-Hints for easier operation:
-Control of DLK outriggers is now displayed as a hint
-DLK crane arm and basket control is now displayed as a hint
-Hints for indicator and engine when in driver's seat
-General hint in the escape menu for a better understanding of the game
-All hints can be switched off in the settings Game->"Advanced hints"!
-]Collective commands in the tactical overview now have a hover effect
-Missing gravity for patient stretcher, hose reels possibly.
-Voluntary fire brigade has adjusted the driving behaviour of private cars.
(you should also follow the traffic rules when using a private car) ????
-Pump buttons have been changed when unloading and loading
-Pump buttons were not correctly highlighted when switching off and on.
-It is now possible to extinguish through the balcony door (Apartment01) as soon as the panes burst
-Introduction no longer hangs up when no embers are indicated
-Crash which occasionally occurred during water supply
-Collision of the DLK basket adjusted and optimised
-Basket target indicator (Apartment01) was missing
-Basket position (Apartment01) adjusted
-DLK basket collision fixed
-DLK automatic basket entry fixed
-DLK platform collision fixed