Operation File no: 13498172391
The plan is in motion [stop] We have commenced the implementation stage [stop] New materials on the Matryoshkan Case can be found below [stop] Agents, do not reveal your identities yet [stop]
Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love is dropping in with a brand new trailer!
Read in the [spoiler][classified][/spoiler] file cases before they are intercepted by enemy agents! Grab the chance to embark on a spy adventure taking place right in the middle of a clash between two powers. Step in the shoes of Evan, a lowly pen-pusher, who visits the weird, communistic Matryoshka – and is incidentally involved in a Lukewarm War intrigue.
Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love will be coming in Q2 2019.