- AI is now able to operate the extinguishing monitor
- Vehicles in the unit selection were black at night
- Pump is now correctly highlighted
- Better feedback on pump buttons
- Extinguishing time for container fire garden02 increased
- Emergency vehicles now use the correct lane outside of operations
- Radio texts new dubbed, missing radio texts added
- Speech bubbles were not displayed correctly
- Parking position at carport fire was not visible
- The street is now also closed off during FF operations
- FF now also checks for embers after extinguishing the fire
- DLK C connection at the back of the vehicle now works again
- Garbage can fire of the FF no longer goes out after a few seconds
- Reset of the extinguishing monitor led to the blocker
- Road is completely cleaned again after tree saw operation at FF
- Mission reports could only be written for VUs
- Traffic disturbed the task forces at Forest01
- Naming of the buttons in the English main menu adapted
- Blocker after ember search fixed
- Blocker at traffic accident fixed