Greetings, esteemed Mages and Technologists alike!
Excuse our short period of silence, we have been tinkering with the technological marvels of game development. And you know how easy it is to lose track of time like that, it's almost like being under some kind of a spell.
Either way, this absolute laser-focus on work allowed us to make great strides forward in making New Arc Line. While the game is by no means ready yet for the full public spotlight, we will be running a closed, private playtest soon. We are at a stage when we need to gather feedback from a smaller group of players and fans, and we want you to be a part of it!
If you would like to be present even in these early development stages and leave your mark on New Arc Line, we cordially invite you to join Fulqrum Publishing's Champions program - this will allow you to play the alpha version of our game soon, when we start our closed playtest. Just send an e-mail to champions@fulqrumpublishing.com and they will prepare you to embark to the New World!
Whether or not you join the Champions program, rest assured - we will have much more info and content to share with you soon. As a small token of things to come, here is an automaton to keep you company:

If you don't want to miss out on any future news and updates about New Arc Line, don't forget to wishlist the game now! And of course, if you'd like to chat with us directly, you are most welcome to join the official New Arc Line Discord server as well.