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  • Observer: System Redux: Screen zum Spiel Observer: System Redux.
  • Observer: System Redux: Screen zum Spiel Observer: System Redux.
  • Observer: System Redux: Screen zum Spiel Observer: System Redux.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.11.2020
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Preis Update 08.03.22

Über das Spiel

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2084. Die Zukunft ist viel düsterer geworden, als man je hätte ahnen können. Es fing alles mit der Nanophage an. Einer digitalen Seuche, die Tausende und Abertausende von Menschen tötete, die sich für eine Augmentation ihres Geistes und Körpers entschieden.
Dann kam der Krieg, der sowohl den Westen als auch den Osten dezimiert und in Trümmern zurückließ. Mit niemandem, der die Macht ergreifen konnte, übernahmen die Konzerne die Kontrolle und erschufen ihre eigenen korrupten Imperien.

Du bist ein Werkzeug der korporativen Unterdrückung. Als gefürchteter und verachteter Hacker, dringst du in die dunkelsten Ecken der Köpfe deiner Verdächtigen. Du schleichst dich in ihre Träume ein, deckst ihre Ängste auf und holst alles heraus, was für deine Ermittlungen nützlich sein könnte.

Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Daniel Lazarski – einem Elite-Ermittler der Zukunft, der von der verstorbenen Cyberpunk-Ikone Rutger Hauer gespielt wird. Als Observer hackst du dich in die Köpfe von Verdächtigen ein, um Hinweise und Beweise zu sammeln. Alles, was sie fühlten, dachten oder woran sie sich erinnerten, kann und wird zum Lösen deines Falls verwendet werden.

Hacke dich mit einem Gerät, das als „Traumesser“ bekannt ist, in die Köpfe der Toten und Sterbenden, um ihre letzten Momente noch einmal zu erleben und ihre Ängste und Sehnsüchte zu erforschen. Tauch in diese verworrenen neuralen Labyrinthe ein und suche nach Hinweisen, die dich zu dem Mörder führen. Aber Vorsicht: Je tiefer du gehst, desto größer ist das Risiko, deinen eigenen Verstand zu verlieren.

Betritt eine von Krieg und Cyber-Plage heimgesuchte Welt, in der das Leben wertlos und die Hoffnung Mangelware ist. In der die meisten Menschen alles tun würden, um ihrer trostlosen Existenz zu entfliehen. Virtuelle Realitäten, bewusstseinsverändernde Drogen, Nervenimplantate – wähle dein Gift und lass dich in die selige Vergessenheit treiben. Doch denk dran, egal wie tief du gehst, vor einem Observer kannst dich niemals verstecken.

Observer-Veteranen können dank drei neuer Nebenfälle, die es zu lösen gilt, tiefer in diese dystopische Realität eintauchen. „Verirrtes Signal”, „Ihre furchterregende Symmetrie” und „Es liegt in der Familie” verleihe der Geschichte des Spiels mehr Tiefe, während sie zum Nachdenken anregende Themen einer Zukunft erforscht, die bald unsere Gegenwart werden könnte.

Darüber hinaus bietet System Redux ein erweitertes Gameplay mit neuen Spielmechaniken, neuen zu enthüllenden Geheimnissen, neu gestaltetem Stealth, zusätzlichen Neuralverhören und Spielkomfort-Verbesserungen, die mit Hilfe der Observer-Community vorgenommen wurden.

Neueinsteiger erhalten die Chance, eine der aufregendsten Cyberpunk-Geschichten in ihrer ganzen Next-Gen-Pracht zu erleben: mit 4K-Auflösung, verbesserten Texturen, neuen Animationen, Modellen und Effekten und transformiert durch atemberaubendes Ray-Tracing und HDR-Beleuchtung.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • GFX: @1280x720: GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB / Radeon RX 560 4 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/10 - 64 bitowy
  • HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11.0 compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Game in development, Ray Tracing available in full version.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU :@60 FPS (1920x1080): GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB/ Radeon RX 590
  • GFX: @1280x720: GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB / Radeon RX 560 4 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 - 64 bitowy
  • HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11.0 compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Game in development, Ray Tracing available in full version.
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

676 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 19:27
Hui, wieder so ein Spiel, dass als vertracktes Psycho-Spiel anfängt und dann immer mehr zu krassem Horror ausartet (gerade Hellblade gespielt). Trotzdem habe ich durchgehalten. Tatsächlich kann man es auch fast wie ein Adventure spielen, so seltsam sich das anhört. Wir unterhalten uns mit den abgedrehten Bewohnern und Bewohnerinnen des Hauses, müssen hier und da ein paar Rätsel lösen und können bei Bedarf viele kleine Nebengeschichten entdecken, die die dystopische und unheimlich dreckige Welt noch mehr beleuchten.

Es gibt nur wenige echte Action-Momente. Klar, ständig fliegt uns alles um den Kopf und alle paar Sekunden wechselt die Ansicht, die Geometrien verdrehen sich (und wir verlaufen uns dank erstaunlich gutem Level-Design fast nie), aber das Spiel ist an diesen Stellen eigentlich fast wie ein (sehr verwirrender) Walking Simulator. Denn wir müssen quasi nur vorwärts laufen und hier und da ein paar Türen öffnen. Das ist auch ein guter Tipp für alle, die wie ich gar nicht so auf Horror stehen (und trotzdem dieses Spiel spielen...): einfach schnell rennen, das ist weniger erschreckend als laaaangsam um jede Ecke zu linsen.

Erstaunlicherweise gibt es nämlich nur drei oder vier Stellen im Spiel an denen man wirklich sterben kann. Das sind die nervigen Schleichsequenzen. Hier müssen wir irgendwo hin und dabei jemandem ausweichen. Jetzt nicht super schwierig, aber schade, weil es eben sonst im Spiel nie nötig ist so richtig um sein Leben zu bangen. Wer das nämlich braucht, ist in dem Spiel eh falsch, wie gesagt.

Rutger Hauer ist leider selten zu sehen, meist nur im Spiegel, aber wir wissen, dass er da ist :-). Vor allem gefällt aber sein grummeliger Ton, denn er spricht nicht nur mit Personen, er kommentiert auch alles in seiner klassischen Detectiv-Sprechweise. Passt super.
185 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 16:28
Observer System Redux ist eine wunderbare Darstellung einer nahen dystopischen Zukunft und zeigt uns was Technologie mit dem Menschen anstellen kann.
Dieses Spiel ist einer der besten Remakes, die ich jemals gespielt habe. Ich liebe Spiele, wo man nach dem Ende gerne und aufgeregt noch über die Story nachdenken muss, dieses ist eines davon.
Observer ist ein Spiel für jeden der sich mit dem Thema Cyberkinetik, Cyberpunk und Dystopie interessiert.
So viel liebe zum Detail sieht man wirklich nur in wenigen Spielen. Mal wieder haben sich die macher der Layers of Fear Reihe selbst übertroffen!
Als Engine wurde hier auf die Unreal Engine 4 gesetzt die bei Observer wunderbar zum Einsatz kommt. Raytracing unterstützt besonders bei Cyberpunk Titeln wie Cyberpunk 2077 oder auch Observer wunderbar die Atmosphäre.

Zum Abschluss will ich noch was loswerden.

430 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:38
Dieses grandiose Spiel wird ganz sicher Kultstatus erreichen.
Klare Empfehlung für Alle.
53 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 17:40
Wer Cyberpunk, Detektivspiele und Rutger Hauer mag, sollte unbedingt zuschlagen. Ich habe mir erst die Reduxversion geholt und kenne die Unterschiede vom Original nur aus Videos.
Technik: Ein audiovisuelles Fest für die Sinne. Das Setting und damit verbundene Stimmung die erzeugt wird ist einfach großartig. So muss ein Cyberpunksetting aussehen und nicht so ein bunter Rotz. Das Spiel kommt sehr düster und beklemmend daher. Versprüht meiner Meinung nach den Charme (nicht zuletzt durch Rutger) des 80er Cyberpunk-Genre, welches in Animes und Filmen selbiger Dekade zu sehen war. Die tExturen sind sehr gut und die Beleuchtung ein Traum (ein Fest für Screenshots). Die virtuellen Exkursionen die der Detektiv in die Gehirne der modifizierten Menschen macht sind schlichtweg eine Achterbahnfahrt. Teilweise richtig alptraumhaft.
Gameplay: Das Spiel ist als Detektivspiel ganz klar eher gemächlich angesiedelt und bitet neben diversen Rätseln auch die eine oder andere Geschicklichkeitspassage. Ich bin noch nicht ganz durch, jedoch ist der Titel bis dahin schon sehr abwechslungsreich und wird immer intensiver.
Für mich als Kind der 80er eine klare Hommage an vergangene Zeiten und als Fan von Rutger Hauer und seinen Streifen ein klares Must Have. Die Entwickler haben super arbeit geleistet und ein sehr gutes Spiel abgeliefert. Klare Kaufempfehlung für selbige.
262 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 11:50
You betrayed the trust of the players
143 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 19:51
Are you suppose to be board while playing a horror game?
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 01:48
kinda buggy, and defineteluy vvery much a bloober title, but cmon. its got rutger hauer. who doesnt love the 'rut? rest in peace you badaas....
134 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 00:41
Great story and great idea of the future.
63 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 20:36
The true cyberpunk
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 11:50
I observed the observer observing an observant wife making the observation that her husband is getting ripped up.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 22:57
A great gritty old cop game in a cyberpunk dystopian setting.
The 'walking simulator'-y part of the game is well balanced, so that it provides enough space to explore and take stuff in, without becoming boring. There is a lot of psychedelic imagery mixed into the cyberpunk foundation, and it works rather well.

A unique system of cycling through vision types (bit like Predator in the original AvP) in order to gather clues is fun to use, and satisfactory.

VA for all dialogues is a plus, and helps immersion.

Poland has been putting out seriously good games, and for me, this is one of them.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 22:45
Classic point-and-click murder mystery.
1281 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 18:05
What an amazing journey!

Observer has definitely left it's mark on my memory as one of the best games I have ever played.

The atmosphere and environment sucks you right into a dystopian cyberpunk world, where you are faced with intriguing and often horrifying encounters and choices to make. It would seem Sherlock Holmes was having an affair with Cyberpunk and Observer is that bastard child that flourished in life, becoming a hidden gem among the masses.

I can easily rate this game as a 10 and would definitely recommend this!
109 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 01:52
A nice calming and relaxing walking simulator
232 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 11:45
One of the best atmophere HorroCyberpunk, remind me the film horror Adrenalin and cyberpunk Nirvana. A Very good work
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 17:33
Let me start off by saying that this game is visually stunning! I absolutely love the cyberpunk dystopian atmosphere. Beware though, turn on vsync or else your graphics card is going to have a tough time keeping up with all the elements. The story had good pacing and I enjoyed the side quests as well. I really hope the developers are going to make a sequel since the game had kind of a cliff hanger at the end. If you've played Cyberpunk 2077 or Detroit Become Human before then I think you'll definitely enjoy this!
64 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 01:57
One of the best Cyberpunk games I have played! 12 hours of great story with one of the best environmental and atmospheric storytelling.

Well worth the price and then some.
71 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 04:41
it is a fun mind fuck of a game that also has Rutger Hauer in it. couldn't recommend more
71 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 04:41
it is a fun mind fuck of a game that also has Rutger Hauer in it. couldn't recommend more
245 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 02:29
This is one of the best games I've ever played. I have a background in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking so the subject matter is right up my alley. I have never, EVER seen a team create such a vivid and realistic dystopian future as Bloober Team has with this game. Nearly ever sequence had me at the edge of my seat and even sauntering around talking to the colorful tenants of the apartment complex was interesting. There wasn't an overabundance of chase/hide scenes, in fact it was just the right amount. Very thought provoking and overall just a great and interesting game.
245 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 02:29
This is one of the best games I've ever played. I have a background in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking so the subject matter is right up my alley. I have never, EVER seen a team create such a vivid and realistic dystopian future as Bloober Team has with this game. Nearly ever sequence had me at the edge of my seat and even sauntering around talking to the colorful tenants of the apartment complex was interesting. There wasn't an overabundance of chase/hide scenes, in fact it was just the right amount. Very thought provoking and overall just a great and interesting game.
1215 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 22:04
I'm not sure if I can find the words to describe how amazing and incredible this game is.
Apart from being technically incredible and flawless, from an artistic point this game is kind of a masterpiece of the Cyberpunk Genre. ALL the art design is absolutely incredible and unique.
It's tackling deep, complex and serious issues, in a fully adult tone.
So you're investigating a series of murders in an apartment building, looking for clues and most of all you'll be linking to the victims brain chips, in a sort of VR experience of the victims' persona, memories, traumas and most of all their last moments before getting killed.
But what spices things up is that your own traumas might sift in those VR memories, but maybe also in the real world...

Anyway I have now immense admiration for Bloober Team because this game clearly comes from the guts and minds of those developers. It's in my opinion just as major as the Deus Ex games.
And I really really hope that one day Bloober could come back to the world of Observer and make an even more ambitious game. Because with their talent and the amazingly credible world they've created here, if they could make an immersive sim game I would just throw my money at the screen !
1215 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 22:04
I'm not sure if I can find the words to describe how amazing and incredible this game is.
Apart from being technically incredible and flawless, from an artistic point this game is kind of a masterpiece of the Cyberpunk Genre. ALL the art design is absolutely incredible and unique.
It's tackling deep, complex and serious issues, in a fully adult tone.
So you're investigating a series of murders in an apartment building, looking for clues and most of all you'll be linking to the victims brain chips, in a sort of VR experience of the victims' persona, memories, traumas and most of all their last moments before getting killed.
But what spices things up is that your own traumas might sift in those VR memories, but maybe also in the real world...

Anyway I have now immense admiration for Bloober Team because this game clearly comes from the guts and minds of those developers. It's in my opinion just as major as the Deus Ex games.
And I really really hope that one day Bloober could come back to the world of Observer and make an even more ambitious game. Because with their talent and the amazingly credible world they've created here, if they could make an immersive sim game I would just throw my money at the screen !
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 21:18

This is true Cyberpunk. The creepy combination of cybernetic implants and genetic manipulation spin a web of transhumanist terror sprawled across the absolutely solid foundation of a deeply personal, truly human story. I feel like I just experienced one of the greatest pieces of Cyberpunk fiction of all time, and one of the most immersive gaming experiences too. Right up there with Hellblade in my book. I absolutely loved every second of it. Can't wait to replay.

39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 21:18

This is true Cyberpunk. The creepy combination of cybernetic implants and genetic manipulation spin a web of transhumanist terror sprawled across the absolutely solid foundation of a deeply personal, truly human story. I feel like I just experienced one of the greatest pieces of Cyberpunk fiction of all time, and one of the most immersive gaming experiences too. Right up there with Hellblade in my book. I absolutely loved every second of it. Can't wait to replay.

63 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 17:16
When it came on sale this time, I knew it was time to buy it, and I don't regret the purchase, even though I might not finish the game.

  • Delightful world building: You discover things about the world as you play, and even though you're confined to a small space, you get the sense of being a part of a real, highly depressing, place.
  • It's Immersive: It's a deep dive into the character you're playing, the apartment building, and the mysteries within. Time has no meaning. When I stopped, it was Too Late O'Clock, and I hadn't really noticed. From sound effects to visual tics, it feels like you're really there.
  • Easy to play. The commands are few, and easy to remember. They have an accessibility tab under options which helps with some issues like nausea for first person perspective and some of the mini puzzles which might be hard to play with some disabilities.
  • It's Saying Something: I'm not quite sure what, but something.

  • It's Immersive: They don't warn you about flickering lights and special effects until after you've bought the game. I ended with a massive headache. If I was prone to seizures, I'd be really mad. Also, this made me feel deeply anxious by the time I'd stopped playing. With a Pandemic storyline, and some of the ongoing issues that the character has, I had to stop. If you enjoy being deeply creeped out by a game, this might be for you!
  • PUZZLES. They let you opt out of some of the mini games for accessibility issues, as I said before, but there are a lot of puzzles that are hard to figure out, and are ingrained in some psychological character issues. I enjoyed the trip through these things, but not the puzzles. It pulled me out of the game to have to resort to looking up walkthroughs on my phone, or to just be tired of the puzzle and want to leave so I can keep playing the other part of the game.

Anyway, some of my cons might be your pros! I really enjoyed my time playing the game, and I might get back to it, when it's not night time and I'm all alone.....
63 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 17:16
When it came on sale this time, I knew it was time to buy it, and I don't regret the purchase, even though I might not finish the game.

  • Delightful world building: You discover things about the world as you play, and even though you're confined to a small space, you get the sense of being a part of a real, highly depressing, place.
  • It's Immersive: It's a deep dive into the character you're playing, the apartment building, and the mysteries within. Time has no meaning. When I stopped, it was Too Late O'Clock, and I hadn't really noticed. From sound effects to visual tics, it feels like you're really there.
  • Easy to play. The commands are few, and easy to remember. They have an accessibility tab under options which helps with some issues like nausea for first person perspective and some of the mini puzzles which might be hard to play with some disabilities.
  • It's Saying Something: I'm not quite sure what, but something.

  • It's Immersive: They don't warn you about flickering lights and special effects until after you've bought the game. I ended with a massive headache. If I was prone to seizures, I'd be really mad. Also, this made me feel deeply anxious by the time I'd stopped playing. With a Pandemic storyline, and some of the ongoing issues that the character has, I had to stop. If you enjoy being deeply creeped out by a game, this might be for you!
  • PUZZLES. They let you opt out of some of the mini games for accessibility issues, as I said before, but there are a lot of puzzles that are hard to figure out, and are ingrained in some psychological character issues. I enjoyed the trip through these things, but not the puzzles. It pulled me out of the game to have to resort to looking up walkthroughs on my phone, or to just be tired of the puzzle and want to leave so I can keep playing the other part of the game.

Anyway, some of my cons might be your pros! I really enjoyed my time playing the game, and I might get back to it, when it's not night time and I'm all alone.....
232 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 19:41
Observer is a cyberpunk first person horror game that understand the genre and uses it to enhance its narrative and atmosphere.

We play as a police detective in search of his son, last time seen in a apartment lot. We would have to move through it, looking for clues and asking questions to the residents.
The game narrate its story through well written dialogues and its environment. With excellent art direction, it's fill with details and every prop is carefully crafted so that it fits with the style. A very good use of lighting emphasizes the horror moments and creates a heavy atmosphere that comes to a full circle with it excellent sound design and soundtrack.
Another aspect that is important to bring out is the performance of the late great Rutger Hauer and the residents of the building, that give life to the world.

In terms of mechanics, the game doesn't introduces us to nothing particularly complex, most of the time we will only walk around, asking questions and interacting with the environment. This can feel a bit underwhelming considering that the detective aspect of the game plays itself in a very linear fashion but it compensates the lack of complexity with scenes that play with the environments and uses its limited mechanics to create interesting moments for the player to resolve.
The level design also invites us the explore and this leads to different side missions and backtracking that ads to the experience. This sometimes can fill detached from the main objective and its themes but give the oportunity to tackle other aspect of the genre better than most other games.

One aspect that I think it's important to mention is that the game is not very well optimized. Though sometimes you don't notices it, the game has stuttering problems and very low framerates (20 sometimes) in particulare scenes. And the directx12 version, necessary to play with RTX, is (in my case) completly unplayble in any graphic settings.

In conclusion, I think that Observer it's a great horror game and a good cyberpunk one that undestands its genre and uses to narrate the story, with excellent art direction and well written dialogues though sometimes can fell a little bit underwhelming in its mechanics but that it compensates with scenes that stick with you.
232 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 19:41
Observer is a cyberpunk first person horror game that understand the genre and uses it to enhance its narrative and atmosphere.

We play as a police detective in search of his son, last time seen in a apartment lot. We would have to move through it, looking for clues and asking questions to the residents.
The game narrate its story through well written dialogues and its environment. With excellent art direction, it's fill with details and every prop is carefully crafted so that it fits with the style. A very good use of lighting emphasizes the horror moments and creates a heavy atmosphere that comes to a full circle with it excellent sound design and soundtrack.
Another aspect that is important to bring out is the performance of the late great Rutger Hauer and the residents of the building, that give life to the world.

In terms of mechanics, the game doesn't introduces us to nothing particularly complex, most of the time we will only walk around, asking questions and interacting with the environment. This can feel a bit underwhelming considering that the detective aspect of the game plays itself in a very linear fashion but it compensates the lack of complexity with scenes that play with the environments and uses its limited mechanics to create interesting moments for the player to resolve.
The level design also invites us the explore and this leads to different side missions and backtracking that ads to the experience. This sometimes can fill detached from the main objective and its themes but give the oportunity to tackle other aspect of the genre better than most other games.

One aspect that I think it's important to mention is that the game is not very well optimized. Though sometimes you don't notices it, the game has stuttering problems and very low framerates (20 sometimes) in particulare scenes. And the directx12 version, necessary to play with RTX, is (in my case) completly unplayble in any graphic settings.

In conclusion, I think that Observer it's a great horror game and a good cyberpunk one that undestands its genre and uses to narrate the story, with excellent art direction and well written dialogues though sometimes can fell a little bit underwhelming in its mechanics but that it compensates with scenes that stick with you.
1947 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 01:18
VR version, bloober pls
1947 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 01:18
VR version, bloober pls
54 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 16:14
Superb masterpiece. Definitely Cyberpunk as it can get and definitely a psychological horror with a heavy influence of George Orwell 1984. The subliminal messaging is strong that only those with a spiritual mind can decode. This gets deep into the mind.

Only thing that bugged me was when you examine an object the lighting is very dark and you have to angle the item perfectly to get light to see it. Other than that there was just a few minor bugs like clipping but not a huge a deal. 9.5/10
146 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 01:52
I came into this game knowing nothing about it. I am a huge dark cyberpunk fan. A favorite show in my heart is Ghost in the Shell and this game really hit home with it.

Looking for dystopian, cyberpunk, dark, futurism, and a darker toned down atmosphere... look no further.

PS. I never actually got stuck or had a bug during my playthrough
291 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 14:47
I should not be recommending this game, but its just too good not to – HOWEVER:

You're going to be walking around in the same 3-story building for 5-8 hours, and you're going to be backtracking for most of that time. Additionally, the developers either decided against or don't have the experience to create a natural flow to the challenges you face, most of the time. This often puts you in a situation where you can put all the puzzle pieces together and know where to place them – but now have to spend time searching for those pieces. Which, when frequent, quickly becomes aggravating.

Adding in plenty of cheap jumpscares, then it's suddenly becoming increasingly difficult to recommend Observer to most people.

However, everything else is of a high caliber: Especially the writing. Everything from minor dialogue to the overarching plot is fantastic.

The aesthetics work wonders – and there’s clearly been a lot of care and work put into creating a unique environment in an otherwise oversaturated market. There never was a voice I thought sounded “off” or had a heavy accent that made me think they were of some nationality: All characters felt genuine and authentic – and that’s something most triple A titles fail to do.
716 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 04:35
I still really despise the way they handled the release of this, but god, this game is just incredible. Bloober Team is really in their element here. If you liked Layers Of Fear, and you have any interest in cyberpunk media, you'll absolutely adore this. It's SUPER impressive to me how they managed to adapt that kind of gameplay/narrative format to such a dramatically different setting. Also, this game puts the Braindances in Cyberpunk 2077 to absolute shame.

Haven't finished the game yet, I'm about 18 hours in right now, but I'll update this review if my feelings on all this stuff end up changing. There are some stealth elements that come into play later in the game, and I'm hoping those sections don't ruin it for me since I'm particularly averse to stealth games, but thus far it's been pretty carefully executed and largely auxiliary to the rest of what's going on the game, and I'm really happy about that. I'm glad the stakes haven't been too high for those aspects of the game yet. It's also really friendly about not setting you back if you fail--in fact, some of my progress actually remained after a game over, meaning even if you stumble over it repeatedly, it doesn't actually become a chokepoint. Really really good. We'll see how that holds up for the remainder of the game, but I'm feeling really optimistic about it thus far!

Just... OK, here's my big gripe, and it isn't about the game itself, just the way they rolled it out. if you do another remaster like this, please give owners of the original game more time to take advantage of the discount. Even if it's only like a month or two extra before the deal expires. That's all. There should have been a Steam coupon (even if it expired quickly) so we actually got notifications about the discount. I didn't even hear about it until it was too late to take advantage, meaning I had to pay 20$ extra for a game I already owned most of. And I check Steam daily, bare minimum. I felt so actively burned by the whole thing that I almost didn't pick up this version. That's all. I've never had to go through the process of releasing a game on Steam though, so maybe this is all easier said than done.

The game itself, though? God. One of the most visually breathtaking things I've ever seen, and one of the best games I've played in ages. So incredibly excited for what Bloober Team does next.
374 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 17:46
Highly atmospheric dystopian cyberpunk horror mystery 'walking simulator'/adventure game.
Unfortunately, i have encountered a progress-halting bug. As the game only has auto-save, i cannot reload an earlier save to try and avoid whatever caused it, as i did for the previous two major bugs i encountered.
Also unfortunately, the game has not been supported basically since release. This is essentially an update to the original game (which is no longer listed on Steam). The owners of the original game had to basically petition just to be given a discount on this updated version. Unfortunately, unlike the games made by another famous games publisher who also make buggy games and have a similar unethical practice of selling 'Definitive Editions' as new games, this game has no accessible console commands or mod support, and so i cannot fix my game.
It is basically linear, so i won't replay 8 hours just to get back to a spot where i may simply get stuck again. It would be nice if the publisher would either pay the developers to fix the game, or give me a refund.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 10:35
As a lover of the original version of the game (and of Cyberpunk in general) I am glad to say that this truly is the definitive version of the game. The extra game-play does flesh it out a bit more, and the general visual upgrades/tweaks really brings the original vision of this dark future to life. One point to remember, you may depending on our actions receive objectives from cases that you will not have access to for completion until later in the game. It's not broken, you just haven't reached that part yet.
47 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 06:19
Spider game good, rest of the game is ight i guess
296 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 02:14
Scary, crazy game.
441 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 21:56
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 02:08
311 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 12:12
When you're not sure whether you took too little or too much medicine and then decided to watch Blade Runner on acid.
196 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 07:22
Love it! Ending fell flat but the journey was amazing
40 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 17:35
Wow best cyberpunk horror genre game i've ever played ,i think this games requires people's attention and mind thinking things,you have to think logic in this game to ever escape from one place,i don't spoil in now ,you will see yourself if u buy this game.
494 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 03:53
Great game. Really unique experience. Graphic effects makes game really immersive. I recommend this game.

I played it on Linux using Proton.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 00:39
RIP=RH He will be missed This is an excellent game.
814 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 10:04
sometimes a bit too much and also the building was too maze-like at times. but all-in-all a very nice experience.
171 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 03:48
A fantastic exploration of cyberpunk that stands out among the plethora of poorly executed cyberpunk titles. Appropriately dystopian. Highly recommend.
466 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 04:39
Am yet to complete this game, but I wanted to throw a review up on here anyway! So far, two hours into the game and god what an experience.

Observer puts you into the shoes of what I think is a detective trying to find out what happened in his sons apartment and to find out what is behind the other murders in and around the apartment building. It doesn't handhold which I like, giving me time to explore and seek out new areas and clues on my own.

I LOVE the cyber-futuristic aesthetic of this game, really really unique art style that really takes me to another world!
The only negative in this area would be when you are hacking into people's memories I think is what it is, there are a lot of flashy affects, changing colors, that sort of thing and it can be a little hard on the eyes at times. Although, these parts of the game always leave me feeling extremely on edge and unsettled which really just adds to the atmosphere of the whole game and I'm living for it!

I look forward to continuing to play this, and I recommend that you should too (:
126 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 22:26
I've played the original and to see a PROPER remake of that game makes me so happy!
319 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 02:45
Fantastic experience. Bottom line, Bloober Team killed it....mostly. There are few game-breaking bugs in this iteration (I couldn't get into, or would get stuck in room 208), but they are seldom -> this game isn't for everyone, but the immersion, soundtrack, atmosphere, graphics, and voice acting are unparalleled IMO.
180 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 01:08
A true Cyberpunk experience not a dressed up GTA. Amazing work from Bloober team.
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 22:15
Just finished my first ever play-through of the game. It was absolutely amazing. I loved every second of it. Would highly recommend this game to anyone. Keep up the amazing work!
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 05:00
Loved it! Can't wait to do another play through. It had a lot of really good scares. Great story too. Got this with The Medium I'm going to give that another play too. Definitely liked Observer more first play through. Both awesome games though, very immersive. Thanks to the developers!
200 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 18:51
Buggy mess, i'm stuck in specific dream with the annoying TV with baby sounds. A hallway is blocked in my game. I cannot proceed. Played the original game, had no issue with it.
4229 Produkte im Account
296 Reviews
1785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 07:39
Observer Systemn Redux (2020) is a refurbished version of Observer (2017) both developed by a polish development company named Bloober https://www.blooberteam.com/about-us. This walking horror simulator is based during a cyberpunk era, 2084, when a deadly disease known as ‘Nanophage’ has already become rampant in the past and manifested itself among the slum C district of Krakow Poland. Due to a nuclear holocaust from both east and west, a mega corporation known as Chiron was able to usurp control by segregating the nation from the rest of the world (the great wall) and forming the 5th Polish Republic, further divided into three classes. A-district upper class, B-District working class and C District – slums.

To help maintain order, a police unit working for the Krakow Police Department (KPD) known as ‘Observers’ were established. These officers through the use of devices on their arms called ‘Dream Eaters’ are able to connect themselves to other people’s brain implants and with their permission witness the events preceding a crime. Observers also have the ability to switch to augmented vision allowing cloud base scans of either electronic equipment or biological matter.

Due to the unsettling nature of the work when an observer taps into the conscious mind of an individual, they often also tap into the subconscious memories of that person too, presenting a confusing cesspool of frantic thoughts, fears and recollections. This can be disorientating and dangerous for the sanity of the observer and is often controlled by a supplied drug from Chiron known as ‘Synchrozine’ which of course is to synch the observer back to reality.

Nanophage is a digital disease which transmits the ‘AA Glitch’ into nanobots causing their coding to go off by at least 1 percent causing them to reject biological tissue. As puncture wounds appear and internal organs start to degrade, the disease turns biological, causing flu like symptoms where the disease becomes again highly contagious in both fomite and airborne transmissions. In order to prevent outbreaks of this dreadful disease, tenement buildings were constructed in the C district. These buildings internally scan their tenants for any anomalies and if one is detected they can go into full lock down preventing movement within building and electronic signals from getting out since the ‘Nanophage ‘is digitally transferable too. The KPD and ‘The Cleaners’ responsible for investigation and clean-up will become automatically notified when a building goes into lockdown.

You take control of an Observer Daniel Lazarski (Rutger Hauer-Blade Runner) who has received an incoming distress call from his estranged son Adam. When Daniel traces the call, he is lead to a C district building and happens to witness a crime scene of a beheaded corpse where his son was calling from. Not being able to establish identification of the headless corpse we continue to follow the blood trail of a serial killer known as ‘The Splicer’ who is terminating all colleagues working along with Adam on a secret experiment which Chiron was not aware of at the time and immediately fired Adam and confiscated all his research when they were. What our son was involved in, where our son actually is and why is the Splicer now targeting us is what pushes a player forward looking for answers.

The original (2017) version had a hopeless save system which infuriated players trying to unlock all achievements and collecting all easter eggs particularly the nanophage cards since missing one often meant restarting the game completely from beginning. Likewise, the voxel runner achievement and the no death achievement equally vexed many players. While the (2020) version has a much-improved save system with chapter select options amazingly it doesn’t do any better sparing players from the tedious frustration of the glitching card mechanics. I had several card glitched out of existence with no possibility of future attainment wherever I loaded in chapter recall (Pieta card an example), forcing yet again a complete walkthrough by me through the entire game. This I would have thought to have been solved by Bloober by now. While the no death achievement is much easier this time, the voxel runner achievement is still as infuriating and completely unreasonable to players like me, who may not be as quick in being responsive. Life is short as it is, who has time spending hours on these fruitless frivolities?

Other than enhanced visuals and sound effects, the 2020 version has 3 additional stories containing what happened at the exact moment the building went into lock down. These follow Stanley Tkacyzk tenant from 208 and the tragic toll of what the lockdown did on a hypochondriac. The sad conclusion of tenant from 207 an architect passionate about the buildings internal network and the bloody conclusion of tenant in 108 who went against protocol and turned on a sexbot proven to be faulty. All 3 stories reveal that the nemesis revealed at the end of the game, may more than likely had a hand in their deaths too, revealing how narcissist and blood thirsty this villain may be. Don’t be fooled by the Stockholm Syndrome question at the end of the game.

The expert story telling is where the game really shines for me and there are still many possible fan theories and questions begging for follow-up. I’ll list a few of my own. Big Spoilers Below…
Q1. Did Helena Nowak have a child that was lost due to the nanophage?
Q2. Was Paulina copied or pushed out and where is her fleshly body?
Q3. Was Pieta the nurse present when Daniels’s wife passed away at hospital?
Q4. Is there a connection between the two safe doors and the Janitor since he has the same door?
Q5. Is Herbert Ono the only one to escape the Splicer?
Q6. Who really caused the lock down? Was it the copy and paste version of psychotic Adam to trap Daniel so that he could manipulate him into allowing host control off the grid? Or was there also a happenstance nanophage carrier which caused the tenement building to go into lockdown?
Q7. Did Daniel ever have the nanophage?
Q8. Why did Daniel fear augmentations to begin with?
Q9. Who uploaded Dan’s wife into a FemCom 6.0?
Q10. Why was Jack Karnas building a replica of Helena Nowak in his room? Did he have an obsession about her?
Q11. Since Daniel never really got out of the Sanctuary Salon how can we bona fide any of his recollections, since he was also being observed and his recollection of events tainted? Is the merging of voices simply fragment recollections of previous people he has jacked into, or is it possible that there is a wider merging of trapped consciousness trying to escape the dream chambers of the salon, which we have not been privileged of gaining awareness of due to being subjective to mind manipulation from a nemesis awaiting the perfect host?
Q12. How far down the rabbit hole did we actually go?
In final, there was many adult thought-provoking concepts to this game, that in truth with human advancements the way it is, we may be on the threshold of finding out soon for ourselves anyway. Looking down the double barrel of quantum computers and artificial intelligence we may be forced to surmise these ethical issues more sooner than later.

Sample Below...


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139 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
2218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 16:28
I love Observer: System Redux. If you're looking for a game that is just strange and off putting with its world building and characters, look no further. I'd like to point out that what you get here is mainly narrative and interesting scenes to explore. while the story isn't exactly what i'd consider compelling, it does add a bit more background to the world itself. I wouldn't say System Redux is optimized well and not much offsets that except it's a very pretty game to play. If that's not your thing, consider wish listing and waiting for a sale.
207 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 01:14
one, single word.
M A S T E R P I E C E.
Cyberpunk 2077 can't even come close to what this game has done in terms of cyberpunk theme.
i made probably over hundred screenshots. it's that good and beautiful, even that i played it without ray-tracing (i have 1080 Ti). Very good optimization (there is rarely any areas where you will encounter FPS drops).

If you love cyberpunk stuff, this game is the best game there is! A must play!
1607 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 23:20
Excellent game. Really unique. Great take on cyberpunk genre. And last great role for R.H.(R.I.P.). Not recommended for people that have tendency for seizures :) This version has greatly improved graphics and ray tracing effects. And H D R works great on PC in this game. Really good optimization, played it in 3840 x 2160 with ray-tracing on with smooth frame rate most of the time. For all fans of cyberpunk and R.H. I really recommend this game.
198 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 22:24
If you have loved Blade Runner, do yourself a favour and play this amazing story-driven game
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 21:53
There's a great, atmospheric detective game in here but, it has split personality disorder with a poor jump scare simulator. Trade the eye balls, loud noises and jerky movement for some puzzles, more of the side content and some better voice actors and you could have a hit.
181 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 07:51
Ran into a game breaking bug about 2 hours into the game. It makes all of your Vision implants unusable making it impossible to progress. Sad too, the story and world seem very promising.
61 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 14:08
- The graphics are amazing ( using RTX series GPU)
- The world is incredibly well crafted and the atmosphere great.
- Gameplay is mostly very engaging.
- Technically no issues so far apart from a small issue with mouse tracking speeds when switching from game to menus, but not serious.

Only downside so far and contrary to all the praise in other reviews on the same topic...
I was surprised that Rutger Hauer (RIP) voiced the lead character in such a hoarse, unemotional and bored tone that it grates on my ears + ruins the immersiveness of the game to the point where I can only play short sessions at a time. This is the first time a characters voice distracts me so much. For an example (to see if it bugs you, because it might very well not), simply watch the first in-game scene in any of the youtube clips online.

Only a few hours in, so hoping the voice issue is something I can get used to.
135 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 19:28
A true cyberpunk experience.
21 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 20:49
Bloober Team you're just the best! You're geniuses! You create games that I dive to with mind and soul! When I start the game, it's me, in it and nothing else, this is what I need the most these times we live now! After starting with both of your Layers of Fear few months ago, I am so glad that I left Observer for the last. It hit the top of my preferences and, as a lover of thriller, horror and mystery, it left me stunned from my first run of it. It is dark, mysterious, eerie in all levels, the music... it exceeded my expectations when reading the reviews, or watching the trailers... the voice of Rutger Hauer is so perfect to the story and Daniel Lazarski's character. The environment of the game is s i c k!!! I enjoy the most this... nightmarish paranoia -common also to your Layers of Fear-, in which you're masters, in combination with music and sound in general. Total awesomeness guys!! Every psychological horror lover must play it! I wish you guys to create Observer 2 soon! It deserves a second story!!
200 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 20:09
Amazing story and atmosphere. Nothing like it.
267 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 21:02
I LOVE the style and atmosphere of this game. Made all the better with the updated graphics and lovely ray tracing features. This is one I'll keep going back to to get my fill of 80s future sci-fi.
97 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 15:02
Just cannot get into it. Played through 5 ish hours and I'm just not enjoying it at all. I can't even describe why either, on paper it has all the elements and it seems to be really popular.

The voice acting feels like the people are in fact not even replying to each other. Just sentences read out loud. Graphics are great but even on a 3090 it chugs at moments.

Can't recommend. I can't even force myself to finish it.
189 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 05:45
This game should have been free or discounted permanently for all owners of the original Observer.

I gave the original Observer a 4/10 and could not recommend it in my review as I felt that it was just not scary or interesting, especially when compared with Layers of Fear, or better yet, measured up to SOMA, from which Observer draws a surprising amount of inspiration. The game lacked depth and felt very shallow/superficial, in my opinion. I nevertheless enjoyed the cyberpunk setting and found Janus, Rudy, and the protagonist to be likeable characters. I was still interested in checking out Observer: System Redux, but owing to the greedy business practices of Bloober Team, I really don’t feel like supporting this studio anymore. In fact, this has dissuaded me from pre-ordering or buying The Medium.

Essentially, Observer: System Redux is like an AAA game that, instead of having a free High Resolution DLC and a few DLCs, gets released again as a standalone experience for the price of a brand-new game with near-complete disregard for its loyal fanbase. Even AAA studios would not resort to such egregious practices.

Admittedly, there was a short time window during which a discount for owners of the original game prevailed. I did benefit from that discount, but I realize that I am in the minority. Most people were not even aware of said time window and discount. As such, I want to leave this review to raise awareness about these anti-consumer practices. At the very least, the discount should’ve prevailed indefinitely for all owners of the original Observer. However, in all fairness, Observer: System Redux should have been released for free for anyone who owns the original game.

As an indie studio, they need to harness all the goodwill they possibly can, so it's even more surprising they're resorting to bureaucratic, anti-consumer tactics to operate. Apparently, the studio is working on a solution. I shall update the review accordingly.

But, this is not unreasonable in the slightest. Take CD PROJEKT RED. They’re working on a next-gen version of The Witcher 3 with all DLC content that will be released for free for all owners of the game across all platforms. Think CD PROJEKT RED is too big for a fair comparison? Fine, they got their hands full with the Cyberpunk 2077 situation right now anyway. But still... They give it to the people for free.

Take SUPERHOT Team then. They gave out SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE for free for all owners of SUPERHOT across all platforms. This is a very small studio and their new game was in development for at least three years. But still... They give it to the people for free.

There are countless other gaming studios that are leading by example and doing what’s right for the people and the community by creating value that will ensure goodwill. These studios value and respect their fans and loyal supporters. They did not forget where they came from. Why? Because charging full price for the same game, albeit with ‘new’ content is not right. Because a timed discount for owners that went largely unnoticed is unfair to those who did not know about it.

Give it to the people for free. Or, at the very least, make the discount applicable for all owners of the original game.
587 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 16:09
Just finished the game, and.. wow.
I'm fascinated and confused by what I witnessed at the same time.

The game tells the story of a detective that goes on his son's trace to find what has happened to him.
Most of the game happens in the same location, an apartment complex, although the environment is well built and there is a lot to explore.


  • Very, very stilish
  • Very good story, yet not too easy to follow
  • Superb cyberpunk mood
  • Latter levels and dreams sequences are particularly mind-blowing


  • Game suffers from stuttering in the few moments you move fast, probably due assets streaming, even if installed on an SSD. Most of the game will have you walk slowly / explore the same areas though.
  • At time of review, the game is suffering from a series of bugs. I had a game-breaking bug which required me to edit a file with an HEX editor in order to continue. And others not allowing me to interact with key elements, which was fixed by just restarting the game


  • Full ultrawide (21:9) support
  • Lot of flashing images
  • A good upgrade from the original version. Owners of the original do get a discounted price now.
364 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 19:43
One of a kind game. Really enjoyed it. Unique atmosphere & gameplay, really immerses you after some time of playing.
Well done!
329 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 20:28
Now THIS is what you call CYBERPUNK
The usual Bloober Team jankiness combined with 11/10 art direction
Supercomputers will love the RTX features
1988 Produkte im Account
354 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 23:12
It hasn’t been that long since I’ve decided to play Observer (or as it was stylized >observer_) and I wasn’t considering revisiting the game that soon. It was undoubtedly the best game from Bloober Team, despite still feeling like a visually cool project made by a team of visual designers with little knowledge on how to make games fun to play. And it still was way too copy/paste with its influences, but at least it had a lot of interesting takes on familiar ideas. But, System Redux promised new and improved gameplay apart from updated visuals with ray tracing, so I decided to give it a check.

And my general feelings on the game remain unchanged. It’s good at the start, when it explores the dark dystopian cyberpunk world, ugly and paranoid, where people have no privacy or escape apart from drugs. The new edition adds several new side cases which explore this in new ways. Though, to be fair, only one of those feels like a fun case while the other two are either poor in gameplay or half-baked in their themes. And the updated visuals improve the way the game looks and feels as well, with the ray tracing, predictably, making some scenes looks absolutely fantastically.

But the old problems remain unchanged. Few sections seem to have been somewhat tweaked, but I didn’t feel that the change was actually meaningful. Some of the old bugs are still present and the new sections have their own. The visuals can still be too much and nauseating, and sound design still full of jumpscare approach, which often feels at odds with the rest of the game. Some sections remain poorly explained. And the main story is as poor by the end as it used to be, deflating the really interesting side-stories that the game provides up until then.

It’s a game that could be fun to check out, and this version is undoubtedly the superior one to do so. But it’s still not something I would outright recommend playing.
1465 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 16:03
Rutger Hauer much better cyberpunk character than Keanu Reeves.
319 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 16:18
Cyberpunk 2077 this!
Cyberpunk 2077 that!
How about give some love to this hidden gem!
198 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 15:56
Amazing game. Highly recommended!!!
103 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 11:03
This is one hell of a ride. From start to finish it is a story like none other and even better with some really good visuals. I won't spoil anything but there certainly is a great number of discovery's to be had behind each door you open. It reminds me of SOMA , another top notch game I highly recommend. I would give it a solid 9 out of 10. It loses a point because the 21*9 support makes the screen look zoomed in too much. I had to downscale the resolution many times just to use the computers in the game because the top and bottom of the screen get cut off. If you don't mind or don't have an ultra wide monitor, then this doesn't apply to you. Either buy at full price or at a discount. It's money well spent regardless.
601 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 01:07
Bloober Team did a great job at creating an incredibly detailed cyberpunk world. The futuristic dark setting and Rutger Hauer's stunning performance really increase the level of immersion, but the horror moments kinda ruin everything. There are too many wanna-be surrealistic parts that are just repetitive and annoying (lights flickering and constantly teleporting) and when they are not you know it's gonna be another hide and seek with the monster boring section. After playing most of Bloober games I think this is one of their biggest weakness. I couldn't find it scary and it's sad to see they still rely on stupid jumpscares (pigeons, right...). At the end I think I played it more like a walking sim in a detective drama rather than an horror game, but it was still a good experience, 'cause the writing is great and the old and new optional cases are really interesting to solve. That said, I am still disappointed about the story endings and the useless cliffhanger. Why can't writers write a self-contained story nowadays? I would have preferred a great ending rather than a hint to Observer 2.

Anyway if you already played the original Observer I would only suggest getting the Redux version with a 80% discount. The graphic improvement is cool and the game looks good with or without RTX, but that's about it. The additional new cases are kinda short and end up using the same reskinned location. If you never played Observer I would still recommend the game cause it's a great cyberpunk experience and the story is good.
385 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 23:33
what a great game.
i recommend to buy this game if u like horror walking simulator and dark cyberpunk games.
and the Redux version it's well made

2716 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
1437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 17:09
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Anyone that has been into gaming for the past few years clearly knows Observer. As a fantastic dystopian thrilling adventure, the game left us all impressed by its story and aesthetics. There was however, a lot which was left behind, and in that regard Observer: System Redux fulfills every aspect, including in the technical department.

But let’s not get ourselves in the optimization just yet, because first I want to assure everyone that no story-related detail was altered or manipulated. System Redux remasters what was already present. This is obviously good, as the story itself was already top-tier, revealing a world where augmented electronics embed in the human body created an easier but also tougher verdict for citizens.

We play as Dan Lazarski, an observer, part of a police task force with an amazing ability: The permit to hack and invade suspects' minds, and relive their memories. The year is 2084, but it seems no one has ever left the 80’s, instead, they improved it, delivering a retro-futuristic cyberpunk reality where technology fuses with the human body.

For detective Lazarski this was a typical day until a phone call changed things, turning it into a personal quest, across digital demons, psychological choices and flesh that still bleeds as it always did despite the metal in it. One of the aspects which I really like is how the whole game is set in a building compartment. One would think such design would limit players, or even create barriers for the plot, but no.

The narrative and placement of events are just good, almost like a fantastic movie you can’t stop going through it, until you decipher all the events. Each room, each tenant and each side-quest delivers more information about a world you can’t stop diving with full curiosity. if by some strange and bizarre reason the story doesn’t convince you, maybe the visuals will.

This time, visuals and optimization have to be described almost at the same time. It’s no doubt Observer: System Redux ets itself for the future, aiming at next gen GPU’s but also, keeping it cool for what should now be standard hardware. Some options that were previously only tweaked through the .ini files can now be chosen directly in the game’s menu.

Chromatic Aberration, Field of View, Ultra-widescreen and increased Frame Rate are just some of the options that were adjusted to fit the new demands. It’s now much easier to enjoy the game if you’re having a low tier card, or even medium. In my case, with a RX 580, and by disabling special effects, chromatic aberration, and adjusting shadows, I can almost keep stable 60fps with everything else on Ultra.

Visually the game definitely delivers an improvement, but maintains the same structure you came to know very well from the original. Character models are solid, and the same can be said about effects, lights and scenery.

With no impact on the gameplay, and absolutely no compromises when it comes to visual quality, Observer: System Redux is definitely a welcoming remaster. If you never had the chance to play it, now it’s impossible not to.
272 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 00:54
A walking simulator/point and click horror cyberpunk adventure. If you dislike jump scares, there are a few in this. It is a horror game. I ended up turning on subtitles and taking my headphones off to avoid the big musical stings. I'll be honest, I don't like horror games. I played the demo and enjoyed being a brain diving cyber detective, and although I felt frustrated I couldn't play the full game right away, I knew I'd want to see the conclusion. I played the game and most of the obvious side quests. Hunting around that hard drive in the room full of people is a moment that stood out. The ending was pretty good, I enjoyed the twist. I would play another, but I feel like it'd be more accessible if it wasn't a horror game, maybe a more tame cyber detective game.

Thanks for remastering this and putting it out again. I crashed a few times alt tabbing. I only had one seemingly breaking bug where I ended up in a room full of dryers while brain diving. It worked after reloading.
77 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 17:49
Before anyone buys this, this is a true walking simulator. There is no open world here or a combat system. You play a detective from the near future and you are responsible for accessing the minds of the dead using a device called a dream eater.

Despite its simple gameplay, this is truly an immersive expirience and I wholeheartedly recommend it. The graphics are amazing, voice acting is awesome. Rutger Hauer's (Rest his soul) performance is superb here.

Its freaky, its scary. You will jump out of your seat a few times. Its a grand old scary time.

Not much replay value here, but I would play again with friends. This recommends a rx590, played on a rx580 on medium 1080p, no drops. Also played on a 5700xt 1440p max, no frame drops. The only couple of drops happened when walking into another new area for a brief moment. But that is understandable.

90% - A
206 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 06:28
Very immersive. Gameplay follows in the same vein as a 90s point & click, but as a fully 3D realized environment.
181 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 19:57
I really like the game, i really do.
And that makes it so much worse when i realized there is no more to do after less than 5 hours (some sidemissions included).
Come one guys, 30 € for less than 5 hours of Gameplay ?

You poured so much effort in presentation and storytelling just to end with so little runtime.
I´m honestly disappointed and i made a mistake when i didnt look at the playtime in the original.

Well, you have my money now, so go and make a longer sequel with the same quality please.
589 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 00:06
While this game is good just like the original release; I find it highly disrespectful from the developers not to give the people who bought the original game already a discount on this enhanced version of their game to show their gratitude for the people who supported them in the past.

Having to buy this game for nearly 30 Euro'es all over again for the simple fact of getting a few more side missions and ray tracing is a bit of an over kill.

So if you've played the game before and simply want to experience the new puzzles, hold until there is a sale.
Trust me, you'll thank me later.

Most of these new puzzles are so insanely hard that you will be standing looking for the answer and giving up an hour later anyways.


218 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 08:32
Amazing as the original one. I like the visual improvement and all. Also the game looks good with or without Ray Tracing. Only way I could tell that Ray Tracing was on was due to a huge FPS hit. Problem solved by turning it off and runs extremely smooth on max settings. Never finished the original one tbh (had forgotten it) but now I will certainly do so as this is a close to Cyberpunk you can get without playing CP 2077. Lastly, I appreciate the devs heavily discounting this down to like 5 bucks for owners of the original one. Play this while you brace yourself for yet another CP 2077 delay! XD
443 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 03:18
As someone that eagerly anticipated the original release of Observer back in 2017 and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, I was excited to play this improved version when it was announced. I had built a newer PC since the original had come out, so I was looking forward to going through the game again with all the new bells and whistles. Unfortunately, System Redux has some poor performance issues that are hard to overlook.

With Ray-Tracing ON and graphics set to HIGH, I am experiencing:

- Bad FPS dips and crazy fluctuations, even with a frame limit set in the options menu
- Some freezes and stutters, especially during cutscene and area transitions
- Unusual GPU temperature behavior, running much hotter than any game I've played on my system *

For reference:

GPU - EVGA 2080 Super Hybrid FTW3 (factory overclock, AIO cooling, custom fan settings)
CPU - Intel i7-9700k (stock 3.60GHz, AIO cooling, custom fan settings)
RAM - 32GB @ 3200MHz
MONITOR - 2560x1440, 1440p @ 165Hz (with G-Sync)

* On average, most games (including games with RTX features turned on), run around ~65 C @ 95-100% GPU usage on High-Ultra settings on my system. This game ran up to ~75 C @ 95-100% GPU usage within the first 15 minutes of gameplay.

The biggest culprit seems to be Ray-Tracing, which appears as a single setting in the options menu and absolutely tanks performance when checked. It seems like any game that has Ray-Tracing WITHOUT including NVIDIA's DLSS 2.0 along with it is guaranteed to run terribly nowadays though, which might be the problem here too.

I am even seeing FPS fluctuations and high temps sitting at the in-game menus. For instance, with Ray-Tracing off, my GPU temp hovered around 53 C at the title screen. As soon as I turned Ray-Tracing on, my GPU temp shot up to 65 C. There's simply no reason for a game to be that taxing on a GPU while sitting at the title screen! Furthermore, with Ray-Tracing off, the game itself ran much smoother, FPS stabilized and my GPU temperature returned back to around what I expected it to be normally.

So if you are really wanting to flex your RTX card on this title, I would recommend waiting for a few optimization patches to see if things improve before purchasing. If this is your first time playing the game and/or RTX features aren't a big deal to you though, then definitely give the game a shot. The extra missions, gameplay improvements and other graphical upgrades are still great additions. For me personally, however, I wanted the full package this version was supposed to offer since I've already played through the original.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.18% 536 65
Release:10.11.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Bloober Team Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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