Liquid storages

There will be liquid storages, such as barrels or makeshift sinks, where you can store liquids. It's also possible to take a shower in any liquid you want, such as beer, mushroom water or sulfuric acid!
This means that the early tenement upgrades with makeshift-tier tanks and barrels now have a limited supply of water. But don't worry, when you ran out, you can ask Ol' Malone to refill the storages for you.
Also, as Obenseuer is a place known for its nonpotable tap water, O-Market has stocked itself with large 10L canisters of fresh spring water.

Drawing board

With the drawing board, you can draw blueprints, instead of relying on blueprints scattered around the district. You can get started with just some paper and duct tape, but for more complex furniture blueprints you'll need more advanced stuff, such as a math/tables book.
Other upcoming additions
We have also added other content such as:
- Balanced output quality of self-made alcohols and farming. Now some easier early game (sugar, turnip) mashes doesn't automatically turn out crap, having less value than the ingredients.
- Rent payment interval options
- New furniture such as ore crusher, plastic barrel shower, makeshift IBC sink and pillows
- New items such as rat trap, spring water and 10L water bottle
And here are a few more pictures of the upcoming content:

Full list of upcoming changes can be found out by wading through our changelog: