- Fixed the Crates at the camps which were not giving you wanted level sometimes. [/*]
- Fixed the sync issue on the mission where you have to unlock a Cabin. [/*]
- Fixed the timer from the second week on your Adventure Pass. It was frozen at 6 days left, now it's counting correctly. [/*]
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to purify dirty water at the campfire. [/*]
- Fixed some flying rocks next to Brokengeorge. [/*]
- Fixed a bug where a player was permanently getting rollbacks and earning XP for doing nothing on the server. [/*]
- Fixed a bug where a player would upgrade tier levels and not receiving the rewards. [/*]
- Fixed the description of the Personal and Team XP Boost. [/*]
- Changed the popup that you got after purchasing the Stagecoach Tokens from the Marketplace which was telling you before, it will get delivered to your Mailbox. Stagecoach Tokens and Research Points are going directly into your account. [/*]
- From now on all weapons which are spawning in the world, will have random Durability. [/*]
- Added a protected area on the team camps. That means enemies will still be able to go there, but they will see a warning in the middle of the screen and everything will be black/white. [/*]
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