Join the Official ORION (Dankie) Discord Channel!
We also wanted to share some behind-the-scenes from the Discord via this Preliminary Cinematics (Real-Time) video:
Very excited about the new technology that will be powering all of our foreseeable projects at DANKIE (David+Frankie) and how dynamic, optimized and efficient it is.
This technology allows us to do more, make things prettier and tackle more aspects of development including areas we haven't been able to in the past, such as Cutscenes+Cinematics like these early preliminary tests are heading towards.
This is behind-the-scenes and very work-in-progress and we hope you enjoy^^
Join the Official #ORION Dankie Discord Channel
This new hub is for gamers, aspiring game developers, chat progress, rewards, prizes and more!
If you own either Guardians of Orion or ORION: Prelude you are eligible for loyalty discounts on upcoming projects. More information via the Discord!