Hello Observers!
This week Observer: System Redux is featured in the special Poland-themed Steam event with other games by our talented friends from our country.
To celebrate this occasion, we've prepared a discount for our game. Be sure to take advantage of the deal if you plan to experience its dark cyberpunk story.
What's more, we've prepared a number of facts related to Polish roots of our game so check it out below!
Here is the list of Polish references that you can find in the world of Observer!
The year is 2084...
The story of Observer: System Redux takes place in Kraków, Poland, in the year 2084.

Retro-futuristic Poland
The game's world draws inspirations from Polish culture and the decor of the late 1980s. This is reflected in the architecture, vehicles, technology, and items of everyday use. The world presented in Observer offers a true retro-futuristic depiction of Poland.

Protagonist's name
The main character's name, "Lazarski" has Polish roots, as surnames endings such as "–ski" or "–cki" are very common in Poland.

Same place, different story
The tenement, where the story unfolds, is a real location in the Old Town of Kraków, Poland. It is also the same place which is featured in another game by Bloober Team, The Medium.

Police car
The car belonging to the observer in the game, FSO "Polemos," is a fictional successor of the FSO "Polonez," produced in Poland. In 80 and 90s it was very often used as a police car.

Until next one!