Für Fans des Aufbauspiel Ostriv ist es ein gutes Zeichen, der der ukrainische Entwickler geht es gut und kann scheinbar weiter an seinem Spiel arbeiten. Ein Beweis ist der heute erschienende Patch 4 für die Alpha 5.

- Newborn cows and sheep tended to die of hunger during summer
- Inappropriate behavior while building a bridge
- A case of white lines during tree chopping
- Wrong status text for those riding a wagon
- Random crashes on emptying buildings
- Ash didn't show as an available resource
- Treasury and Resources tab help wasn't translated to English
- Sand stacks were rendered wrong
- [for real this time] Weird pathfinding behavior around iron ore mines (will stay in old saves)
- Carters could get stuck in their job cycle for too long
- People who died of sickness could also die from old age to boot
- Some buildings near water had incorrect selection visuals
- Could put a newborn ox to work
- Foresters could stuck forever trying to carry a tree
- Carpenters didn't mind driving horseless wagons
- Draft animals in wagons and ploughs didn't age
- A crash on save in late game
- A random crash during planting decorative trees
- Couldn't empty stone storages
- Trade deals could get stuck in certain conditions
- Other minor fixes
Alle weiteren Änderungen können hier nachgelesen werden.