a magic role and just flinging off spells at enemies while my partner tanked. The magic classes and system is okay I suppose, a little boring at times but mana wasn't too much of an issue since combat seemed sporadic and spread out between encounters. I can't speak for the melee or bow classes since I didn't dabble in those.

Now the worst part of the game for me has to be the travelling; there's no teleporting or on demand fast travel so getting around in Outward's huge maps takes an agonising amount of time, even more so after exploring and looting the various dungeons and points of interest because of the carry weight which can slow you down. Since acquiring skills in this game comes from trainers you need to pay with money, it's kinda drilled into you to collect loot to sell and 'level up'. But it also doesn't help that my partner and I are pack-rats and basically gobble up every last shiny until the weight limit and wobble back to the nearest city to sell.

The story and side quests were okay, nothing spectacular. Basically the main quest line is to pick a faction and complete its quest chain which is around 4 'acts' or so. Completing it felt rather quick and unsatisfying, at least for the faction we went with. I personally feel it would have felt more satisfying to be able to dabble in all the factions' quest lines in one play through rather than getting locked into a single quest line from the beginning but I suppose the way the devs did it encourages replayability.

In my opinion Outward is a game that seems to suffer from lack of quality of life features that aren't present which I assume is a decision the developers went with to make it feel more... realistic? In our play through, we ended up installing some mods to try mitigate some of the more tedious aspects such as linked stashes, being able to fast travel from city to city by paying moderate sums of money, and enabling player locations to show up on the map.
Overall, it's not the worst game I've ever played, co-op was still decently fun despite the flaws and mods can help add a little bit of QoL. 5/10.
262 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 23:34
Feels a lot like Dragon's Dogma. Great RPG, you're expected to figure out everything on your own and actually explore to find solutions to the various problems you'll encounter. The combat systems aren't the best, but the combat itself is high stakes and you'll probably be too focused on how to minmax/cheese your way through the combat scenario to notice that the mechanics are outdated.

You'll be tempted, but don't use a guide of any kind. Most fun part for me so far was fighting halfway through a midgame area, realizing that I wouldn't make it the rest of the way and was undergeared/underleveled, and so I had to fight my way back through the area with no resources to make it back to safety. Wouldn't have happened that way if I had known what I was going into, blinds the best way to play.
273 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
14818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 05:30
Genuinely one of my favorite games. Definitely one of my favorite co-op experiences.
689 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 03:53
I like janky — but this is too much.
310 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
4254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 13:09
Pretty good, but 70 hours in, I don't want to walk or run anymore, horse or fast trravel pls
131 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 10:49
This game had potential but unfortunetly is to clunky, empty and the world is just boring and look like generic mix of asset store packs. I've seen people say that its just that this game is not forgiving, hard and to challenge urself or whatever but in reality its mostly running through an empty world occasionaly fight 2 generic bandit, a bird or other other random monster and die with no real consequences and in fact you are better off killing urself so that u might spawn in town.

I guess its okay if u're planning on playing in coop but that can be said about pretty much every single game with coop mode so it doesnt say much.

Tbh I'm just kinda dissapointed.
189 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 06:06
Remember morrowind?
Went back and it's not as fun anymore?
Wondered why nobody makes games like that anymore?
Well they did.
This is the one.
Yes graphics look dated especially if you dont go ultra.
Yes it is a rough few hours at the start till you figure out the basics.
Yes the combat is a bit weird at first.
Yes you should play this splitscreen with a friend instead of solo.
That said...
this is the closest thing I have seen to an rpg as they used to be back in the day.
120 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
19916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 13:14
Honestly, I love this game so much!
The main story line may not be the longest, but the game was built with multiple playtroughs in mind.
There may not be too many skills to choose from but I've found them all to be enjoyable and trying to get a great build can take several characters (if you don't use the wiki) as you try out different things to see what works with one another.
The Music is amazing and fits the world very nicely, it's one of those games where you can just walk and have fun doing it!
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 10:31

Great survival RPG!

A little reminiscent of Morrowind. Doesn't hold your hand or explain much, and if you do something stupid you die (and it's easy to do stupid things).

Has local and remote coop. Gameplay is good. Can be monotonous, because there's no real fast travel and the map is (or at least feels) BIG. But I personally don't mind, gives me time to sort through my inventory (which is what you're doing about half of the time, which I don't mind either)

If you like survival games, that care about realism, by enforcing things like inventory management, eating and sleeping and that give you a challenge, this game is for you.

I really wish there were more games like this.
57 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 19:36
I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, and I die a lot, but I am having fun while I do it.
306 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 07:28
The game has some really great things and ideas. The class system is great. The combat, once you get a hang of it, is actually incredibly fun. Loot is plentiful and interesting, while the magic system is one of the best I have seen.

But all of the positives pale in comparison to the one big negative. The world is empty, and bland. It feels like I am walking through areas that the devs simply just didn't finish, you go through vast expenses of land with nothing to see and do besides the odd monster and chest that lies in the middle of fuck all.

This wouldn't have been that much of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that 60% of the game you are going to spend just making long-ass trips across the map. Fast travel and even mounts are not available because the game is meant to be hardcore, and I get it, but right now traveling and exploring is a huge bore. And when that's I end up doing most of the time, it is simply impossible to really get into the game.
137 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 20:29
This is not your standard review but a guide & personal opinion for people to get the gist of what Outward is and how to get started.

Outward is not for everyone; its a brutal game for people expecting a standard RPG.
Its a game that is really punishing for new players without knowledge about how to start, progress and play through.

Outward really focuses on the player's knowledge;
Weapon Upgrade? Crafting recipes/Purchase using Silver/Obtained from certain Enemies/Dungeons
Armor Upgrade? Crafting recipes/Purchase using Silver
Stronger Enemies? Elemental Weaknesses through Rags & Varnishes/Skills Usage/Potion Buffs/Traps
Combat Style? Varies on Enemies/Weapons or Armor being used/Potion Buffs

Personal Opinion:
  • Combat is definitely challenging but it becomes easier by understanding weaknesses
  • Legacy Chests adds a unique twist to start a new game
  • Different weapons and skills can be used with each having their own pros and cons
  • 3 Different Factions to choose with different storylines at different regions.
  • Unique Enemies provides a challenging experience for players to beat and get certain Unique Items
  • Unknown Arenas also brings more challenges for players to get End Game items

Even though it can get really frustrating when fighting stronger enemies with no saves to reload and random places to be spawned on death. There's a certain charm the grind that just keeps bringing me back to progress, explore and play more and more.

Tips & Tricks:
  • Outward has a very interesting Mob vs Mob combat where they would need to hit each other once by baiting their attacks, but it helps out early-game to beat stronger mobs.
  • Stacking buffs by eating food for stamina and hp regeneration before getting into fights.
  • Drop your backpack for more mobility to dodge attacks and prevent any damage to the items inside.
  • If your backpack is too heavy, you can do the classic glitch of dropping your backpack and picking it back up while sprinting.
  • Each region is decently big, so stock up on stamina regeneration foods and try to get the Trader Set or the Master Trader Set for Pouch Bonus and movement speed bonus.

Pre-Early Game:[spoiler](Shipwreck)
Right for the get go, if you don't have the exploring mindset, you would miss out starting loot, basic clothing, and weapons that makes your Early Game easier. The loot can either be deconstructed to craft bandages, or to be sold to purchase skills from Eto/better equipment.[/spoiler]

Early Game:[spoiler]
There are many different weapons that you can get started with littered all over Cierzo and Cierzo's storage to be used or sold.
Depending on what weapon you have equipped if you talk to Burac before leaving Cierzo, he'll teach you a skill for said weapon.
Furthermore, if you want a quick way to settle the 150 Silver Blood Price to keep the Lighthouse; You can easily get a Writ of Tribal Favor from Michel by saving his life with a bandage on the South-West Coast of Cierzo. The quickest way to reach him is by going through the troglodytes in Cierzo's Storage. Just these starting information would help out greatly.[/spoiler]
184 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
3574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 11:02
Outward is truly one of the most unique RPGs created within the last ten years. I haven't felt as mystified by an open world adventure game as much as this one since I first played Morrowind many years ago. Outward does not hold your hand, but it is not exactly unforgiving either. It's a game that rewards players for taking their time, planning their journeys carefully, making preparations in the form of alchemic potions or various culinary choices that will all help to get you where you need to be.

Outside of the great crafting and exploration in Outward, there is a deep sense of helplessness when you first start the game. You are a nobody who owes his/her village a great debt and is in danger of losing their only home. You have 5 days to complete this task and you don't even know how to play the game yet. These are the kinds of problems you'll be facing, all the while the best and most lucrative loot in the game is hidden in the most dangerous parts of the world. Areas that will be out of your league; ones that require forethought and wits just as much as meticulous battle.

Outward is an easy game when approached with a proper steady pacing, and it's one where you will truly feel your progression as you play. Bandits & monsters that once two-hit you and made you feel worthless, will eventually be nothing but simple fodder to you as you better discover the ins-and-outs of the mechanics. There are trainers in the world who can teach you useful skills for battle, magic is an extremely layered system that allows for an unbelievable amount of different character builds.

The fact of the matter is that if you haven't tried Outward yet, but you're itching to play a new RPG that isn't just the exact same formula that you've seen 1000 times before. Then you owe it to yourself to give this game an earnest shot. The beginning can be rough, but trust me, once you've gotten into a groove you will not be able to put this game down. It really is something special

9/10 (Co-op, no Co-op, no matter how you play it's great!)
143 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 20:39
Great innovative mechanics ruined by bad level design. Boring, empty world.
240 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 20:01
It's a bit of a special game. Don't expect a pick-up and play Skyrim experience.
You are going out on an adventure. Be sure to prepare, pack plenty of supplies and get ready to face off against a large unforgiving world. Enemies hit hard, the world is very large and there won't be something exciting around every corner.

However, that is exactly why I love it. You can still discover ancient ruins, hidden areas and more, but they're not shoved in your face. You have to explore around for them. On top of that, there's no real gripping main story, but if you just want to set out in a new fantasy world and test yourself against a very hostile wilderness then you will love this game.
138 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 12:04
Really tried to like this game which had really good things going for it, like the exploration, the survival aspect and the constant sense of danger which feel rewarding. Even tried to get back to it once or twice, but its pros just don't balance its cons :
- no convenient fast travel, which wouldn't be that bad if there was a way to move faster (like horses), but we don't get this either. Combine that with an extremely limited backpack, and this game becomes a walking simulator
- combat is honestly bad and clunky
- the world is vast, but overall empty, which makes the long walks an absolute chore
- overpriced DLCs considering the lack of polish of the base game
- only one music (if I remember correctly), repeating the same notes over and over again. Had to disable it to keep my sanity
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 09:48
The framework for a great open world is here but it lacks substance.

P.S Do not enter the Bandit Prison unless you are well equipped.
46 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 05:10
Very fun with a friend but kinda boring by yourself
58 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 22:17
The game can be fun at times, and it's not bad by any means. But I feel like the base game should cost like €15, maybe at most €20. Sure I had fun with it ,but I could have bought 2 games of similar quality and enjoyment. I won't talk about the dlc's because I didn't purchase them, but €15 and €20 for what I understand to be a single region worth of expansion ? Hell no. Get the game (and the expansions I guess) when it's on sale and you'll get a fair price, otherwise stay away.
185 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 19:46
Read the full review here:


Outward is an interesting game. The heavy focus on survival with its multiple facets can be very refreshing. The game is very difficult at times and will also require some patience, but I’d say the change of pace from other typical RPG titles is well worth it.

As to whether it is worth playing, I am going to have to go with an unsatisfying “it depends“. If you consider yourself an impatient gamer or a player who has a strong focus on lore and atmosphere, this game might be too shallow for you. However, if you like a challenge and enjoy squaring off against nature and all its perils, Outward might just be the right fit.

303 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 00:59
Bought this game on release had tons of fun with it got bored stopped playing. Recently picked it back up payed but then remembered why i got bored in the first place. In short the game is fun there is tons of stuff to do and explore except at some point your just not going to want to explore or loot because then that means another 10+ min walk back to point A sell stuff then slog back to Point B. Half of my playtime i can safely say is literally just walking it is horrendous. Im not saying to add fast travel that would be boring but my god add a horse or something your telling me they dont have horses in that world?

All in all if you like walking around back and fourth with it being even slower with full loot in your bag then sure get this game. just really poor decision making it feels like they did it literally to just pad the game and up people play time.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 18:24
This game is a crossbreed between Dark Souls, Skyrim and Fable.
Very Cool game if you like a challenge.
220 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 00:06
instead of finishing the game, they released DLC to get more $.
hard games should have rewarding outcomes
85 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
2348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 21:12
Nobody reads reviews for sure, so i'll say i'm gay
81 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 16:49
Great game. Can be brutal at times but definitely worth a play through.
161 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 09:07
10/10,made me feel things i haven't felt in a long time.
It's not for everyone,but it sure as hell is for me
217 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 13:24
Extremely enjoyable game IF you're willing to learn the games mechanics. The game is a souls-like inspired, 3D Action RPG, and it does'nt hold your hand at all. Initially, this game is harder than most other souls-likes, but in a normal mode playthrough there are no hard consequences for dying. You will die a lot, and you will need to embrace dying a lot.

That being said, the game does offer a fantastic amount of depth for an RPG, with different skills and equipment that can only be found around the world. Whilst the melee combat could use some work, the magic system is one of the best and most varied ive ever seen in any game.

Acquiring Mana in of itself for the very first time is quite a process, but youll need to sacrifice Stamina and HP to get it. Once you do unlock your Mana bar, there are many different ways to fill it up, from passive skills that fill it per second, to varying grades of consumables and food - rest be assured, you will find a way that fits your tastes and playstyle. Anything from a classical Mage that can do elemental magic, to runic mages, and blood mages, gun mages and chakram users, there's a great variety just in the magic skill trees alone.

The games OST is fantastic and really adds to the immersion and fun you'll have while travelling, which is something that you're going to do a lot, since the different maps are interconnected and each gigantic. One of the main selling points, and easily one of the best features is the ability to use local Splitscreen, which is very rare and always appreciated nowadays.


This game is fantastic and offers a lot of content for those that love Souls-likes and in-depth RPGs. It may seem very punishing at the beginning, but the game only prepares you for something youll experience a lot on your journey to become an indestructible demi-god.
1032 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 18:45
I really wanted to like this game with my buddy. We followed guides and tried to do everything that was told to us to do. However with the constant server issue that was forcing him to disconnect every time we entered the main world, lack of being able to overcome challenges and us resorting to using only cheese strats kinda let us both wanting to put this one on the shelf. I understand how it can be a fun experience for some but I feel this game needed more polish personally.
347 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 00:36
I knew going into Outward that it was a challenging RPG. There is no leveling or experience toward eventually becoming the hero of the story. Survivability is all based on gear, skills, or learning to outplay the game mechanics.
However, with that being said I was very disappointed in the overall state of this game. The world is almost devoid of ... well anything! The level design is worse than any game I've played in years. Even the starting village is barren and lifeless with a few building assets and a couple key NPCs. In addition there are large open areas of nothing but maybe grass or a dirt path.
Want to fill your waterskin? walk a quarter mile down an empty beach to the kids pool attached to a building you can only assume is some kind of desalination plant? What in the world? Decide what world you want your game in for Pete sake. Fantasy, Steampunk, Sci-fi, post apocalyptic or a blend but it needs plausibility and definition. I digress from that.
Let's say you've stumbled around the empty town and somehow figured out what to do without much direction and you've headed out the gates. More, nothing. Wide empty spaces of grass with a tree or rock once in a while. No variety, no character, and nothing to do but walk and walk and... you get the point.
Oh look! A bandit... you're dead but not and saved by some story miracle during the load screen. Now you're back, who knows where, and begin the walk again.
I've ranted enough. It's a no with a recommendation to the devs to learn 'all' the aspects of a good game before tossing assets into Unity and slapping a price tag on it. You can't skip level design because you don't have time or the skills to do it.
TL;DR A very difficult RPG due to game concept and bad mechanics mixed with a barren empty world of walking in hopes of finding content. Unfortunate.
161 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 01:01
The makers claim it is realistic survival, I can tell ya if you hit someone with a mace they are not finishing their swing and hitting you with what ever weapon they have to kill you. If the makers want proof, I'll be happy to hit them with a mace and they can try to swing on me.
57 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 02:13
This game is a real mixed bag. Its an amazing experience with a friend but alone the world feels somewhat dead with the occasional group of bandits or monsters to fight. The world is massive but the lack of any type of fast transportation really makes exploration a chore. The combat system is really interesting though melee is not executed well, magic and archery is very enjoyable. I would recommend this game completely if you are willing to deal with the long travel times. I would say to wait for a sale though.
300 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
8163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 00:26
???? Audience ????
☐ Casual Gamer
☑ Expert Gamer [Steep learning curve, you really have to know what you're doing if you want to reach endgame]
☐ Master Gamer
☑ Achievement Hunter [May take a while, but every achievement feels like a worthwhile venture when adding to the 100% collection]

???? Graphics ????
☐ Failure
☐ Eyesore
☐ Decent
☑ Pretty [Not the best, but this level of texture and art is appropriate for the game setting]
☐ Superb

???? Music ????
☐ Better to Mute
☐ Inconsistent
☑ Ordinary [Nothing outstanding, but again, music is appropriate to the setting; they did a great job contrasting music shifts when entering battle, etc.]
☐ Cool
☐ Excellent

???? Difficulty ????
☐ Easy
☐ Normal
☑ Hard [Not for the faint of heart; the level of death you will experience is different from your average Souls-like games and every death WILL hurt you in various ways if you're not smart about your survival choices]
☐ Master
☐ Impossible

???? Bugs ????
☐ Too many to count
☐ Quite a bit
☐ Few here and there
☐ You can use them for speedruns
☑ Nothing encountered

???? Story ????
☐ Nonexistent
☐ Lackluster
☐ Average
☑ Memorable [Truth be told, the story is not Outward's strongest asset BUT it is memorable in that the choices you make amalgamates into a unique adventure that you most likely will not experience in any other RPG/adventure game, which is a testament to how unique Outward is in its own right]
☐ Splendid

⏱ Game time / Length ⏱
☐ Brief (0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short (4 - 8 hours)
☐ Medium (10 - 20 hours)
☑ Long (30-50 hours) [story playthrough]
☑ Extended (51-100 hours) [if you want to experience all quest lines + DLC]
☐ Lifetime (101+ hours)

???? Price / Quality ????
☑ Full price [Some people would complain that there are other games of this genre that does everything better than Outward, but this game gave me a run for its money;
☑ Wait for Sale [DLC content is lackluster compared to vanilla]
☐ Borrow/Gameshare
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can

// TL;DR
Gameplay: 4/5 Awesome
Story: 3/5 Cool
Content: 4/5 Awesome
Quality: 5/5 Superb
Overall: 16/20

Conclusion: Outward offers a unique experience for RPG gamers mixed with a brutal twist of the survival genre. The world setting seems harmless at first sight as you gaze at the beautiful sky while listening to a peaceful track related to your starting town. Once you encounter the powerful enemies and unforgiving terrors of mother nature, however, you'll find yourself immersed in a world like no other that motivates you to keep on surviving so that you can see what comes next in your adventure.
109 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
8862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 21:19
One of the best/unique co-op experiences i've ever had. had 2 play throughs both 60 hours each. absolutely love this game and i've never played anything like it
150 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 05:41
I almost didn't review this game because I get why those who like this game like it and can you really fault a game for basically achieving with 100% success everything it tries to be?

Outward is a brutal hardcore, difficult and punishing game... it doesn't hide this... and that's exactly the experience I got. From minute 1, this game doesn't hold your hand, doesn't explain anything to you, doesn't ease you into its mechanics. You'll likely face your first hyena in the first couple of minutes, get destroyed and get dragged away from the starting area feeling like a complete failure. And it doesn't get any better from here.

The split second you feel you're starting to figure things out is the second the next kill throws an enemy at you that 2 shots you, resulting in the need to rest for days, run back and forth to town (each trip taking 5-10 minutes since Fast Travel doesn't exist) maintain your gear, get more food, get more potions, You prep for 30 minutes to even have a slight chance against whatever you might face, or you rely on very stingy duration consumables that you only find in a dungeon to even have a chance at damaging enemies (IE: You need a Ghost Oil for your weapon to harm the ghosts)... and if you die, you lose the consumable and you have to slink away in complete defeat, unable to even damage the enemies in the dungeon.

It's a game that seemingly wants you to explore, only to make sure you're punished for it any time you try. I don't shy away from a challenge, but I didn't walk away from one gaming session feeling good. IMHO, there's a way to make difficult games that have a fair balance between frustration and reward: Dark Souls nailed it. This game made itself too frustrating and tedious without enough rewarding fist-pump moments to keep me interested... and I don't feel like that's an unfair criticism.

Power to you if this game speaks to you. I just didn't enjoy it at all.
74 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 10:13
Ate dirt for the first ten hours, twenty more later and I'm crumpling bandits like tissue paper with a ten foot tall hammer. Makes you feel like weak trash until you don't, live your own Hero Arc and tussle until you're a real warrior. Then wear shell armor and make your own fun smacking troglodytes back to the stone age they came from.

Not for the faint of heart. You're going to struggle, but it makes your victories taste all the more delicious.
264 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
8290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 08:37
At first I was hesitant to play this game because I've heard how complicated the magic systems are, how you have a hunger and thirst meter which is usually just an annoyance in every game that has survival mechanics and because of how clunky the controlls are at times. But I gave it a shot, played about 2/3ds of a playthrough on my own, then another 4 equally long playthroughs with friends and we always had a blast! It's one of those games where you don't have many quests you just go out and explore dungeons, caves and bandit camps to find some loot to use or sell for silver which buys you skills!
114 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 14:02
First of all let me start with this, this game is not for everybody.Roughly %10 of population is gonna like this game.
So don't belive in any of the reviews, go watch some content on YouTube and decide.

Second, the price. There are some rules when it comes to marketting, You can sell you game or make it free to play and monetize it with cosmetics.
If you are planning your product to be consumed by a broad range of consumer, you could make it free. Likewise, LoL, Dota, Cs:Go and other popular games.
If you know that your product is not going to be able to attract various diffrent people, then you could sell your game for a bit more than what it would otherwise.

Outward is such a unique game. Being able to go out to an adventure, alone, that sorrounds you in such a way, you end up playing it for hours. The music, graphics, landscape it is all great.
But this is a hard game, that will punish you quite a lot. I respect if you don't like the game but i am sure for some of you this is what you have been looking for.

153 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 03:36
This is a hidden Gem among a Sea Of Bull shit. Game today wish they could create what this small team has done. This game is worth every penny and more.

Just want to give new people a heads up about break thru points ( they are the little chain link looking icons when you talk to trainers ) you only have 3 and this game does NOT allow for respecs,Once you have used them your stuck with that class or you must completely restart your character. So Choose cautiously and plan ahead.
638 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
2234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 05:54
173 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 20:51
- unique rpg expierence
- interesting locations
- no level system, just the amor that makes you op :D
- maps are way too big resulting in a way too long travel time
- game isn´t fully optomized and the game mechanics don´t seem to be very thought through
- way to overpriced

Conclusion: 5/10
It`s hard for me to recommend this game, but I do. It has its flaws, not only is the game in a state where you can say it is finally almost playable, most of the time you will travel from point A to point B. I guess I spent over 25 hours of my playthrough with walking. Nevertheless, the game has a really unique gameplay and an interesting story that I personally enjoyed most of the time. But my counterpoints still made the game unbearable for me the last few hours. I was relieved when I finished playing the game. So buy it when it´s on a massive sale and I definitely recommend playing with a friend.
293 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 16:21
Combat is not fun and sluggish with range being the end all be all and there is no fast travel (which is fine) but no mounts either? I have to WALK everywhere? The game devs should have one or the other not neither. The map is huge and when you're trying to get from point A to B then back to A there's nothing more to it than just running. It's not fun. It's not engaging. It's just the kind of padding where you can just turn on a video in the background so at least your mind is occupied with SOMETHING. Oh boy I just finished this quest. Can't wait to do more WALKING. You do more walking in this game than in games where the whole point is walking. This game makes Journey blush with how much walking it has. Remember Halo CE's second level? Where it's this big open landscaped with little bits of interesting combat encounters sprinkled in? Imagine that but you had to walk everywhere and stretch that to the entire game. THAT is Outward.
229 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 23:15
The combat is horribly clunky and the camera is annoying.
454 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 18:26
An amazing experience!

I can understand some of the complaints in the negative reviews but this game deserves so much praise.. it's a nod back to a time when RPGs were an adventure and not just a checklist of tasks needed to be completed to trigger the next video in the story.

Combat in this game is spot on. It is very deliberate with a completely different playstyle depending on what type of weapon you are using.

Exploration is entertaining and exciting. The world is vast and full or secrets. Tons of unique monsters hide in different areas and there is a sense of awe as you explore new areas.

The graphics are breathtaking. There were so many times I would round a corner to be met by a sunset streaking through the forest or a sunrise cresting the top of a mountain... all with the grass swaying and the world brightly lit. Dungeons invoked fear with dark corners and torches dully lighting the way.

The game has a fun story with factions leading the way through the questlines. Immense replay value through utilizing different character builds and factions. The inventory and carry capacity is about the best I have ever seen in a video game. The use of consumables and balance needed to craft/consume them in a proper manner is great. The joy of dialing in a combat build and watching those difficult enemies start to melt is tons of fun.

I would recommend this game to anyone that enjoys a challenging RPG with massive worlds to explore, all done with deliberate combat, fun quests, cool characters and a sense of accomplishment when things go well.
163 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 18:00
Bought this on sale to play co-op. Sadly, we didn't stick with it and I've refunded the game.
To be fair, we were hoping for something to try and scratch the Dragon's Dogma itch, which was probably unrealistic. We did watch reviews as well to temper our expectations, but ultimately, the game wasn't for us.

I like the idea of it, but I think it just doesn't feel like a fluid or polished experience. If this were an early access game, I'd understand - but it's not. It's like all the ingredients for a really great RPG are there, but none of them are polished enough to compensate for where one or two may be lacking. The world feels incredibly empty, which is very disappointing. Now, I'm somewhat used to that from playing Dragon's Dogma (where the main hubs are Gran Soren and Cassardis, with a few sparsely populated settlements here across the map) but this felt even more desolate which is such a shame because the environment design is beautiful.

I don't play Souls games, but my co-op partner does and felt like this game was emulating the combat and not in a good way. I didn't really like the combat either, but given that I played just under 2 hours of it, I don't think I scratched the surface enough. The crux of the matter here is that I just wasn't interested enough to want to continue.
105 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 21:16
Easy to brush this off as another poorly constructed indie dev unity game or one of those poorly optimised survival games that get boring after an hour but the game is very worthwhile. It's unfortunate that the first 2 hours (refundable period) is probably not going to be the endorphin rush that some would like it to be. Some reviews did make me laugh though, the trade for death is being ported to somewhere slightly safer. It might be a cave with hyenas outside, a cabin in the woods with enemies outside or, if you are close enough, a friendly NPC might find you and take you back to town. You don't lose your items or currency upon death, only the inconvenience of not being exactly where you thought you were going to be. Understandably, if you wake up in the middle of the night surround by enemies with no immediate reference points that can feel bad. That's just part of the game. The difficulty is just right, you just need some determination and the willingness to venture on.

It offers the exploration/immersion of elder scrolls: oblivion with slight push towards the difficulty of Demon's Souls (without the i-frames). The realism can be very strong as there's a lot of effort from the developers that forces you to think about situations and use your own wisdom to survive. For example if you set up a fire near a bandit camp at night, then you can be sure that a patrolling group of bandits are going to very clearly see the fire and ambush you.

There's no quick travel or player location pin on the map (even in towns) compelling you to look at the compass on the HUD and look for landmarks to see your location. I've only experienced the very first zone so far but can say that the landmarks are clear and distinct enough that anyone should be able to figure out where they are. Night time and weather effects can make this more difficult though, but their are mechanics in place where it's not really that efficient to roam around at night as your maximum stamina degrades (or burns) over time.

A lot of the negative reviews really seem to be found upon by ignoring the tutorials and treating this like an aforementioned basic survival game. This game is very true to the original sense of an RPG with a lot of survival elements added in. You can choose to run in to every encounter with no plans and die 5 times in as many minutes, or you can pre-plan engagements with traps, consumables and insight from previous encounters. The Crafting/Alchemy/Cooking of consumables/armour/weapons is also very wide with lots of hidden recipes and perks hidden away through experimentation or secret uses of chests further in the game which is very easy to appreciate the more you play with it

Unfortunately combat is very clunky and the tab-targeting system I am yet to fully grasp. Most of the enemies i've encountered have had very basic attack patterns which mostly negates the clunky aspect of combat though. Learning skills is locked behind trainers in various locations and cost currency to purchase the basic levels of with points required to unlock the more powerful skills in the skills tree. Not fully sure how the skill points are acquired yet as there are no experience bars or levels to acquire.

I've yet to try any magic in this game as the tradeoff for mana requires you to reduce your HP/Stamina to gain. I think this might be an interesting concept as nearly all RPGs (more so in MMORPGs) suffer from a strong aversion to melee being practical in all situations and mana users generally have a really strong edge comparatively with very few downsides. Not entirely sure what the balancing on this game is going to be. I'm strongly against any combat system of cheesing every encounter through kiting around every enemy whilst pelting them with various spells. Through reading the in-game tooltips, I have found that unlocking one school does lock you out of the opposing school which I also feel adds to the immersion, ex. learning fire spells will stop you from learning ice spells of a similar type. Overall I feel the combat to be clunky but the values and combat style (at least for melee characters) to be very organic.

I'm really in love with how important consumables are for combat too. There are 5 levels of regeneration which can be acquired for health and stamina which create a strong tie to cooking/alchemy/thirst/hunger aspects of the game. Simply running out of the starting area with no consumables and picking a fight with a hyena using primitive gear and no consumables is a quick way to die. I think it's really common sense though and adds to the realism. Would you go out and face a hyena in real life with a butter knife? Probably not.

About 5hrs in and barely scratched the surface. I think this could easily be a 500hr+ hour game for me.
330 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 21:58
As 30+ gamer with nostalgia around the old school games that don't hand hold you, Outward gives a fantastic modern fix of that.
When I picked up this game I was sceptical, as it was often compared to Dark Souls which I didn't get along with too well. I thought I would give this a bash for few hours and then put it down after I got annoyed with the difficultly, but while this game is difficult (until you find your feet), I am coming up to 50 hours now and the game keeps surprising me by how much I want to keep exploring it.

The game feels to me like a combination of Morrowind and Breath of the Wild with Dark Souls combat. It's made by a small team but I was extremely surprised of the depth it presented, with far more detail and mechanics than I find in a lot of blockbuster titles by big development teams. Don't get me wrong, it isn't perfect and makes you question a few of the choices that the developers made, but the janky issues actually end up feeling quite endearing and I've forgotten about most of them now I am fully immersed in the expansive world and focused on kitting my character out to complement my playstyle (there are multiple weapons and skills which can make each character build feel very different).

No level scaling, no RNG items, no fast travel, all hand crafted massive world with lots of detail and secrets to find. If you like a challenge and are sick of the spoon fed quest markers and high level bullet proof hot pants (looking at you cyberpunk) then this really hits the spot.

3670 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
14173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 22:56

“One of the joys of travel is visiting new towns and meeting new people.”
~Genghis Khan

Psst. You there. Yes, yes, you, convic... I mean, fair citizen! Do you possibly have time to talk 'bout Gothic? You know, Gothic! That good ol' game from Piranha Bytes! Those were the times... Exploring the open world full of mysteries, joining the factions of our choice and always hoping for the better... Back in the days? I used to play Gothic religiously. Unfortunately, nowadays? Nobody even tries to make something like that. Well, there was Risen series, of course, but it ended. There was also Elex from same ol' Piranhas, but they kinda screwed it up by trying to change the leveling system (Si non confectus, non reficiat, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Lord Vetinari's family motto). But seriously, aside from Piranhas, it's like nobody even cares about Gothic anymore (no, I don't want to talk about what JoWooD Entertainment and THQ Nordic tried to do with the series). So... it's not like we can be too picky, right? So... well, here comes Outward.

Don't expect it to be an exact clone of Gothic, though. Even though three factions (four if you're willing to pay for Soroboreans DLC), each with its own “camp”, defining your path in the world? Skill trainers? It's a bloody Gothic! It comes with pretty interesting setting, you're free to explore the world in any way you want, you can join one of the factions and all that feels surprisingly old school. Like... seriously. Remember the times when the map was just that? A bloody map? No quick travels, no way to find out about your current location (aside from looking around, of course), no even an advanced compass. Seriously, I still remember how many people complained about the bloody thing in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I even used that fan-made mod to remove it from the game. Just because I didn't like the casual approach Mr. It-Just-Works took in that game. Outward? Pure old school. Heck, the dungeons here won't even have maps of any kind! Sure, dungeons here are pretty small and laughably basic (dungeon crawler genre fans will sure be sad), but man, I loved an old school approach. With all of my heart.

So, here it is? The big new present for all old farts out there? Well... no. Not really. Like I said, this game is not exactly a Gothic clone. Unfortunately for us all, Nine Dots Studio turned out to be one of those developers who just don't know their limits. Ambitions. That's what this game is all about. A lot of ambitions. See, Nine Dots Studio decided that just making a big open world game is not enough. They decided to go for multiplayer. Online co-op, split screen... Outward has it all. Just invite your friend, order a pizza or two (or five, because cowabunga!) and go for adventures. You, of course, may ask what's wrong with that. I mean, co-op version of Gothic sounds absolutely fantastic, right? It sure does. The problem is, developers ended up wasting too much time on multiplayer and, as you can easily guess, didn't have enough time for... you know. Filling the actual game with... stuff.

The entire story in this game lasts for only seven quests (twelve if you're willing to pay for The Three Brothers DLC). Three of which can be considered as the tutorial and finished pretty fast. Sure, every faction in the game (again, Soroboreans DLC comes with its own unique faction) has its own unique storyline, so, replayability is there, but seriously? Only four big quests per playthrough? Seriously? And it's not like we've got a lot of optional stuff either. The entire game has about 20 optional objectives and DLC doesn't add much either. So... yeah. Empty world is... you know. Empty.

Don't expect this game to be short, though. Because, aside from other things, Outward also focuses quite a lot on... survival. Unfortunately, that's another thing about Outward I didn't really like. I mean, empty world is one thing. But empty world, where you can't just cross the vast empty spaces but should also bother about things like food, water, rest, wounds, lamp oil, equipment conditions and stuff like that? It gets from boring to annoying rather quickly. If you're playing alone, of course, since playing with friend does make things a bit more entertaining. For obvious reasons.

One thing I can tell you for sure – Outward is far from being a perfect game. A bit too empty, a bit too boring, quite annoying at times, a bit too old school for some people (up to the point where it feels a little bit clunky)... It's all true. This game? It isn't your new Dragon's Dogma. On the other hand, having something so perfectly old school in the times when Ubisoft wants us to pay for the experience boosts in their single player games? It feels... pretty awesome, really. So, as long as you don't mind a pretty weird take on good ol' Gothic that comes with a co-op support and heavily focuses on survival elements? I'd say, give Outward a chance. Playing it made me remember the early 2000s. In a good way. Guess, that deserves a thumb up. Dixi.
526 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 04:54
> Be me
> Just got out of town
> Try to get access to the Ley Line without proper equipment
> Die like 10 times trying to get to the top of the mountain
> Get to the top of the mountain, find out the ley line isn't there
> Also, die because some insect killed you
> Respawn
> Immediately die because some bandits happened to be passing by the place you just respawned
> Try to get back to town
> Die because you froze to death
> Die from dehydration
> Die from a Hyena attack
> Get to town
> Die from the cold again before you can reach the Inn
> Finally reach the Inn, sell some stuff and get some money
> Buy a proper weapon, a proper backpack and an additional waterskin
> Go on the path to get magic the proper way
> Get jumped by some bandits and die
> Respawn without any of your gear
> Try to get the gear back
> Die again
> Do that 4 more times
> Give up and try to go to town to get new gear
> Yep, you guessed it: Die from dehydration(One waterskin was lost in the bandit death)
> Rinse and repeat

10/10 would buy again

55 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
10700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 17:39
A diamond in the rough, truly.
I'd give it a 8.5/10.
50 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 02:39
This game is amazing. I am often searching for games with more in depth mechanics and things to keep the game-play on edge, and Outward is a game that has no lack of these. You are constantly being introduced to new challenges as you play, and forced to keep track of basic things such as your thirst, hunger and even sleep to keep your character alive. During long adventures you may decide to put up a tent and rest, make sure you pay attention to ambushes and dedicate time to guarding. In some regions it may snow, completely changing the game-play; now you have to find armour that gives you resistance to the cold, or you'll be in a constant cycle of getting sick and freezing to death. Making campfires every couple dozen steps just to warm yourself. In shorter terms, this game can be intense. It is a challenge, but once you finally beat that dungeon or kill that enemy you feel rewarded. There is a great sense of completion in such a challenging game, especially when you get an amazing drop.

My favourite element about this game is the freedom it gives the players. There is no stat system and no class system, you simply progress by getting better gear and by getting better yourself. You may buy abilities and spells for a certain class and later decide to switch to something different, this is a stress free process. As long as you have the silver for the gear, and for the new abilities it's easily do-able. I play this game with a friend, and the co-op experience is easy going. One of the biggest attractions is that this is a souls-like combat game but with an actual cooperative experience, where two people can progress in the same world, share gear and the like.

I recommend this game to anyone looking for a challenge, a game with a little more depth than just dying to a boss and respawning to immediately try again. If you die or get knocked in this game your max health and stamina are lowered until you sleep, punishing you for recklessness or your lack of preparation. If questing for hours on end through a linear progression to get better gear and exp to progress isn't enough for you anymore, then this is a game you should try. I would personally rate it a 9/10, as it gives me everything I have been looking for in a game. A general rating for the game may be something like a 7.5/10, as it is significantly challenging and the graphics are around average. I would also suggest not googling things as often as you usually would, the immersion of finding out things yourself is a lot more interesting and immersive.
107 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 23:15
I'm so tired of fast, easy, cheap, dumbed-down game play that takes away from the experience for the sake of convenience. In that regard, this game is like a breath of fresh air. If you like a game that offers immersion and challenge, this one is definitely worth checking out!

I love that this game:
- focuses on exploration, survival, resource management, and preparedness; simply trekking through the wilderness is a major challenge of the game. It is not simply assumed that you reach your destination.
- doesn't hold your hand; it's challenging and requires you to use your head. charging blindly into an unknown situation is the surest way to fail.
- doesn't have quest markers, way points, fast travel, maps with player markers on them, and other immersion breaking short cuts; you have to figure out where you are, where you are going, how to get there, and what to look for, yourself. You will quickly become well acquainted with the game world in this way, making it feel more alive and relevant.
- has a game world, lore, story, and characters that are interesting, and that have been thought through and not simply slapped together.
- combat is dangerous, risky, and lethal, making it more rewarding when you are victorious. Think dark souls.
81 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 12:12
After 31 hours I must say the game is highly entertaining. I would give it 50% rating. Here's why:

Positive about it:
+ Great Fantasy atmosphere
+ Interesting Minecrafty crafting system ( combine = certain result )
+ Backpack dropping before combat otherwise penalties
+ immersive, because of needs: sleep, food, water and disease contraction
+ Whimsical items and witty jokes and wordplays
+ A very unique and sometimes strange fantasy world (no orcs and elves but setting specific monsters )
+ weather conditions heavily impact ability
+ You are not a special little snowflake with powers. You are a run of the mill guy / girl and very meek

- Vast and EMPTY worlds
- horrible soundtrack, very repetative
- Graphics aren't up to speed
- Limited character creation options
- Quest are few and far between and somewhat odd
- You are asked to make major choices in the storyline, without really learning anything about the faction.
- You spend a lot of time just running through the map and although this is fun in the beginning it becomes tedious.

I am still going to continue playing this game for a bit, but I can tell that I am starting to lose interest, due to the vast empty worlds and lack of quests and interaction. It was fun to try, but it lost its shine very quickly.
1303 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
14949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 21:27
Outward is a mix of survival game and open-world action RPG. I have over 200 hours of playtime for this game and I had a lot of fun with it, so you'd think a recommendation goes without saying. But it's not that simple. Outward is a genuine mix of two genres, meaning the game no longer fits either of them but it's the first game in a brand new genre.


A story isn't what you'll be playing Outward for. The narrative is extremely basic. You start the game with a family debt to resolve. You're told there are three factions in the world that can help you deal with your problem. So, off you go…

How the main quest plays out depends on which of the three factions you join and some choices you make during the game. But don't expect much storytelling from the main questline. Each of the faction's questline consists of just four quests that require only a few actions but require a LOT of running back and forth between locations in the four large zones of the game.

The side quests are laughable. They're scarce and almost all of them are repeatable Fed-Ex quests. There are only a few actual sidequests and I found their narrative and their rewards unsatisfying.


As for the 'survival' side of Outward, you'll have the following elements to take into account:
- weather: you need clothing, spells, food or potions to keep you warm or cold depending on the surroundings.
- hunger: you need to eat and you need to eat wisely because e.g. eating raw meat may cause disease, whereas eating cooked meat doesn't carry that risk. You can combine ingredients to create dishes that restore more health over time and may even add buffs to your character. All food rots over time.
- thirst: you need to hydrate. Water is abundant in most zones but only clean water is safe to drink. Sea water needs to be boiled over a campfire to extract the salt. The first time I drank river water, which sounded safe enough, I got an indigestion which needs to be cured by drinking a tea you can brew or buy from a merchant.
- sleep: you need to sleep regularly. When sleeping out in the wild, you have a chance to get ambushed while sleeping.
- no manually saving the game!

Running around while hungry, thirsty or sleepy will put a penalty on your stats. Running around while cold or hot will make you sick. Eventually, you'll die from these conditions if you don't treat them.

As for the 'open-world action RPG' side of Outward, you have quests, factions, choices that influence how the game plays out, merchants, skill trainers, dungeons (often with a boss monster), armor and weapons with stats, elemental damage and resistances, etc. The game is truly open world, meaning you'll encounter easy and hard monsters wherever you go, so you have to know when to fight and when to run, or which buffs may help you win the fight.

You have to decide which character build you want. There are 8 classes (+2 with the DLC). You can learn the first-tier skills of all the classes but you can learn second-tier and third-tier skills of only three classes. Also, there's a special skill for each weapon type. The problem with all this is that you only have 8 quickslots so you need to choose wisely which active skills you want access to during combat.

Outward offers the three basic types of combat: melee (one-handed, two-handed or one-handed with shield), ranged (bows and pistols) and magic (fire, ice, electric). You can specialize in one of these or create a hybrid build. Some weapon types seem to be much stronger than others but in the end everything goes. It all depends on your personal preferences: the character build you're going for and the weapon types that best fit your playstyle.

Outward has no XP or level up system. Silver, the game's currency, acts as your XP since it limits which skills you can 'buy' (learn) and what gear you can afford (buy or craft).

An essential aspect of Outward is crafting. You can craft weapons, armor, food and potions. There are tons of craftable items that offer great stats or buffs but the problem is your backpack has a limit to how much weight it can carry. So you need to choose wisely what to carry with you, taking into account what region of the game world you're going to. During your adventures, you'll find backpacks that can carry more weight but you'll always have to be picky about what to lug around.

There's no fast travel in Outward so preparing for the circumstances you may encounter in the area you're going to is key to your survival. Of course, you'll find resources while adventuring but not everything is always readily available and if you want to be able to prepare food or potions on the fly you'll need to carry a cooking pot and an alchemy set with you, both of which are heavy items.

Just as the survival aspect of the game isn't as fleshed out as full-fledged survival games, neither is the RPG aspect. Personally, I think Outward lacks quests. There are a couple of dozens of dungeons in the game, but if you just follow the quests, you'll only visit a few of them. Sidequests could be an incentive to actually explore a dungeon that is now left unexplored because the reward of tackling a frustratingly difficult dungeon doesn't outweigh the time nor the consumables it would take you to complete it.

Because of this, Outward is a game where you need to make your own adventures. If you're not into exploration of a game world when nothing or nobody requires you to explore most of that world, you'll finish the game in a couple of dozens of hours and you will only have seen maybe 20% of Outward. I'm hoping for a second installment of this game but I urge the developers to add more quests, inviting the player to explore more of the world they created simply by encouraging and rewarding the player for doing so.

Another thing I'd like to see in Outward 2 is XP rewards and a level system for our character. Mind you, to keep the game truly open world the level system wouldn't need to be elaborate or have a major impact. But it would encourage people to play longer and, once again, it would encourage players to explore more of the world. As it is now, I found myself having all the gear I wanted for my character build and having plenty of the very best consumables when I had barely explored half of the game world.

Graphics and sound

The graphics and animations are extremely serviceable for an indie game. I couldn't even believe this game was made with Unity. If Unity ever wants to run an ad showing people the limits of what their engine can do, Outward is definitely the game to show. It really looks like a game between AA and AAA, something I thought impossible to achieve using Unity after having played dozens of Unity-made games.

Outward's music is nice and atmospheric. The only minor downside would be that there are only 4 large zones (5 with the DLC) so the music can get repetitive but I never found it annoying.

Sound effects are top-notch for a Unity-based indie game, although there were some actions that produce no sound at all, which is probably due to time restraints or forgetfulness.

On Steam's extra features

Outward has 6 Steam Trading Cards. You'll get 3 while running the game.

The 60 Steam Achievements are hard to 100%. First of all, a relatively large number of them (16) can only be unlocked if you own the DLC. Next, a decent number of them (16 again) require you to play through the game having joined each of the three factions, so it will require you three playthroughs to unlock all of them.

The remaining half of the achievements can be unlocked by just playing the game and performing some (optional) actions, except for a couple of challenging achievements that either require you to complete the game without dying once (near impossible) or force you to play co-op so as to heal a companion.
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 11:22
I have played quite a bit of Outward, and I can definitely say that it isn't an easy game. I've spent most of my time actually try to learn the game and the mechanics against the different enemies and bosses and honestly, it was really annoying to die all the time and it made me want to give up completely on playing this game, but eventually I got better and started to really enjoy the game.
Anybody that has enough patience is able to play this game and beat it in few hours, even days because honestly this game is also kind of long, there is so much things to do depending the area you are in.
Also when playing with other people, you need to be careful with who you play because most of your stuff can be stolen, but this is really only the bad point about Outward

To resume it : Outward is like a mix between a modern Skyrim and a Dark Souls, it is hard, it feels medieval and it's really relaxing to play when you get the mechanics and know what you have to do.
522 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 20:05
Game you can enjoy alone or with your friend, relaxing yet hard to play at the same time. Story is rich, environment beautiful, it worth every minute spent playing it (and it doesn't let you stop). I highly recommend it to every adventurer who like challenges
404 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 17:25
Still trying to reach level 2.
144 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 00:43
If you like the sound of a hardcore adventuring survival rpg then this game is for you! I love everything about it the combat, the magic and the graphics! The survival aspect is very in depth. The combat reminds me of Dark Souls a bit, you have to really think about what you're doing. THE EXPLORATION! Wanna go somewhere ? Start walking. No map marker and no fast travel. Figure it out yourself! I LOVE IT!
543 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 14:23
Highly recommended. In today's gaming environment I start every game with healthy dose of suspicion, However my suspicious nature was quickly put aside, for the moment, when shortly after starting the game the towns folk surrounded me and demanded 'blood money' in return for my right to to keep my own house. A lighthouse which had been in my family for generations.

What ever their reasons, any loyalty for this community had been dashed on the rock from the get go. I pretty much just headed for the gate, straight out of the town into the wilderness. Again the town proved to be something of a prison and denied me leave. I was forced to see the town leader, some woman looking out for her own position and in return hinted I may take over that powerful position. After trying to loot her house I again headed back down to the gate hopeful that I could get away.

Finally I was out side. Life suddenly became seriously tough. Fighting wasn't an option as I was literally a disabled man with no skills. Body management was something I had to constantly think about. I needed to to make sure I had food and shelter. Life was very tough in the beginning, nearly impossible. I ended up heading back to town in hopes of selling my loot acquired from hunting and scourging, I finally threw in the towel and payed the blood money for my house back. By that time I knew how to make money and my house was a great place to store gold and loot.

My fighting skill improved and I was able to travel very far taking me to a new kingdom where there was some kind of political meeting. There I met the leader from my village and other king and leaders. I don't really know what was going down but I was asked make a choice. I had to support my leader’s country or choose another. Of course I chose to support another kingdom and headed out to their capital city immediately. There, I ended up buying a second house and made plans to move all my wealth from the light house to this new city.

After a weeks I finally made a decision to set out on the long journey back to my first house. The journey was extremely hard and taxing on my body but nothing I couldn't handle. Finally after days of travel I arrived back at the gate to the light house town and my heart immediately sank. The town was destroyed. All that loot and wealth lost, including the entire lighthouse. To top it off I had taken only enough provisions to get to my lighthouse in hopes of trading for new provision for the return trip. I WAS TRAPPED. I immediately became as poor as I had first been when they demanded blood money from me. However I knew how to survive… and fight.

Days passed as I lived off the land. I finally found a place to cook, trade and prepare for the long journey back to the new kingdom. I set off and traveled through two separate kingdoms before reaching my new home.

It was time to get political. I wanted people dead for screwing with my life. I decided to meet the king and discuss what was going on.

A short meeting with the king had me on my way again back to anther meeting with leaders. People were being assassinated around me and old blood feuds seem to be the reason. I just wanted a target. Finally I was given that target. I headed out into the desert to murder someone who was trying to bring down my new kingdom. I took care of business then returned to the kingdom which was now ON FIRE! There was a civil war! I didn't want to lose my wealth again so I ran to my house and grabbed my gold silver and loot. It was very heavy. I then ran to protect the royal family. Just before I got to the king and queen I dropped my bag of wealth so I could protect them without that heavy gold weighing me down. The king was struck a lethal blow just before i killed the traitor. The king was in bad shape but still alive. I rushed him with the queen to a neighboring kingdom for some medical help, however I forgot my bag of wealth.

We arrived in the neighboring kingdom and the king was helped by a deity. His spirit was placed inside the queens mortal body and they existed as one. Since they were both safe I rushed back to the royal palace to retrieve my bag of wealth. However upon arriving I found it completely gone. Frantic to retrieve my wealth I rushed back to the king in hopes of finding my bag there. Of course it wasn't there. Two lives of hard work completely gone.

I lost all hope. I wandered away, in a random direction far from burning lighthouse town and even the new kingdom i felt empty and alone. My mind struggled to put a new plan together and I suddenly stopped and just stared at a magnificent sunset. It didn't matter anymore. This was the end.
491 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 04:02
Slaughtering bandits with the boys is always good fun
80 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
25482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 07:16
A well paced survival adventure fantasy game with plenty of freedom to explore large areas and play in the style of your choice. Game play is strong with stamina being key to every action you perform. Every weapon has a different style and there are good effects to make your moves feel impactful. Graphics have some bugs, with some terrain and effects not being quite right or very obviously forced seam-fully together, but the vistas overall are grand. The music is great, using orchestral scores to set the mood for every different region. I have played through multiple times and enjoyed each. This is definitely not a hack-n-slash, but if you enjoy thoughtful play and exploration/adventure you will likely enjoy this game.
246 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 13:36
I cant Recommend this game till it fixes the bug that insta delete half or more of ur inventory. I had 2 tribal favour 2k gold and tons of things, i was okey with it but i cant farm tribal favours again so its a game breaking bug because i need both tribal favours for late game!

Please fix the game so people can enjoy multiplayer together!
149 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 18:26
There is something to be said for a game that doesn't hold you hand. This game removes a lot of game mechanics in favor of realism, which at first is really engaging. You have to gather firewood, manage your hot/cold level based on the weather and time of day, you can get infected with disease and your inventory is both small and crucial. This was fun at first, but the lack of things like save states, friendly interfaces and reliable healing makes this game a slog. You are constantly taking damage but there are very few ways for you to regain it without jumping through a prolonged series of hoops. A single enemy strike removes more health than a single crafting healing item can restore, so you eventually die and have to deal with losing time, items and money. The consequences for failing are too steep and you have no motivation to crawl your way back to where you were two hours ago. In dark souls, an enemy killing you results in your souls being dropped near the enemy, but in this game, you can lose your armor AND weapon after dying, meaning you cannot fight your way back to where you died to recover any lost items. I was having a good time until I got stuck to the same low level enemy who stole the high level weapon I needed to progress in the game. I had the choice to slowly walk halfway across the map to a lower level area, grind for several hours to purchase a weapon that would give me a fighting chance to POSSIBLY beat the same enemy, or I could just stop playing, and this game gave me no incentive to keep playing. You die once and you fail all your quests, lose all your items and have to walk slowly across half of the giant empty map just to try a second time. This is now how you encourage players to keep going, it feels like the game just wanted to be hard so it could claim to be a souls-like. It isn't a challenge that relies on skill or determination, it it just tedious busywork. Go collect berries that are 1 coin each to repurchase that 200 coin axe you need to deal enough damage to take on the level 1 enemies in the starting area. Oh and if you die to those low level enemies you lose the axe and have to go collect berries again. Piss off.
184 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
11529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 18:10
For anyone who thinks that they would like this game, but are discouraged by the mixed reviews: just give it a chance. It took me a while to try it, but now it's one of the first games in years I've put this many hours into.

I can understand some of the mixed reviews: combat is clunky, occasionally you just get rng'ed, etc....

But the large majority honestly just don't seem to have put any effort into learning the game. If you are truly dying nonstop, you're doing something wrong.

The entire game is about being weak and having to plan and scheme and trick your way through. If you're just running head first into mobs... of course you're dying. You're playing it wrong.

Only take fights you know you can win, run past unnecessary damage, lure enemies away for a 1v1, get enemies to fight each other, etc.

The entire point is that you're supposed to be a regular person, not a hero who can just dive into a 1v5 and dominate.

Additionally... there seem to be a lot of people with unreasonable expectations here. This game is exactly what it says it is. Not Skyrim, not Dark Souls, etc. Stop holding it to a standard you made up in your head. It's like walking into a pizza place and getting mad they don't serve sushi.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 19:53
Outward is a game that will not hold your hand. You are expected to figure things out, use your intuition, and experiment in your own ways.

I see a lot of the negative reviews here complain about parts of the game that, when gone into with some logic, are parts of the game that require you to extrapolate.

With nearly sixty hours, one full run through in single and in multiplayer, the best advice I can give is to look at all the resources you have at your disposal and use your head.

You are no Chosen One. You are not special. You are merely human.
513 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 14:39
Armed with a friend and a lot of patience, Outward can be a very nice survival RPG. If you like sandbox-like exploration games, you'll have a blast in this one. Be prepared to die a lot, do a lot of mistakes, to the point of event restarting your whole campaign to make optimal decisions. Also be aware that a fair amount of research is necessary outside the game to fully understand the world, the lore, and more generally, how to play and have fun without wandering around aimlessly for hours. With these right circumstances, Outward can be a really fun and immersive experience.
68 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 08:21
With a friend? A great and perilous journey. Without one? A great and perilous nap.
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 02:50
Outward is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. The struggle is real in the beginning. I had to learn how to read a map and learn how to survive in its world the hard way. The amount of times I’ve died, been robbed, enslaved, and gotten sick from the various diseases is countless. I’ve never been so immersed in another world as much as I have been with Outward over these past few months. The fact that you are a nobody in the beginning and are left to make a name for yourself really drew me in.

This isn’t a game for everyone. The survival mechanics will probably turn allot of typical RPG people away. But they are what make this game feel so real to me. I have so many stories that just happened naturally as I explored this game. People may also be turned off by how unforgiving the game can be at times. It doesn’t tell you everything that is happening in the world around you which to some people may be irritating but that’s how things work. There are no telephones or ways to communicate across the fast world… if you don’t happen to be some where at the right time or fail to get something done in the time your given the game will continue on and you will suffer the consequences.

I don’t want to spoil anything but I will say that the magic system in Outward really is something unlike any other game I’ve played. The thought that needs to be put into your spells and the effort that needs to be made to even utilize your magic is a quest of its own which you could completely miss if your not paying close attention.

When I first started playing this game I told my friends that it felt like a mix between Dark Souls and Fable. There are elements of both those games in Outward but after playing this game for as long as I have, I can honestly say there is no other game like this right now. Despite it’s imperfections, Outward has become one of my favorite games of all time.
82 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 04:22
This game is difficult getting started but definitely makes you feel as if you're going on an adventure. So far I'm enjoying it.

This game is underrated in my opinion and while I'd love to see this game more developed than it is. Buying this game should help the future titles from this Dev. The complexity of choices and quest timers make paying attention to conversations more than important. There is a decent amount of exploring to do and the game requires multiple playthroughs to experience every angle of this game. I very much like this concept. I look forward to seeing what this developer does in the future.

Second Edit:
A few bits of advice. Once you finish up your beginner stuff in Cierzo you have time, as much as you want. Once you pick a faction the race is on. That is as much as I'll say as not to spoil anything. My advice take your time get some cash and resources together, you'll need them. Pay attention to the hints given, if someone reminds you about a place or a person it's a hint, if the game throw weapon augmenting things in a dungeon it's usually a hint.
199 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 01:18
>Just bought the game
>Boot it up for some co-op with my buddy
>Get our asses kicked leaving the city gates
>Kidnapped by bandits
>Spend a solid 20 minutes trying to break out of a bandit camp
>Decide we wish to be wizards
>Spend the next 6 hours dying, being kidnapped, resurrected by strangers and overall having a rough time
>Finally become W I Z A R D S
>Leave the magical mountain
>Get kidnapped in some crazy fortress we decided to raid with our newfound powers
>Died. Died a lot and became mining slaves
>Lost all our gear about 7 hours in now
>Decided to start new characters
>Became wizards and got better gear in less than 45 minutes

This game really beats your ass up and forces you to live with the consequences, but if you grit your teeth and keep picking yourself up, it's truly an amazing experience. Don't let your first run beat you down. Learn from your mistakes, get back up and become..

237 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 19:09
> Got jumped by bandits when I left the first town
> Got captured
> Failed an escape attempt
> Captured again.
> Escaped finally
> Missed deadline to pay rent.
> I am now homeless
> Eat crabseed berries under a bridge now

35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 01:51
Outward is the most balanced survival adventure rpg I've found to date.

Concerning difficulty, it is challenging, but not overly punishing.

Story-wise it's perhaps a little light, but then again, at 26 hours I've barely pursued the main quest-lines, and have primarily explored the starting region (1 of 5).

I still feel like I'm a beginner, so I'd say there's plenty of hours of fun to be had here.

Don't expect AAA studio quality, it has plenty of quirks, but it's still a gem of a game.

Hands down the top selling point for me, however, is the split-screen multiplayer. My wife and I enjoy playing games together, but not many offer PC split-screen these days, especially not RPGs.
102 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 23:41
I'd say play an hour and see how you like it,
but it feels like an Early Access Title to me.
Outwards is unpolished in all aspects.
From voice acting to gameplay, to enemy AI, graphics and animations, all of it needs more work for it to call itself a finished product.

Overall it's not a terrible game but I'd say it's too expensive at $40 considering that there are better games in this genre with more functions and content for the same price, if not cheaper. I'd say it's at best a $15 title.

Issues I discovered in the first few minutes:
- If you walk a against a wall your character's arm goes limb and glitches all over the place.
- Motion Blur makes the game almost unplayable as it cause major frame drops. (Specs: GTX1080, i7 current gen)
- Not quite the enemy AI you'd expect from this sort of action combat style. I was expecting more complexity.
- The town you start in feels very out of place and artificial. You can walk against NPCs and push them around, you could pile them up in a corner if you wanted to, which ruins the immersion right from the start.
- The voice acting is there and the voices sound good but they tend to not say the same thing as the text implies which could make you lose some context and information when you choose to ignore the written option.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 11:13
Playing 100% co-op with my wife; overall most enjoyable experience we've had gaming for a long while. The systems and mechanics are deep and well-thought out, and lead to challenging but fair and balanced gameplay.

There are lots of decisions and genuine trade-offs to make, which keep things interesting and make accomplishments feel very rewarding.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 20:16
It's awesome! Have been playing with my husband and it's the first game - in over 10 years - that reminds me of how WoW did when we first started... the excitement/uncertainty/feeling like 'badies.' I love that the game is surprising, not easy and inspires a sense of exploration.
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 06:11
This game is brilliant, having said that it's not for everyone.

I played solo and it was tough ... really tough. I had a free day and played most of that day just trying to figure it out. I died ... A LOT. It reminded me of the first time a played dark souls thinking it was a standard RPG and was murdered by a monkey. In this game I stepped outside of the first town and was murdered ... by a chicken, feels bad for me. BUT once you get your head around the game it's epic. It combines great elements of RPG, survival and combat. It encourages exploration in a way most open world games don't these days. The loot feels rewarding and there is genuine difficulty even once your levelled in overcoming enemies and moving through an area or quest.

I played the base game and plan to by and play the DLC. Will update review then.
485 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 00:33
The first time my boyfriend and I tried this game, we died horribly to bandits right as we left town. We promptly quit the game and neglected it for over a year.

My now husband and I on a whim, decided to give it another go, and even though we again died brutally and then and lost our home, we kept pushing onward (and OUTWARD) . Turns out we were missing out.

This game has a nice old-school feel to it. I still get a kick out of the adventurous music that plays as we step out of town to begin another journey.

While we completely stomp the bandits that once tormented our newbling adventurers, it took some trial and error, some baiting one group of enemies to another, lots of slowly walking home with all the loot we could jam into our packs, and yes, lots of getting our asses handed to us.
117 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 09:17
For years I have been searching/waiting for an rpg game to give me a sense of adventure and not linear story driven adventure, but a forge your own path adventure.

What I like the most is when at night you stop and start a campfire on a cozy hill and just enjoy the scenery and take in all of the things you did that day.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 02:36
game should be priced around 10 dollars max considering it is riddled with game breaking bugs that havent been fixed in its now extended lifetime. ive been here since the beginning reaching out to developers and talking on the discord and its very apparent they have become content with making a quick buck and bailing like most larger companies. tldr, avoid the game. and avoid the company in general until something changes dramatically
185 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 23:29
Outward... a title that sparked an enormous amount of interest based on the advertised premise of the story and the equally rewarding as it is punishing gameplay.

While this game doesn't lack in charm, it severely lacks in developer support. I played this game for countless hours alone and with friends, enduring the myriad of bugs, oversights, game-breaking glitches, wildly imbalanced weapons/skills and even the poor networking configuration that was implemented for co-op and It's a rough journey -- not because of the brutal mechanics of the game, but the brutal disregard to produce a functional title.

This game has been released for over a year and instead of attempting to resolve any of these conflicts, they add in a extremely small amount of free content and release $20 DLC on top of the $40 price of the game itself. I thoroughly recall enjoying the game on release even with all the issues to stomach -- but coming back to it after almost a year's hiatus, there are seemingly an abundantly enormous amount of even more issues to tolerate with this particular title.

Let's start with the small stuff first:
-The graphical errors and poor terrain and model placements. It really seems like the developers just were placing down these resources as fast as they possibly could without bothering to monitor the results; floating grass is all over the place, the terrain chunks they pieced together overlap each other at every turn -- you cannot go 30 meters in-game without coming across any floating grass or terrain overlapping.
-NPCs are placed in seemingly random and uncalculated locations, leaving their idle animations clipping through walls or leaving them facing a cliff or wall instead of overlooking the large environment.
-Pistols have a visual error when using them that was pretty rare back during release but now it's near-guaranteed to have your bullet appear to sling in multiple random directions as well with the real bullet that is aimed at your target.

I've never encountered a game that has so much disregard to the visual aspects of their games, especially when issues like these are the easiest issues to fix among all the other problems with the game.

The next set of issues is the AI and the meta:
-The AI is honestly laughably simple and since they developed a poor AI, they hide the simplicity of their design by making nearly every enemy you encounter later on just insanely powerful, no matter the set of armors and buffs you apply, you risk being one-shot by a single enemy or ganked by a small group at any point but is fairly easy to avoid due to the AI being so poor.
-The game revolves around melee combat, in fact, the whole concept of the game pretty much caters to you performing melee attacks but you soon discover that melee is just too risky to invest in and requires an incredulous amount of prep in order just to combat a very specific scenario -- magic is pretty much the only reasonable method to actually invest into considering the survivability and the mega damage output you are able to do. The only other method of fighting that can even keep up with the magic-users are using the guns available to use in-game, but requires you to have the largest pocket/bag space possible just to make it work.

And lastly, I'll cover the most prominent issues/bugs/glitches:
-Currently, the bows in the game DO NOT WORK in multiplayer: upon drawing the bow for a shot, the game will frequently encounter network errors during that animation and will DESYNC you from the session and results in you being unable to perform any actions whatsoever until you reload the game save, it happens whether you're the host or the guest.
-Hardcore Mode enables perma-death and will roll for a percentage modifier to attempt to delete your game -- this being available in the game is just an insult to its consumers, considering that so many bugs and issues have been so prominent in the game and can easily result in your death at any moment with no level of skill or interaction to be able to prevent these occurrences.
-Infamous backpack glitch that makes it fall through the floor upon dropping it and the debug method they have in place to rectify this issue seemingly works at random with no consistent method of launching in debug mode.
-This game was designed from the ground-up to be co-op but for some reason, there isn't a single skill/spell/action to interact with your partner (besides bringing an ally up from a downed state).
-The DLC gives you access to another large map which contains new weapon schematics, enemies and a new environment to play around in and unfortunately the DLC weapons are only available to individuals who own the DLC itself, despite the fact that having these weapons in the base game would trivialize it and if non-DLC owners *could* use these new weapons it would result in people wanting to purchase it themselves, considering that a partner cannot take you to the new area if you do not own the DLC itself. Just the fact that the price tag is so high for the new content and there are so many restrictions of accessing it as well as all the oversights and issues that have gone intentionally ignored and unresolved is a bold move and clearly shows that they are simply scheming for monetization.

This game really has a incredibly fun loop and could still rectify these mistakes, but 9 Dot Studios will have to make this decision and act on it, but after over a full year of waiting and discovering these developers release very minor free content as well as full-priced paid content whilst the errors and issues since launch have gone unresolved, I'm no longer going to hold my breath on this game becoming a palpable title.
124 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 02:35
First impression: I'm a fan. Thought, I think this may be a specific taste as it is very punishing and time consuming. It's very focused on survival, and you can 'die' very easily unless you spend a lot of time preparing. If you don't like games with a focus on survival, you probably won't enjoy this one. I agree with a lot of the reviews though - when you DO accomplish something... it really feels like an accomplishment - you definitely have to earn everything.

That being said - some of it feels clunky to me - movement is a bit awkward and voice acting definitely isn't polished ( or complete ). I note that some players enjoy this better turning off the voice acting. I was a bit disappointed in the character designs and customization ( VERY limited ).
802 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 17:46
Hey, Hey, People
219 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 10:26
I bought this for me and my husband to play together, it is exactly the brutal survival game we desired with just enough story and motivation to keep going. That is until we noticed that we were losing items for no reason, turns out it is a well known bug and it just hasn't been fixed. Losing hard earned items in this brutal game is deadly. The game also has some odd bugs when we wake from sleeping and the other person is viewed to be on the ground crawling but their screen you are doing that and they are normal, which is fixed by lying down again... Overall this game is very fun and we enjoyed the experience but couldn't commit to it if it was going to punish us by taking away hard earned items.
207 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 20:53
Literally some of the ugliest faces I have ever seen in character creation for such a beautiful game.

I will admit this game could've been way better. I found that you focus way too much on inventory management and sleeping/eating etc than actually playing the game and exploring.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 08:11
One of the best and most interesting RPGs I've ever played. The survival mechanic is great, and unlike other games, does not become negligible at higher levels -- it's always something you have to keep in mind. Furthermore, the game has a very interesting way with magic that seems very balanced, as well as fun to learn. There are so many little mechanics and small things you learn along the way that are very neat, and it's a game that promotes playing through multiple times, creating characters with different stories and different play styles.
Also the multiplayer aspect (which isn't a focus of the game at all, you can 100% play solo), which is implemented as almost an afterthought, is kind of exactly what feels right. Just allowing a buddy of yours to join your world and help you out on a difficult dungeon is kind of exactly what feels perfect in a game like this. Great job.
I'd recommend this game for people who just want a fun play-a-bit-here-and-there RPG style game, as well as for people who like to immerse themselves in a game's mechanics and min-max a character build. Great game.
Cons: A little buggy at times with multiplayer, but nothing that isn't manageable with easy workaround.
9/10 really great game.
164 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 12:53
Cool concept but the combat system is utter trash. purely frustrating. Clearly amateurish in its design. the snail-paced gameplay loop will give you a headache. was a cool idea but poor execution.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 14:04
When i first started playing it , i hated it . enemies were had to beat, understanding and learning food,water, you can overheat from the burning sun and caught a cold if your out in that chilli breeze. your just a normal adventurer, taking on the world. Understanding if you get out numbered by a pack of hyenas you better start running or you're in for a bad time. Once you get your head around it , you'll realise just how amazing this game really is. Ive put about 60 hours into the game and still loving it. One of the best RPGs ive played in awhile, would recommend.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 13:53
So I've never done a review, but this game has moved my shrunken heart.
It is a masterpiece of the genre. It really does feel like an emersive adventure. I'm new to the survival aspect with my background mostly being WOW/skyrim/diablo/runescape, but I really enjoy the sense of immediacy it adds.
Being jaded from years of WOW, I love that there is a sense of vulnerability without straying into hopeless as it would be hard to enjoy the content if you could just breeze through it. I like that resources and money are very well balanced, not so abundant that it feels worthless, not so scarce that it feels like grinding.
The story-line is very well done and feels cohesive with the game-play, rather than a sideshow.
The combat is a little clunky at first, though there seems to be an abundance of options just a little into the game. Thankfully deaths are somewhat forgiving (you will likely die often before you get the hang of combat/ stronger weapons/armor/magic).
Overall, I'm blown away at how enjoyable this game has turned out to be, and it looks like I've only scratched the surface with more DLC on the way ^^.
269 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 22:54
This game is a masterpiece - 9.5/10

This game is a survival RPG like few others; think of your regular average Joe, and plop him in an RPG world, and that's basically what you're working with. No experience, no levels - you only get stronger and better through your own experiences, getting better equipment, and finding trainers throughout the world to gain skills and minor bonuses.

Gameplay: 10/10
The game has a relaxing, yet cautious atmosphere - you need to continuously go out and collect supplies: fish, ores, food, and seek out treasure in order to get more money to get more supplies and equipment. Traveling anywhere takes a lot of time, but it feels nice in a way. It feels realistic.

Battle is very hard. Battle is Souls-Like and very unforgiving, so you need to pick your fights well, and prepare thoroughly. Think you can take on a group of 3 or 4 bandits at the start of the game because they're close to the starting town? You'll probably regret that when you wake up elsewhere after being defeated.

Speaking of defeat, there's two modes: normal, and hardcore.
In Normal, when you are defeated there are numerous different outcomes: you might be rescued by a fellow traveler, imprisoned by bandits, or left out in the cold. Your time spent unconscious however will degrade the food items you have with you, and defeat will degrade all your equipment's durability.

In Hardcore, the same applies, except there's also a 20% your character will outright die, causing the character and the savefile to be deleted completely. Don't pick this unless you're really serious about it.

Environments/Sound: 9/10
The world is HUGE and beautiful. I've spent 35 hours in the first region, Chersonese alone, and I'll probably be there for at least another 10 hours before I move on to the next region.

There's some ambience and music, but not much, I suppose to add to the realism, as you don't have theme music wherever you walk in real life. However, I think some more ambient sounds would be better, like animal sounds, wind, etc. Adding some critters/birds/etc would be a nice aspect too, as the world is fairly barren except for enemies and NPCs.

There's plenty of places to explore, whether is be mountains, caves, dungeons, bandit camps, towns, and more. And yet, you can't just visit every place all willy-nilly. You need to have ample supplies just to get around, deal with enemies, and also deal with environmental conditions if necessary (winter is very real and very challenging to deal with. I have never played another game where I have felt so relieved for spring to arrive).

Story: ?/10

I haven't actually gotten very far in the story yet, so I feel I can't judge this aspect as of yet.

Overall, I have to say this has become one of my all-time favourite games, and I highly recommend this game to anyone who might be interested by reading this review.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 11:38
I truly enjoyed this game. I played through all of the factions. It was a great co-op experience and I recommended it to multiple friends. I do wish it was possible to do more than 2 player co-op without a mod, but I understand there has to be a limit. One of my favorite multiplayer moments was watching a friend drop dead in the desert because he was not paying attention to the heat.

I look forward to purchasing the DLC when it comes out so I can continue my Aurai adventures!
140 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 15:13
I was personally disapointed, not by the game itself which is stunning and beautifull, but the lack of information given about the co-op function of the game. Me and my brother bought this, thinking it would be an awesome game to play in co-op, but it was not...atleast not in the way we define the word. The game IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME, WITH a co-op function to help eachother out in dificult parts/areas, or if you just want to play a part together. Playing together from the start, is not a viable option. The person joining the other player, WILL NOT get the abilities, quests or gain any progress of ANY story for his/her own game. The joining player will only be abel to gather items etc. which they can bring back to their own game afterwords. This was A HUGE disapointment, which i feel should be informed of when buying the game, calling it a co-op.
215 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 04:00
Really like the whole idea, mood, and story of the game...but the mechanics are terrible. The only way to progress your character is to buy training. Unless silver starts falling out of the sky at some point, it is going to be a very long time before you get any stronger. Killing Hyeinas for days will get you barely enough to buy one skill and the thought of repeating that again makes me sick.

Also, I love how the store page videos only show one on one fights...the game's fighting mechanics work very well in those situations. However, you very rarely fight less than two enemies at a time and often more than two. They are proud of their no super powers in this game, but if you are faced with superior numbers...you need to have something to balance it out. Starting out you barely have gear and one hit will kill you. Buying a bow with your meager purse seems to be the only path in the early game and you will quickly buy up all the iron scraps to make more arrows...and you will not be able to make more money that what the arrows cost by killing the enemies that you can starting out.

I am sure that if you stick it out and keep sneaking around enemies you will find some hidden treasure that you can use to get stronger...but it is going to a very long, painful, and boring time to do so.
259 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
3291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 10:16
-CO-OP!!! SO much fun with a friend. Make co-op great again!!!
Haven't found much if any co-op games that delivers this kinda of experience. If there are, PLEASE tell me in the comments.
-You can play solo, but I'd imagine it's freaking hard.
-Good enough graphics to immerse yourself.
-Interesting story, though I NEED MORE! DLC coming!?
Also the story has a few different paths, so some reason for replays there.
-Combat was simple but fun enough. Difficulty varies from too easy to too hard, depending on your gear, play-style and the enemy. Also, you can always die, if you're not careful.
The magic was really complicated and the game gives NO information on how to actually do it. So you either learn it all by yourself (and probably make decisions you'll regret), or Google it.
-RPG elements were basic but plenty and give even more reason for replays! Because you can't be everything you want at the same time. You're going to have to make tough decisions.
-The open world isn't the biggest, but all the areas are different and look cool.

-I experienced some bugs. Dead enemies would spawn in the weirdest of positions and npc's in cities teleport around. My friend had fewer. So be prepared for bugs etc. Nothing game breaking though.
-Be prepared to walk... everywhere!
-More story and stuff to do please now immediately please NOW!
-No proper info to learn the magic system. PERSONALLY found it frustrating.
-NOT a major thing, but the game started losing it's flair the more I played. It didn't get annoying, but when you first start, there is that feeling of great adventure and excitement. The more you play, the more you walk walk and walk. The quests don't become more interesting and you kinda start crinding. Not much though, but something I wanted to mention.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 10:19
Really great mixture of RPG and survival elements. The open world of Outward is VAST and beautiful which makes running around the land fun and enjoyable. My advice to new players is this:
Don't use Wiki for this game to learn to cook or craft items, instead check every vendor in every town selling recipes of food armor and weapons cause its that more satisfying. Also this game is NOT linear progression wise, so you really can't go wrong with much which is PERFECT to explore to your heart's content. Enemies do have scary stats from time to time BUT combat wise they aren't much of a challenge. Despite that, what is probably the most rewarding part of this game is fighting new enemies, figuring out their patterns and weaknesses and overcoming the challenge.
Graphics: 10
Combat: 6.5/10
Content: 9/10
Story: 7/10
Worth every penny.
302 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 15:10
I avoided Outward based on most of the negative reviews regarding mechanics and melee combat. Given that my ankle is currently broken and I've been losing my mind, I decided to take the plunge anyway to purchase the game. At worst, I figured, I'd refund it within 2 hours if things really were as bad as people said they were. I mean hell, the game looks gorgeous (and it is).

They were wrong.

I see/feel nothing wrong with melee combat. It's all about timing, and I have yet to die to any enemy thus far. I've even already managed to completely wipe 2 dungeons, wait for them to respawn, then clear them again. Archery takes some time to get used to, but it's definitely passable. I don't know about magic usage since I don't tend to play mage-type characters. Either way, with limited passive/active skills, melee combat is nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. Blocking works perfectly fine, it plays like a slower version of Dark Souls, which really is the best comparison that can be made here. Sure, enemies can chain together moves a lot quicker than you can, but time them out. People who I see criticizing this are no doubt trying to rush the combat along and paying the price for their impatience. You must be patient with the combat in this game.

The survival mechanics are pretty much able to be ignored for the most part. You rarely get thirsty or hungry unless sleeping for hours on end; being hot, cold, or wet is only a worry if you have to sleep outside; stamina is a bit of a concern if you're always sprinting everywhere (your max stamina goes down semi-noticeably) and it's depletion rate is otherwise determined by your armor. Eating gives buffs, drinking gives buffs (even stam regen!), and sleeping gives buffs.

As far as people calling it a walking simulator, they obviously aren't going very far or they're avoiding encounters. Anytime I go out, I fight roughly 8-14 bandits or monsters, even toppling a few bandit lieutenants or heavily armored bandits. Going from place-to-place is never a bore, albeit perhaps tedious once you fight enough. Oh, and dungeons are pretty dope too.

Either way, I've managed to rake up 6k silver within hours just by grinding 2 dungeons and fighting enemies outside of town. I have yet to even take any of the two sides for the main quest in the starting town. So.. yeah. People are over-exaggerating their grievances with the game. Nothing anyone has said negatively about the game is actually THAT bad. At this point, the only thing I would change is how easy it is to grind for silver, and maybe at a keyboard binding for actual walking. Oh, and for this kind of game, I would more than appreciate a first-person view camera. For what this game is and offers, I consider it an oversight for the lack of that specific featurette.

Anyway, I recommend the game. I would still get it on sale if you can, but if you're on the fence and determined to buy it one way or the other, take the plunge. You'll get more of a feel for the game before your two hour refund window is up.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 23:39
If you like Skyrim and Dark Souls you might want to give this a try. It's like a baby between the two, and I freaking love it.
220 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 11:57
People say there is a steep learning curve with this game and it's 100% justified! If you are gonna play this try to get some to play it in coop with you for the first time too. I did it's more enjoyable and should help you push past the first few times you die! As there is no hand holding at all! Use youtube survival guides if you really need help, I know I did! :)

- First tip buy a Nomad backpack from the shop before you buy a weapon!
- Second money(silver) is scarce early game so sell anything and everything you can within reason.
- Third make sure you can read a map and use the lay of the land to match what's on the map, there are no way markers. My friend and I got lost a few times!

It's good fun, lots to learn and even more to do! So if you are up for a challenging game this is the one!
438 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 16:46
I didnt like the fighting system and the world felt empty besides the cities. Its annoying that you cant see where you are on the map. I also didnt like the death system which puts you on a random point on the map.
EDIT: gotta elaborate so others can understand my problems with the game better
i think fighting in outward is not fluid or enjoyable. you have to do constant dodge rolls and parries to not die in seconds. i literally restarted the game for about 10 times to beat the two hienas in the starting shipwreck section... the feedback on what you should do in fights is simply absent and the skills i got my hands on in the first 1-2 hrs were plain useless. also played through the tutorials and tried really much to like this game. otherwise i would not have purchased it. about the cool and immersive death system i can only add that i dont feel immersed when i die and wake up in an area where i cant even hit anything but i can get 1hit killed constantly so that i can be teleported to and killed at another f*cked place.:47_thumb_up:
56 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
8539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 17:17
A unique action game with RPG elements. Not for the faint of heart. This game is gruelingly difficult and does not hold your hand. No quest markers & no showing your location on the map. 3 different quest lines to pursue but only 1 quest line can be completed per play through. Your actions have serious effects on the world. I feel I got my $ worth.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 00:01
Well thought game, i still think its a bit overpriced, but it has a lot of potential, it has a rather short storyline, with much room for improvement, but interesting and with some twists, has some dificulty with the hardcore mode, which i strongly advise even with permadeath. The game has a lot of replayability, it even encourages it by placing legacy chests, allowing you to send gear towards new characters. I think the game can become a lot better with additional maps and more story driven quests, right now there is the main quest and only 3 major quests, there are a few minor quests and many repeatable quests, but they are very weak as content and narrative wise. I enjoyed the combat, it is very punishing which i like because it prevents you from facetanking everything, but at the same time, once you get used to enemy patterns it becomes rather easy, like any game i suppose. There is a nice talent system, you cant be good at everything which is cool, and it kinda forces you to specialize at something, specially because you can have only 8 quickslots, then changing weapons mid fight becomes a real commitment, i find it better to use a set kind of equipment and stick to it, and if you are playing hardcore you want at least one type of health potion assingned. Survival mode was very solid, i found it very good, if you prepare well you wont even feel the basic needs, and if you ignore it you will suffer the penalties, weather is more problematic, but still not very overwhelming, well done. Overrall i think its a great game, has a room for improvement, specially storywise, its not bad, just feels too short, still a very solid formula, rich world and looking forward for more patches and updates.
117 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
10289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 11:56

An RPG (with coop features, online and local) with some survival mechanics (bleeding, disease, cold, heat etc.) that starts you out as no different than the clueless low-level npc with trash gear.

You progress through the game via farming or looting for gear/money and using that money for buying skills and obtain better equipment, and learning how to carefully deal with the harsh environment and its mobs via experience. There is no death in this game but getting knocked out can result in many different scenarios from getting saved by a friendly npc to getting abducted by monsters/bandits and having to fend for yourself.

You do not level up in this game.

Damage and defense stats is based on gear, but from what I've experienced in the 24 hrs of gametime, the fights will mostly depend on your own performance during combat via being able to dodge/block/punish enemies at the right time, your gear and ability to take advantage of items will give you an upper-hand, although having the proper equipment for the job seems to matter to some extent (from what I've heard, you need some ethereal form of damage to take care of ghosts; elemental monsters are ofc resistant to their elements).

Combat in this game can be unforgiving.

Combat in this game is a bit clunky, the combat design is inspired by Dark Souls after all, it is unforgiving as a single mistake in combat can turn an encounter into a mess. This is my current thoughts on the combat:
I love that fighting low-tier mobs is actually dangerous when 3 or more show up (even if you have better armor they can still overwhelm you with numbers and taking hits at you while you are busy focusing on 1 of them) and you can't sweep them easily like other RPGs. And the low-tier bosses can deal significant damage, forcing you to play the fight carefully despite once again being better equipped. If you try to tank/trade hits alot (aka. get greedy with attacking), you will be in pain if it isn't a finishing blow, usually playing it smart and careful is the way to go. Even when it comes to magic, some spells should be prepared before an encounter so that the casting time does not give the enemy chance to stop you (sometimes they ambush you and you get put into a situation where you do not have the leisure to cast a spell, as a lot of good spells in this game require casting a sigil or a boon first before you start blasting magic).

Your character has to be careful of EVERYTHING that would threaten the typical NPC, and I love it.

As someone who played RPG games and felt like his character is too OP and that the weaker mobs are more of an annoyance than a threat, this game is amazing. Trekking through the desert or during the winter even requires proper gear or buff to travel safely. It's like the Skyrim experience of playing as the random NPC trying to make it BIG, and not the Dragonborn who is the literal president of every faction/group he joins and can move around naked in the tundra with no consequences.

My only problem with this game is that the early game will be tough for new players especially since you are introduced to the world with little to no knowledge of various mechanics in the game. The limited knowledge is what would make the early game grind a bit tough, the feel of the game is established once the player learns and is able to traverse across regions successfully, has found a way to make early game money, and succeeded to clear an early game dungeon.

I recommend watching some starting guides on youtube for this game before playing or buying, to get a feel for what to expect.
113 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 00:34
It's a great game. I would recommend playing it with a friend, so you can revive eachother. Right now 2 players are max, but there is a mod that lets you play 4 people together. Also mounts would be really nice, I know it's about traveling and all but holy f*** am I tired of walking the same road back and forth for the 100th time.
99 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
3061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 10:42
I bought this game to play it with my brother. The game it is a little slow, but we had a TON of fun with it. The world it is interesting and it creates a feeling of adventure.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.86% 12366 4607
Release:26.03.2019 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Nine Dots Studio Vertrieb: Deep Silver Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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